allisonv · 4 years
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                    “do you really think it’s a good idea for me to get so drunk in this place?” the songstress was trying so hard not get past her limit tonight. it was a very tempting situation, since the green room always served the best drinks– but the last thing she wanted was be get so wasted that the actual owners of the venue had to take care of her. “anyway, i think i can handle one more. so, let me know what you’re having. it’s on me!” @shstarters​
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“that’s entirely up to you, but it is a party!” allison enthused at the other with a smile. she herself could handle some more but didn’t want to push the blonde over her limit if she didn’t want to. her smile grew as the other agreed to another drink and nodded, “okay, okay, um.. vodka soda.” she responded, keeping in mind the girl’s generosity for next time they were together.
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allisonv · 4 years
“Yes, Theo!” James replied, knowing that the name sounded very familiar and that had to be what her name was. He nodded along as she spoke, not because he was lost but because he wanted to let her know that he was indeed listening. “You deserve to use those vacation days, just take you a week off to relax.” He paused, thinking for a moment. Oh, it was almost too perfect. “If you’re free one of those day, would mind you mind if I whisked you off to the city? I don’t think I’ve been back since I came home. I could use of those hog dogs from a street vendor.” James laughed, though he knew full well he had other plans for going to the city. If she was free one day, all he would have to do was ask one of her friends what Allie’s favorite musical was and whisk her away to NYC to see one- their first date and to hopefully make things official between the two of them.
James took another sip of his drink, unable to stop his fingers from tapping along to whatever song was playing. He had no clue what it was but the drum part was catchy and he couldn’t help but find himself wondering if he would be able to remember it well enough to maybe mess around with on his drums later. “What song is this?” He finally asked, hoping that Allie knew, and would be able to remind him when they got back. “It’s actually pretty catchy.” He grinned over at her, eyes bright as he took another drink. 
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“Ah, Theo. My other half. No offense, but that’s my best friend since freshman year at college. And that’s my roommate now,” Allison went on, completely happy the two had already met. They were two of the most important people in her life and their meeting was important to her. As he mentioned going to the city, she smiled and nodded, “Yeah, I’d love that. I was thinking of visiting my family the first couple of days since I haven’t gone back in years. But definitely as soon as I get back, we can take our trip.” She smiled up at him, completely smitten with him and how caring and considerate he was with her. 
Allie paid attention to the song playing and wanted so badly to give him a name but just shrugged. “I wish I had a name but I don’t. I’m terrible with names, Jimmy,” she said, teasing him about his own and laughing some. “We could go find out,” she suggested, sipping the last bit of her drink and placing the cup on the bar top, taking him hand and leading him away to the dance floor. “Ready to show me those moves?” she challenged, as she stopped walking at an empty spot within the crowd and faced him.
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allisonv · 4 years
James handed over his card to pay for their drinks, her words causing his face to light up. “Huh, funny cause you’re my priority right now as well. I want to spend it with you too but I mean it, don’t feel like you have to stick with me all night.” He gave a nod of thanks for their drinks before pocketing his wallet and taking his beer. “I can’t wait to meet your friends. If we see any of mine, I want to introduce you to them as well. So they know who I have also been gushing about for the last few weeks.” He laughed, taking a sip of his beer finally.
He was quiet for a few seconds, brow creased in concentration. “You reminded me, I think I met one of your friends the other day?” James said slowly, doing his best to remember her name. “Oh this would be when my memory is really going to fail me- What was her name? I think it started with a T? Tod her my name and she instantly asked if I knew an Allison.” He grinned over at Allie, a playful raise of his eyebrow as he took another sip of it. Making sure to drink slowly as possible, not wanting to down the thing in one go.
“Maybe this one drink will kick in those dance moves I mentioned.” James teased playfully, beyond glad to be out with Allie, and glad to see that so far, even though they had just gotten there, he was able to relax. 
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“Good to know,” Allison responded, trying to maintain her smile as normal as possible though she was gushing inside. “I’m not going anywhere,” she guaranteed him, meaning every word. She was there to have fun with him and she would stay by his side. She smiled, taking her drink in her hands, “Thanks,” she said to James, signaling to the drink before taking a sip. As he spoke, her mind went thinking over friends she had with the letter T. There were quite a few, actually, but there was only one she could think of that would associate the two together.
“Theo?” She asked, looking over at him to see if she had guessed who he was talking about. She was the only one that knew the whole situation, unless someone else had already seen them together and she didn’t recall. “I look forward to that,” she responded, referring to the moves he claimed he had. She sipped her drink some more, wanting to take even that slowly to prevent anything embarrassing. “I’m thinking of cashing in my vacation days at work. I never cared for it before, but now that I have a life, thanks to you, I could use my week off,” she mentioned, having something to look forward to having days off for.
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allisonv · 4 years
The kiss, even though one to just his cheek, still brought a smile to James’ face as they walked along hand in hand. He waved to a few familiar faces, pretty sure that he did in fact know them, trying to will himself to just relax, and go along with the flow tonight. At her question, James pressed his lips together some, thinking about it. If he had one beer, there was no way that would have a large affect on him, not to mention that Allie was there with him as well. So maybe he could let loose a little bit and have at least one. “Yeah- I’ll take a beer.” He replied, a shrug of his shoulders. “Get out my grandpa comfort zone a bit.” James laughed as they headed up to the bar, his eyes scanning over the drinks. “A beer for me and whatever she wants.” James ordered, moving his arm to rest around her waist as the bartender got their drinks ready.
“Hey-” James said softly, eyes locking with hers. “I want you to have a good time tonight, okay? Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. So just do what you want to do. If you see some friends and want to go dance with them or whatever, that’s fine too. I don’t want you to feel like you have to be with me the entire night. I’m sure there’s a few people around here that I probably know as well.” Wanting her to know that just became them came together, didn’t mean Allie had to spend the entire night with him. James wanted her to have a good time, whatever the might entail for her. He was just simply along for the ride.
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Allison let out some laughter and nodded, “You’re right you do. Even if I do like your grandpa comfort zone.” At the end of her words, she rolled her eyes at herself and shook her head. “Welp, I think I think I’ve hit sappiness rock bottom. Are you happy?” She teased, laughing some more. She normally hated when others were cliche and there was, being exactly that. Surprisingly she couldn’t care less because it was with James. She turned her attention to the bartender for a moment to request a vodka soda for herself before looking back at James.
His words made her smile, and even if she appreciated that he was giving her the okay to mingle if she wanted, she didn’t. “Thank you, I will have a good time. But I care about you having that as well. You’re my priority now. I want to spend this night with you. I want my friends to meet you so they finally know who this James person is that I won’t shut up about,” she said, shaking her head at the words she was saying. She never gushed about another person like this which made her friends curious. “We got this. We’ll have fun,” she said with a smile, as the bartender returned with their drinks and placed them on the bar top in front of them. 
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allisonv · 4 years
“I’m glad because I feel good about this too.” He replied, saying close to her s he let her lead them to where thy were going. He hadn’t expected it to be so close and hadn’t had time to really prepare himself for what they were about to walk in to. It wasn’t that he was against going out and parties or anything of the sort, they were just a lot for him to take in at times. Most of the times the faces of people would just blur together, become one, making it hard for him to pick out who he knew and who he didn’t. Causing anxiety to course through him but this was different, Allie was there with him, and that was all the reassurance that he needed. 
And well, if his hand tightened the smallest bit around hers as they made their way inside, it was only them who knew. “I’m okay with it, I promise.” James reassured her as they made their way through bodies of people, following her every lead. “If it gets to be a lot, I’ll just grab some fresh air in a bit. But really, this is something I know you enjoy so I’m completely fine with it.” He added after a few seconds, looking over at her with a grin. Wanting Allie to know that he was okay with this, that he be able to manage it, especially if it was something that made her happy. He would do anything for her. Including coming out to a party.
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Allison smiled and waved at some familiar faces, never letting go of James’ hand as they made their way through the crowd. This was the first time she was out at a party and not alone, which she was unsure how to handle. Did she still start with a drink? Would she get him one? Would it be rude to socialize? She didn’t want to make him uncomfortable, more than he probably was due to the intensity of it. She sighed, trying to get out of her own head of overthinking their situation, wanting to just have fun and make sure he would have fun as well.
“Whenever you need some air, just let me know. As long as you’re fine,” she assured him, placing a kiss on his cheek to comfort him. Any other person in his situation might have refused to go with her but he didn’t. There he was, showing he truly cared for her and she appreciated him so much. And so much more, but those words would come at their time. “You drinking anything?” she asked, leading him towards the bar now. She knew how he felt about drinking and she would never make him get anything if he didn’t want to. The party alone was him doing enough for her, and she just wanted him to be okay through it all.
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allisonv · 4 years
IT wasn’t uncommon for people to confuse the twins for one another , so tierney couldn’t possibly get upset with allison for not recognizing her as herself . tierney hadn’t meant to be bragging by bringing up being famous , but she did hope that it would help the other realize why she recognized her other than from the shop . “ shh no , don’t feel dumb . the whole point of moving to this town was to not be noticed for being famous , and obviously it’s working , so that’s good ! ” she hummed with a soft laugh . “ by all means though , don’t let that change your perception of me . ”
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Allison would never change her thoughts on someone based on the image the public had of them. With that said she would treat Tierney as the new friend she was just meeting and not someone famous. “I can be a very distracted person,” she admitted with a laugh. “Some things can take me a while to figure out, this being one of them,” she added on, offering the other a smile. “Don’t worry, we are just meeting. You are Tierney, regular Springhill resident that happens to own the music shop with her twin sister.”
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allisonv · 4 years
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Toni remembered when she trust her own instincts without a shadow of a doubt. Now, everything was so unclear to her. But she couldn’t help but believe Allison. When it really came down to it, most people would mock and pick fun at the day-drunk, not come up to them the way that she did; that had to count for something. Toni found herself laughing through the other woman’s joke, almost like she set herself up for it if she had to be honest. She nodded, “I’m glad you did too,” she admitted. “I’m curious – What do you do for work? It’s gotta be like a uh, – helping profession or something. Teacher, maybe?” she guessed. Much like Allison trusted her gut, Toni knew that she had to be on the right track. “If you’re telling me that you’ve got stories then, I’m definitely interested in hearing some of these. To be continued,” she insisted. Toni walked with the other closely by her side, a smile hadn’t thought of fading. “I’m thinking standing on the bar type crazy or – being our own bartenders or something,” she laughed at the potential of scenarios. 
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Even though the two just met, something about their interactions seemed so natural and flowed smoothly. It was as if the two had known each other a while and it was easy to talk to each other. They were getting along great already, and that was rare to find. At her question, Allie chuckled, “Close. I’m a nurse. So, yeah helping kind of, but not a teacher. That would have been fun, come to think of it.” She responded, a smile on her face. “What about you? What do you do? Are you an artist? You seem creative, someone who speaks their mind somehow,” she took a wild guess. She nodded, as the other was intrigued about the stories. “To be continued, exactly. They’ll come to light at the right times,” Allison responded, a small laugh escaping her she they continued. “Oh yes, definitely dancing on bar tops. Be the center of attention for that night. All eyes on us,” she went on as if picturing the scenario already. 
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allisonv · 4 years
“A test, huh?” He asked with an amused expression on his face. “Fingers crossed that I pass it with flying colors.” James easily let her lead him back into the living room where he let his eyes scan over the list on the back of his door. Phone, keys…. Where was his wallet. “My wallet…” He muttered, letting go of her hand to go in search of it. If he was being honest with himself, James had no clue where he had put it. He tried to remember to put everything on the small table next to the door so that it was all in one place but it wasn’t there. “Have you seen it?” He asked, brows furrowed as he turned to Allie for a second before moving into the kitchen. And there on the counter it was. “Never mind, found it!” He called, meeting her back in the living room. “Now I’m good.” 
After locking the door, James slipped his hand back into Allie’s, giving it a gentle squeeze as the evening breeze greeted them. “is it close enough that we can walk? Or do we need to take a car?” He made a slight face. “I honestly have no clue where we’re going. I don’t even remember what the place is called.” he admitted with a light shrug of his shoulders, quiet for a second before he looked over at Allie once more. “But I do know that this is the first time we’re going out somewhere as, well, us.” Though he had a plan in the works for what their real first date would be and what would hopefully be when he would ask her to make things more official than what they currently were.
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“We’ll see about that,” Allie teased some more as she waited for him to grab what he needed. She helped look around some at where his wallet could have been hiding when he announced he found it, and she made her way back to the door. “Okay, good. Let’s get going,” she said with a smile as they headed out the door of his apartment. “We can walk, it’s close enough. Besides, it’s a nice night. Night walks are my favorite,” she pointed out, leading the way towards The Green Room, hand in hand. Something about the cold breeze and stillness of night was why she enjoyed walks at night so much more. That and she was used to those more considering her work schedule at times. 
“You’re right. Honestly, I thought I’d be afraid of making an appearance like this with you. Don’t get me wrong, I just didn’t want it to seem like I’m rubbing it in anyone’s face, if you know what I mean? But this feels good. I feel good about this,” she pointed out, smiling up at him and leaning her body into his as they walked. Just like she said before, the place was close enough and they were rounding the corner after just a few blocks in. The scene of the party inside and the environment seemed very lively, causing her to glance at him constantly. “You sure you’re okay with this? We can always turn back if you want,” she offered.
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allisonv · 4 years
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kim nodded her head. “i think it’s only because i love what i do, and the effect it had on my little students.” she admitted and smiled. kim raised her brow at her friend respond and sighed. “allie, you’re twenty five.” kim said and stopped for a second. “i mean if you’d tell me you’re forthy and lost in your job i would tell you that’s it’s a little bit too late to change your job, but you still could. if you have another passion and you think that’s what you should be doing, first try to mix it up a little bit– call a week off to figure out you want to do and dare to do the change you need.” kim told her friend with a smile. she cared for allison and is she wasn’t happy with her work then she wouldn’t be happy since it takes her most of her time. “so you’re like dating? why would you screw this up? i mean if you like him you wouldn’t do anything to hurt him– and if you get cold feet don’t run away, talk to him.”
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“see, that’s amazing,” allie pointed out with a smile. there was a whole different satisfaction to see others enjoy your work, especially kids in her case. listening to her friend’s words, it wasn’t the first time someone close to her advised her to find her true passion. maybe they saw how something was missing from allison’s life too. “thanks, i know i’m technically still young. but it just seems like a stretch, you know? i might just take my vacation, and figure things out. you’re right. why are you always so right?” she questioned with a smile, thankful to have a friend like her. she knew if she did make the career change, she had the best support in her friends. at her questions, she shrugged, “I think we are. We’re taking it slow, no labels yet but we’re not seeing anyone else anymore. if that makes sense. i do like him. like a lot. just the last time i did this whole relationship thing and fell in love, it was terrible. i’m just scared, is all. i’ve learned to run away from people before they could hurt me. it’s dumb, i know.”
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allisonv · 4 years
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“—I know! Look at his little face! I mean….Just in the last five minutes, i’ve been hearing a woman shouting from behind me…some kind of dog name” she slurred as she put the dog down, and let the dog run to the lady behind her. The lady gave her an evil look and left. “Oh—Well, yes..I was going to name him tramp–but his name was actually Lucky. Overdid name-” She groaned rolling her eyes. “…Can we get coffee now?” she wailed.
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Allison couldn’t help but laugh, eyeing the owner of the dog, judgement in her eyes over the name. “That’s what she was yelling? Well, if you ask me, the dog probably ran away from her in the first place. I know I would if I had an overdid name. Why do you think I ended up in Springhill in the first place?” She joked with the other over her own name. “But yes! Coffee, very much needed.”
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allisonv · 4 years
“In my defense,” James laughed at her comment. “I’m pretty sure I haven’t been shopping for clothes since I came home last year.” He grinned, shaking his head but loving how easily the teasing came between the two of them. “Mhmm, I can handle any Allison.” James responded softly, reaching out to push a strand of hair off her forehead. Knowing that there was so much truth behind his words, that he would indeed be here for any Allison. He was in this for the long haul. “Oh perfect, finally looking my age then.” James chuckled, instantly melting as her lips were pressed against his own,
His arms made their way around her waist, pulling her a bit closer against his body as they stood in the middle of his room. And for a brief moment, there were three little words that danced on the tip of his tongue but thankfully didn’t topple out of his mouth. It was way to soon to be saying things like that, especially when they wanted to take it slow and he had yet to ask her out properly. But damn, James was so gone for her, and he knew that he was indeed falling very much in love with Allison Vera. Instead he closed the space between them and pressed another kiss to her lips. “I say we skip out on tonight, stay here, and just keep kissing.” James teased as he pulled away from her, his eyes gentle as he looked at Allie. “But really, you ready to go?”
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“Alright, alright, that’s fair. I’ll leave you alone about that. I’ll just find something else to make fun of you for,” Allie continued, still in a teasing manner. At his claim to be able to handle any version of her, she grinned up at him. “That’s good to know. If you could handle me, you could handle anything, honestly,” she went on, a laugh escaping her.  Whenever they found themselves in each other’s arms like this, Allie didn’t want to part. Sadly, they had plans and were going to have to let go at some point. His words made her laugh again, since she had just been thinking something along those lines. 
“I wish we could, but this is a test. If you pass this well, indeed you can handle me,” She teased, wanting nothing more to just skip out and stay there with him. Alas, this was their first night out like this, as whatever they were, and she wanted to show him off. “Ready as I’ll ever be,” she responded to his question, letting go of her grip on him and pulling away. She grabbed his hand to lead him back to his living room and towards the door. “Got everything you need?” she questioned, making sure he didn’t forget anything he might need.
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allisonv · 4 years
James sat on the edge of his bed as Allie went through his closet, the smile never once leaving his lips as he watched her. “You look amazing.” James replied honestly as she put the shirt on. “Looks much better on you than it does me.” He replied honestly, unable to get over how absolutely beautiful Allie was or the way he felt himself falling for her more and more with each passing day. How he couldn’t wait for the moment he made things official with her, where he could call her his girlfriend. A shake of his head pulled him out of his thoughts and he flashed her another smile. “Oh, so I’m going to get to see wild and crazy drunk Allie tonight?” He teased, pushing up as he made his way over to his closet as well.
“I’ll make sure I’m able to find us a way home, especially if you get drunk. Heck, my memory might be better than yours tonight after a few drinks.” He teased, flipping through his plaid shirts, grabbing the first one that caught his attention. One that was rather bright in its colors and he slipped it over the current shirt he had on, running a hand through his hair to ruffle it up a bit. “What do you think? Can I pass looking like someone from the 90′s?” James asked, grinning over at her. 
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Allison gave a dramatic walk and twirl before laughing, “Thanks, but even if you do say I look amazing, I could never choose to have so many plaid shirts. Just saying,” she pointed out, giving him a look. She was kidding of course, and could care less about the clothing he had or wore. As always she had to tease him about the little things. “Maybe. Do you think you can handle wild and crazy drunk Allie? She’s a handful,” she questioned and added on, hoping he knew what he was getting himself into. It was mostly all talk since she had no intention of getting intoxicated as past times. She simply had no reason to anymore. 
Allie tilted her head from side to the other as she examined this new look he was going for. She tapped at her chin with her index finger for a moment before responding, “I mean.. you look more like someone from the fifty’s if we’re being honest here, grandpa, but sure.” She tried to contain her laugh but couldn’t. She walked over to him and smiled, pushing up on the tips of her toes to place a soft kiss against his lips, arms finding their way around his neck. “You look great,” she guaranteed.
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allisonv · 4 years
“Wow, okay. I mean, I’m standing right here, I can hear you.” He teased at her comment to Duke, the smile already tugging the corner of his lips. “I guess I missed you too then.” James gave a mock roll of his eyes, though he knew his now grin was clearly giving him away. Things were growing between them and James was more than ready to make things official with Allie. But they had also agreed to take it slow and when the time did come to ask her out, he wanted it to be perfect, wanted it to be special in every way possible. 
With a shake of his head, James lead her to his bedroom, waving his hand a his open closet. It was a mess, he should have thought about that before hand but it was too late now. However, like he had mentioned, there was more than quite a few plaid shirts hung up in a section of his small closet. “I don’t even know how I got this many of them.” James laughed, grinning over at her. Though he was pretty sure they were from before he served, clothes left over from the old James. “But really, feel free to go through them, pick whatever you want. And then I’ll attempt to find me one too.” He smile. “But of course, you know, matching totally won’t make us those people tonight.�� 
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“Oh, right. I forgot you lived here too,” Allison continued to tease, unable to hold back some more. Their relationship - if one could call it that - was moving on quicker than planned but she surprisingly had no problem with it. Their teasing one another would never change though. She followed him to his bedroom, letting out a dramatic sigh at she looked over his closet. “That is quite the collection you have here,” she teased, a grin working its way on her face to show she was only messing with him.
She shuffled through some, pulling out one that consisted on mostly reds and blacks which were her favorite colors, it occurring to her then that might not have been something she ever shared. “Dibs,” she said, pulling the shirt on and adjusting it to fit better. “What do you think? Look better on me than you, huh?” she joked, laughing some before waving her hand back towards the closet. “It totally will, I’m sure of it, but whatever. I might just get drunk enough to not care,” she pointed out with a shrug. “Kidding. Just make sure the colors differ and I’ll be able to tolerate us.”
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allisonv · 4 years
Like most things, James wasn’t for sure what the 90′s decade entailed so he had spent a god part of his afternoon looking it up. Mainly the music and dress. While parties and going out wasn’t really his thing, he knew that it was something Allie might have fun with, so he was more than willing to try it out for her. Which is why after some research, he was currently stood in front of his closet. It seemed that plaid was something that had been a big thing back there and for whatever reason, James owned way too many plaid shirts. He grabbed a basic t-shirt and threw it on, trying to figure out which would be the perfect plaid for tonight. It was a knock at the door that finally pulled him away, a grin settling onto his features, knowing that it must have been Allie.
With an excited Duke on his heels, James made his way to the front door, pulling it open and greeting her with a wide grin. “Hey, you.” He breathed out, a hand reaching out to rest on her waist, placing a soft kiss against her lips as the rest of his greeting. “So I have come to realize that I own way too many plaid shirts.” James laughed, moving out of the way so she could enter the apartment and so Duke could finally get to her as well. “It’s probably a crime of how many I have stashed in my closet.” 
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Things had definitely progressed for the two and Allison found herself in a much better place than usual. She would spend any free moment she could with James, even if sometimes those were limited due to always working. But they did however make the best of the times they had together and she was grateful. She was definitely excited for them going out to this party as whatever it was they were becoming. As she reached his front door, she gave the door a few knocks, instantly hearing Duke’s paws hitting the ground coming closer from the other side of it.
“Oh, hey,” Allison responded casually, meeting his kiss. She hadn’t realized how much she had missed him until that very moment. “I missed you,” she pointed out, scrunching her nose at him and smiling. She entered his place, laughing a bit at his words, “Don’t worry, I’ll get some off your hands.” She kneeled down some to pet Duke who was already at her feet anxiously. “Hey buddy. I missed you the most,” she said playfully, glancing up at James before getting back up to her feet. “Alright, let’s check out the damage.”
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allisonv · 4 years
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“awh thanks, allie.” kim said with a shy smile. she looked at her friend confused. “you don’t look really happy when you say that word ‘work’ you know? i mean i believe you love what you’re doing but are you okay mentally with it?” kim asked, worried sound in her voice. “and tell me about that boy please, more deets.” she said with a grin.
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“i’m just being kim. you’re good at what you do,” allie responded with a soft smile. she admired how her friend went for what she was passionate about and genuinely enjoyed what she did for work. as much as allie like being a nurse and helping others through that, she still felt like there was something missing. “i don’t even know anymore, honestly. i just feel like it’s too late in the game to switch it up, you know? or i’m just scared,” she admitted with a sigh before a smile came on her face again. “his name is james. he’s so great, i can’t even believe it’s real. which is another thing that scares me. i tend to screw things up and i don’t want to do that with him.”
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allisonv · 4 years
James -> Allie
James: ugh, yeah. I guess we do have to see each other, more so for Duke's sake.
James: OH OUCH.
James: Bringing up the lasagna yet again! You're the one who distracted me and threw me off. I was on a roll with it and then you had to be all cute and i forgot.
James: Are you from Tennessee? Because you're the only ten I see...
Allie: if it’s for duke, it’s a sacrifice i’m willing to make
Allie: i mean, it was good. so you good
Allie: seriously, stop.... my tummy hurts from laughing so much
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allisonv · 4 years
James -> Allie
James: Perfect! :D
James: ehh and i guess i miss you too.
James: me, lying? Why I never! The nerve. Pffft.
James: hey allie, i was uh, just wondering, did it hurt when you fell from heaven.
Allie: if i must see you, i will
Allie: TERRIBLE liar.
Allie: oh god, please stop. that’s too cheesy. cheesier than your top half if the lasagna
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