allmydreamsidrown · 1 year
“Hey.” Arynn stated in a solid tone as the woman began to fold her arms and complain about the man beside her scoffing at her request - eyeing the man. “Just let it go. I don’t get paid enough to break up an argument and I mean - look at me.” He gestured over himself. He wasn’t exactly a candidate for being any sort of bouncer. He waited for a moment and let out an internal sigh of relief as the man rolled his eyes and simply walked off to another part of the store.
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Turning back to the woman, he put on a smile and sighed some. “Sorry about that. Yeah, we got the order. They’re just finishing them up and getting them boxed up and they’ll be ready to go.” He explained. “You work for Spear?” He questioned curiously.
A little immaturely, Lyra wrinkled her nose at the man as he walked away, finally looking back towards the man behind the counter. “Okay great, thank you!” She smiled, relaxing a lot more. At his question, she tilted her head. “Umm... kind of? Not really? They’ve been taking care of me, and they helped me get away from some pretty dangerous people, so I just help them out where I can. It’s the least I can do.” She explained, sitting down at a table near the counter. “Some people just always want to see the bad in people. What do you think of them, if you don’t mind me asking?”
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allmydreamsidrown · 1 year
The ancient werewolf hadn’t meant to be heard, but it’d been a sincere reaction. Now, turning to face the angry fishgirl to his left, a smirk still tugged at the corners of his lips. The poor thing either had Stockholm Syndrome or was as dumb as a rock as far as Tristan knew. “Right… Wonderful things,” the werewolf repeated with a hint of mockery, shaking his head and taking a sip of his coffee. 
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“I’ll make sure to send a thank you card.” A bitter chuckle escaped his lips, his gaze on hers trying to communicate everything he could say outloud… Not with the Sun out and so many humans around anyways. “There comes your cupcakes, Miss Assistant.”
“Actually, these are for their fundraiser for repairs for those who were affected by the bad weather over the past few months. They can only do so much, and they’re working hard keeping the hospital running, and helping out in other businesses where they can. That’s all they want, to help people. They don’t need your negative attitude.” Lyra pouted at that, folding her arms, taking the box of cupcakes as they were brought out to her. 
As it happened she ended up following him out of the shop by accident, and she stared at him. “I didn’t mean to be rude, sir, I just don’t understand what your problem with them is. I might not be alive if they hadn’t saved me so I know they’re good people.”
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allmydreamsidrown · 1 year
Open starter @risingpeaksreblogs​​
Lyra practically skipped into Geeks & Freaks once she got out of the car, waving to the driver, and nodding as he told her to be back in an hour. She had an appointment with the marine biologists that afternoon, one that would probably lead to her getting some time in the ocean, so she was at least looking forward to that. Still, for the time being she was tasked with collecting supplies for a Spear-led fundraiser later in the week, looking to raise money for the damages the town had faced.
“Hello!” She smiled brightly as she reached the counter. “I’m here to collect the cupcakes that were ordered by Spear Inc? They said they’ve paid ahead, and that someone said they’re ready?” She heard someone scoff to the side of her and she frowned, folding her arms over her chest. “Hey, if you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all, okay? They’re doing a lot of good for this town, you should be thanking them.”
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allmydreamsidrown · 1 year
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whatever you think you know about LYRA MONTGOMERY, the 22 year old, PANSEXUAL, NEW COMER, it is likely time for you to start reconsidering. the rumored MERMAID is often described as POSITIVE + GIVING, but don’t let them fool you; they can also be TOO TRUSTING + NAIVE, which often has them regarded as the INNOCENT. they are UNEMPLOYED, but it’s also said they are a LONE MERFOLK. whatever you hear, you can’t deny there’s more to them that meets the eye, and it’s time we start uncovering the truth.
Lyra is kind-hearted and empathetic, always willing to help those in need. She has a strong sense of duty to her underwater community and will do anything to protect them. Lyra is also curious and adventurous, always eager to explore new places and meet new people. However, she can be naive at times and too trusting of humans.
Lyra was born and raised in a large pod of the coast of Ireland, the daughter of the Alpha and his mate. She knew that one day she would be responsible for the pod after her parents passed, but aside from her loyalty to the pod, she had a fascination with the world above the water and would often sneak away and people watch the shore, never leaving the water.
When she was 19, however, she was caught in a fisherman's net and brought aboard their boat. The humans were stunned to see a real mermaid, but their shock soon turned to greed, and they were eager to profit from their discovery. Promising to take care of her and show her the world, they invited her to stay with them, and naive to their intentions, she agreed, sure that they’d let her go home and come back whenever she wanted. She soon realised that wasn’t the case when she was placed in a small tank on their boat, kept to attract more customers to their fishing tours, parading her around as part of a ‘deluxe’ package. Lyra was miserable and desperate to go back to the sea, but they had taken her far from her home and she didn't know how to escape.
She was kept by them for two years, until one day, a group of Spear employees came on the fishing tour, curious about the rumours they had heard of a mermaid. Upon finding the state that she was kept in, they feigned shock and disgust, offering to buy Lyra from the fishermen. Once a large sum of money was exchanged, the fishermen handed her over without another word, never looking back.
Lyra was taken back to Creation Peaks with the men and given a new tank, but this one was much larger and had more amenities, as well as offering to take her to open water whenever she wanted to stretch her tail out further, whilst keeping an eye out for anyone that could hurt her. In exchange, they also hired a team of marine biologists to study her and learn more about her species. Lyra was still wary of humans and didn't trust them, but over time, she started to see that not all humans were cruel. 
However, it being Spear, that isn’t completely true. She doesn’t know that the tests they are running on her are to study her species, or that the blood they are taking to make sure she’s ‘healthy’ is being used to bait the water, and draw more of her kind in. They hope that in time, she’ll remember where her pod live, so they can take it down.
Believing that Spear are only interested in ridding the world of creatures who will harm people, Lyra believes in their cause, and will openly tell people that she supports them. Seeing how they they treated her with respect and kindness, she sees their mission as a way to protect not just humans, but all creatures in the world.
She still has a soft Irish accent. She doesn’t know where she’s from, but just knows that it must be somewhere far from where she is, because she doesn’t have the same accent as others.
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allmydreamsidrown · 1 year
Blog Repurposed
Please disregard everything below <3
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allmydreamsidrown · 4 years
“This is the first time I’ve ever seen you. I’m not going to lie and say that I trust you. But I will listen because you seem… unnerved.” Honestly she didn’t expect the words that came out of the girl’s mouth. She had never heard of anyone wanting to suppress their scent before and now what she felt was worry. She wasn’t going to say no. 
“I don’t know how you found me. But I will try to help you. If you can give me two days I can give you something to help. Can you wait until then?”
Brooke nodded, relaxing as the other reassured her that she could try and help. “Yeah, I have enough to last me a week. I just need it after that. Especially with the full moon coming up, I need to know I’m prepared.” She smiled awkwardly. “I don’t mean to sound suspicious. I spoke to my contact outside of town, they said they heard about this place opening up, thought that someone here might be able to help me. I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable.” She frowned.
“I’m Brooke, by the way. I probably should’ve started with that.”
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allmydreamsidrown · 4 years
“Are… are you going to abandon me, Brooke?!” Scott pouted dramatically before breaking into laughter. “That’d be cool though. Hook me up with an octopus,” he pleaded after a thoughtful moment. “I like going and sitting in a a corner of the tunnel that goes through the tanks?” his hands tried to explain along with his words. “I mean, it’s nice to do and it helps you think.”
When Brooke questioned his dream, Scott snickered to himself. “I want to become the world mixed martial arts champion!” he revealed.
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“Please, if I hooked you up with an octopus, you’d probably just try and arm wrestle it. Eight times over.” She laughed, smiling to herself at the image of that. “But if that happens, I’ll definitely make sure to be there to cheer you on. You won’t stand a chance. They can be pretty badass.” 
She stared at him as he told her what he wanted, and rolled her eyes, shaking her head. “Alright, tough guy, good luck with that.” She joked. “I’m serious though. About this place. Deaton aside, you’re the heart and soul of it.”
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allmydreamsidrown · 4 years
Bonnie’s planned opening day was getting closer and the shop was coming along just fine. She was about to head home for the night when she heard someone knocking on the door. Confused as to why anyone was trying to come in. She went to open the door and spotted the girl on the other side. She studied the girl for a little bit before stepping to the side and letting her in. “Come in.” 
She couldn’t tell if the girl was nervous or scared but Bonnie was a bit curious and what caused the girl to seek her out. “What is that you need? Bonnie asked as she closed the door.
She pulled her hoodie down from over her head once they were inside and the door was closed, her worries slipping away a little now that they were somewhat private. It still felt tough, speaking to a stranger about this, but it felt necessary for her safety, long-term.
“I need you to promise me what I say here stays between me and you, and that you... trust me. What I need, it isn’t.... it isn’t because I want to do it, it’s because I have to. I can’t really explain, but...” She trailed off, realising she was rambling.
“I need to know if you can make me something to suppress my scent. Make it human, at least.” She said, pushing her hair behind her ear. “There was a witch outside of town that used to supply me but... obviously, she doesn’t want to bring it in and get stuck. So you’re kind of my last hope.”
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allmydreamsidrown · 4 years
🤝 ⏱️
🤝  - do you need to be stronger? or can you rely on others to fill in the gaps?
I can’t rely on anyone. I don’t trust anyone, it was hard enough to reach out when I needed to block my scent, and now the person who used to supply it can’t cross the town line, the idea of anyone in town knowing about me terrifies me. I don’t wanna put more stress on my mom, she’s already done so much for me. I am strong, because I have to be. No one really knows the true me here. It’s better that way.
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⏱️  - if you could travel back in time, where would you go? why?
To my prom night. I.... did something awful back then. It was an accident, I didn’t mean for her to get hurt, but... I couldn’t stop myself. I tried running away from that night for years, but it never leaves me. 
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allmydreamsidrown · 4 years
💕 & 😈
💕  - what’s something you’re missing from your personal life?
Probably a pet? When we get stray dogs come in, I’d love to be able to adopt one, but I’m worried since I live on the lake about them getting out and having trouble in the water! Maybe I can get a goldfish or something
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😈  - how far would you go to get what you want?
I don’t know... Not very far, probably? What I want is to get back to the world outside of Beacon Hills, and despite that... I’ve not really made any effort to? I guess I’m just naively hoping that one day things will go back to normal.
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allmydreamsidrown · 4 years
Closed starter for @mcgalomaniacs​ (Daisy)
As Deaton had given Brooke the day off, she’d spent her afternoon at the aquarium, just relaxing. Being trapped in Beacon Hills, it was the closest she could get to the outside world. Taking care of sick pets was worthwhile... but it was a million miles from what she wanted to be doing. After a while, she headed to the front desk, asking a few questions about what volunteering opportunities there were, before she spotted someone looking around by themselves. Heading over, she smiled a little at them. “Hey... Are you looking for somewhere?”
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allmydreamsidrown · 4 years
Send an emoji for an honest answer about how my muse(s) feel…
💔  - talk about something that’s been bothering you
🤗  - do you feel fulfilled or unfulfilled right now? why? 
🏙️  - do you feel like you have to be involved in saving the town?
🖤  - what happens if you can’t save everyone? 
⚡  - do you have any supernatural abilities? If you do, list what you can do / if you don’t, what makes you helpful/unique?
💪  - do you think you’re the strongest you can be?
🤝  - do you need to be stronger? or can you rely on others to fill in the gaps?
🏹  - what can you do to enhance your skills?
💕  - what’s something you’re missing from your personal life?
❤️  - think of a significant person in your life… who are they to you? why are they important?
📺  - is there someone from your past that you miss?
🌳  - what’s something around town that makes you feel calm?
😊  - name three things that make you happy
✈️  - if you could be anywhere else right now, where would you be? why?
⏱️  - if you could travel back in time, where would you go? why?
💚  - what is the one thing you want more than anything?
😈  - how far would you go to get what you want?
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allmydreamsidrown · 4 years
Closed Starter for @resurrectedbennett​
Brooke rubbed her face, trying not to freak out. Even though she was completely freaking out, as the supply of scent suppressants she had gotten before coming back home was running thin, and the witch that had supplied them didn’t want to risk trying to get them across the town border. And while she kept her nose out of everything going on in Beacon Hills, she wasn’t stupid - she knew there were other species around. And she had to lay low. They couldn’t know. No one could.
Her contact had told her about a store opening in town though, and as Brooke approached it, she frowned, seeing that it was closed. Knocking all the same, she held herself as a woman answered the door, and she swallowed hard.
“I know you’re closed but... I need to speak to you about a private matter that... I hope you can help with.”
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allmydreamsidrown · 4 years
At the mention of Marine Biology, Scott’s face lit up. That was amazing! “That’s awesome,” he admitted, dedicating her a bright smile, she was someone worth admiring. He really hoped for her. That she would reach her goals, realize her dreams and went beyond. At her jest, Scott laughed. “What about a shark?” he tried. “Have you been to the aquarium yet?” he questioned. 
When his own goals were in question, Scott felt a little ashamed. He remembered a time when his answer would’ve come without hesitation, but now? Now it came with guilt. “I’m good where I’m at,” he answered, bright smile unwavering. He dismissively shrugged off her compliments. “Meh, I enjoy it,” he tried to diverge. “But there’s something else I want to do…” He said with a secretive smirk. “Another dream…”
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“I haven’t been by yet, no. But I was thinking about seeing if they need any help... not to stop working here! Just some additional work experience.” She explained, not wanting him to think she was leaving him to deal with everything by himself - she wouldn’t do that to someone.
“So long as you’re happy, that’s all that matters, right?” She nodded, encouragingly. She knew Scott could go all the way, but she wasn’t about to force him to do something he wasn’t comfortable to do. Hearing he had another dream though, she frowned, tilting her head. “Oh? What is it?”
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allmydreamsidrown · 4 years
Scott scrunged up his nose at Brooke. He understood, however. Scott had come to terms that his way of thinking was one only the minority of his fellow living beings had. He was at peace with that. The most Scott could do was reach to those around him and show his ways… and perhaps, their souls would want to follow suit—or, at the very least, they would reach to those around them and apply what they had caught on from him… forming a chain reaction. “What was it that you got in for?” He asked with a friendly smile, eager to listen to her. Brooke had a mesmerizing voice, one that made Scott wonder if she sang. “If it helps though, we are all happy you are here,” he offered with a bright smile.
“Stop worrying, it’s all good,” the werewolf promised with a chuckle, standing after Brooke to let in Derek’s cat who had been crying by the back door. “Meh, he said if there were any emergencies you couldn’t handle, we can call him in,” Scott informed absently, feeding the cat that had just joined them.
Brooke smiled faintly, closing the cabinet once she’d stock checked - there were a few things she needed to order in, but it could be done later. “Marine biology.” She admitted, shrugging a shoulder. “There’s a lot of pollution in our waters, a lot of animals getting sick because of it. I wanted to be able to do something to stop it. But being a local vet is a good starting point, I figure. If anyone brings in a coughing goldfish? I’m your girl.” She teased, leaning against the examination table and watching the cat. She still needed to talk Derek into just taking them home.
“What about you? Are you happy where you are, or are you gonna train to fully qualify?” She asked. “You could probably do it easily, you know. You’re great with the animals, and you pick things up quickly.”
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allmydreamsidrown · 4 years
He walked up to the ice rink, wondering if it was even a good idea to ask for a job. Would the owner remember him? He had reunited with his family, that had gone easily enough seeing as the circumstances were, uh, weird. But what if this was different? What if his former boss wouldn’t want him back? Or what if it would be too much for his mind to handle. Taking a step forward, he found himself taking two steps back. “I can’t,” he sighed before turning around - almost colliding with someone. “I am so sorry,” he said with a breath, “are you… are you okay?”
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“It’s alright.” Brooke shrugged a shoulder, smiling shyly. She’d just finished work, and was taking a walk before she headed back to her car. She’d noticed the other pacing back and forth, long before he’d collided into her. “Are you okay? You’re looking kinda lost.”
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allmydreamsidrown · 4 years
“Meh, you’re good,” Scott shrugged dismissively. “I mess with you a lot, but know I don’t actually mean it.” The werewolf stood to check on Geico the Gecko who had been in observation after having accidentally been exposed to extreme cold temperatures. “I love it here. It isn’t so much work, but more like… a sanctuary.” He smiled softly at his own words, watching the Gecko drink water and looking much more livelier than a few days prior. 
Turning to focus on Brooke’s offer, Scott smiled happily. “It’s fine,” he promised, waving his hand dismissively. “We aren’t supposed to meet till later on.” He chuckled when she mentioned having thought of stopping by the coffee shop. “Hey, it’s only you and I here, and I got your back. So long as I know you’re safe, take your time.” He nudged her playfully. “Coffee is always nice bribery too.”
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“Mmm... It’s a good place to get away from everything happening outside and just... focus on those more innocent than us, hmm?” Brooke mused, looking up at him. “Honestly, I didn’t get into this to work with cats and dogs and lizards, but I’m enjoying myself. And while I can’t get on the job training where I want to right now? I’m pretty happy to stick around here.” She smiled brightly, trying to focus on the positives.
“Seriously, I don’t mind, I flake out on you way too much.” She chuckled, stepping away from the cages to take a stock check of the medicine cabinets. “Did Deaton say when he was gonna be back around? Or is it another long trip?”
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