allishop · 4 years
Damian was hunting for a random spot on the Retreat that would by some miracle have signal when he heard Sister Michael call him over. He wasn’t quite sure what the situation was, just that he had to chaperone a student to the… erm, facilities? Since moving to the cabins, he’s wisely traded his more delicate Amadeo Testonis for some sturdier brown leather boots from the Truman Boot Co. so it was easier for him to tag along with her hurried stomps. The only thing that made the task difficult in any sense was the girl’s hostile demeanor and overall dislike for the situation, which Damian could completely understand. It must have felt quite demeaning to not be trusted to make a trip to the bathroom yourself. Though, ‘bathroom’ was a generous descriptor for the outhouse they had to use out here.
“Listen. Alison, was it? I’m not trying to make this more difficult for you, I’m just trying to comply with a request and ensure your safety.” Quite respectfully might he add. He maintained several steps distance from her as he trailed behind her hastily, nearly failing to slip his phone back in his pocket successfully as he did so. “I promise once you’re done with your business and I’ve escorted you safely back to the Junior cabin, I’ll be out of your hair.”
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    Allie’s head whipped around as she stomped on when he called her by the wrong name, and if looks could kill, Damian might as well have considered himself six feet under. However, as her eyes recognized the ghostly figure of Mr Right by her step-sister’s pickings, Allie’s eyes rolled so far into the back of her own head she’d practically felt like she’d rolled them into another dimension. And she made sure he saw it too.
    Ignoring him after that was pretty easy until he thought it was okay to start talking again. And don’t get her wrong, she liked a little Jane Austen now and again but if anybody ever actually spoke to her like Mr Darcy in real life, Allie was pretty sure she’d try to kill herself. This guy was something freaking else.
    “My business?” She read the line back to him, making sure to stare at him for too long a moment so he too could bathe in how weird and uncomfortable that sentiment had been. “You’re not getting anywhere near my hair, Quasimodo. Also do you think that sounds hot? Like, do you think it works, how you talk? Has anyone ever told you just how dumb you sound? I’m betting Kat hasn’t,” Allie looked at him now as she walked, caring little if he didn’t know what she was talking about. If he had half a brain, which maybe he didn’t, since Kat of all people were into him, he’d figure it out. “She wouldn’t, by the way. You probably sound like fucking Emily Dickinson to her, but you have to remember, she doesn’t even know how to spell Shakespeare, so, like, no offense.”
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allishop · 4 years
   ANGRY TEENAGE GIRLS were a force to be reckoned with. Maximo knew that better than most. He had dealt with his fair share of them and wasn’t exactly keen on being thrown into the line of fire but it couldn’t be helped. Sister Michael wasn’t the type of person you could ignore and she certainly wasn’t the type who asked twice when she told you to do something. Max’s only options were to do the favor asked of him or risk joining Allie on the sister’s bad side for the rest of the day. In an effort to keep his head from being bitten off Max chose to ignore the blonde’s grumbling. Feigning ignorance as he wordlessly trailed behind her. Sister Michael’s gaze continued to follow the pair until they walked out of the doors of the main hall. “Can you calm down?” In typical Max fashion his mouth shoots off before his brain has a chance to think the statement through. 
   In an instant he’s plan of trying to get through this situation as painlessly as possible is put at jeopardy. “No one’s accusing you of conspiracy to commit murder.” Or at least he hoped not. He wasn’t exactly sure what the blonde had done or said to earn herself a babysitter. “I’m not even that close to you. There’s like a solid two feet between us right now. And don’t worry, I’m not planning on following you into the restroom.” Unless you want me to sits on the tip of his tongue but for once in his life Max opts not to indulge the part of his mind that’s perpetually in the gutter. 
   “What you do to piss her off anyway?” Max questions, though he doesn’t bother to give Allie much time to respond. “I’m inclined to guess it’s because you were caught making out with Gerard Way poster. Am I hot or cold?” He’s tone implies that he’s joking but Max can’t be sure she’ll find it as funny as he does.
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    Although Curly behind her was probably just trying to be nice, or God forbid, do the right thing, Allie only rolled her eyes in an elaborate grimace to herself and mumbled back, “Sure feels like it.” But then again, she so loved to play the victim card. According to her, the entire world was forever out to spite her. This case was no different. In fact, it was a prime example if anyone was asking.
    It occurred to Allie as the outline of the outhouse came into view in the distance that she didn’t need to go at all, she’d just kicked up a stink in order to get away from the campsite of morons and misfits. What she was going to do when she got there, she’d yet to figure out, but so far, stomping through the dirt felt good so she was going to keep doing that. With or without a chaperone.
    Making a face again at his clear stab at her taste in men, music, or maybe even both, Allie shook her head. “That guy’s like as old as my dad.” She cringed, even if Way was a creative genius, it didn’t mean the idea of screwing him didn’t give her the heebie jeebies. “Anyway, what do you care? I thought this House Captain thing was just for resumes, not an actual babysitting gig.”
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allishop · 4 years
Francis liked to think of himself as a valued member of the Broadripple community, but there were two sides to that coin. One one he was the loyal, dedicated student whom the faculty could rely on, on the other he was a friend to the people - someone who could be relied on. He liked to think he knew his audience, that was how successful people found their success. Mark Zuckerberg didn’t found Facebook knowing no one wanted to connect.
Accompanying Allie to the bathroom put him in an awkward position between obeying an authority and doing what his peer obviously wanted. He trudged along behind her, looking around, worried that if someone saw them that they would get the wrong idea. “I don’t know about that, there’s a rumour that you piss fire,” he said, glancing behind him when he thought he saw someone else.
“Relax, it’s not like I want to be doing this. If you make it quick then nobody gets hurt and we can all just get back to our lives. But don’t smoke in the toilet, I don’t need that on my conscience.” 
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    Allie rolled her eyes like a giant child throwing a tantrum, only a hair away from folding her arms like one too but trying her hardest not to when she realized how stupid she would have looked if she’d been facing the guy. She didn’t know much about anyone at Broadripple yet, but this guy was all ego — no, confidence. And boy, she didn’t get along well with flat confidence very often, it made her prickly. “Get over it, nobody’s ever said that.” She scoffed, assuming full well that she’d been laying as low as socially possible. How could anyone had even thought to make up a rumor about her yet?
    Pausing, she turned to look at him. “Then why don’t you just ditch me here and call it a day? Tell little Saint Mary you did your do’s and go jerk yourself silly somewhere.” She suggested, assuming that was all guys did anyway short of making offensive jokes in the locker rooms and flick food at you in the dining hall when the staff wasn’t looking.
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allishop · 4 years
Milo couldn’t say that he had seen her around before, surely he didn’t know everyone at the academy but one of the many perks of always standing in the corner was that he spotted everyone, without them noticing him — but her? She was a mistery. 
“I would take it as a compliment if I hadn’t based my entire personality on shitting on Shakespeare’s work.” It was a joke, mostly. He couldn’t deny the man was a genius when it came to setting the scene but the thing was: his father adored Shakespeare, therefor Milo had made it his sole mission to despite the man, perhaps just as much as he despited his own father. “Truly, a lot of hearbreak and time would’ve been saved if those two had just masturbated and be done with it.”
He took in a drag from his cigarette without looking away from her. “Alright.” He said simply. “Maybe you can teach me.” Was he trying to make sure this wasn’t the last time they talked? Clearly, but could you blame him? She was like finding on oasis in the wasteland that was the academy.
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    With her cigarette to her lips, she’d wished he had held onto the quip until she was done taking a drag. Sucking in a chunk of air and smoke together, she laughed at the raw joke at his own expense. Choking on smoke, she coughed and blew it out, swallowing hard, covering her mouth with a fist and trying to recover until she did, shooting him a look as punishment. “Well, they say everything needs a solid foundation,” She eventually told him, figuring that hating Shakespeare probably still made for a better personality than some of the people she’d had to deal with at any of her schools. Smirking at the quick breakdown of how Romeo and Juliet should have gone, she considered it. “I think you’ll find the heart and the loins are in a pretty committed relationship. I don’t think they were destined for a good time without the added heartbreak. If they were it wouldn’t have made such a good story, and thus Shakespeare himself would have just...” She made a gesture with her hand and blow of her cigarette as if depicting a disappearance of something into a puff of smoke. Without forbidden love, who gave a shit? Nobody wanted to read a story about anything they were allowed to have. But what did she know, she didn’t much like Shakespear either. Despite her thick eyeliner and I Kick Babies And Hate Fun attitude, she was a Jane Austen girl herself.
    It wasn’t uncharacteristic for Allie to think that she was the smartest person in the room at any given time, but as the boy made his suggestion, she knew what her smart options were. Even if she didn’t always take them. "Maybe.” She told him, a purposeful offer of hope without any real sense of commitment. Glancing up at him from her cigarette for a second, her lips and brows twitched. “Or maybe I’ll just masturbate instead.” And save herself the heartbreak, so to speak. God knew she didn’t need any more in her life.
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allishop · 4 years
Harlan was a firm believer in extra curriculars — doing as much as he could, while he was able. ‘The experience,’ he would’ve said — ‘an Ivy league application’ is what he meant. What he hadn’t expected was to become a glorified camp counselor. Not even a particularly good one, because he wasn’t teaching kids who to tie knots of start fires — that he was qualified to do. Instead, he was chaperoning classmates around the grounds. A classmate, who if the grumbling ahead of him was an indication, was pissed. Was she a flight risk? What exactly did they expect Harlan to do if she decided she was over having a tail and took off into the woods? 
It was that thought, and the attempt to make out what she’d said, that drew him just a bit too close. As she spoke more clearly though, Harlan gave a little start, almost jumping back. “I —” he started, hands going up in a gesture of clear surrender. “Sorry.” He said, quickly. Still following along as she set off (following something close to the two-second rule this time), his curiosity finally got the best of him. “I heard that someone tried to burn down one of the cabins this morning — I think what actually happened was someone left a curling iron on or something.” He interjected with a dismissive wave of his hand before narrowing his eyes in a playful suspicion. “Unless it was attempted arson.” He said, half-teasing. Clearly, he didn’t think anyone had decided to burn the place down yet. Though, given how quickly the tension had ramped up, he couldn’t entirely rule it out either. “Really though. What landed you supervised probation?”
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    Even as she stomped on like some bulldozer of a being, Allie snorted under her breath at the comment about someone trying to burn down the cabins. Good, maybe if they did, they’d be quicker to fix up the school dorms and send everyone back to campus. It was stupid in her mind that not everybody had been banished. Why hadn’t they just booted out the younger kids and given seniority to the rest of them? These were supposed to be their important years after all. But no, instead, here they all were living like homeless people in shitty cabins with crappy insulation and nature just about everywhere you turned.
    Still, the fact the guy had apologized and actually given her a bit of breathing room made Allie’s shoulders relax a little, her moodiness not subsiding ( never subsiding ) but still simmering down a smidge.
    “Assault and battery, with the slight addition of demonic ritualism.” She answered quickly, and clearly sarcastically too. Glancing back at the boy, the corner of her lips twisted up. “What landed you warden duties? No offense, but the nice ones don’t tend to last from what I’ve heard.”
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allishop · 4 years
“Hello? Can you stop for like two seconds, I don’t care if you’re taking a piss, I’m talking,” that was Katherine’s approach to everything in life, truth be told. Regardless of what the other person was doing or why indeed they were doing it, if Kat had something to say, she was under the sincere belief that it should have been a top priority for everybody and anybody in earshot but especially the person Kat was talking to.
“Fucking hell, stop!” Kat squealed a little bit louder, throwing her water bottle at Allie’s back in a last-ditch attempt to monopolize her step-sister’s attention. “Ope,” Kat reacted the moment the water bottle actually managed to make contact with the other girl, stopping in her tracks, and making a face, making it clear that though she’d directly pelted the water bottle, she hadn’t anticipated the obvious outcome. “Okay, listen,” instead of apologizing she used the opportunity to say what she’d wanted to say all along, “Can you try to not be a total anarchist for like a week, please? You’re going to get me in trouble too if they call home because you’re out of control- everybody’s going to blame me like ‘oh, why aren’t you looking out for her? you have to help her’ and it’s not fair, I didn’t do anything wrong, okay?” 
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    At the mere request to stop, Allie pushed her boots to walk faster. If she’d wanted to be funny about it she might have even hoped one of the track captains were watching or something to prove her worth, because if she was good at running away from responsibility and rationality, well she was even better at running away from Kat Bishop. 
    But as her step-sister’s voice rose in octaves, Allie finally swung around, hoping that if she knocked Kat’s head around in a 360 motion, maybe she’d suddenly somehow learn to shut up. Instead, something hard collided with her front and made Allie give out a girly and uncharacteristic squeak. Immediately horrified, she looked at the bottle on the ground and then at Kat, making the first move to snatch it up angrily and glare her sister down something fierce.
    “It’s not fair? It never is fair for you though, is it?” Allie snapped at the other junior, patience lost the minute the water bottle had been thrown at her like Kat was some kid throwing a tantrum. If Allie had done that, her mom would have had her writing a 500-word apology letter. Kat, on the other hand, what did she ever get for being insufferable? “According to you, it’s always not fair on Planet Kat unless you’re getting what you want. But do you know what’s actually not fair? Moving to some esteemed school only to be shipped out the woods five seconds of getting here and having to spend almost every second within earshot of you and your problems. That’s not fair.”
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allishop · 4 years
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allishop · 4 years
{ @ba-central​ }
location: on the way to the outhouse
    “This is bullshit,” Allie grumbled to herself, angry not only that she’d had the absolute roast of her life that morning from Sister Michael for smoking behind the kitchen cabin — which by the way, she wasn’t the only fucking teenage chimney around here, how come she’d seen nobody else got that kind of serving before??? — but now she felt she was being watched like some kind of degenerate. Phrases stuck in her mind like Bishop, you’re setting a poor example, and we’ll have to call your parents if this kind of behavior continues which newsflash, old lady, she didn’t have parents! She had her mom, her mom, and that was it, get it right. Parents were just some ‘90s fantasy as far as Allie was concerned and that alone only helped keep her hate fire alive.
    Whether it was because the criminal offense was still fresh, or Sister Michael just had it out for her for no fucking reason, now Allie apparently needed a chaperone to the bathroom? She’d repeat; this was bullshit. If she wasn't so heated about it, she’d probably have apologized to the person for being stuck with her because they’d just been in her close orbit at the time of trying to sneak off and being caught, but fuck, she hated being treated like a child. This camp was a living nightmare.
    “Can you back off? Jesus, I’m going to take a piss it’s not like a threatened anybody’s life.” She snarked, stomping her way towards the outside not sure she even had to go anymore, she just wanted to be away from the noise.
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allishop · 4 years
“Far too many.” Despite the ironic tone in his voice, it was true. Milo prefered to invest whatever free time he had rewatching old classics, or if he was feeling up for it, whatever terrible, seriously terrible, low budget movie he could find. “Reality is boring enough, may as well check out for a few hour whenever you can. In my opinion.” He studied her as she detailed her plans, for a moment he had to supress a smile that was threatening light his face. Alright, he thought. 
He looked away from her to contemplae the woods that laid ahead of them. “Hmm, did you know five percent of shotgun victims survive?” He asked back before responding to her question. “Poison.” He said simply before taking a drag from his cigarette. “And then, the shotgun.” If the first one didn’t do it, then the second one was bound to get the job done. “If the story of my death isn’t used to traumatize whoever lives here next then it’s not worth it.” 
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    At his casual admittance, Allie’s lips curled a little at the corners again, weirdly impressed that he didn’t try to defend himself. It paid to be a new girl at school, she thought, it granted you a world of curiosity and the ability to totally plead ignorance at the same time. But this, finding a like-mind among the absolute garbage that made up the rest of the Broadripple senior year, for the first time in the few weeks she’d been at her step sister’s school, it made Allie wonder if maybe her choice to come here wasn’t so wrong after all.
    “Really?” She didn’t know that about shotgun deaths but found it an interesting fragment to hang onto, perhaps for other macabre conversations she might have later on down the road. If she was really on the ball, she’d Google the statistic when she got back to campus. Likely, she’d forget though. “How Romeo of you.” She said to the poison, before listening to his reasoning. After a moment, she just smiled and shook her head. “Well, I can already tell you that you’re doing it wrong. Ask any of my family, I live every day to traumatize.” Her step-sister especially, but it wasn’t her fault she wasn’t over her mom getting over her dad and choosing a new one. “It’ll just be peaceful when I’m gone.” Despite her wry tone, she wholly believed it to be the truth, even if it wasn’t.
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allishop · 4 years
“Then I would have to wonder if you have any ulterior motives for being at the cabins.” He leaned back against the frame of the window, allowing himself to get a good look at her. “Let me guess.” He started taking a drag from his cigarette. He had to admit this particular brand wasn’t his favorite, a little too sweet for his liking, but it wasn’t like he could tell the sisters he would go on a quick run to the shops and be back for mass. “They raised and trained you with the purpose to infiltrate the human race?” The ghost of a smile already dancing on the edges of his lips. 
Throwing his head slightly back, Milo blew out his smoke before reaching for reaching into his pocket for his lighter. Offering it to her, he leaned in closer and placed his hand around it to shield the fire from the wind. “Are you gonna help bring on the end of the world, love?”
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     Allie gave him a flat smile, nothing sinister but nothing genuinely friendly either. She’d sat in a therapy chair before and according to her sixteen-year-old self, she was a well-proclaimed deflector and total bullshit artist. He could ask her any question in the world and she’d master a false answer if she needed to, but she always thought it was funny when people thought they could ask her anything just to get what they want. Being difficult was in her genetics. 
     “You’ve seen too many movies,” She replied, not taken with the idea of infiltrating anything that didn’t at least come with a good soundtrack. And the human race? Pass. She didn’t have any hope for them, not in the slightest. Allowing him to light her cigarette, she was grateful but didn’t show it. Instead, she too took a drag and continued with her perch against his windowsill. “Sure, I’d like a hand in it.” She admitted, “But I’ve already decided I’ll be one of the first to go. Some shotgun exit, lots of brains. It’ll be messy, but quick. I’ve got no intention of sticking around to see what dystopia looks like.” A moment of quiet passed where Allie sized him up curiously. “You?”
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allishop · 4 years
“What about for people passing through- not like as a tourist destination,” she insisted, Allie was right. The six and a half people in town were unlikely to be the ones organizing a venue for yoga or spa weekends and there was no way in hell anybody else in the world would actually choose a place like Nighmore to spend there time, let alone anywhere outside of it. 
She didn’t realize she was copying Allie’s stance, it just sort of formed naturally as the other girl spoke, “It probably was,” she reasoned, “You know business is bad when most places in town accept a totally fake currency invented by a high school a mile away,” she suggested, she’d always thought it was a little weird that Nighmorian venues were so eager to allow the kids to spend their convenience points. They must have had a pretty sweet deal with the Academy, otherwise nobody was that kind. “What is the junior cabin like? Must  be as good as the senior cabin if you’re hanging out here instead,”
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    She snorted, loudly, at the idea of Nighmore or any of it’s surrounding suburbs like Lorehill or Broadripple being tourist destinations. Sure, maybe if people were allergic to fun. Picking at her nail polish, Allie frowned up at the girl when she mentioned fake currency. “What?” Truth be told, Allie hadn’t even looked at her academy card since she’d been given it, not the biggest fan of photos of herself because she thought her nose was the size of Russia. “Fake currency? Like the card point things?” She asked, not entirely sure how the system worked yet. Allie had barely locked down the layout of the academy before she’d been hoisted out to camp, so the convenience points were kind of foreign territory to her. She’d ditched her buddy first day after 15 minutes with a faux bathroom break, that might have had something to do with it.
    “Smells like piss,” She grumbled, though it didn’t, it just smelled like whatever was worse than piss but not bad enough she could get shipped back home again. “I just miss the Internet. Do you think they’re going to make us do stupid activities and team-building shit? Can’t imagine learning about Columbus ‘round the fire.”
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allishop · 4 years
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Name: Alegra “Allie” Young-Bishop
Age: Seventeen
Zodiac: Aquarius
Grade: Junior
House: Keough
Cabin Room: Junior Cabin: Room 2
How long have they been at Broadripple: Just before eviction
Where are they from originally: California
Extracurricular: Feild hockey & Women Of Broadripple
Positive Personality Traits: Eccentric, Genuine, Bold.
Negative Personality Traits: Moody, Sarcastic, Vulgar.
Extremely new to BA. Like very very new.
Allie didn’t think she minded having the last name Bishop, even though it was kind of shoved onto her by her mom after she got married to Kat’s dad. Now, being at Broadripple and learning just how much of a reputation Kat has, and how much trouble she gets in, Allie really wishes for the first time that she’d kept her original last name.
Punk Rock 101.mp3
“Wehh everything is better on vinyl / Retro is betterrrr” Actually, no, it legit is because it means Kat won't know how to use it and thus, keeps her stepsister out of her shit and chronically disinterested. #TheSmartBish.
She paints her nails and uses hair chalks most weekends at BA bc she’s dying to be an individual. Of course, come Monday, she usually has to take it all off even though she’d been trying to get away with it.
She’s currently in a long-distance relationship with a boy named Joey back home, but he’s pretty much a dead beat, older than her, and should be in college but isn’t, and her mother is secretly and desperately awaiting the day they break up. Which Allie knows, so that’s the only reason she’s been continuing to date him, even with the distance. Stick it to the man.
Forever just has Eve 6 on repeat, idk why.
She will never ever admit that she’s related to Kat first. You really gotta catch her out on that one before she’s like :/ yeah I guess.
Her pinterest!
Her playlist!
Her character tag on my blog!
Her aesthetics!
Her socials!
What do they think about The Retreat?
Allie doesn’t much like the outdoors, and she’s never really been camping properly either. She’s been away for the weekend with friends but nothing this deep into the woods. She likes the remoteness of it all. She loves being left alone. But this place is so weird and creepy, she’s not into it.
Do they have any previous experience with camping or other outdoors?
A little from trips with friends over the summer time.
What does their cabin bunk look like? How will they decorate their space?
Allie reads a lot, so she’s got a lot of books and band paraphernalia. Otherwise, most of her stuff is probably just clothes and boots and chunky belts, and basically not camping attire but how did she know she’d have to pack for a camping trip? She seriously is missing her internet, but thankfully has a hard drive of movies for her laptop so that’s probably left out a lot.
Do they believe in the supernatural? To what degree?
Nope. She’s a super skeptic. She’ll always be the one to say there’s nothing there or it’s just someone fucking with them.
Are they easily spooked?
Not really. She’ll take a branch to beat the demons with if she has to, or just yell a lot until whoever the hell is messing with her goes away.
you'll watch everyone else go mad: you don't much believe in the things everyone says they're seeing and hearing in the woods. overreacting, indulging each other's fantasies, building nothing into something. but ... you're the odd one out. doesn't that make you mad?
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allishop · 4 years
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allishop · 4 years
He wasn’t precisely sure what to expect from cabins. He had heard his fair share of rumors since they announced that they would be moving them away from the academy till the problem was solved, but none of them, and nothing he had imagined could live up to the reality. Everything about the place and its sorroundings looked straight out of a horror movie, there was no better way to describe, it really. He could tell they had put quite the effort in trying to make the place suitable for them but regardless of it, there was something about it that still made it feel abandoned.
Milo dumped his belongings in the top bunk of the bed that was closest to the window. Home sweet home. He thought bitterly looking around the room. Part of him thought it would be best to unpack, try and make the place look somewhat close to what his room in the academy looked like but deep down he hoped this whole thing would be done in a few days, so what was the point in unpacking? Milo pulled the window up, thankfully, there enough space for him to sit somewhat comfortably on the edge.
“I’m not the only one who’s half expecting a small group of pale children to step out of the trees and start chanting in a dead language, right?” He dugged his fingers into his left shoe and took out a cigarette — one had to get creative with their hidding spots around the Sisters. 
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It wasn’t often that Allie happened across people she could so suddenly relate to, as she mostly spent all of her time wrapping herself in barbed wire to keep the overly-friendly types away. But as she shifted past the senior cabin looking for a good hiding spot to smoke, it was almost as if there was a God and he’d just thrown her a bone in the shape of a stringy blond boy with a cigarette of his own. 
She smirked at the mention of creepy children and a dead language, a good reference, and something that made her think maybe he wouldn’t be so bad to hang around. Besides, once his cigarette appeared, she knew a lighter had to be not far behind and lucky for her, she’d lost hers somewhere along the way.
“Hey, what if I told you they were my people?” She retorted, feeling confident, and coming to lean on his windowsill by where he sat, her boots digging in the dirt outside. His accent didn’t go unnoticed, it might have even been part of the catalyst that caused the thing resembling a smile to appear on her face to begin with. Whatever, she was nasty but she was still a teenage girl. “Like, what if I told you I’m like one of those raised by wolves type? That happened you know, in like the 20′s, it could be a thing.” With the last word, she pulled out her own cigarette and prodded it towards him, silently requesting a light.
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allishop · 4 years
“I wonder why this place was abandoned,” Joss uttered, clearly thinking out loud. Her words weren’t directed at anybody in particular but she was sure she wasn’t the only person curious about the history of the Retreat. “I mean, whoever owned this place could have made it into a pretty cool Airbnb with a little TLC,” she suggested thoughtfully, looking around the place, “I don’t know if a fresh coat of paint would cover up the creepiness but people pay money to sleep in people’s gross attics, I’m pretty sure somebody would pay to have some hippy-dippy yoga weekend here or something,”
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    Ironically for a destination based almost entirely outside in the wilderness, it was already starting to feel too small and cramped to be able to do anything without a shit load of people getting in the way. Allie had barely breached the doorway of her cabin room, seen her stepsister and best friend spreading their parasitic shit to the tune of some Jonas Brother song before Allie had come to the immediate conclusion that she’d move in later once everyone was off doing whatever the fuck else there was to do around here. There was no way she was going to share any space in a cabin with Kat if she didn’t have to, she’d already been there, done that, lived that nightmare, hard fucking pass. 
    Also, how was it fair that she’d only just decided to finish her schooling at this apparent ~incredible institute of astute learning~ and five seconds later, bugs fucking burned everybody out? Did anyone else think that was as majorly fucked up as the weird loopy symbol above one of the water heaters that straight up looked out of Blair Witch? Whatever, the general public were morons. This, Allie already knew.
    “What, you think it’d sell hot with .2 of a population in town?” Moody as always, Allie glanced up at the girl, pissed off that she already felt like she had dirt in her shoes, even though sitting on the ground probably did that to a person. “Seriously, I bought Newports a few weeks ago in town and I swear, it was like the first interaction the gas guy had had since the moon landing, I’m not even lying.” She was, but he was still seedy and that was kind of the point.
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allishop · 4 years
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“ Mom… why’s your face doing that thing? ”
                                     “ Oh, honey… He proposed! ”
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allishop · 4 years
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