Non-Dairy Protein Shakes: Choosing Between Dairy and Non-Dairy
Growing up, we heard about dairy being an irreplaceable part of a healthy diet. Milk was glorified as the powerhouse for protein, vitamin D, and calcium. However, things have completely changed today, and more people are abandoning dairy for various environmental and health reasons. If you want to change from dairy to non-dairy protein shakes, here are more insights for you.
Due to their high nutrition levels, dairy plays an essential role in improving cognitive function, bone health, muscle growth, and boosting fat loss. Cow milk, particularly, is a great source of protein. It also contains a mixture of other nutrients such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, folate, vitamin B12, riboflavin, and vitamin D. Additionally, according to research, people who consume at least two servings of yogurt, cheese, or milk in their daily diet have a significantly low risk of heart disease and stroke, compared to people who do not eat dairy.
Non Dairy
Non-dairy protein shakes are a perfect option for anyone who cannot consume dairy products. The substitute whose nutritional value is close to cow milk is soy milk. Almond milk comes close to soy milk, packed with omega 6 fatty acids, vitamin E, calcium, selenium, zinc, and potassium, and has zero saturated fats. If you are allergic to soy, nuts, and dairy, pea milk is a perfect substitute for you. Oat milk is also a perfect substitute; you can switch between pea and oat milk.
Unfortunately, non-dairy milk is not suitable for babies and infants. Additionally, when using non-dairy protein shakes, you must substitute carefully to avoid missing out on essential nutrients such as protein, calcium, and vitamin D. both dairy and non-dairy products should be moderately consumed to avoid side effects.
Before selecting your non-dairy protein shakes, ensure they are best suited for your body. Listen to your body’s reaction to various shakes, and read the labels carefully before starting.
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Various Ways you can Consume Isoflex Protein Powder
Protein powder is a tested and proven way to add extra proteins to your diet. While the most popular way to consume Isoflex protein powder is by adding it to your morning shakes, it is not the only way, as its consumption goes beyond your morning drink. Here are some of these options.
Adding Protein Powder to Coffee
A recipe from Family Fresh Meals indicates that you should mix your vanilla-flavored whey protein powder with hot water and add the mixture to your favourite brewed coffee. Avoid mixing the protein powder directly into the coffee, as it does not dissolve properly.
Adding Protein Powder to Oatmeal
While oatmeal is a complete meal good enough to help you start your day, adding protein powder will give the meal an extra boost. While there are plenty of recipes you can try, the Brooklyn Farm Girl oatmeal recipe with double chocolate is the easiest and most common. In this recipe, plant-based protein powder is used, but any other type can also work.
Protein Powder Pudding
He and She Eat Clean created a four-ingredient recipe for a sumptuous protein pudding. Mix Isoflex protein powder and Greek yogurt. Then add stevia and nut milk such as almond milk, and refrigerate the mixture for thirty minutes. This pudding is perfect for a snack or dessert. Moreover, yogurt is also a source of protein that further supplements the extra protein that your body requires.
Protein Powder in Soups
While for some people, it seems unusual, you can add protein powder into soups. According to Live strong, protein powder does not have a strong smell or taste and thus easily blends with almost any food type. When added to soup, protein powder gives you a protein boost and thickens your soups.
Isoflex Protein powder is a must-have for anyone who wants to boost his or her protein intake. The above recipes are creative ways in which you can consume protein powder to avoid boredom and keep your consumption consistent.
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Tips for Getting the Highest Benefits with Meal Replacement Shakes for Weight Gain
Most articles and products on the market are focused on weight loss because a large portion of the population battles obesity. You might assume that meal replacement drinks are only meant for dieting when you want to lose weight. However, if you want to gain weight, there are now also meal replacement shakes for weight gain to help you. These shakes promote healthy weight gain then help you maintain your ideal weight once you reach it. Below are tips for gaining the highest benefits from these shakes.
Get a shake low in sugar but high in calories
Most high-calorie drinks have high sugar content. The sugar will give you a boost, but this is only temporary and will give you a sugar crash since it is only empty calories. Moreover, too much sugar increases your risk of cavities, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes. Get meal replacement shakes for weight gain high in energy-dense calories to achieve a healthy weight.
Choose shakes with a lot of protein
Building up fat reserves is not your only solution for weight gain. You can also build muscle by working out. For this, you need a meal replacement shake high in protein to repair tissue damage. The proteins also lift your mood, synthesize hormones, and help maintain healthy nails.
Be consistent
You can forget to take your meal replacement shakes for weight gain with your busy lifestyle. It is crucial to be consistent and take the required calories based on your activity level, age, metabolism, and gender. You can consider alarms to help and keep a food diary that tracks your calorie intake.
Most people want quick fixes for weight gain or loss. This leads them to choose unhealthy solutions that leave them battling other issues in the long run. By choosing the right shake and following the tips above, you will actualize a boost in your weight, confidence, and energy levels.
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Bigger chest workout: Why is your Chest not Growing?
Most men dream of a chest that perfectly fits into their t-shirts. Often this is a main motivating factor to start a workout routine. A chiselled, strong, and athletic chest not only looks good but also makes you feel good about yourself. However, at times, the chest will not grow beyond a certain point regardless of you putting in the work in a bigger chest workout. Why does this happen?
Not Warming Up
Regardless of the instructor’s advice on never working out before warming up, a lot of people still walk straight into the weight bench and start pumping as soon as they walk into the gym. Warm-up is important, and it needs to go beyond a few arm swings. Warm-up is an essential part of upper body exercise as it improves performance and prevents injury. Warm-up makes muscles more flexible and gives a higher mobility degree.
Going too fast
Do not be the guy who tries to break a world record with the most reps in the shortest time possible. If you are doing the reps as a bigger chest workout, you will fail terribly. Going slow causes muscle trauma by putting the muscles under tension for some time. This kick-starts the rebuilding process, which contributes to chest growth. Always ensure to go for the 2-1-3 tempo lift. Take two seconds going up, stay up for a second, and take three seconds on your way down.
Not Lifting Heavy Enough
Every set of spectacular muscles you see out here are as a result of hard work, and lifting small weights does not count as part of a bigger chest workout. While everyone has their limits in lifting, you might be surprised at how far you can get by putting your body and mind into the workout.
Constantly going to the gym without adequate rest will lead to burnout. To avoid this and ensure that your chest workouts are effective, always wait 48 hours before going hard on your chest muscles again.
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Best Collagen Supplement for Sagging Skin
Many people are still sceptical about whether collagen supplements work or not. According to research, collagen supplements work to restore firmness and youthfulness in your skin. There are plenty of ways through which you can consume collagen. The best collagen supplement is often determined by the results. That said, here are the best collagen supplement for sagging skin you may consider.
Collagen Powder or Collagen Capsules?
You can consume collagen either in capsule or powder form, including collagen peptides, which are broken down forms of collagen. The main differences between capsules and powder is the dose per serving. The dosage also varies from one brand of collagen to the other. For the capsules, you might require to consume as many as six. If you choose to go the powder way, select from marine or bovine collagen, as these contain the collagen required to repair sagging skin.
Collagen Rich Meals
A healthy, well-rounded meal containing beef, chicken, fish or bone broth contains collagen peptides that support healthy skin and hair. These foods also contain other nutrients that keep the skin healthy. However, there is no conclusive research that the amount of collagen in these foods is enough to prevent sagging skin. That means you must combine this collagen rich meals with the best supplement for sagging skin.Since collagen alone cannot sustain beautiful and healthy skin, ensure to eat fruits and vegetables, and consume enough water every day.
Topical Collagen
This is an ingredient added to serums and creams. Unfortunately, topical collagen is not highly effective. This is because collagen is a large molecule and is not likely to be properly absorbed through the skin for collagen production stimulation. While a topical cream gives a plumped appearance to your face, the results are not long-lasting. However, special ingredients such as vitamin C, retinoid and exfoliating acids such as glycolic help in the stimulation of collagen production on the skin.
From the above list, you can select the best collagen supplements for sagging skin. For best results, start taking the supplements in your early years and do not wait for the skin to be evidently sagged to start
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What does your body Gain by Consuming Green Superfood Powder Daily?
According to research only one in every ten people get enough veggies in their diet daily. That means the remaining nine people can benefit from using green superfood powder to supplement the shortage. Their powder form makes it easy to add them into foods, smoothies and drinks. If you start consuming superfood powder, your body will thank you in the following ways;
Feeling more energetic
The ingredients used to make superfood powders are often rich in iron. A deficiency in iron is often characterized by fatigue and lethargy. Drinking green powdes made from kale and spinach helps support iron levels which translates to higher and healthier energy levels.
Healthier Immune System
While nutritional levels in green superfood powder vary across brands, the all contain a significant dose of vitamin C, which is the center of the immune system. Most superfood powders also contain broccoli a food rich in the essential nutrient. Turmeric powder is an additional supplement contained in the green powders that goes a long way where immunity is concerned. Check the green powder combination and what it delivered to the body before purchasing.
Improved Exercise Endurance
Most green superfood powders spirulina  - the blue green alga that is loaded with plenty of health benefits. If you exercise frequently or you are taking body building classes, purchase powders rich in spirulinaas they significantly increase your endurance during exercise.
Healthier Skin
Most green powders contain ingredients that are rich in skin enhancing vitamins, such as vitamin A and C.  If you are on a skin care routine to improve the appearance of your skin and maintain its youthfulness applying different products on your face is not enough. Eating a healthy balanced diet and boosting this with superfood powders will.
Various super foods contain different ingredients. The type that you choose mainly depends on what you want to achieve. Check the individual composition of each product and choose what is suitable for your needs.
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Biotin Powder: Foods Rich in Biotin
Biotin is a part of vitamin B that aids the body in converting foods into energy. However, the body cannot store biotin for future use since it is a water-soluble vitamin. As such, you need to regularly consume foods rich in biotin or take biotin powder to maintain adequate levels. That said, here are food categories that are rich in Biotin.
Egg Yolk
Eggs are packed with vitamin B, phosphorus, iron, and protein. The yolk is particularly rich in biotin. One cooked egg will only give your body about 10mcg of biotin. Always ensure to cook the eggs thoroughly on both sides to prevent the risk of salmonella. If eaten raw, the egg white contains avidin protein which inhibits the absorption of biotin.
Lentils, beans, and peas are high in fibre, protein, and various micronutrients. The best sources of biotin in the legumes category are soybeans and peanuts. Unlike biotin powder which is easier to consume, you have to boil legumes first, then incorporate them into baked, stir-fried, or as a base for salads and entrees.
Organ meats are known to contain high levels of biotin. The liver contains the most biotin as the little biotin stored in the body goes to the liver. A beef liver will give you about 31 mcg of biotin, while chicken liver has 138mcg in the same portion. The benefit of combining both biotin powder and foods rich in biotin is that; with the powder, you get faster energy conversion at the gym, while the foods provide extra nutrients to keep the body going.
Biotin is an essential part of your nutrition, particularly if you work out. While you can rarely get deficiencies, it is important to consume biotin powder in your power smoothies and also eat foods rich in biotin. This will ensure that you do not suffer from burnout during your gym sessions.
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The Key Ingredients of Effective Bodybuilding Supplements
When you want to gain muscle mass and strength, lifting weights and eating right are the first steps you should take. However, bodybuilding supplements will also be helpful additions to enhance the impact of workouts. The supplements will maximize your gains alongside resistance training to allow the effective growth and maintenance of muscle mass. Here are the crucial ingredients in the most effective supplements for muscle growth.
These are the building blocks of all body cells. Proteins primarily repair and build muscle cells, making them crucial for muscle growth. Protein in bodybuilding supplements will complement your workout objectives. Ideally, you should consume protein not more than two hours after working out to build your muscle mass. Some protein powders have a lot of calories and sugar so check the label on your supplement to avoid consuming excess calories or increasing your blood sugar levels.
This amino acid occurs naturally in body muscles. The body will convert creatinine into phosphocreatine and then store it in muscles for energy. Creatinine supplements improve athletic performance while increasing muscle mass. Creatinine during resistance training will increase muscle strength and mass while boosting functional performance. It is quite beneficial for athletes who need short bursts of muscle or speed, like weightlifters and sprinters.
The liver produces this amino acid. Beta-alanine improves endurance and boosts your endurance during strength training workouts. It buffers the PH in muscle cells. As muscle PH drops, you get a burning sensation in your muscles. Beta-alanine slows the drop in PH so that the discomfort does not slow you down when training, and you can train for a longer time.
Physical training takes quite a toll on your body. The above ingredients in bodybuilding supplements supply the fuel your body needs to grow strong and endure training. If you are not looking for shortcuts to building muscle mass and strength, supplements are your answer.
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What are the Benefits of BCAA supplements?
Of the 20 amino acids that make for essential proteins in the body, nine are considered essential as the body cannot self-manufacture them. Of the nine, three are categorized under the branched amino acids, popularly referred to as BCAA. They include Valine, isoleucine, and leucine. These are found in foods rich in proteins such as meat, eggs, and dairy products. It also occurs in a popular dietary BCAA supplement available in powder form. Why does your body require this supplement?
Increased Muscle Growth
The amino acid leucine found in the BCAA is responsible for activating a part of the body that initiates muscle protein synthesis. According to a study, consuming at least 6gms of BCAA after a resistance workout increases muscle protein synthesis by 22% compared to a person who takes a regular drink after a resistance workout.
Minimizing Muscle Soreness
If you are on a new exercise routine, you will likely feel muscle soreness a day or two after the workout. This soreness is referred to as Delayed-onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS), and it occurs between 12 and 24 hours post-workout and lasts for 72 hours. According to research, this pain is caused by muscle damage. Consuming a BCAA supplement decreases muscle damage, thus minimizing the severity and length of DOMS.
Minimized Exercise Fatigue
Exercise comes with a lot of exhaustion and fatigue. The magnitude of the fatigue is determined by factors such as environmental conditions, intensity and duration of the exercise, fitness, and nutrition levels. During exercise, the muscles utilize BCAAs, thus reducing the levels in the blood, which triggers an increase in tryptophan amino acid, which is responsible for the formation of serotonin hormone. Serotonin contributes to exercise-related fatigue. Consuming BCAA supplements maintains them at a good level, thus preventing excess fatigue.
BCAAs are essential for anyone who works out. They are also used in hospitals to prevent muscle loss. For a regular healthy person who does not work out, a BCAA supplement is not necessary as there is enough obtained through the diet.
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