How to make the world’s best and quickest chocolate shake?
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Happy summer to all those who are viewing. Do you want to drink the chocolate milk shake that you drank in that restaurant? Then just follow the following steps:
1. Milk
2. Coffee
3. Castor Sugar
4. Chocolate syrup
Non-edible materials:
1. Steel Glass
2. Transparent Glass
3. Spoon
4. Straw (preferably steel)
Step 1: Take the steel glass and fill it with milk.
Step 2: Add 1 sachet of coffee to the milk.
Step 3: Add 2 tsp of castor sugar.
Step 4: Add a little bit of chocolate syrup.
Step 5: Stir well.
Step 6: Take the transparent glass and garnish it’s inner side with chocolate syrup.
Step 7: Transfer the milk from the steel glass to the transparent glass and stir.
Step 8: Add 2 ice cubes and the straw to the cup and enjoy your summertime.
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The detailed article on the research of Mars
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Hello everybody you must be reading this article either because you are interested in astronomy or you have to prepare a project on mars. Either way you want to know more about this red planet which is mainly composed of silicon, oxygen, iron, and magnesium. So, let us begin…
Today we know a lot about the composition of mars thanks to the five rovers which are, and will for many million years, be studying the surface of this red ball. But how did it all start? Let us find out.
It all started when NASA successfully sent Mariner 9 into the orbit of Mars. It was a huge success and contributed greatly to the exploration of mars. This historic day was 14th November 1971. But on 21 August 1975 NASA successfully landed Viking 1 spacecraft on the surface of Mars. Sadly, it was not a rover, only a lander.
Many space crafts from different countries have sent orbiters and rovers to mars. India was the first country in Asia to send a spacecraft and gain success in making it orbit Mars. That historic spacecraft was Mangalyaan which also made India the first country in the world to send an orbiter successfully into the Martian orbit in the first attempt. Many such orbiters, landers and rovers came and went.
But (my favorite) the rover Curiosity by NASA landed on the Martian surface on 6 August 2012.
From these many years of research on mars we conclude that:
1. Mars once supported life. (due to the discovery of organic carbon)
2. Mars once had water. (due to the discovery of the land lowered due to flowing rivers)
3. Mars has mountains.
4. Mars is composed of silicon, oxygen, iron, nickel, and magnesium.
5. Mars has a solid core made of iron and nickel.
6. Mars has an atmosphere with 95% carbon dioxide 3% nitrogen 1.6% argon. The Martian atmosphere has traces of oxygen, carbon monoxide, water, methane, krypton, ozone, xenon, acetylene, neon, nitrogen oxide etc.
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