♬♫; traviling-mage ;♫♬
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Dark haired seductress roamed market district, her heels clicking as she go. Wei beauty was bored and she was desire something to liven up her dull afternoon..
 "Oh you must be a new recruit.” her lips pouted.
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♬♫; savantis ;♫♬
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” Mm? have another person attracted to my melody? ”inquired glancing at unfamiliar face, deadly empress so far had some interest. Yet intensest comes and goes so quickly so hopefully he’d keep her entertained.
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sure, i'm a fan of the warrior games. though i have alot of muses. maybe with just sigma. if you do make one
Hello also sorry for the long hiatus. family health issues and my time was into that, also sorta got depressed and that didn’t help me return quicker either. I look forward to you interaction still.
~Zhen’s mun
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Zhenji Icons ( x116 )
100x100, generated from cinematics of Dynasty Warriors 7:XL, 8, and 8:E. As requested by @alluringempress. If you are using, likes and/or reblogs are appreciated! DOWNLOAD HERE!
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—Mod Okuni
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It's good to see you again, Zhenji. Hopefully, you're doing well and alright.
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“ And it’s pleasure in seeing you again as well. Have you been well? ”
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♬♫; sengokujidai ;♫♬
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“Do you have any information about my father Ujiyasu and my friends?”
She finally said what supposed to… but still nervous afterwards.. Hayakawa held her dakyu stick tightly that she isn’t hostile….
The Girl’s father?  Zhen wasn’t sure she knew the answer. Was he not with Tiger of Jjiangdong? She was more focused on her affairs and her lord’s to listen to every little thing that were gossiped around the parts. If Lion wasn’t with Tiger no longer, then she could not be of much help to the girl.
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” Was you’re father not with Tiger?  ”inquired but felt not enough be shocked over it, she was curious now where daimyo went to. Just tad bit.“ If he isn’t with the Wu then i’m afraid i’ll be of no help. I haven’t listened to any gossip lately. ” admitted since she didn’t care for ones spoken. 
“If you need traveling companion I might be obliged to assisting you. Might find my lord too. ”
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♬♫; despisedshadow ;♫♬
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“That melody was from you? I-It was beautiful.”
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“ Hmhm. So my flute did enchant you. Appears You have good ear.  ”
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nonsexual acts of intimacy --- select from the following for my muse to respond to:
♔ : Finding your muse wearing their clothes
♕ : Holding hands
♖ : Having their hair washed by your muse
♗ : Your muse falling asleep with their head in my muse's lap.
♘ : Cuddling in a blanket fort
♙ : Sharing a bed
♚ : Head scratches
♛ : Sharing a dessert
♜ : Shoulder rubs
♝ : Reading a book together
♞ : Caring for each other while ill (specify which party is which)
♟ : Patching up a wound
♤ : Taking a bath together
♧ : Your muse playing with their hair
♡ : Accidentally falling asleep together
♢ : Forehead or cheek kisses
♠ : Your muse adjusting their jewelry/neck tie/ etc.
♣ : Back scratches
♥ : Your muse crying about something
♦ : Slow dancing
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The Importance of communication.
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If you have an issue with something your partner is doing.
Talk to them.
If you’re unsure about something.
Talk to them.
If you aren’t feeling a ship but they’re still excited about it.
Talk to them.
I cannot tell you how many times a relationship with a writing partner has gone downhill all because they would not talk to me about something. Blocking with no explanation, blocking because you don’t like what the other person said (not harassment, you just don’t like what they said), blocking because you’re angry is not the correct way to handle these situations. Some people will take that blocking very negatively, especially if you don’t talk it through, offer any explanation or give any indication as to what drove you to that to start with.
You could trigger a panic attack, cause someone to suffer a relapse or even drop back into self harm because they don’t know what they did wrong. 
This is not how you handle these things, this is not how you treat other people. There needs to be ample and even communication on both sides. If you are angry, upset or anything like that then step away for a bit. Go do something to calm down and THEN come back and talk to them.
A majority of drama on this site is caused directly from lack of communication or misunderstanding.
If you want to respect your partners then you need to take the time to LISTEN to them. You need to have the ability to be patient and try to see what they’re saying. If it turns to harassment then, yes, block them by all means. If not, then you need to try and listen.
Do not block your partners without trying to talk through the issue first!
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♬♫; eternity-hero  ;♫♬
“Yes that’s my name and okay then. Ah sure thing and a camp huh? So that means there are many other human beings fighting these things.” With that, he gave a single nod to her before heading out to aid the struggling resistance army officers. “Well I’m off to help the others then!”
They are using swords, spears and other weapons not usually seen in Gaia. Well unless if you’re in Wutai, but then again they have firearms with bayonets in them. A mix of ranged and close quarter weapons. In Shin-Ra though its mostly modern weapons, but we still have swords and all. He thought to himself at this.
“Very well. I’ll see you after the battle. ” Dark haired maiden gave quick nod before turning her focus to the vile monsters in serpent king army remembering being captured by him and forced fight for him beside her beloved lord. Zhen ran towards serpent army playing deadly melody just for them.  w. Her flute pointed to bunch approaching. “With that said, Come let my play you a last Requiem. ”she said to her enemy. Zhen’s flute slaps enemy several times. She finishes the attack by playing flute once and brandishing it to generate a sudden burst of energy.
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Tagged by:  cutthroathero
The rules are simple! Post ten characters you’d like to roleplay as, then tag ten people to do the same ( if you can’t think of ten characters, just write down however many you can and tag the same amount of people ). Aside from that, please REPOST instead of reblogging.
Suzuka Twilight (OutLaw Star)
Okuni (SW)
Nuwa (WO)
Lulu (FFX)
Lisa Lisa (JJBA)
Aela The Huntress (Skyrim)
Tenma (school Rumble)
Torhu Honda (Fruits basket)
Seraphina (Disgaea)
Tagging: casanovasrifle , feralwolfprince , tigerhiddenclaws , onestrcke ,  warriorsofhan , wang-yi-of-wei ,  silentdragoon , shikonchireru , zijings ,  eternity-hero
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Villains are not a precious little punching bag that’s going to stand there and take your shit and be sassy with their hand on their hip. If you mess with the bull you get the horns – if you push a villain, you will get the wrath of a villain. If your character is rude/disrespectful to a villain, especially one in a high place of power, and the villain lashes out (whether it be verbally or physically) – 
Don’t write with villain/cruel/evil characters if you can’t deal with a villain/cruel/evil character being less than nice to your precious cinnamon roll of a character. Surprise! That’s not how this works! If the villain suddenly kills your character without having spoken to you first, then you have absolutely every right to be mad. But if your character receives a verbal lashing or non-lethal physical response that is in character for the villain to give, then you need to deal with it. 
I’m also sick of this sense of prerogative way of thinking certain characters hold when it comes to villains. This mindset of, ‘oh this person is evil, bUT OBVIOUSLY THEY’LL LOVE ME AND I’LL BE THEIR SPECIAL SOMEONE THEY WON’T HATE ME OR TRY AND KILL ME.“ NO. STOP THAT. You cannot go into interactions with villains expecting them to absolutely fall in love with your character/be best friends with them. This is why it’s most times excruciatingly difficult to ship/bro-ship with villains. And even if this does happen, you should expect a villain to still be aggressive and/or rude from time to time. 
I’ve written villains for a long time now, and one thing has been made perfectly clear – you will get shit for writing your character too IC and you will get shit for writing your character too OOC. You will be fucking cursed out for your character being aggressive to those who are rude to them, and you will be blasted for writing them being nice even just from time to time. So fellow villain writers – just let your villain flag fly. Don’t fucking listen to people who try and give you shit either way for your portrayal. To those who do not write villains – respect them. Just because your character is sassy and spunky, doesn’t automatically give them the right to try and be disrespectful to someone who is most likely superior to them.
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♬♫; eternity-hero  ;♫♬
“Um…Zack, that’s my name.” This is the part where she introduces herself…and yes I’m being captivated by her beauty, good job Zack… He sighed softly at this, shaking his head slightly and then seeing her lips in which she smiled more. Eyes going to her lips and then her visage. Yep you’re being entranced now…
Then he went to look at the horrible sight of injured soldiers to which the elegant woman was looking at. Hmm what place is this? This ain’t Wutai at all…and I haven’t seen those monsters or whatever they are called around to where I live!
“Z-ah-ck. oh Zack. I shall try remember that. ”Alluring maiden responds, only to have eyes widen by his next response. Her flute pointed to bunch approaching. “Such vulgar eye sores. Say~Zack will you assist me in eradicating these foul creatures? After they are gone we shall head to Coalition camp together. ”she spoke up breifly yet kept all her attention on hideous pests that were in her way to  getting back to her lord’s side. 
“ Lets have a name then~shall we? Now, don’t tense up I won’t bite. ” amusing to his reactions of her movements. Sort of ability she had over most men,her beauty was dangerous kind an he had every right be on edge. Rose pink colored lips curved into even bigger smile, it was easy by now ignore other’s nervous tendency around her.  
Zhen eyes soon drifted someplace else, landed on few injured men that bravely fought for her and their ambitions. “Damn those filthy disgusting imps… I shall not forgive them for such tyranny.” dark haired maiden frowned lowering her head out of displeasure in turn out of events. If only her lord was beside her as commander then maybe had better results. Hopefully the raven haired man could help her turn things around and back into victory being within her grasp yet again.
“Um…Zack, that’s my name.” This is the part where she introduces herself…and yes I’m being captivated by her beauty, good job Zack… He sighed softly at this, shaking his head slightly and then seeing her lips in which she smiled more. Eyes going to her lips and then her visage. Yep you’re being entranced now…
Then he went to look at the horrible sight of injured soldiers to which the elegant woman was looking at. Hmm what place is this? This ain’t Wutai at all…and I haven’t seen those monsters or whatever they are called around to where I live!
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"Hey Ji , can I borrow your flute thing , gonna use it to scare the kids"(Wang yi)
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“ Very well then.  You may borrow it but do not ruin it . ” slowly hands over her flute.
——”I don’t understand your reason in this. I trust you’ll take good care of it. ”
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"I demand an explanation of why you and Junyi siding with Wei.." -Yuan Shao
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“ Junyi sees Cao’s more suited for officers such as us. I must agree with him, Was all fun but we’ve both lost interest with the Yuan family.” explained with hand rested on her hip. Captivated by wonders of her new home, lord, her new husband. For it was rare for man catch her eye, to be infatuated with that quickly. Junyi was same interested in Wei so was only natural they go there together. 
”Lord Zhiyuan has opened my eyes that day. My lord is the more worthy man of me than your son Yuan Xi was.  ” stated voice gushing at thought of her beloved Zihuan.
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“ Alright then.  As you wish.”
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Dark haired seductress raised her flute back to her lips beginning playing once again as enchantress requested. Refined Wei beauty played tranquil melody then the last. son surely please the woman.
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 “ Sound of my flute is entranced you,hm. I can play more.”
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