allthegrapes · 1 year
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[Start ID: 5 pages of HLVRAI doodles exploring the idea of Benrey using tone indicators. The last 3 are a comic narrative.
Benrey waggles his fingers and says "hey [affectionate]," out loud at Gordon who, due to various past encounters with Benrey's bullshit, very gruffly responds, "No." Later, a very sad Benrey airs his grievances to Tommy, saying, "yo, i did what you told me to…what the hell, man…!" He wonders if the reason why his words had been taken wrongly was because he used square brackets instead of round ones. Tommy looks a bit sorry that his advice hadn't worked.
Benrey tells Bubby, "nice, uhh, nice shooting /srs," to which a beaming Bubby replies, "Why, thank you /gen." In a separate scenario, Benrey whines to Tommy, "why do you get all the cool emoticons? 's not fair…". Tommy simply smiles and say, "One d- one day, you'll reach my level :)". Through unexplained forces, Tommy is able to speak in emoticons.
Benrey decides to compliment Gordon, saying, "yo, way to go, man /g," adding the little /genuine at the end to indicate the lack of sarcasm in it. Gordon, however, does not pick up on this sentiment, but still takes a breath to cool down before he speaks, "Look, man. I'm just doing the best I can here. You know what I'd appreciate? Just some g-ddamn recognition for once without you commenting on every-" But before he can finish that thought, a confused Benrey interrupts, "uhh…yeah? 's what i was doing? what, Gordon Meanman don't know when he's getting uh-pree-shee-ated?"
Still a little suspicious, Gordon goes, "Wait, you were being serious about that?" which has Benrey rolling his eyes. "yeah, duh? added '/g' behind it and everything. no '/j'." Again, Gordon asks, "So you're not messin' with me when you use those…?" Benrey's got his arms crossed now when he responds, "no? why would i do that? you don't listen to me otherwise /lu." And that leaves Gordon surprised. And slightly embarrased. "O-oh…uh- ok. That- sorry…genuinely."
Benrey says, "/gen?" and Gordon, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly, confirms, "Y-yeah, /gen."
End ID.]
First few doodles of this tone indicator/emoticon saga.
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allthegrapes · 2 years
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um when.when the ai is. . yeah
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allthegrapes · 2 years
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i do not want to finish this
woe, vaporwave benrey be upon ye
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allthegrapes · 2 years
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allthegrapes · 2 years
been gone 4 a minute
will post more AI dudes sometime... just gotta wait till my brain switches interests like it does every 2-4 weeks
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allthegrapes · 2 years
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wowowow my last post actually went through! was having trouble with tags, here’s untitled magic (alchemy? wizardry? who knows yet) AU boomer
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allthegrapes · 2 years
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first post to start the blog! hoorah
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allthegrapes · 2 years
aw YEAH first post
I have no excuses here, I haven’t used tumblr in eons but nows the time to come back specifically with a HLVRAI dedicated fanart blog
that’s it! blog will look better later once I bother to change it
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