almostnative-blog1 · 7 years
Wanderlust Wednesday
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The ski/snowboard season is officially over in Colorado. Abasin closed its lifts on Sunday, June 11th. I couldn’t attend closing day but I did get out and shred the slush on Saturday and partied it up on the beach. 
Closing day is bittersweet. The lifts are closed and my weekends are now filled with weird summer activities where I’m participating in sports on liquid water, not compressed water (some kind of science thing goes here to explain my confusing water comparison). But I also get to look back at my season and remember all the amazing powder days, party days and happy days spent on the hill and it was incredible. I skied again, had a ski condo with a bunch of crazy amazing humans and surpassed 40 days on the hill! I can’t wait to top this season next year! I wish winter could be 12 months a year! Until October! Well, next month where I’m now on the hunt for snow every month in the summer! Xx 
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almostnative-blog1 · 7 years
Wanderlust Wednesday
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It was an early Saturday morning on Berthoud Pass. The snow crunched beneath my snowboarding boots as I made my way to the trailhead. I was nervous. I was excited. I was ready. I strapped my right foot into the right flank of the splitboard and then my left. It was decided; we would hike to Vasquez Peak. I checked all my avalanche gear again and grabbed my poles; my first splitboard tour was about to begin.
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I felt like Dory from Finding Nemo singing “just keep swimming” over and over in my head as I slowly climbed. It was a challenge! My lungs were burning, my legs were shaking and oddly enough, I couldn’t stop smiling.
When I finally made it to the top of Vasquez Peak I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and thanked my body and my mind for getting me there. I then opened my eyes and let out a loud “woo-hoo”! I made it. I, Megan, took a splitboard to the top of a mountain… finally! This was truly a dream come true. My friend and I chose our line, did a snow stability test and strapped in.
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I’ve been an avid snowboarder for seventeen years and I’ve always had a longing to explore the backcountry. I finally got the courage to take my AIARE 1 class last February in Rocky Mountain National Park and I was hooked; however, I didn’t have a soul to go with. 
So, I waited and I waited. I waited until this May when I was introduced to a backcountry veteran who was willing and eager to introduce me to splitboarding in the backcountry.
Before I started the descent, a flash of hesitancy came over me. I was scared. I knew that yes, we did all that we could to mitigate the risk of an avalanche occurring but we were and will forever be at the mercy of the mountain and this is both terrifying and exhilarating. I made the descent down. My heart was pounding. I felt like I was floating. I glided on top of the creamiest snow I have ever snowboarded down in my life.
It was magical. It may not have lasted long but I am still gliding on that cream today. That feeling of complete vulnerability, letting go and respect to the mountains has yet to leave and I hope it stays forever.
As a woman in a heavily male-dominated sport of backcountry skiing and snowboarding, I was proud of myself. I was proud to be a woman in the backcountry a woman outside.
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almostnative-blog1 · 7 years
Wanderlust Wednesday
Each year I make a goal/bucket list: winter sport related, personal, career and adventure/travel goals. I don’t always complete and cross everything off my list and if I don’t, they roll over into the next year. This list is meant to challenge me and get me outside of my comfort zone and FUN!  Even if I don’t cross something off the list in a year, I don’t get down or disappointed; I am more determined to accomplish it the next year. I also love to share my list because it also holds me accountable.
Do you make a yearly bucket list?
Winter Goals:
Ski again – DONE 
Snowboard outside of Colorado – DONE (Park City & Solitude)  
Snowboard Crested Butte – Next Year 
Buy ALL avy gear – Next Year 
Backcountry Snowboard – Next year 
Snowboard in every month – 7 months down 
Snowboard opening day at Abasin – Done 
Snowboard closing day at Abasin – Hoping
Do a 180 – Technically. It wasn’t pretty.
Personal Goals (just a few):
Start a blog – Done-ish 
Do more yoga – Done-ish
Career Goals:
Move to project management – Done
Adventure/Travel Goals:
Go to the Great Sand Dunes – Still have time.  
Hike Ice Lakes in Ouray – Still have time. 
Hike Conundrum – Still have time.
Go to Great American Beer Festival – Done 
Go to Iceland – maybe 
Go on a road trip to Bryce, Zion & Antelope Canyon – May 31st – June 5th 
Hike Mount Democrat, Lincoln, Cameron & Bross – Still have time.
Mountain Bike – Got my new bike last week and am in LOVE
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almostnative-blog1 · 7 years
Wanderlust Wednesday
This season I did a lot of hike-tos (at my local resorts... NOT side country. I will never go into the backcountry unless I have all the avalanche safety gear, which I don’t)  and last season I took my avy one class which has sparked a desire, actually more like a need to explore the backcountry. I love the hike up. I love the burning lungs; the shaking legs and the amazing feeling of accomplishment on top of a mountain.
I’ve been doing a lot of reading and research and plan to take another avy class next season so I am fully prepared -  I know you can never be fully prepared for the backcountry because anything could happen and I am well aware of the risks and how to minimize those risks. I’m currently rereading “Staying Alive in Avalanche Terrain” by Bruce Tremper for the 3rd time. 
I’ve also started looking into gear: splitboards, beacons, probes, shovels, avalungs and avalanche airbag packs. There seems to be a lot out there and would love to get some recommendations on brands etc. Thanks!
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almostnative-blog1 · 7 years
Wanderlust Wednesday
I’m going through snowboarding withdrawal and the season isn’t even over yet. I’m already planning all of my weekend activities/adventures that will replace (NEVER REPLACE) snowboarding. What do you do in the spring and summer to fill the void?
My Top 5 Spring & Summer Activities
Standup Paddleboarding - LOVE my Hala Nass board 
Hiking - recommendations are always welcome! 
Camping - recommendations are always welcome! 
Climbing - first time OUTSIDE eeeeeeek!
Mountain Biking – I’m going to purchase a bike…. Finally! Have any recommendations for an affordable mountain bike? 
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almostnative-blog1 · 7 years
Wanderlust Wednesday
This is going to be short and sweet. 
I never liked the saying “no friends on a powder day.” I get it, you don’t to wait for the slow friend, the friend taking too many pictures (me), or the friend who is complaining, but it’s so much more fun with friends! You get to see everyone smiling and laughing and the never ending WOOOOOOOoooo is just magical. Just choose your powder friends wisely! 
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almostnative-blog1 · 7 years
Wanderlust Wednesday
Gaper day is on April 1st here in Colorado. I’ll be showing up early at Arapahoe Basin, enjoying a few beverages, snowboarding with my bestie and doing about four different outfit changes.
Don’t know what the term “gaper” means? Here are five ways to spot a gaper. Are you one of them?
They ski or snowboard in jeans and starter jacket.
They use the “Oklahoma Suitcase” technique to carry your skies.
They are wearing goggles but they're flipped back and dangling from the back of their head.
They have a huge gap between their goggles and helmet.
They don’t know how to alternate in the chairlift line.  
Have any other ways to spot a GAPER?  
No hate, though… I appreciate all those that come out and ski/snowboard. Love the passion! You do you!
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almostnative-blog1 · 8 years
Wanderlust Wednesday
Chairlift Chat with Megan (not on a chairlift in this piccy obvi.) 
It’s that time of year again to figure out which season pass to get next season and it can be difficult to choose the right one especially living in Colorado. My main choices are...The Rocky Mountain Super Pass, Epic, Epic Local, Summit Value, Keystone/A-Basin, M.A.X. & Mountain Collective.
 OR…. NO SEASON PASS – oh dear oh my oh!
I’ll probably stick with the Epic Local and start doing a bit of backcountry! The Epic Local has five mountains in Colorado and more outside of this beautiful state and like a sheep, all my friends are doing it.
 What are your choices? Why do you choose one pass over another? 
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almostnative-blog1 · 8 years
Wanderlust Wednesday
Chairlift chat with Megan 
This week I need YOUR help! 
With Spring around the corner, I’ve started to think about a goal of mine for 2017 -- snowboard every month in 2017, and need some help!
Does anyone have recommendations of where to go to get my turns in in June, July, August, September, October (hopefully NOT)? Doesn’t have to be in Colorado, but preferred - wish I could go to South America but that’s just not in the cards with planning a trip to Japan next year! 
Thank you!
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almostnative-blog1 · 8 years
Wanderlust Wednesday
Chairlift Chat with Megan 
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I went to Park City this past weekend and WOW,  just WOW! My host was incredible and showed me all the great Apres spots around town and I got to snowboard for four straight days!  Ahhhh to live the ski bum lifestyle… a dream. 
If you could quit your day job TODAY and live the ski bum lifestyle for a year, which ski town would you move to? I would move to Crested Butte. 
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almostnative-blog1 · 8 years
Wanderlust Wednesday
Chairlift Chat with Megan
I went night riding for the first time last weekend at Keystone and learned a few things. The one thing I learned for sure, I loved EVERY minute of it! 
Dusk riding is NOT the same as night riding. For me, dusk riding is super challenging with the low light. Make sure you are prepared and wear the correct goggle lenses.
Let go. Just truly let go. That does not mean you have to fly down the mountain without fear of falling, it means to really embrace the moment. You pretty much have the whole mountain to yourself.
Dress warmly on winter nights...it gets cold!
Ride in the trees. Yes, you need to be a bit more aware of your surroundings and check your speed but the natural light from the moon in the trees...magical!
Giggle, hoot-n-holler, sing, dance, do whatever you feel like doing down the mountain. Just be your most natural self. I guess this is the same as number two - “Let Go” but it really is that amazing and you really can be so raw and live in the moment. 
What is your favorite part about night skiing/riding?
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almostnative-blog1 · 8 years
Wanderlust Wednesday
Chairlift Chat with Megan
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I was sick this weekend and wasn’t able to get to the mountains. Between the coughing episodes, sneezes, sniffles and sleeping, I thought about all the reasons why I loved snowboarding - to keep me from missing the mountains less. In a Nyquil haze, I came up with three words that best describe these snowboarding love feelings: Thirsty soul juice. 
Ok. Maybe that’s weird, but let me explain. Snowboarding is the juice to which my soul is thirsty for and quenched. It gives me everything I need and then some: a challenge, freedom, happiness, love, passion, comradery, independence, pleasure… the list goes on and on.  Maybe I shouldn’t take Nyquil. Hah! 
How would you describe what snowboarding means to you in just three words?
✌️❤ Wanderlust
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almostnative-blog1 · 8 years
Wanderlust Wednesday
Chairlift Chat with Megan
What are your top Apres Ski traditions? Bar? Hot tub? Bar and hot tub? I dig going to the bar and grabbing a sour beer and eating whatever vegetarian apps are on the Happy Hour menu. I don’t even mind going solo! I enjoy the ambiance and listening to all the conversations happening around me about how the ski day went. It’s such a cool vibe. Likeminded, snow-loving humans drinking, laughing and just being present in the moment…magical!  
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✌️❤ Wanderlust
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almostnative-blog1 · 8 years
Wanderlust Wednesday
Chairlift chat with Megan. 
Five easy to pack snack ideas if you’re like me and hungry all the time but can’t stand skiing/snowboarding with a backpack or going to your car that’s parked like super far away! I love food…
Protein bars. I suggest a tasty one like GoMacro.
Almonds. Make sure you have water with ya.
String cheese. Mmmmmm cheese!
A small Fuji Apple. It might be a bit bulky but worth it.
Fruit leather or strips.
What do you pack?! ️
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✌️❤ Wanderlust! Xx
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almostnative-blog1 · 8 years
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My love for face shots is a real thing. #idontknowijustlikeit • • • #takeyourmindoutthegutter #snowboarding #colorado #abasin #powday #powder #powderday #snowlife #snowmakesmewet #powporn #snowboardgal #girlswhoshred #gopro #faceshots #mountainvibez
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almostnative-blog1 · 8 years
Wanderlust Wednesday
This week's chairlift chat with Megan is going to be short and sweet. WHY on earth do people NOT wear a helmet when snowboarding/skiing? Like, don’t you love your brain? My brain is the sexiest thing about me! Xxoo
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almostnative-blog1 · 8 years
Wanderlust Wednesday
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Chairlift Chat with Megan.  
Bored of the same old "hey, how are you” dating app opener? Well, I’ve been testing this one out and have had some entertaining responses!  
“What kind of ski run would you be and why?" 
My answer… 
"I’d be a powdery tree run. It can be a bit challenging but always fun and totally worth it!  You’re always going back for seconds, thirds, fourths….. " 
Try it out on Snow Life’s Snowflake app! 
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