allyouhaveisyou · 9 years
I skated on innocence expecting sympathy.
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allyouhaveisyou · 9 years
I just need someone I can talk to 24/7 so I don't go insane. I'm sad but interaction makes me happy.
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allyouhaveisyou · 9 years
if you dont reblog this youre straight
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allyouhaveisyou · 9 years
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allyouhaveisyou · 9 years
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allyouhaveisyou · 9 years
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allyouhaveisyou · 9 years
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allyouhaveisyou · 9 years
part of me wants to die tonight part of me wants it to be an accident and part of me wants someone to notice and stop me
(via writingawaythescars)
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allyouhaveisyou · 9 years
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allyouhaveisyou · 9 years
Sometimes when we’re in love, we take the facts and spin them into pretty stories. But it’s a dangerous thing to do – because one day, like it or not, you’re going to see the world as it really is. You found out people aren’t always who you want them to be. And if you’re not ready for the truth…well, let’s just say it can come as a bit of a shock.
Kirsten Miller, The Eternal Ones (via wordsnquotes)
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allyouhaveisyou · 9 years
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allyouhaveisyou · 9 years
You don’t ever forget someone, do you? They are just buried in the deepest, darkest part of you, occasionally making a guest appearance to pinch you.
wtfelicia (via wnq-writers)
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allyouhaveisyou · 9 years
one day I will stop all this yearning but for now it’s coming off me like perfume. I don’t know what to do with old love so I stuff it in my mouth like cotton balls and pretend I’m not choking. if you catch me on the wrong day, I’ll cry all over your favorite shirt and that’s how you’ll remember me years later. I’ve always been a phone call jarring you from sleep and it’s not worth answering. yesterday, there was a needle in my neck and I didn’t even flinch. that should tell you all there is to know about me.
Fortesa Latifi - everything there is (via madgirlf)
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allyouhaveisyou · 9 years
Since you left
I’m too fixated on falling in love.
The cooling embers of a heart that was once on fire for you
only continues to beat in hopes of being reignited.
My fingers ache for callused hands to be laced through each pinky promise
you never kept.
My eyes yearn to be closed after these sleepless nights in a bed I can’t call my own.
Not since you slept in it.
Not since you left.
Since you left, the night sky hasn’t quite looked the same.
Because I saw the stars in your eyes as if they were aligned for us but now they all lay ascued
and my world doesn’t seem the same.
I’m forced to stare at these stars every fucking night while i lay awake.
They say each star is a sun from a different galaxy,
millions of universes.
Maybe one where you still loved me.
Since you left i’ve been alone,
I’ve been left to deal with myself.
At times like this, 2 in the morning, when my gentle heart should be dreaming, the jagged edges of your love comes back and haunts each scar.
I’ve fallen in love but now I can’t get out of this hole I’m stuck in.
I need a pick me up, i need to feel loved, to feel wanted.
I crave the feeling of meaning the world to someone who means the world to me.
I am too fixated on falling in love,
but right now I need to fall asleep.
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allyouhaveisyou · 9 years
don’t stare at the moon too long or else you’ll remember that nothing in this stupid fucking world makes sense
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allyouhaveisyou · 9 years
I think one of the worst feelings to have is when you know that you’re not right for someone but you can’t get yourself to let them go.
poeticambience (via poeticambience)
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allyouhaveisyou · 9 years
i cant sleep because of this video
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