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//hello, hello! it is, I, allison, who had to remake again (my deepest apologies) because sessionbox died on me and since i’m a dumb, i lost all my ids to log in and yada yada!
would you please reblog this to spread the word that i fused both my multimuses blogs ( @allisallies-arch and @ofchevalerie) into one, it’s this one even oooh, and if you’re still interested intereracting with me? (or if you just discovered this and are interested: hi, nice to meet you! you just need to know i’m an idiot o:)
i’ll make a proper promo later, the blog is still a wip for the about pages, but it’s ready to go! so thank you for taking a look!
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//i’ll make a promo later, but i had time today, so i worked on the new blog, here it is! @allisallies !! so i guess i’m moving other there with All my muses (minus the three houses muses), so if you’re still interested in me? sorry for the whole mess and confusion, you can go thank sessionbox for it as soon as i left the room.
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//i’ll make a promo later, but i had time today, so i worked on the new blog, here it is! @allisallies !! so i guess i’m moving other there with All my muses (minus the three houses muses), so if you’re still interested in me? sorry for the whole mess and confusion, you can go thank sessionbox for it as soon as i left the room.
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//i’ll be remaking this blog in the end, to merge both of my multis together (remaking a new blog will be easier for me than revamping that one, believe me lol), so i was wondering which fe muses from here you’d like me to keep?
i mean i’m keeping the ones marked as mains (kiran, sharena, lukas, shiro, odin/owain, lissa and ranulf) but if there’s another one you’d like me to keep cause you still want to interact and all... hmu!!
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It took a moment. The ninja needed to brace himself for the action he was about to do, before finally, he closed the distance.
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He connected their lips gently, lovingly, for a good solid minute, as if testing the waters, waiting to see how the other reacted. 
Oh... OH! Realizing what was happening, Shiro did his best to keep his eyes closed, being caught off-guard by Asugi’s action but actually rather pleased about them.
He quickly kissed him back, as slowly and gently as possible, if only to tell Asugi he was enjoying it and the feeling was reciprocated.
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“…….. Close your eyes for a second, and lean down a bit. It’ll make what I’m about to do a bit easier.” He whispered, actually taking the candy out of his mouth for this, showing anyone in eyesight just how serious he was about what he was about to do.
“Okay?” He did as he was told, leaning down a bit with a curious look in his eyes before they caught on Asugi’s move. It made him smile. “Wow, you mean serious business if you’re taking that candy out, haha.”
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He then closes his eyes and waited. “I’m ready when you are.”
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Asugi closed his eyes as the other ruffled his hair, feeling that familiar warmth in his chest build at the action. “…Heh. I guess so. I just feel kinda torn about it. It wasn’t what I was expecting but it… it is a good thing.” He paused before a playful smirk spread across his face as he looked up at Shiro. “I don’t suppose you’d be willing to give me something to celebrate huh?” 
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“That’s the spirit! Because, of course that’s a good thing!” The hand in his hair dropped to his shoulder to happily pat it a few times, before resting there after Asugi’s next words.
“Huh? I guess I would though? I mean, if you wanna celebrate, I’m happy to help with that! What do you want? If I can give it to you of course!”
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“So I uh…. might have told dad about how I… well…. AbouthowIfeelaboutyou.” He said that last part very quickly. “And he’s… well. Proud of me? I don’t know how to react to this…”
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“Told him what? Sorry, you said that too quickly, I didn’t catch it, but-” He laughed, ruffling the ninja’s hair cheerfully. “But hey, if he’s proud of you, it’s great! Isn’t it? Just be happy ‘bout it!”
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painintopcwer a réagi à votre billet : Sneezes. Loudly. He’s not cold or anything? Huh,...
“Shiro. Help.”
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“Hmm? What’s up, Asugi?”
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Sneezes. Loudly. He’s not cold or anything? Huh, maybe someone’s talking about him.
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//okay, so, since i still cannot log into my multifandom blog anymore i think i’m just gonna fuse this one (the fe multi) and multi fandom together, for once big mess of a rp blog (i will probably lessen the muse list while at it tho lol).
the question is, do i move said multi here, on this blog? or do i just make a new one to start anew (especially for the coding and the tags, in order to not have anything old showing up and at least it’d let you decide if you wanna follow a multifandom blog or not and not forcing it on you by moving the muses here, you see what i mean?).
anyway, it’s not for right now, but, i wanted to post a lil’ head up about it.
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Sneaks in.
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Ophelia vc "PAPA"
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“Dearest daughter of mine! The Light of my Life!! How I’ve missed you!!!”
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//HELLO I FOUND MY IDS AGAIN, session box died on me and i like forgot all my ids for all my blogs bc i’m a Fool and my main email had been deleted without warning so yada yada.
but today, whle crying about how i’ll miss on lukas’ bday again, I HAD A FLASH AND REMEMBERED THE EMAIL FOR THIS BLOG PLEASE LOVE ME.
or love lukas today’s his birthday!!!!!
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“Aaaw, you did miss me! Or at least the sound of my voice!!” The blond teased, being a little giddy himself knowing his friend might have missed him as much as he did!
@allisallies - X
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“…………..” Before, Gerome would have shrugged the hand off his arm, but for some reason he didn’t. “While the silence was… nice for once, it was also unsettling.” 
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[ gjollrbru => forsyth ] "Happy birthday, Sir Lukas! It is hard to rest when the Deliverance has so much work left to do, but I hope that today isn't too rough on you!"
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“Forsyth.” The soldier greeted his friend, a smile appearing on his face as soon as the guy started talking, unable to stop it from spreading. That was the effect the younger had on people on general, and despite his usual walls, Lukas wasn’t exempted of it.
“Thank you. Well, apparently everyone heard today was my birthday and people keep on insisting on helping me out or doing part of my work for the day… That is quite unusual for me, I have to admit I am a bit uneasy about it all but it still is… nice. So I guess today will not be too rough on me, haha.”
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Gerome stared at Owain for a solid moment before just walking over to him. "..........Where have you been, it's been rather... quiet without you here." Just say you missed him, Gerome.
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“Just on another oh so important mission to save the world! Well, not ours this time around, but still!”He laughed, getting closer to Gerome, a hand landing on his shoulder as his smile took a teasing form.
“What is it? Did you miss me Gerome? Because I sure missed you myself!”
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