so apparently sleeping doesn’t make your problems go away. I woke up and everything still sucked. shocked and upset
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i gotta suspicion everyone got a secret hoard of something they keep hidden from their friends let if its shoes and makeup or like teacups that shits fine and all but once i went to my buddy mikes house and like,, well i knew him for years since like fucking 2006, we talk non stop,used to be my bff of the year and what not, ya whatever, i hop to get something from his basement once and i turn on the light and its littered with not a handful, but at least 20 hand made dollhouses with little trees and paint jobs and everything made from wood he harvested from his fathers construction company, all he missing is furniture and little people like FUCK that fucked me up so bad, but thats not the point of my story here see, it didnt fuck w me as much as after i visited my not so much anymore freinds house in 10th grade and she had a collection of her friends hair and she asked me for a snippet becasue she never had blue before and i went home and blocked her number anyway she jsut messaged me on instagram 30 min ago and i had to like sit in my kitchen in the dark for a while jsut thinking about how scary it is to know people but not know them at all
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I'm from California and I've just always called it "Bum-fuck Egypt."
in Serbian, we don’t say ‘middle of nowhere’ - we use ‘vukojebina/вукојебина’ which literally would translate to ‘where wolves fuck’ and i’m so proud of my countries language
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Energetic Black Box
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So this is loosely based on the idea of Pandora’s box, in Greek mythology this is a box that was given to  the first woman created by the gods. It contained all the evils of the world and she was tempted to peek inside and opened it letting all the evils loose but leaving hope inside. My black box is used in my energy and Reiki workings, I use it to contain negative energy, parasites, etc. Essentially this is the opposite of Pandora’s box, you shove the bad inside and it cannot get out unless you want it to and it also transmutes negative energy into positive or neutral energy. 
What you need:
A quiet place and focus
Sigils that mean:
“You shall not pass” and 
“ energy transmutation/dispel negative energy” (I used the Reiki symbol I was taught for this one, you can use whatever you want) 
This is made purely of energy (and if you can astral travel you should be able to see it physically in astral as that’s where it exists). After you ground and center yourself concentrate on visualizing your black box (it doesn’t have to be black, do what works for you). See all of it’s sides, it is a box so it has four sides, a top and a bottom; feel them as you build them up energetically. Once you have your box solidified and it does not dissipate when you take your concentration off of it, you are going to set the sides and the sigils into each side, the bottom, and the top. 
The way I did this was by creating energy sigils. Energy sigils are sigils that are created energetically and are connected by energy cords to outside power sources. That way the box does not drain your energy and it should not be easy or probable for anything to break out of it. 
I started with the sides, I gathered energy cords from the Source through my Reiki channel, from the Sun, from the Moon, from the River that is a few miles from my house, from the Mountains I grew up in, from the Ocean, from the Trees in my area; I asked my spirit companion to support me while I did this. Gather strong cords of energy, then you are going to weave them around the corners of the box, I started with the top left corner of this side of the box. Wove the energy cords together towards the upper right corner, then down the right side, then from the bottom right corner to the bottom left corner, up the left side and connected the whole side together. I checked the whole circuit then spun the box around and did the same to the next side, again checking the circuit of that side then the connection of the 2 sides together before moving on to the 3rd and then 4th side. Repeating the steps above for each side. 
After you have the sides connected and the energy woven together you might feel a buzzing vibration, that is the energy circuit and it will settle once you finish the whole thing (I would not split this into parts if you can help it, I don’t know what would happen. It might implode or just fade away. Just try to complete this in one sitting. If you don’t I’d be interested in hearing from you about what happened). 
Next step is the bottom, you do the same as with each side, but as you go along the bottom you will be connecting with each of the bottom corners of each side. So the weaving is more like Nalbinding (which I know not many of you will know but that is the best description I can think of because it’s not like knitting and only sort of like crocheting) you are creating an edge for the bottom as you connect it to the existing edge of the bottom of each side. 
The top of the box I left for last, but if you feel the need to do it now, do so, but the top of the box is a lid so make sure to hinge it on one side so you can open it. 
Once you have the sides and the bottom of the box stable you are going to create your energy sigils with the cords of energy you have gathered (if you need to stop to gather more energy at any time do so, so it does not start draining your energy). You will weave your, “You shall not pass”, sigil out of the energy cords then embed it into the 1st side of the box. Make 4 more and embed them in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th side, and the bottom of the box. 
At this point it should feel like the energy is focused and shouldn’t be buzzing too much as the sigils  focus the energy and intent of the working. 
Next step is the top and this one is a little different. You will take the energy cords and weave a filter/net, the intent behind this is you can push things through but they cannot come through until their energy has been neutralized or transmuted to a more positive and not harmful one. Once you have the net woven to the size of the top of your box you will again weave this onto each side, similar to how you wove the bottom together. After the net is in place you will make an energy sigil, “dispel negative energy/ energy transmutation”, with your energy cords (remember to gather more if needed). Set the sigil into the net. 
Lastly is the lid/top of the box. I visualized it open, as I had just made the filter, I started with the hinged edge fixing it to that side of the box permanently and to act as a hinge. Then I worked up from there, pick a side and weave the energy up the side, across the other (top) edge, and back down to the hinged edge. At this point I closed the top, I made the last, “You shall not pass”, energy sigil and embedded it into lid. And you are done. 
I checked once more to make sure there were no hitches in the energy weaves or sigils. And if you want to you can also connect another energy cord from an outside source just for added power and as a back up if any thing you’ve woven fails. I connected mine to the river down the road, it connects to the Ocean so it has a slight attachment to the ocean as well. 
When ever I take energy parasites or negative energy out of clients or myself I draw it out and put it in the black box. When I pass the over the river I open the lid and allow the transmuted energy to release; also sometimes if I feel the need I will open it and check on everything, usually there is something that needs to be released if it has grabbed my attention. I haven’t tried this with nasty spirits/entities yet but it should (in theory) work the same way. (Again, let me know if you do trap a nasty entity or spirit and how it works, please!)
I hope this was informative and made sense. This is a practice I have created for myself so if something is confusing please contact me with your questions. 
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Hospital notes
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Little Witchy Things
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Burn an orange candle to get you motivated in the morning
Brew some rosemary tea to help you focus on homework, studying, etc.
Carry around some hematite to attract things into your life
Draw beauty sigils on your shampoo/ conditioner, lotion, lip balm, etc.
Paint your nails black to protect them from damage
Put a piece of paper with a sigil on it underneath your phone case
Try to connect to the elements every day: drink water, walk in nature, etc.
Make a flower crown!
Charge up and drink some Moon Water and Sun water
Eat foods with correspondences to what you want to bring into your life (ex. avocados for love and beauty)
Light some lavender incense to help you fall asleep
If you worship deities: bless little things that you do for them. (Ex. lighting candles)
If you have plants: use divination to ask them what they need (Ex. use a pendulum to ask it if it needs more water)
Boil some herbs to make a fragrance spray
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I've never watched Hannibal, but I'm a sucker for Twilight AUs. Pun not intended but thoroughly enjoyed.
Ever since I got into Hannibal in 2015, I’ve been wondering the same thing.
What would happen if Will got turned into a Twilight kind of vampire right after being released from the BSHCI? Like his struggles, the drama of being a vamp while also a former FBI employee with FBI agents who won’t leave him alone, and a smitten cannibal on his ass.
Yes! A Twilight AU. tbh I think of one for every OTP I have though so it’s not new and I do like Twilight still. I’m not a pansy and can admit that every series I like has flaws out the ass but that won’t make me hate them.
So I’m writing a Twilight AU for Hannigram and am 2 chapters in already. I regret nothing.
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Every now and then, the Marauders fandom gets upset that James was chosen to be a Head Boy when he wasn’t a Prefect.
But of course he was.
It started in the autumn of his fifth year. The fifteen-year-old marched through the corridors, feeling rather important, a badge pinned to his robes.
Filch caught him within the first five minutes. To be fair, James hadn’t tried to run. (If he had, he would have gotten away). He had no reason to. Still, the caretaker grumbled threats of torture as he dragged the Chaser to Professor McGonagall’s office.
“Pretending to be a Prefect,” Filch snarled.
“I’m not pretending you old—” James eventually broke off as he realized that there was no use shouting at the lump of clay that was the caretaker. And so, he turned to Professor McGonagall and said, “I’m a temporary Prefect for the night.”
“Are you?” she asked, with a flicker of amusement. “I don’t seem to recall appointing you as such.”
��You know, Sirius’ brother told me something interesting the other day,” James said. “Did you know that if you looked at the night sky, you could see a star that represents them both? Isn’t that strange. Look for yourself, Professor.”
And she glanced out the window and saw the stars in question. Right next to the nearly full moon. Her face gave away nothing, but she curtly dismissed the caretaker, who seemed surprised if not furious.
“Surely you want me to stay to deliver the punishment?” Filch asked.
“There will be no punishment,” Professor McGonagall said curtly. “You caught a Prefect out of bed. That’s not exactly against the rules, is it?”
James could have hugged her.
As soon as the caretaker was gone, she pushed the tin of biscuits towards James. It didn’t even need saying at this point. He grinned and took his favorite kind. She always had them.
“I didn’t even think…” she whispered. “It’s not full for another three days.”
“I know,” said James. “But he’s really sick this time.”
“He should have told me,” she said. “I would have given him the time off.”
“Yeah, well,” James shrugged. “You know Remus.”
She smiled; she did indeed.
“Did he brief you on your responsibilities?” the professor asked.
“If by ‘briefed’ you mean ‘went into a three-hour lecture on what I should or should not do’ then yeah.”
“You know that I can’t make this official,” Professor McGonagall said. “People would talk.”
“Nah, I know,” James said. 
“You can’t brag about this.”
“I know.”
“You can’t abuse your privileges.”
“I know.”
“Take another biscuit.”
He grinned and did so.
“I believe you have work to do,” she said.
James gave her a mock salute and marched away. He performed Remus’ duties all night, never once abusing the power, knowing that doing so would tarnish Remus’ reputation. He performed them the next two nights as well and told a very skeptical Professor McGonagall that he was sick on the night of the full moon. (”Oh dear,” she said. “I hope your illness stagnates.”)
Truth be told, James was a Prefect almost as much as Remus was.
They were some of the only times in his term at Hogwarts that he solemnly swore that he wasn’t up to no good.
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I call the game, Real Ray, or Fake Ray? I will say a phrase. You tell me if I made it up, or if it’s something that Captain Holt actually said in real life, to an actual human being.
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I cant breathe.
Party Rock Anthem has the same BPM as Uptown Girl (x)
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I can only imagine that stings.
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“I’ll remember” is the ADHD demon talking. You won’t remember. Write it down.
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Because abortions aren't the only way the patriarchy wants to control your junk
OBGYN: Yeah, you are exhibiting all the signs of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. I’m so sorry.
Me: Huh? Oh, yeah. Insulin resistance, impossible weight loss, pre-disposition to type II diabetes, painful AF periods. Likelihood of bleed outs. Crap. That blows.
OBGYN: Yeah, well that too.
Me: *blinks* What?
OBGYN: Well, PCOS makes it very difficult for a woman to conceive and carry.
Me: BWHAHAHAHA. Yeah. No. No babies. Ever. Never wanted them. At all. Maternal instinct is not strong with this one. Only upside today.
OBGYN: Well then. Not exactly problem solved, but we’ll run with it.
Me: So about the MIND-SEARING PAIN and occasional HEAVY AF BLEEDING. When can we deal with that.
OBGYN: Not until you are 35.
Me: Dah fuq?
OBGYN: Not my rules. Hospitalization won’t even consider any treatment unless it’s life or death until you’re 35.
Me: Why?
OBGYN: Because you might want to have a baby.
Me: I’m 31. I didn’t want kids when I was 11, I didn’t want them at 21, and I sure as shit don’t want them now. Can’t I just sign a form that says “I don’t ever want a baby take it out, take it out now”?
OBGYN: Nope.
Me: Why?
OBGYN: Government rules. No removal of baby making parts before 35 unless your life is in immediate jeopardy.
TL;DR: The government knows better about your baby making parts than you do.
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How we lived our lives without swear words, I'll never know.
i forgot what BFG stood for and i was sitting there for a good five minutes going, “no. no. they wouldn’t have called a kids film ‘big fucking giant.’ would they? would they?”
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I literally didn't even know it was coming. Or look at it. What was it??
this is so sad. Can the Presidential alert play Despacito?
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So, vampires are super kinky?
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I am screAMING
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I love the lowkey implication in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (especially in the Gene Wilder movie) that Willy Wonka was minding his own business one day and he just saw this skinny looking kid staring up at his factory, licking his lips, and he was just like, “Shit, that kid needs some chocolate, but he’s clearly too poor to afford any and there’s no way I can run outside right now and reveal my existence to the world, right? Damn. Okay. I can send an Oompa Loompa. No, that’ll scare the kid. What candy does he even like anyway? What if I give him the wrong one? All right, we need to get this kid into the factory so that he can pick his favorite treat. But what happens when he leaves? Shit, shit, shit, okay, we’ll just give him the factory. Give him the whole factory. That’s the only way. But how? Come on, Wonka, be inconspicuous here. I’ve got it. A nationwide contest inviting multiple kids into the factory where I’ll reveal that the winner gets the factory. Crap, no, then there will be four other kids in the factory. Okay, no problem, we’ll just kill them all until he’s the only one left. Yeeeah, that’s a good plan. Okay, everyone, places. We’ve got literally one shot at this.”
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