allybrightly · 6 years
Nodding, Grayson wasn’t sure what to say. He wasn’t sure he could make himself form any words at all - his mouth had gone dry at just the sight of her. Any progress he thought he’d made toward getting past all this - everything that had happened between them - had disappeared. He was angry all over again. But more than that, he was incredibly hurt. “Uh, yeah.” He swallowed, choosing to look at his bags instead of at her. “Just uh, Juliette. You know.”
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“Oh! I uh...um actually. I’m glad I ran into you. I have something, for Juliette.” She said looking down into her bags to find the wrapped princess gift she’d gotten for the little girl. Ally couldn’t resist when she seen it. The mother in her not letting her leave the perfect present at the store. Even if Grayson hated her. “I couldn’t not get it for her. I understand if you don’t want it or want her to have it but I just....here.” She said holding out the small box to him.
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allybrightly · 6 years
It was too much - being around everyone at Dissendium. Talking, laughing - with the people they loved. It made him want to do the same. He had thought being with Terrie would ease his mind, distract him. But then the military man had shown up, and he was old news. It only made him miss Ally more. He thought he’d probably had his mind made up now for some time, Grayson just had to work up his nerve to act on it. He touched his sister’s shoulder lightly, nodding his goodbyes, certain she’d know where he was going even if he didn’t say. He pulled his phone out of his pocket to call Althea, and cursed. It was dead. How would he be able to track her down now? She could be anywhere. He decided to start with the office - it wouldn’t be the first late night she’d worked. But as soon as he opened the door, the cool night air carried her voice to him, and he couldn’t help a small chuckle. It was too easy - it was like it was fate, and he felt certain in that moment, that he was the right decision. “It’s not bad.” He agreed easily, shoving his hands in his pockets and making his way toward her. “I’ve gotta say, this is about the last place I’d expect to run into you.”
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The sound of his voice made her jump. She hadn’t expected it to be him. She turned to look at him, blinking in surprise. “I...work asked I make an apperance and my friends thought I needed a night out.” She told him with a shrug. “Are you...are you having a good time? Here with anyone?” She felt like a jealous teenage girl as the question escaped her lips before her brain could stop it. “That is none of my buisness. I’m sorry.” She shifted her weight, her hands fidgeting infront of her. “I should...I should go. I don’t want to ruin your night. I shouldn’t have even called you. I’m sorry.” 
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allybrightly · 6 years
Ally really didn’t want to be at the party that night. She wanted to be anywhere but there. Honestly she wanted to be with him, but he still wasn’t answering her  calls. She sighed as she pulled away from another endless conversation to check her phone. She couldn’t let the year end without one last attempt. She stepped out on to the patio and gave Grayson a call. Her heart falling as it once again went to voice. She pinched the brim of her nose trying her best to not cry. She straightened up when she heard footsteps and music from inside joining her outside. “It’s a beautiful night!” She said, forcing happy without even turning to see who it was.
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allybrightly · 6 years
“You can see whoever you want, i’m not your keeper. You see tons of people everyday that I don’t know about.” Apollo knew exactly what she was talking about but he still felt the need to crack a joke. After a second he cleared his throat, “Yeah, I mean - I guess it’s ok. It’s not like it really involves me.”
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Ally rolled her eyes at the joke. “Sunshine, you know what I meant.” She sighed, shaking her head. “If I have them around when your home it involves you. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. You and I are a team, always have been always will be. If I add to the team, I want your input.” 
Let’s talk || Apollo & Ally || Closed
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allybrightly · 6 years
His feet stopped moving instantly - he didn’t know what to do. It was as if someone had dumped ice water over the top of his head (which had happened to him before at games, so he would know) and he froze. He hadn’t been expecting to see her - he’d been avoiding her so he wouldn’t have to. “Althea.” He said somewhat stiffly, voice gruff. “It’s, uh…. I - sorry, I’ll just…” He trailed off, looking to the side, wishing he could will his feet to walk away from her.
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Ally just stared at him, her heart both sinking into her stomach and pounding fast like a drum. She’d missed him, more than she had in years. The fight they had felt so fresh and the pain in his eyes only made the ache worse. “I...sorry. I wasn’t watching were I was going...just finishing up christmas shopping. You too?” She asked awkwardly, looking at his bags as she showed hers.
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allybrightly · 6 years
“Fine, fine. I guess I’ll grow up and be a boring adult like you.” He smiled, happy to get to spend a few moments with his mom before going off to school. “You said you wanted to talk to me about something?”
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Allys smile tightened for a moment, finding the words. “Right, yes. I....wanted to talk to you. How...how would you feel if I started seeing someone?”
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Let’s talk || Apollo & Ally || Closed
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allybrightly · 6 years
Grayson was looking for an employee - they were seemingly few and far between during the holiday season, it appeared. The little doll would be perfect for Juliette, she had a broom and a quaffle and everything, but he was wondering if they had any other uniforms. After all, Harpies were her favorite, not the All-Stars. He was rounding a corner, trying to squeeze behind some rather rude people that refused to move, even at his cheerful excuse me, and when he popped out the other side, he accidentally knocked into someone. “Sorry, sorry - it’s a bit….” He trailed off, realizing it was Althea. “Crowded.” Grayson finished quietly.
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Ally had been out shopping for Apollo, gift bags full in her hands. She’d found something she couldn’t resist for Juliette, even if Grayson wanted nothing to do with her the mom in her couldn’t not buy her a gift. She had even managed to get gift for her co-workers and a few friends. She had looked down for a moment at her list when there was another person in her space. “Oh! Sorry! I....Grayson...” 
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allybrightly · 6 years
“No.” He whispered, the word wrenched from him as she reached out. He evaded her hands, barely able to even look at her at the moment, let alone touch her, hold her. He wished he could comfort her, tell her it was okay. But even he wasn’t a big enough man for that. It wasn’t okay, and it hurt too much to face. “I can’t - I can’t do this right now. I have to go get Juliette.” He pushed past her, thinking of his daughter. She had a brother. He shook the thought from his head, pushing past Althea. “I have to go.”
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“I thought she was staying at with Terrie for the night.” Ally said softly, her fight gone as he wanted a way out. She sniffled, rubbing her nose. “Right. Okay. Right.” She moved away from his couch, leaving the room to get her coat and shoes. She couldn’t do this, she couldn’t beg him for forgives when he was right. She had hurt him and she deserved this anger. She apperated home, breaking down into tears as soon as she was alone.
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Bomb | Grayson & Althea
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allybrightly · 6 years
Grayson shook his head, rolling his eyes as she snapped back at him. “Is that supposed to help? To make it better? Make me feel sorry for you? You got to watch him grow up, Althea. Do you hear yourself? I missed everything. You took everything away from me.” He wiped angrily at his cheeks, his words bringing a fresh batch of tears from his eyes. It was true - he didn’t know his own son, he had missed out on having a family. A real family. He had missed his entire childhood, and he could never get that time back. “I will never forgive you for this.”
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“Gray...Gray please...I’m sorry. I am so so sorry.” She stepped forward to reach for him. Like he was going to disappear if she didn’t catch him. “I’m sorry. I was trying to protect you. I didn’t want to hurt you...I...I’m so sorry.” 
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Bomb | Grayson & Althea
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allybrightly · 6 years
“You would never…” He trailed off, still whispering. “You would never, but you did.” His words were harsher than he wanted, but it was true. They were married mere months after she’d broken up with him - after she’d shattered his heart. “Do you know how much you hurt me, Ally? When you left? For years. For years I missed you, I couldn’t get over you. But nothing’s fucking changed, has it? You’re still hurting me. He raised my boy. I don’t even know him!” That gave him a thought, and he paused, taking a deep breath. “Does Apollo know?”
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“I left to protect you! I didn’t choose him over you.” She retorted, feeling a need to fight back. To somehow defend her choices. You don’t think I know that?! That I haven’t hated myself everyday for leaving you? Watching your son grow up to look just like you!? To be so much like you!? Every time I look at him I see you.” His question gave her pause, she couldn’t voice it. As if her voice had been stolen away from her. She shook her head, keeping her eyes down.
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Bomb | Grayson & Althea
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allybrightly · 6 years
“I would have left! I would have left if you weren’t safe! You were supposed to tell me - to trust me. It’s not fair, Ally. It’s not fair, he’s my son.” Grayson found he was shouting, and he took a step back, shaking his head as his back found the wall, helping keep him on his feet. He didn’t want to yell at her. No, he wanted to yell at her, but he wouldn’t. He wasn’t that man. Not even now. He met her gaze, both watery and pained, as she brought up her ex husband. “Did he know?” He whispered, not sure he really wanted the answer. “Did you tell him - the man you left me for? Did he know about my child when I didn’t? ”
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Ally closed her eyes as he shouted at her. It hurt, it hurt almost as much as when she broke it off with him all those years ago. “No! No...he knew but...I didn’t tell him. He figured it out and I didn’t leave you for him! I would never have left you for him.” She pleaded, sniffling. she pulled her self together some, crossing her arms across her chest. “He figured it out and...he told me...he told me it would be safer for my ‘blood traitor’ baby if no one knew.”
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Bomb | Grayson & Althea
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allybrightly · 6 years
Grayson scoffed, shaking his head as a humorless laugh escaped him. He couldn’t believe this was really happening - that this was true. “You couldn’t -” He was shaking, balling his fists by his side. “You couldn’t do that to me, but you could do this?” He asked quietly, his heart aching. He wiped at his tears, although they were only replaced by more and he quickly gave up, not caring enough to fight it. “I’d… you - you’re really talking about Quidditch right now? I gave it up for my kid, anyway. You really think I’d choose that over him? Over you?” He closed his eyes, holding his head in his hands, his next words muffled. “It wasn’t your choice to make.”
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“I wanted to tell you. So many times I wanted to tell you.” She was still fighting the tears but it was a loosing battle as they rolled down her cheeks. This wasn’t how it was supposed to happen. “I know you did. I know that.” Ally brushed her face, though it was pointless. “What was I supposed to do?! I was eighteen and pregnant. What was I supposed to do?! Had my dad found out before Andy--” She shut herself up, covering her mouth to try and stop herself. She wasn’t only going to make this worse.
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Bomb | Grayson & Althea
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allybrightly · 6 years
He saw her reflection moving, standing, but he couldn’t look at her for very long - not even distorted the way she was reflected through the glass. It hurt too much. It was too much to get a handle on. His tears fell from his eyes finally, hot and heavy, as she said it out loud. Apollo is yours. And suddenly he wasn’t upset anymore. He wasn’t heart broken over the time he’d missed, the way he barely even knew his own child. He was angry. Angrier than he could ever remembering being - and definitely angrier than he’d ever been at Althea. “Why? Why didn’t you tell me?” He tried to keep his voice calm as he turned back to her, and it came out low and hard. Had she not thought he would be a good father? Had she wanted more for her son? For herself?
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“I..I wanted to, but..we were so young and you had so much ahead of you Gray. I couldn’t do that to you.” She tried to explain, though it was weak and not the full truth. She put her hands to her lips, trying to find some way to make this better. “We were teenagers Gray....barely over Apollos age now. You had a chance at your favorite team, a baby would have ruined that. An...and my father...he couldn’t know...” 
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Bomb | Grayson & Althea
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allybrightly · 6 years
Ally watched him,her hands reaching up to catch him before falling lamely to her lap. She stood at his request, her attempts to speak mixed with failed steps toward him. "G...Grayson..." She stopped herself from slipping excuses he didn't want to hear. "Ye..Yes. Yes Apollo is..he's yours...your son."
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Bomb | Grayson & Althea
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allybrightly · 6 years
He knew her to well for her to lie or deture the topic. But when he finally got the question out she couldn't answer him. This wasn't how it was supposed to be. It wasn't supposed to be a slip up like this. She looked away, trying to stop the tears. "I....I'm So sorry Grayson. I'm sorry."
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Bomb | Grayson & Althea
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allybrightly · 6 years
Her stomach fell like a rock as she watched his expression change. Had he caught whay she said? Did she just ruin everything? She tried to search her brain for some way out of this, playing dumb the first thing that came to mind. "I-is what? Baby are you okay?" She asked, trying to calm her own panic and hide it.
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Bomb | Grayson & Althea
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allybrightly · 6 years
Ally looked at him confused by his response. " You're the only person who ever watched this with me. Who else would i have...oh you meant...no, he uh hated our movies." Ally said before the lightbulb went off in her head. She tensed, hoping, praying she could laugh it off and distract him. Pretend this conversation never happened. "It's been sixteen years think we can still qoute it?"She asked, afraid silence would let him think on that comment.
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Bomb | Grayson & Althea
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