alloutorgetoutotf · 2 years
Going into the studio to get in that orange zone is an unexplainable feeling that everyone can agree on, but there are some days that you will not want to sweat and communicate with your Orangetheory fitness family. Which is totally okay!! Whether you are feeling antisocial, not feeling confident in your skin that day, or feeling a little sick and taking account the other members health… Orangetheory has a solution for you! When you join the Orangetheory Fitness family at your local home studio you are provided with an app that you can book your future classes, see your statistic history to keep you aware of your fitness progression, shopping for Orangetheory Fitness merchandise, and the lovely “At Home” option to give you a variety of workouts that you can utilize from anywhere that you have Wi-Fi or Cellular data! The OTBeat band that is offered for purchase either right when you sign for your membership or can purchase when financially ready to do so throughout your membership not only works in the studio, but you can use it anywhere! The OTBeat band tracks your heart rate to give you your workout statistics of total calories burned, total splat points earned, total steps, miles ran, max heart rate, and average heart rate throughout your workout. You can use it in any studio around the nation, at the gym, or the comfort of your own home!
When you have the day that you do not feel like going into the studio or you have run out of classes that month… lets workout at home! The “At Home” feature on the Orangetheory app offers a weekly mix that is very similar to what a workout would be at the studio with your coach. The workouts can last from anywhere from 15-25 minutes and you can pick upon a total body HIIT, lower body strength, core strength, upper body strength, and active recovery. One you start your workout it will then proceed to locate your OTBeat heart monitor so that it can track how you are doing during your workout! Some workouts do require dumbbells that more workout gurus have at home, or they can be easily purchased at a local Walmart, Target, or online through a variety of retailers! Always do what is most convenient and beneficial for you and your day. If you get tired of the weekly mix, they also have listed below that “other guided workouts” which include, total body HIIT, core strength, upper body strength, lower body strength, and active recovery of course.
Now that we know what is available to a member on the app, let’s get into what they entail. Total body HIIT has options that incorporate different equipment focuses like bodyweight only, dumbbells, and mini bands. In most cases for a workout at home you will be dealing with only body weight and that workout will be a mix of jump ropes, burpees, tuck jumps, and high knees that will surely get your heart rate up, hence the HIIT (high intensity interval training) workout. All of the upper body strength workouts require the use of dumbbells for some of the exercises that include plank walkout to a push up, dumbbell alternate raises, dumbbell sumo squats, hip hinge reverse fly, and alternate dumbbell shoulder press. Do not let the funky names of these exercises make you nervous, because they have demonstrations in the videos that are linked to the workouts. The last guided workout that we will get into is core strength that is most important when it comes to physical activity since it is the foundation from where we extend our muscles. Grab a mat for this one because majority of the exercises will be performed on the floor like wide stance hip bridge, straight leg to hip raise, normal sit ups, v ups, seated oblique knee tucks, and planks to give the final shaking moments of your core workout! Do not let yourself skip a workout because you have no excuse now!!
#OTF #AtHome #ALLOUTORGETOUT #NoExcuses #Health #Fitness #OTBeat #HIIT
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alloutorgetoutotf · 2 years
Love it? OWN it.
Being physically active gives a human so much more than just a banging body but gives that person a high that not many can explain. The feeling of the adrenaline rushing through your body every rep in each exercise to an increased heartrate that challenges you to go for that extra mile. When someone has that much passion and love for the gym and what it does for themselves, why not help others do the same? Be the reason why someone feels that high in the gym when they hit their PR or lose that stubborn weight that they have been yearning to lose for 10 years now. Do something about it and own it.
Orangetheory offers a franchise opportunity that can make you that person who helps change people’s lives in your very own community for friends and family. The Orangetheory corporate team helps you every step of the way when building on to their successful brand. The biggest factor when it comes to being an entrepreneur is evaluating the startup costs and how much it will cost you until the business is fully up and running. Nothing is cheap, especially with inflation rates at a history breaking all time high, but Orangetheory has made up a detailed plan to where a franchise owner should have little to no surprises while building the studio. Now let’s kill the mood and talk numbers. On the lower end of startup costs to start up an Orangetheory franchise can be around $500,000 and could go upwards of 1 million dollars with a lot of variables to think about. Every location goes for a different price tag, for example, a space for rent in Buckhead, Georgia would be substantially more than a space for rent in Canton, Georgia. The franchise cost goes towards leasehold improvements, rent, and the workout equipment necessary for the studio depending on the size of the space. It is a no brainer that bigger the space will require more money for extra equipment and amenities that members can access. A must that Orangetheory corporate requires per studio owner is that they have a net worth of over $500,000 and attain $150,000 in liquid assets to qualify for the opportunity to franchise the Orangetheory brand. That’s for startup costs, now let’s mention the ongoing expenses to own an Orangetheory franchise. Franchisees are required to pay an 8% royalty and a 1% brand fund contribution of gross revenue. On top of that there is a monthly advertising fee that is about $4,000, $250 yearly refresher course per employee, and a $1000 ticket per person the owner is willing to send to the annual conference is Las Vegas, Nevada.
After spending a ton of money to build the beautiful studio that you worked so hard for… how do you make a profit? Franchisees of Orangetheory studios make their money through the sales of different memberships that they have to offer. For example, the studio closest to me in Marietta, Georgia goes for $79 basic membership that offers 4 classes a month, $129 elite membership that offers 8 classes a month, and $199 unlimited membership that lets members take as many classes as they want a month. If a member that holds a basic membership wants to take an additional class, they can pay $27 on top of their membership, which is a great opportunity for the sales associates to make a pitch to their members to upgrade to the next package to save them money if it is a recurring act! The question of how much a studio owner makes in profit a year is hard to say given every studio has many moving pieces that are different from another, but I will say I haven’t seen a studio go out of business!
Be the change and OWN!!
#OTF #OrangetheoryFitness #ALLOUTORGETOUT #ownit #franchise #bethechange #health
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alloutorgetoutotf · 2 years
Sweat For A Purpose
Orangetheory does more than just make you sweat and burn a bunch of calories! Depending on the month they help raise money and awareness for different causes that gives members a chance to make a difference in the community. There are a few of many associations that I’d like to highlight that Orangetheory puts a special focus on which are the Make-A-Wish Foundation, American Heart Association, and Pride and HRC. All proceeds collected from that class, which is typically a 90 minute class, goes to that foundation in the Orangetheory name! Studios typically have full classes when they put the word out that it is time to sweat for a purpose!
The Make-A-Wish foundation helps give sick children the chance to do something they have been yearning to do their entire life. A lot of those wishes take them to Disney World or meeting their favorite celebrities and/or role models! There were 13 participating Orangetheory studios in the Houston, Texas are who raised a total of $53,498 over a 12-day fundraiser filled of special classes for their members who have been so generous with their donations. They were able to fulfill six wishes to some of the local children!
American Heart Association is an association that Orangetheory truly holds near and dear to their heart. The American Heart Association is one of the world’s largest voluntary health organizations that devotes their time and resources to preventing, treating, and defeating cardiovascular diseases and strokes. Heart health is the main focus of Orangetheory, and they promote it through the HIIT workouts that are coached in everyday class. The 90 minute donation class is held in the month of February, which is heart awareness month. During that donation class the workouts are tailored more towards endurance, because endurance exercises are the most beneficial towards heart health. Orangetheory Fitness studios across the nation has raised more than $2.5 million for the American Heart Association and the members show no sense of slowing down anytime soon!
Another association that needs an even bigger spotlight is the awareness and appreciation of Pride and HRC, which stands for Human Rights Campaign. There is not a better time than now to bring the community together to support one another despite their personal opinions and get a better understanding on the wide variety of topics that many individuals fear to bring up. HRC partners with Pride every June to represent the LGBT community to spread love, equality, and education of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people to as many people as they can! Orangetheory is all about spreading positivity and equality outside their doors and inside their doors. This class definitely comes to a close second alongside the American Heart Association donation class, because Orangetheory is truly a big family or crazy workout fanatics! Members come decked out in Pride gear of the colors of the rainbow and make it an intense class with tons of spunky energy. Yes, there are donations to this great cause, but the best thing about this month is seeing all the members come together as one and support one another as people and workout partners to stay healthy!
All of the donation classes that Orangetheory holds is more than just donating a large amount of money to the association of the month. It brings educational awareness and physical wellness hand and hand that makes up a well-rounded individual in my opinion. Orangetheory studios across the nation do a great job of not just helping members become their best physically, but also mentally and bringing the community together for a great purpose. Sweating for a purpose couldn’t be any easier with OT!
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alloutorgetoutotf · 2 years
Signatures and Benchmarks
If you thought that Orangetheory would ever get boring… think again! The creators of the workout templates love to throw a few curve balls in everyone’s workout routines by adding brutal signature workouts and motivating benchmarks. Signature workouts have a theme about them, rather it is a partner workout, focusing on strength and stability, etc. Benchmarks are pretty self-explanatory meaning your home studio is tracking your progress on the treadmill and/or the rower, so it is really a give it your all kind of day!
Time to dig into some of theme stellar signature workouts that we all have a love/hate relationship with. One signature workout in particular that many coaches will not give the members a heads up about is called “The Chipper.” The Chipper is based on high endurance to improve your cardiovascular health! You can think about it as chipping away the number of reps per exercise. For example, when doing sit ups on the floor section of the class it will start at 80 reps and decrease by 10 until you get to 0! As for the rower you will decrease the number of meters from your highest stride, and decrease the distance ran on the treadmill from your longest distance in a certain amount of time! Another signature workout that members tend to gravitate more to is the strength and stability class. This class gives the members the chance to really focus on their form and increase in weight when lifting once comfortable. Some of the exercises include: running base tempo in one-minute increments increasing your incline until called, overhead and front press with a medicine ball all while balancing on one foot on each side, single leg deadlifts, and holding planks until you cannot hold no more. Members tend to earn the most splat points these days, because it is when their mind is linked to their physical activity level making them push themselves to their fullest ability!
Benchmarks is what holds the members accountable in each class that they attend. Once a benchmark is held it is up to that member to work harder to get that extra 200 meters on the rower or less time on their mile benchmark. Not only does one do it for themselves, but the studio that they perform at holds benchmark competitions! There are leaderboards posted the following day at every location giving a shoutout to all members who beat their prior achievement and setting records. To make things fair Orangetheory studios divide it by age groups, genders, and an overall leaderboard. The benchmarks that are held once a month include the 1 mile treadmill benchmark, 500 meter row benchmark, and the 2000 meter row benchmark. Some find the benchmarks to be scary and intimidating, but most describe it as invigorating and brings out the competitive side of them. It helps bringing people into a fun and healthy competitive environment because it is used as an outlet from everyday life!
#OrangeTheory #ALLOUT #Signature #Benchmark
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alloutorgetoutotf · 2 years
Hello OrangeTheory Babes <3
OrangeTheory is the ultimate workout for anyone who is interested in a mix of cardio, strength training, and pushing yourself to the limit physically and mentally! Every workout is based off HIIT workouts, meaning high intensity interval training. The workout is based off three different intensities: base, push, and all out. Base is a comfortable pace where you feel your heart race increasing around the 71-83% heart rate range. A coach would advise anyone in their class to start to warm up their bodies on the station they are at in the room by doing non-intense exercises. Push is when you start to get uncomfortable in your workout by pushing yourself closer to the 84-91% heart rate range. The coach will start to motivate you to push yourself into the “orange zone,” which is the best place for your heart rate to hover around putting you in the “afterburn” effect. If done right your body should be in a metabolic state for up to 24 hours burning about 500-1000 calories after your workout. Finally, the all-out intensity level is pushing yourself to a 84-100% heart rate, which is close to death in my opinion, that is your give it your all time. Your coach will then stand at the end of your treadmill and scream to not give up and remember what you are doing this for. It is extremely difficult to be in that all-out zone, but once you finish it is the most rewarding feeling!
The class is set up in three different stations depending on how big the class is. There are high quality treadmills, rowers, and weight stations. The treadmills are made for ultimate comfort when running offering a floor that gives a tad relieving your shins of shin splints that is every runner’s nightmare. This is the most difficult part of the class in my opinion, because it pushes you physically and mentally. You truly do not know what you have in you until you are being coached to do uncomfortable speeds and lengths that you had no idea you were capable at. The rowers are meant to use full power in your leg drive and less in your upper body. They always tell you to use 80% leg drive and 20% arms and back, so you do not injure yourself! You don’t think you can row 2000 meters in 10 minutes? You would surprise yourself, no doubt! Lastly is the weight floor. Each station has a bench, weights ranging from 5lbs to 25lbs, resistance bands, balls, and larger weights in the corner if you feel like going the extra step. There will be exercises displayed on the screens around the room demonstrating the moves plus how many reps you should do. On top of that your coach will demonstrate in person how to do the proper form and talk through the exercises and reps. They will walk around the class to make sure that everyone is doing everything correctly so that no one hurts themselves in the class.
Everything about OrangeTheory is challenging, yet so motivating and addicting! You meet great people with the same will power and drive to creating a healthier version of themselves every week, plus a huge support system in your membership. To give you a little incentive they hold challenges every month with prizes to be won and hard earned by all the members in the nation. Who doesn’t love a good competition with your fellow classmates? The membership is a little pricey and some budgeting would have to take place, but if you like everything you have heard then get yourself into the most rewarding experience you will face!! #OrangeTheory #ALLOUT
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