allhaleythings-blog · 7 years
As the senior year of high school rolls around, students are expected to know what they want their future to hold just based on career choice. “What type of job and career do you want to pursue, yet enjoy?”  From there students are expected to pick and find a form of secondary education which will supposedly mold them into the type of working adult they hope to become. Nevertheless, as one would assume, this is not an easy task for many seniors in high school. Many question how they are supposed to decide their fate at a time in their life when they have yet to find themselves. Many end up picking a college major that they assume will bring them success, yet have little interest in. However, students need to be aware of the repercussions of choosing a career based on money and not passion. For certain career paths, my high school, gave students the ability to have exposure to specific career fields of interest. I utilized this option by joining a program called Allied Health. Allied Health was a program that allowed students interested in the medical field to spend their first two periods at the Chester County hospital, shadowing health professionals. Each week a student shadows a different area of the hospital or are sent to various locations such as dental offices and ambulance companies.
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allhaleythings-blog · 7 years
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Originally published by UPONOR Plumbing and Radiant heating/cooling
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allhaleythings-blog · 7 years
My second week doing rotations, led me to shadowing the local ambulance company across the street from the hospital. Good Fellowship Ambulance Company covers all of West Chester’s 911 calls. As I made my way over to the ambulance company at around 8 am, it seemed like a typical calm Fall morning. I introduced myself to all the EMTs, as a took a seat in a spinney chair in the main office. None of the EMTs were too friendly towards me. I sat quietly in the corner listening to their banter. Their names were Brian and Phil. I had been sitting there in silence for about 35 minutes until all of the sudden the alarm began to shriek.
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allhaleythings-blog · 7 years
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allhaleythings-blog · 7 years
“You coming!?” yelled Phil as he headed for the ambulance. I jumped up “yes”, I said timidly. I barely had a chance to understand what was going on before I was ushered into the back of the ambulance, with a florescent yellow “observer” vest wrapped around my body. We tore down the road, sirens blaring. I still had no idea what was going on. Time was moving so much faster than I could think. Phil turns around to me and speaks calmly, “Haley, this is a cardiac arrest call… the victim is only 25 which makes me believe it is drug related. Do to the possible severity of this situation I want you to know if you EVER feel uncomfortable just come out and wait in the back of the truck.” My heart began to race and my mouth got dry. All I could do was nod in response. I had no idea what to expect. Would I see a dead body? Would everything be ok? How will I react in this type of situation?
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allhaleythings-blog · 7 years
As we arrived to the house the paramedic and police were already on scene. As the ambulance backed into the driveway the screaming mother of the victim ran onto the driveway sobbing. “Help him! Go help them! They are all upstairs in his room!” The ambulance back door flung open Brian grabbed the back board and they all ran inside leaving me in the back of the truck. I slowly emerged unsure of the whole situation. I slowly followed inside and made my way up the narrow stair case. As I walked down the hallway, it became more and more crowded with people. The mother and father stood mouths a gape starring in their son’s room. The police had them move as there was not enough room to have them stand there. The mother began to shake and frantically pace. She made her way down stairs as tears flooded her face. I peered into the son’s bedroom. He lay in the middle of the room, shirt tore open, while the paramedic, Brian, and Phil attempted everything they could to save his life.  
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allhaleythings-blog · 7 years
The son had shot up heroine that morning and after being clean and drug free for months relapsed, resulting in a cardiac arrest. Phil gave the son Narcam in the hopes that the drug could reverse the opioids’ affect.  The police had found needles on the son’s night stand. The father yelled “How could this happen he had been clean for so long?!” It was terrible and sent shivers down my body to hear the parent’s desperation. This whole time the EMTs had been attempting manual CPR, with no result. The Narcam did not work. The paramedic called to Brain “Pull over the LUCAS!”. I had never seen anything like it. The “LUCAS” was an automatic CPR machine hooked up to an EEG, which determined the son’s cardiac activity. The whole time I had been standing there the machine printed out a flat line. 20 minutes had gone by with no luck. The paramedic was just about to call it quits when all of the sudden the EEG monitor pick up an electrical impulse from the son’s heart.
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allhaleythings-blog · 7 years
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Originally published by Simple CPR
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allhaleythings-blog · 7 years
The paramedic yelled for me to come over and help him. “Me?” I responded in shock… But I’m only a student I thought to myself. I ran to the paramedic’s side and listened closely to his every direction. “Grab the ambu-bag!” he yelled as he pointed at a plastic balloon looking device. I grabbed it and he placed it over the patients nose and mouth. “Now squeeze just as I am every 6 seconds… not too fast and not to slow!”. I grabbed the ambu-bag from him and squeezed it, pumping air into the patient’s lungs every 6 seconds. I had to count in my head, trying to remain calm in such a hectic situation. Every time the patient’s heart beat weakened the LUCAS device would shock the patient’s whole body, attempting to stabilize the heart beats. “CLEAR!” the paramedic would yell and I would have to drop the bag so I did not get shocked myself.
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allhaleythings-blog · 7 years
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Originally published by MSINGER
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allhaleythings-blog · 7 years
It was now time to transport the patient. He was placed on a stretcher and carried down the house’s narrow upstairs hallway. Once we all made it out to the ambulance I still had hold of the ambu-bag squeezing every 6 seconds. One, two, three, four, five, six, I would whisper to myself. It ended up just me and the paramedic in the back of the ambulance. I continued to pump air as my adrenaline began to where off. I now realized that I was in the back of an ambulance working hands-on facing life and death. We held this man’s life in our hands. We got to the hospital and rushed the patient into the emergency room.
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allhaleythings-blog · 7 years
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Originally published by The Augusta Chronicle
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allhaleythings-blog · 7 years
I cannot emphasize enough how amazing the whole experience was. Most people find such a situation to be shocking and gruesome, but I found the situation inspiring. I knew that the medical field was what I wanted to pursue in life. I not only found it interesting, but I found myself feeling a sense of passion for the amount of importance those professionals hold. The ambulance run made me realize that everyone should be seeking a career that they have passion for. I know now more than ever before that I want to be a nurse working in the ER. Unfortunately, the son did not make it and passed away almost an hour after I left. As Brian, Phil, the paramedic and I made our way out of the hospital Brian turned towards me. “It took me almost 6 months before I saw a call like that one…You are lucky…first day on the job and you have already been exposed to more than most people will see in their whole life.”
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allhaleythings-blog · 7 years
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Picture Courtesy of JoAnn Maturani
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allhaleythings-blog · 7 years
I want all people my and age especially those in high school to find a career they know they will love. Find reasons to love what you do and do not get stuck going through life unhappy with your job. I don’t expect everyone to go through a situation like mine and find their calling, but everyone needs to have an open mind. For all one knows today could be the day they realize what they are meant to do.
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