alliepeachfan · 3 months
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New OC time! This time for the Wacky Races franchise!
Meet Vigilante Viv (her real name is Vivian) ; a western-themed racer. She may look scary upon first glance; but she's actually wants to make sure that all of the racers play fair; especially Dick Dastardly. She's practically the one who he tries to avoid attacking; not just for out of fear of her wrath, but he has quite a crush on her for...obvious reasons.
Her ride of choice is her trust steed of a motorbike; Black Betty. When other racers see her riding up behind them in their rearview mirrors; they immediately break into a cold sweat.
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alliepeachfan · 3 months
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Thank you to everyone who got me to 50 likes!
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alliepeachfan · 5 months
Let's see what I get if I reblog this one.
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alliepeachfan · 6 months
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Made her a couple of weeks ago so I thought that I would introduce you all to her. She's my BackyardSports OC.
Name: Devi Purvati Nickname: Henna Birthday: March 25 Bio: A beautiful and graceful young girl from the vibrant city of New Dehli; she's hoping to find to fit in with the rest of the Backyard Kids and share with them the facts about her culture
Some important stuff: Fluent in Hindi and English Devi's best sport out of the group is soccer Her father is a childhood pen-pal of Achmed and Amir's father so she gets along well with them. In addition to being skilled in dance; she's also an excellent artist.  Reese has a massive crush on her; but she also likes Ricky Johnson
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alliepeachfan · 11 months
My Luigis Mansion OC: Bella Nelly
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Bella Nelly Full/Real Name: Mabel (Bella) Nelly Nicknames: Bella, Princess Bella,  Occupation: Actress, Princess-to-be (never happened when alive) Floor: N/A Cause of Death: Broken Heart  Theme Color: Pink and PurpleSpecies: Ghost Age: 28 Birthday: 2/3/27 B.P. Death Date: 9/6/1 A.P. Gender: Female Family: None Friends: Luigi, Egadd, Polterpuppy, Serpci, Nikki, Lindsay, Ginny, Chambrea, DJ Phantsmagloria, Morty (hidden crush), Amadeus (he secretly loves her too), King MacKnights, Kruller, Steward, Jamil Potter, Captian Fishhook, Johnny Deepend Enemies: King Boo,Polterkitty, and Helen Gravelly Likes: Acting, her fans, her friends, singing, dancing,  Dislikes: Losing loved ones, arrogant people, doing anything against her will Powers: Invisibility, Teleportation, Heart Reading, Telekinesis, can walk through solid objects Voice Actress: Kristen Bell
Backstory: Bella Nelly was one of the most well known actresses in the film industry. Then she captured the heart of a foreign prince who was attending an awards reception. The Prince from a far-off land traveled to her country to escape his father's marriage arrangement to another Princess he did not love. When some of his father's guards came to escort the Prince back to his homeland, the Prince fought back against them and took down a few of them. Then, he was accidentally killed by a bayonet slit to the throat. And the poor princess-to-be had to watch as this happened. While the guard responsible was executed for his actions, the damage was done. The grief-stricken actress died from heartbreak and self-starvation a few days later. 
How she met Luigi: She would meet Luigi and E.Gadd at the Last Resort after the trap was sprung. She was initially spotted in the Lobby, shaking with fear. But Luigi and Egadd calmed her down and allowed her to share what was on her mind. Upon finishing her story, the two took pity on her and allowed her to accompany them on their quest. In return, she would be able to help them by providing diversions to any rouge ghost that they encountered.
Abilities: Because of her beauty as an actress, she uses her charm to her advantage and helps Luigi find any weak points that were hidden. She also can become invisible, go through solid objects, teleport, use telekinesis, and even read the hearts of enemies and allies alike.
Relationships: Bella cares about Egadd deeply considering his age and will do anything to help him if something goes wrong. Luigi is another one of her close friends. She does like him, but she knows underneath that he is in love with Daisy and she respects that, as long as she returns his feelings (she does). She also adores Polterpuppy and in between bosses he would pop out from behind her and give her ghostly licks.
One of the bosses who has a crush on her is Amadeus.When Luigi attempts to go up the steps and Amadeus spots him, she hovers onto the stage and sings Habenera from Bizet's Carmen. While she sings and hovers across the stage, Amadeus becomes love-struck and attempts to grab her, only to miss each time. When she finishes, he tries to seduce her; making the poor girl uncomfortable. Soon, he puts her onto a platform which raises her up above the stage to keep her out of harm's way. After he is caught and placed in the container, she is able to go inside and thank Amadeus for keeping her safe; even though he attacked Luigi, and gives him a kiss before departing with Luigi to the next level.
A second boss who has a crush on her would be Morty. While Luigi searched for Morty's red Megaphone, she consoled him and told him that things were going to be ok. While the two were talking, they felt a sudden spark between them. They both worked in the film industry when alive and lost something valuable to them. After the megaphone was found, Morty in return, decided to make Luigi and Bella the star couple in the film he was working on. While Bella was more than interested, Luigi was skeptical. Mabel gave him gentle encouragement and assured him that everything would be ok. After the ordeal, Mabel and Luigi recieved the elevator button for the next floor. Morty also kisses Bella's hand and says some romantic words toward her; causing her to blush. Like Luigi, she does feel massive amounts of guilt when Morty is caught. She is allowed to talk with Morty in his container and he even asks her out on a date. She agrees and kisses him before leaving with Luigi to the next floor.
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alliepeachfan · 11 months
Another one of my Punchout OCs!
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Tatiana McCarthty has actually known Little Mac since they were kids. He would protect her from any bullies that picked on her and as a result; she would develop a close friendship with him. Even though they were opposites; they had a very strong bond. As they grew up; they led their own separate lives (Mac as a boxer of course and Tatiana as a photographer for a well-known newspaper). It wouldn't be before long that she would run into him again after so long; they almost didn't recognize each other. Her crush on him was the only thing on her that didn't change; but this time he did see and reciprocated it. And the rest they say is history!
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alliepeachfan · 11 months
One of my Punchout OCs: Jeanette De Belle
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I have a lot of Punchout OCs; but here's one of them!
Born into a family of fashion designers and models, it was destined that Jeanette de Belle would follow the exact same path. In fact, she did both! All while being incredibly shy. Even more so since she captured the heart of Glass Joe when he saw her drawing sketches for an upcoming fashion line. She, of course was a little bit flustered while talking to him since he heard so much about him from her colleagues. And of course, the more the pair spent together, the more their love began to blossom. 
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alliepeachfan · 11 months
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Meet my TADC OC: Acra Bellera! I hope you like her design!
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alliepeachfan · 11 months
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Here's my A Hat in Time OC: Selena Goldwyn!
Selena Goldwyn; a young lady fresh out of acting school steals the hearts of BOTH the Conductor and DJ Grooves when she appears in a music video for "Good Eleven". In the game, she gets to sign a contract with the winner of the Annual Bird Awards. If it's the Conductor, she appears happy for him, but she actually feels bad for DJ Grooves since she was really hoping for him to win. While working with the Conductor, she discovers about how he managed to win the other awards; sabotage. When the conductor asks the hat kid for the time piece to fix the mistake of taking second at the 42nd annual Bird Awards, she begs for the child to not do it and reveals the truth. But before she can say anything else, his owls ambush her and tie her up while the bomb is attached to the protagonist. Luckily, DJ Grooves arrives in time to defuse the bomb and get his penguins to untie her. When he asks her if she's ok, her reply: "Does this answer your question? " before planting one on the lips causing him to almost drop her in lovestruck-shock. When the final battle takes place, she along with the other bosses support the protagonist. But when the others start giving hearts to aid her, she begs Grooves and the Conductor not to do it. They console her and tell her that since the kid helped all three get what they want, they should return the favor by helping her. She reluctantly agrees and punches both men while receiving two simultaneous punches to her stomach, giving the child strength. After the main villain is defeated, it's her turn to console the other bosses when they try to prevent the child from going home. She tells them that the child will still remember them, even though they reside in different worlds. She hugs the child good-bye before being lowered back down to the ground. In the credits, she's working with both directors to be fair and she has a doll and a signed autograph in the kid's room on the end title card.
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alliepeachfan · 1 year
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Hey guys! This is my first post on here so I might put some of my OCs on here! I hope you like them!
My No Straight Roads OC: Mariah Qwartz
Name: Mariah Qwartz
Age: 20 yo
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Hair color: Light Brown with purple highlights
Eye color: Blue 
Powers/abilities/styles/gifts: She is an excellent dancer having started at the age of 4. She also incorporates dance moves into her attacks with strong batmas and graceful pirouettes to dodge attacks. 
Weapon(s): Her microphone which she can use either at close range or launch it at enemies further away. She can also use it to send supersonic sound-waves to either confuse or knock back the enemy. She can also sing to boost her team's morale or heal them.
Hometown: Vinyl City
Personality: Mariah is a kind and charming woman with a passion for music and dance. She enjoys many forms of dance, but ballet became her bread and butter. She often experimented with incorporating ballet dance into various genres of music from Country to Jazz, but she had one dream: to combine ballet dance and rock. She also has a combined personality with BBJ; a bit of Mayday's hotheaded nature and Zuke's logical thinking side.
Strengths: She is a natural born morale booster!
Weakness: Her beauty causes opponents to easily underestimate her.
Family: Aside her parents and siblings, her only known family member is great-aunt Tatiana. They have had a rather strained relationship and was made worse once Mariah pushed Titania off the stage when she was being pulled off by her relative. However, the two would reconcile at the end of the game.
Mayday- Mariah and Mayday have a very close bond as friends after she was comforted by her and Zuke after the argument between her and Tatiana and offered a position for her as a singer since she sounded great. Mariah accepts, and returns the favor by protecting her against any threat possible. However in the fight against 1010, she is consistently irritated by Mayday's gushing and even said during the fight that if, "she didn't shut up, she would beat her over the head with a shovel". Mayday is further shocked when after the fight Mariah kicks the head off one of the bots before angrily walking away. However in the fight against EVE, the two would have their chance to work together and reconcile. She even consoles Mayday after the final defeat
Zuke- Mariah and Zuke have an equally close bond, especially after the incident occurred. He does seem to show a little interest in her, but does respect the fact she's not ready to date again after a different incident happened (not between the two of them). She even stands up for him in his confrontation against DK West and even delivers a few rhymes of her own.
Kliff- She initially distrusts him, but really hates his guts when finding out his true intent near the ending.
DJ Subatomic Supernova- She doesn't seem to speak much to him, although when she shares her knowledge about Pluto with BBJ; she immediately catches his eye. After he summons her close to him, he examines her, asks for her name, and invites her to go out with him. When the battle starts, he puts her up on a smaller Saturn platform to protect her from harm. Luckily, she is able to rejoin the group in time to deliver the showstopper. He does agree to start off as a friend after the whole ordeal.
Sayu- Mariah does admire Sayu for her outfits, but is mortified upon seeing her in her reverse mermaid form. Afterwards, she is met by the kids behind the bot; Remi, Tila, Dodo, and Sofa, who are big fans of her dance work (especially her electronic ballet video). She is the last one to leave as she is signing autographs and taking selfies with each of the kids.
DK West- Mariah doesn't care for him at all, considering what a jerk he was to Zuke. After Zuke defeats him, she decides to get at him further and post a social media status saying, "There's a new king of rap and his name is Zuke West!" and smiles as she hears his agonized cry.
Yinu and her mother- Mariah initially considers Yinu's mother control over her child to be barbaric. But afterwards, she is pleased that she has simmered down. As for Yinu, she is impressed by her musical talent at such a young age. Yinu greatly admires Mariah and considers her a legend in dance. Her mother even asks Mariah to dance for them while they play before she leaves. Mariah happily agrees and even gives the duo an autograph afterwards. 
1010- She has had a major dating nightmare of these guys. She clearly instructed her date (the one in the white) that it was to be a one-on-one date. However, unknown to her, each member had a chance to swap spots. She would only find out the truth after the pictures of the date were posted. The only way they could be told apart were the colored wrist-bands. Angry for being tricked and fearful for what kind of backlash she might get; she dumped them. When she and BBJ confront the group, the group immediately recognizes her and attempts to win her back with their flattering compliments. However, she bitterly responds with, "Does a toe miss a hangnail? Absolutely not!" To further her level of spite, she kicks the head off one of the members after the fight before storming off. But, she does forgive them a little while after they reclaim their district, but on the condition that they'll have to restart as friends (she's not ready to go back to dating yet).
Eve- Mariah does admire EVE greatly and considers her an inspiration for fashion and music; although she is shocked that she would set Zuke's hair on fire in the past. After EVE is consoled, Mariah approaches her and tells her how much she has meant to her and humbly asks for an autograph. She is surprised when the great artist admits that she has been an equal inspiration for her dance techniques and agrees to swap autographs. 
Tatiana- As explained earlier, Mariah intially has a strained relationship with Tatiana and it's made worse when Mariah stands up for Bunk Bed Junction. While Mariah believes that Tatiana is being too stubborn to disclose her rock star past; Tatiana believes that she's being a rebel. However; the two reconcile after they team up against Kliff to stop the satalite from crashing into the NSR tower. Aside the incident; they actually are very close.
Likes: Ballet, Fashion, her friends, her family, her fans, music
Dislikes: Kliff, Tatiana (formerly), 1010 (formerly), being underestimated, being restricted, people who disrespect music, being lied to, dating
Fears: Forced to start dating again
Hope you guys like Mariah!
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