alnihaya-blog · 6 years
Snorts of partial laughter as eyes alight on the goddess before him, smile painting his face.  She didn’t look like much  (  he had seen much, much worse  )  and honestly  ??  Percy couldn’t find it in him to worry about the repercussions of the gods anymore.  Their wrath no concern.  If nothing else  ??  he knew how to hold his own.  And the girl before him just seemed so opposite what he knew  (  more reminiscent of Hestia cloaked in the hearth  )  leaving him pleased, in a way.  She didn’t seem so bad.
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❝  I just thought that, like, there was some aesthetic you all were going for.  Hades and Thanatos certainly played the part  (  all dark and brooding  ).  Most people these days see death as terrifying, though.  At least you don’t have clothing made of souls I have to say that’s a plus for you  —  that shit freaked me out.  ❞  Again, what horrors must you have committed in life to be doomed to be sewn into Hades underwear of all things.  ❝  You just kinda look like a school girl to me.  Like you have SATs to pass or somethin’.  You don’t have that same aura of “you should be weary I’m a god” I didn’t mean to insult.  ❞
          ❝ A school-- well, you aren’t that far off the mark. I’m quite certain this body belongs to one who would probably be of school-going age or thereabouts ( though I can’t say I understand what a SAT is supposed to be ). ❞ Really, this child was shockingly casual despite being blessed with her presence -- though, Ereshkigal couldn’t exactly say he was being rude per see. She had endured teasing from both family and foe ( that damned king loved to get under her skin ‘back in the day’ ) and this, in comparison, was nothing.
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          ❝ My clothing is simple for convenience sake, but I do have a lance that I can summon which is capable of capturing your soul. I could use it if you’d prefer I keep to the ‘aesthetic’ that my successors have obviously aimed to achieve. ❞ One could even say she was pouting now ( truly, the goddess of death was one to fear and respect ) as she unfolded her arms and sighed. Hades and Thanatos - those damn Greek gods were making the very aspect of death seem comedic at best with their overuse of symbolism. ❝ If I were in my true form, perhaps I could invoke that aura of which you speak of but there’s only so much I can do when I am  in the form of what can only be described as a ‘school-girl’ -- but regardless, a god shouldn’t have to demand respect. It should come naturally if mortals had any common sense. You just seem to be-- ❞ was there even a word for what this boy was ? ❝ -- resilient ? With how you speak of the current gods, I can only assume you’ve been forced to deal with them on occasion. ❞ And from what little he had said, Ereshkigal could only imagine they were as bothersome as her sister was in her eyes.
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alnihaya-blog · 6 years
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     HIM? AH, SHE MUST have meant Gilgamesh. He supposed that they were rather similar in a few ways: loud, arrogant, powerful, and overall difficult, being a few of those things. There were more, of course, but to Ozymandias, those were all rather positive traits rather than negative, a direct contrast to literally everyone within Chaldea. ❝You are the goddess who resides over death, yes? Ereshkigal? My questioning aside for the time being, I suppose I could humor you with an answer to yours. A king is always a king! Even when their body rots and their soul ascends, they still retain that title. To say otherwise — how foolish that way of thinking is.❞ In his mind, he would always be ‘King of Kings’, the greatest pharaoh in all of Egypt… no, the greatest ruler this world could produce.  
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          Yes, this man was most certainly similar to Gilgamesh - even the boisterous laughter. It was almost horrifying how alike they were. ❝ So you say you remain a king even in death ? I suppose your question could link to that - yes, I am indeed ( or was ) the goddess who reigns over the dead. It is because of the sheer number of souls I have seen enter my domain, that have entered Kur, that makes me think in a manner in which you believe to be foolish. After all, once they enter my domain, all souls are the same. Identical and caged regardless of their position in life, be they king or peasant. ❞ Said by a Queen in her own right, the Queen of the Dead who existed until she simply did not - never experiencing death herself, only the eventual disappearance of her being alongside the faith in the gods. ❝ Aren’t such titles destined to be forgotten as mortals continue to press forward ? ❞ In her mind, mortals never learned. They would never look back to their ancestors, those who came before them, and fully learn from their faults - they would always repeat the same foolish mistakes. 
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alnihaya-blog · 6 years
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“I get that a lot,” Nico said, which after he thought about it for a second, was kind of a weird thing to say even if it was true. Most people could at least sense something off about him, even if they couldn’t quite put their finger on it, but since coming to this place, a lot more people seemed to be able to put their finger in the right spot. “Wait, take your place? What are you talking about? Are you a Titan?”
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          ❝ Titan ? ❞ It took her a moment to think, to recognize the word and comprehend the meaning behind it. The Grail could offer her that much, at least. ❝ Ah - you mean from Greek legend ? Alas, I existed far before their kind, as well as before their primordial ancestors came to the world. You hold a connection to their lineage then ? ❞ With arms folded, she pursed her lips, chin lifted high. ❝ No, I am Ereshkigal - the Great Lady of Kur, or what you would call the underworld in more modern terms. I don’t suppose you would recognize that name ? ❞ A pity, truly.
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alnihaya-blog · 6 years
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happy early april fool’s my girl is finally in the riyo club !!
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alnihaya-blog · 6 years
Concept: You hold my hand and never let go.
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alnihaya-blog · 6 years
“… why is everyone so surprised about that?” he sighs and looks her over - not in a sense of trying to judge her, but simply making sure she is alright ( ah well. catching himself doing that he understands the questions - he doesn’t even behave like a typical king of his time, even less like the son of that man ).
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the king sighs and looks down at the goddess “you don’t need to thank me - you are still the goddess of the underworld that I know, it is only common sense that I show you respect.” and with that the man gives her an elegant bow, offering his hand “are you perhaps hungry? as uruk’s king it should be my duty to offer you some food.” perhaps there is even the hint of amusement in his voice as he speaks.
          ❝ Well, Gilgamesh is unique. Even for one who lived like a mortal, he certainly left an impression on us gods. Not for the best reasons - though, I did find it amusing how he angered my dearest sister so easily. ❞ His behavior beyond that had been quite irritating, a needlessly arrogant man ( who owed her quite a handful of favors, might she add ) whose pride and power had somehow led him to the Throne of Heroes. Meanwhile, his son - ❝ You, on the other hand, know to respect the gods and show decent manners. To have come from that same man - mortals really are mysterious. ❞ 
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           ❝ - food ? ❞ An odd suggestion given their status as Servants - it wasn’t as if they needed to eat in their current forms - but one she swiftly agreed to regardless. Was she really so starved for respect ? ❝ I-I mean, that sounds about right ! It has been some time since one has presented me any offerings - an excellent idea ! Lead the way ! ❞
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alnihaya-blog · 6 years
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         He knew this presence, didn’t he? In his heart of hearts, in memories buried and replaced with new ones since being summoned; Of darkness and gates he’d heard of in soft words from his great-grandmother. Another divine being, a woman from before his time. “ … greetings, divine one. ” Gods and goddesses were notoriously fickle creatures, after all… // @alnihaya
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          ❝ Oh ? You understand the basics of respect then, boy. It proves that you lack the unfortunate personality of your predecessor. His children and his children’s children appear far more tolerable in company than the golden king himself. ❞ Of course she knew who this boy was - Ereshkigal had paid close attention on the offspring of that man when they entered the seven gates of her kingdom. It was, after all, a notable moment when one with even a hint of godly blood running through their veins was to enter Kurnugia. ❝ Still, your respect is appreciated, especially when so few have the decency to act as you do - so I welcome you to address me by name or class. ❞
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alnihaya-blog · 6 years
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let’s get this party started !! go ahead and like this for a starter !! that said - if you’d be more interested in plotting, my inbox is open too !!
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alnihaya-blog · 6 years
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      “  pardon me, but i haven’t the foggiest. whatever are you talking about?  ”  behold, the scene of the crime — several boxes of hotcakes lay in different states of destruction around the kitchen, and while the stove was now OFF, the ashes of whatever failed experiment sherlock was conducting still smouldered in its pan. 
      soot-stained front of his dress shirt betrays the man’s guilt just as much as the laboratory goggles that still hang around his neck, and the man has the good sense to look a trifle perturbed as he tries to ventilate the kitchen.  “  who’s to say this was not the conclusion i desired in the first place? —— would you care to take a seat and try it?  ”
          ❝ Is that... so. ❞ For one who did not eat following her summons, and rarely indulged in food even during her existence ( food had always been rather drab in the underworld ), this particular scene was without a doubt a disaster. Each of her senses recoiled at what could only be described as the ashes of cake ? She wasn’t even sure what she was looking at to be quite honest. And yet, she was doing her best to be amicable, sociable - and he was offering her a taste. This could ( and she was not exaggerating in the slightest when she thought this ) be her downfall. The end of the goddess Ereshkigal for good. The very taste of whatever had been laid before her would wipe her very existence from the Throne of Heroes.   ❝ - alright. ❞ 
          There would be no doubt that she was a benevolent deity after suffering through this literal hot mess. 
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          ❝- urk. ❞ If she were to sum it the taste in a single word, it would be tragic. ❝ My verdict is that you have produced a toxin rather than a treat. I’m certain that this... meal, if you could even call it that, could kill anyone on the spot. ❞ He was better left solving mysteries. How does one even mess up ‘instant hot cakes’ ? ❝ You might need to practice with something simpler. ❞ If something simpler even existed.
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alnihaya-blog · 6 years
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          Ereshkigal had heard many stories about the ‘great detective’, and while she cared very little for many of her fellow Servants save a handful from her own time ( and even then, it was a sort of resigned acceptance for the sake of maintaining peace ), she did hold his ability in high regard - at least, his intellectual ability. It was hard to believe that this was the same genius upon discovering him alone in the staff kitchen when her nose caught the scent of something burning. ❝ Ruler ? I think whatever that is - well, it is a little overdone. ❞ Was it even edible ? Why was he even cooking ? They didn’t need food in the first place ! 
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alnihaya-blog · 6 years
@ardenssolis​ /
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           ❝ - goodness, the similarities between you and him are astounding. ❞ She had merely been sitting idly, listening briefly at sparing moments to conversations between fellow Servants that were lacking in any real duties to carry out - and during this time, she couldn’t help comparing this king to another, alike in both grandeur and pride. ❝ Tell me Rider - is it necessary for a ‘king’ to hold a title beyond that of their kingship ? Gilgamesh calls himself the ‘King of Heroes’, and you the ‘King of Kings’, I've noticed. Is there much of a purpose in doing so beyond perhaps adding to your extensive list of names, or could it be with the goal of leaving behind a part of yourself after death ? Could it be that I have been missing out on an essential rule of royalty ? ❞
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alnihaya-blog · 6 years
@marsarrim​ /
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          ❝ - thank you. ❞ how embarrassing, to accidentally crash into the Ruler Servant in the middle of the hallway, to fall to the floor. Yet even stranger was for him to offer her a hand, to help Ereshkigal off the ground and not utter a word about how shameful it was for a goddess to tumble in a collision, a literal fall from grace. Such an incident brought about a myriad of questions, mainly the fact that he was so easily assisting her when another she knew quite a bit better would have let her there and likely chuckled at her predicament. ❝ Ruler - are you positive you’re that Gilgamesh’s son ? ❞ It was a silly question, but it slipped out as she let go of his hand. The resemblance was undoubtedly there - she could have recognized him even if they weren’t summoned together from the many years spent guarding Kurnugia and witnessing the souls of his predecessors entering her domain - but his personality was so different. 
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alnihaya-blog · 6 years
@stygicniron​ /
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          ❝ You reek of death, boy. Why is that, I wonder ? Have you been wandering around in the underworld, perhaps ? I can recognize death’s blessing anywhere, regardless of how many years have passed and how many rulers have taken my place. ❞ How curious - it was rare to meet others blessed by her realm, let alone one who appeared so young. 
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alnihaya-blog · 6 years
@getsuruito​ /
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          ❝ - like I said, I should have your head for having the audacity to sneak up on me, but I will be kind enough to allow you to speak first. Give me your best excuse for bothering me lest you  find it preferable having your head decorate my spear. It is one thing to sneak up upon a lady, another to sneak up on a queen. ❞ Presence Concealment - what a bothersome skill. There was no honor in sneaking up on another by means of hiding in the shadows ( so said the very ruler of those shadows ) in her mind. The man had obviously allowed her the chance to see him, it wasn’t as if she had the ability to see through such a skill ( though she would never admit to having such weakness ), yet it didn’t make her any less tense. 
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alnihaya-blog · 6 years
@fictile​ / 
         Despite their summoning to a shared Master, the two had never actually spoken since their individual arrivals - nothing beyond short nods of acknowledgment or a glance in the other’s general direction. This was primarily due to Ereshkigal’s personal feelings and the way her fellow Lancer brought back memories she’d rather forget ( but never could, but never would ) about her dearest Bull and her accursed sister who had brought that most joyous love crashing to the depths of her realm with the death of her beloved. Alas, one could only avoid a person for so long before it became apparent in its intentions - and the clay being had always been perceptive, supposedly. She had believed they would be occupied in their dislike towards her sister, her appearance in their base bringing Ereshkigal nothing but a bitter taste in her mouth, but that had merely been hopeful thinking - nothing more. 
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          ❝ - do you need something from me, Enkidu ? If not, I really must be on my way - Master will likely have use of one of us should they require a Lancer in the coming missions and I would prefer to be by their side should that need arise. My most generous sister is easily found should you need someone to bother - it isn’t as if she is undeserving of such treatment. ❞ 
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alnihaya-blog · 6 years
@pelagaios / 
          ❝ What do you mean I don’t seem god-like ? Why would I lie about who I am ?  ❞ 
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          Ereshkigal was already aware the old gods had faded from the minds of mere mortals ( hence her own subsequent disappearance at the end of their age ) but to hear such impudence, to say something so crass directly to her face even when she had announced her name, her title - this boy should learn to bite his tongue ( bite it off, should she have her preference ) in the presence of a queen of her standing. ❝ Why should the one who dictates death be one to also invoke fear, as you say ? Death is something that is unavoidable, at least in most mortal cases. Hence, death isn’t meant to terrify, it is meant to be accepted - it is what all of you will eventually meet. If this is what gods of death have come to be known for in the modern age, I suddenly have no interest in meeting those who took my place. ❞ A shame, truly. She had worked so hard, wasted away every single day of her existence to maintain the standards of Kurnugia - now the name meant nothing to the world. 
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alnihaya-blog · 6 years
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