alohayeol · 7 years
look at this baby’s face after suho copied his whining 
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alohayeol · 7 years
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↳ It was those small aspects in life that you never paid much attention to; them not including you meeting a special stranger at your local train station.
◇ pairing: jongdae | reader ◇ genre: fluff, slice of life!au, short story ◇ word count: 938 ◇ warnings: none ◇ disclaimer: none
All my life, I have heard countless people mention the same opinions and views. They always say to pay attention to smaller details. They always say to focus on the more intricate, smaller points of certain things. Details were always top priority and the most salient of all. The entire picture and the summary were pathetically neglected, mainly because the people I knew agreed that summaries of most things were inaccurate. Instead, they all say to concentrate on smaller aspects, as every minor detail could be included.
I could safely say I was the only one who believed in summaries. I definitely agree that summaries are not always accurate, but I do feel that each summary tells a story. The most important aspects could be mentioned in the summary, saving most from the trouble of memorizing millions of details. I was also a very fixed person, standing my ground and believing in whatever I say. I was never the type to lose trust and belief in my own opinions just because something or someone had attempted to affect me.
However, one fine day when I was least expecting it, my usual views and opinions changed completely. It was not anything or anyone's fault, so I could not point my finger and bring them to blame.
"I'm sorry, this has to be your credit card. I saw it on the floor."
That one string of words sank right into my skin, as the soothing voice went through my ears. I turned around, and my eyes immediately found themselves fixated on a man not much taller than me with sharp facial features. With high cheekbones and a sweet smile, anybody who said that he lacked charm would have to be lying. He had been standing behind me the whole time, and he must have seen my credit card fall effortlessly out of my wallet and onto the concrete floor. I sheepishly scratched the back of my neck, as a tint of rose rushed to my cheeks.
"Thank you...I'm sorry for any inconvenience caused," I apologized with an embarrassed smile, but the man only returned me the same grin from before. He stuck his hand out to pass me my credit card back, and my fingertips brushed against his ever-so-slightly while I retrieved it.
Alas, the train arrived. The loud sound of the wheels running against the tracks engulfed everybody waiting to go onboard, simultaneously creating a strong breeze that blew the ends of my jacket to the left. The (still anonymous) man remained beside me, as the train came to a halt. The doors flew open, and I began to make my way to the train slowly.
I allowed most of the people to walk infront of me, knowing that my heavy suitcase would probably hold me back. Since then, I noticed that the man had disappeared, and I was somewhat crestfallen. Still, I proceeded to enter the train, and my eyes began scanning the cabin to look for a vacant seat.
And of course, there had to be none left. I sighed, pursing my lips into a thin line as I carried my annoyingly heavy suitcase with me. I looked around once again, and there were still no empty seats to be seen. Just when I was about to groan out in irritation, the same voice spoke again.
"You can sit next to me if you'd like."
I looked in the direction of the voice, and (not much) to my surprise, it was the same attractive man. My eyes widened, as I watched him remove his own suitcase from beside him, creating an empty spot for me to sit down. My face beamed up immediately, as I walked over and descended onto the seat.
By then, the train had already begun moving to its next stop, and I managed to sit down comfortably with my legs crossed, suitcase tucked underneath the seat. The man turned his head to look at me, before giving me a rather smug grin.
"I knew you needed a seat," He smirked, and I simply rolled my eyes with a smile on my face, also trying to hold back laughter.
"Thanks a lot," I said rather dryly, and the man giggled. His giggle was not the annoying type. It was melodic, and had some sort of rhythm to it. Hearing him laugh made me want to laugh too, and that was exactly what I did.
"I'm sorry, did I catch your name?" He asked, as he scrunched his eyebrows unintentionally. I shook my head no, before telling him my name.
"I don't think so. I'm Y/N."
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Y/N. I'm Jongdae," The man's lips curved upwards into a soft smile, and from there we began introducing ourselves further and talking about life in general. Jongdae was a nice man, and I could tell by the way he listened carefully to every word I spoke, and the way he nodded and answered my questions with such respect that was rare in most people nowadays. I appreciated his comforting presence, but it all came to an end when the train finally arrived at his stop.
Jongdae grabbed his suitcase and ascended from his seat, as he began making his way out of the train. My eyes followed him, as a sense of sadness washed over me. I could not just watch him leave like that; I had to say something.
"We'll see each other again, right?" I questioned, the slightest bit of sadness audible in my speech. Jongdae simply chuckled, his eyes sparkling as he stared at me delightfully.
"Oh, definitely."
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alohayeol · 7 years
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alohayeol · 7 years
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↳ Convinced that your parents would not be too pleased with the huge lie you told them, you had no other choice but to turn to your best friend’s piano teacher for a rather unusual favor.
◇ pairing: chanyeol | reader
◇ genre: fluff & teacher?au
◇ word count: 3,420 
◇ warnings: probs some ‘coarse’ language
There were many things that I regretted doing in life, ranging from huge important matters that should be taken seriously to small and insignificant ones. Usually, the bigger regrets would leave me deep in thought and sorrow, while the smaller ones would leave me shrugging with nonchalance. I was the type to only worry about something salient, and never about something that is trivial. I guess you could say I was a carefree person in general, because I probably am.
Now, there were also certain situations I have been in where the main issue is not that important overall, but got me regretting whatever I have done to get into the situation intensely regardless. From past experiences, I can safely say that being in one of those kinds of situations were extremely stressful and difficult. which was exactly the reason why I chose to be cautious and wary about getting myself into them in the first place. However, out of pure negligence and being unaware, I got myself into one of those regretful situations that were neither important nor trifling. 
The situation I was currently in got me wishing that I had never spoke a word at all. I regretted every syllable that came out from my mouth, and I regretted being around at the most inappropriate timing. Growing up, I was a rather lonely person. I never had much friends, but that was only because I personally did not really enjoy making friends myself. People do make the effort to come up and speak to me, but I would usually hum as a response or nod my head at whatever they said. I only had one best friend in my entire life, Youngjae. He also happened to be male, much to most people’s disappointment.
All that was stated above clearly explained the reason why my parents were desperate in finding a boyfriend for me. Initially, they thought that Youngjae was my new significant other, but I broke it to them that I could not see him more than a friend as hard as I tried. Since then, my parents would not leave me alone unless I got a boyfriend. They would question me probably every week on whether I had found someone that I fancied. It was fine for me at first, but as months passed it only got more and more annoying. 
This brings us to the ongoing situation, which started all because of my bad temper and impatience. One day, after returning home from work, my parents greeted me with another one of their typical question. Out of frustration and sheer carelessness, I answered their question by saying that I was dating someone. My parents’ eyes widened, and their jaw dropped soon after. They then began bombarding me with questions, ranging from where I met him to the reason I’m ‘dating’ him. All that eventually led to my parents making an ‘appointment’ to meet my imaginary non-existent boyfriend, and by then I knew I was done for. If I told my parents that I had lied about having a partner, I knew they were likely to be pissed at me.
I had no one to turn to. Youngjae was the first person that came to my mind, but my parents knew he was nothing more than a friend to me ages ago. He was the only male that I befriended, which literally means I know no other male than Youngjae. Because of this, I immediately went over to Youngjae’s house and began asking him for advice and help, mainly because I trusted him with his words and I know he was aware of whatever he was doing. I did not bother calling him in the first place, as I knew he was never going to pick up.
“Youngjae, dude, please help me. I screwed up so bad and played myself. How the hell am I supposed to get away with this now?” I whined, as I gripped the roots of my hair tightly in distress. Youngjae proceeded to eye me up and down, before resting his chin on two fingers and beginning to think of solutions to my rather immature problem.
“Hmm...well, you could ask my piano teacher. I mean, he’s only two years older than the both of us. I don’t think your parents will bat an eye.”
Of course, Youngjae’s annoyingly attractive piano teacher. On days where I hung out in Youngjae’s house, I would often see his teacher enter through the front door, before proceeding to sit down with him on a bench and beginning his lesson. According to Youngjae, his name was Chanyeol, and I certainly could not deny the fact that he was of boyfriend-material. With a tall and lean figure, handsome face, soothing voice and major talent, there was definitely no way a person could reject him. 
Admittedly, Chanyeol and I never really spoke to each other. The only few forms of communication or interaction I ever had with the man was getting him a glass of water and an awkward ‘excuse me’ when he was blocking my way to the refrigerator once. That was really about it. We never had a proper conversation lasting longer than even a minute, and it truthfully hurts me a little. I was definitely attracted to Chanyeol, but due to my shy and reserved nature I just could not bring myself to actually speak to him. 
“O-oh...But don’t you have o-other friends?” I asked, mentally slapping myself for all the unnecessary stuttering. Youngjae threw his head back and laughed, clapping his hands soon after and leaving me bewildered.
“You like Chanyeol, don’t you?” Youngjae responded, and I groaned. He was neither helping me nor answering my question, and that frustrated me. My parents literally demanded to meet my ‘boyfriend’ in exactly a week’s time, and I needed to find someone who was willing enough to pretend to be my partner.
“Youngjae, please. I don’t have time for this,” I complained, looking at my best friend with sad eyes. I pouted a little unknowingly, and Youngjae sighed. He broke off all eye contact with me and looked up at the ceiling, before speaking to me again.
“Y/N, seriously. It’s really obvious that you have something for Chanyeol, there’s no point denying it. So, I suggest you do ‘rent-a-boyfriend’ with him.”
“Yeah. You know, go up to him and ask him if he could be your boyfriend for a while. You guys certainly don’t have to date, but you have all my support if you do,” Youngjae winked playfully, and a shade of rose rushed to my cheeks. As I expected, Youngjae burst out laughing again, and I never felt more embarrassed. Chanyeol would never like someone like me, let alone allow me to ‘rent’ him as my boyfriend. He would probably be disgusted for all I know. 
“I-I don’t know...”
“Come on, Y/N. Do something significant in your life. I’m having piano lessons in about three days, so you can drop by and go for it! I won’t say a word, I swear,” Youngjae replied, and I let out a loud sigh. Maybe Youngjae was right. I should go for it and hope for the best. After all, I did get myself into this whole situation, so I needed to find a solution by myself too.
And that was exactly what I did.
[3 days later:]
I took in one last deep breath, before reaching out to knock on Youngjae’s front door. I made it a point to turn up at Youngjae’s, and finally resolve my problem. Within seconds, Youngjae answered the door. He told me to arrive by a specific time, and I did just that. Youngjae looked rather surprised to see me initially, but his shocked expression was soon replaced by a smug grin. I rolled my eyes, and begged him to let me in. Youngjae opened the door and guided me in, instructing me to sit down on the couch and get comfortable.
“Chanyeol should be here in a few moments. You can wait here for him and also for the right moment to do what needs to be done,” Youngjae smirked, and I brought my hand to my face as a response. I was extremely nervous, to say the least. I was only dressed in my plain white T-shirt and black jeans. My hair was let down naturally, and I only wore my Timberland boots. I was not sure how Chanyeol would react to seeing me in Youngjae’s house again, but I guess I was ready enough to face him.
“Here’s the plan. You sit here the entire time, until I tell Chanyeol that I’m going to use the washroom. From there, I will lock myself up in the washroom I’m in and you guys can talk. Sounds good?” Youngjae asked, and I nodded my head reluctantly. It was definitely too late to turn back now. I had to confront him by the end of the day anyways.
Surely enough, the doorbell rung only minutes after my conversation with Youngjae. I knew immediately who that was, and I began panicking. Youngjae looked over his shoulder as he walked towards the door, mouthing me the two words of ‘be natural’. I took in deep breaths, before whipping out my phone from my handbag and fumbling for a random app that I could be found using. I did have to appear as if I was merely chilling at Youngjae’s, not to ask his teacher for a favor. 
“Hello, Youngjae.”
As soon as the door opened, the familiar deep and soothing voice filled my ears, and my heart began pounding rapidly. It almost felt as if I was on a roller-coaster, due to the strong urge to scream out loudly. I looked up from my phone, and my eyes took no time at all to fix themselves on Chanyeol. He looked as charming as always, his black hair slightly messy and wearing casual clothing. 
“Y/N is hanging out here again if you don’t mind,” Youngjae informed the taller man, and Chanyeol simply looked at me after listening to his speech. Much to my dismay, I (almost instantly) fixate my gaze on him. At that point, the both of us were literally staring at each other. It was awkward for Youngjae, who was sheepishly standing behind his teacher. Chanyeol shot me a warm, yet shy smile, before looking back onto the floor again. My heart fluttered promptly, as I watched him place his bag down next to the piano. Youngjae followed behind him closely, giving me another reassuring smile as he sat down next to Chanyeol. 
It had begun.
I sat on the couch with my phone, switching positions of my legs once in a while. It was rather boring and troublesome, as I had to look up from my phone every few minutes to check if Youngjae had done anything that was part of the plan. Needless to say, Youngjae was taking a painfully long time. I had been sitting in the same place for almost an hour straight, and I heard and saw nothing but the two men exchanging words and the playing of the piano respectively. I felt rather frustrated. My back was starting to ache, and I made a vow to beat up Youngjae if he did not do anything soon.
“I’m sorry, may I use the washroom for a while? My stomach hurts.”
My eyes widened, as I looked at Youngjae with a racing heart. It was happening.
“Sure. Take your time.”
I instantly look back down on my phone, as I heard Youngjae get up from his sat and head upstairs, which was where his washroom was located unfortunately. And from there, the painful and awkward silence came to visit. I switched off my phone, placing it next to me on the couch. I looked around frantically, perhaps even waiting for another Youngjae to appear and help me do the talking. However, nothing appeared and happened, so I had to say something.
I took in a deep breath, as I forced out the following words from my quivering mouth.
Chanyeol immediately turned around, and looked at me questioningly. His eyebrows were scrunched together slightly in confusion, as his doe eyes focused on me and waited for another set of words to be spoken. Truthfully, if simple looks could kill, I would have withered there and then. I then began thinking of other words I could say, since I did not want to call Chanyeol for no fixed reason.
“C-can you help me with something?” I asked, obviously unimpressed with the unintentional stutter at the beginning. I bit my lip in anticipation, as I watched him glance at the floor, before looking back into my eyes again.
“Definitely. How can I help?”
I cursed to myself inwardly. This was it. I closed my eyes shut as if it was the end of the world (but let’s be honest, it was far from it) and exhaled deeply. I already knew what to say, and so I released my words and spoke my mind.
“Can you maybe be my boyfriend for like 24 hours?” I sped through my words, but (unfortunately) Chanyeol understood. His breath hitched, as he looked at me with widened eyes, his lips slightly parted. He looked bewildered, almost as if I had told him something way too personal. I was worried if I had hurt his feelings or made him uncomfortable in any way, so I chose to speak up again and hope that my new speeches would compensate for any damage done.
“I-if you don’t want to, that’s totally fine. I mean, I could just ask Youngjae again and maybe he’ll-”
“When will I have to be seen with you?”
I shut up instantly, as I looked at Chanyeol incredulously. I began questioning what he was implying (inwardly, of course), but I just could not come to a conclusion. Thus, I moved on to answer his question.
“Uh...this Friday. My parents are literally organizing this dinner where all my relatives are invited. The thing is, my parents also have been bugging me to find a boyfriend for the past few months, and so one day I got pissed and told them I was in a relationship and now they are shocked and demanded that my partner showed up so that’s why I need your help,” I half-rambled-half-explained, but Chanyeol nodded his head regardless. He looked like he was in deep thought, as he began considering on whether to accept and agree to my terms. I took my bottom lip between my teeth, as my heart began racing like the thoughts through my mind. Honestly, I would not be really surprised if Youngjae was secretly eavesdropping us and giggling at me in the toilet. I made a huge fool of myself, and I knew better than to think of Chanyeol even agreeing.
My eyes widened, as I nearly choked on my own spit. I was feeling a mixture of feelings: shocked, confused and literally terrified. I knit my eyebrows together, as I questioned Chanyeol on what he meant. The only response I received was a deep, yet melodic chuckle, followed by a string of words that I had never thought he’d say.
“I can be your boyfriend. Temporarily, if that’s what you’re interested in,” He explained, giving me a sweet smile. I could feel butterflies flying all over in my stomach, mainly because of the flirty innuendo he made. I pressed my lips into a thin line, as I nodded and laced my fingers together, trying to process everything.
However, as if on cue, Youngjae descended from the stairs, with a huge smirk on his face as if he had heard everything (which I’m assuming he did). He chirped a loud “I’m back!” before sitting down next to Chanyeol again. Chanyeol shot me one last smile, ere resuming his lesson.
Am I screwed or am I just blessed?
“And so you must be Y/N’s new boyfriend!” My mother chirped, as he took Chanyeol’s large hands into hers, shaking it a bit too gratefully. Chanyeol nodded with a warm smile, before proceeding to do the same with my father. At that point of time, I was inwardly cringing and screaming with joy simultaneously. I was also glad that I had not told my parents about Youngjae’s piano teacher, for if I did then they would suspect something immediately.
“It’s nice to meet you m’am and sir,” Chanyeol grinned, placing his hand on my hip. The warm touch made me shiver almost instantly, as my parents began to fix their gaze on me. I was more or less prepared for the questions they were going to bombard me with (unfortunately).
“What a handsome and wonderful man he is, don’t you agree Y/N?” My mother chirped, and my eyes widened. I then forced out a stutter-filled “Yes”, and Chanyeol took the opportunity to lean down (I was pretty short compared to him) and placed a soft kiss on my cheek. My parents (even Chanyeol to be very truthful) looked more than satisfied. I was left there shaking, my legs turning into total jelly. My parents then smiled at the both of us, before leaving us alone. As soon as their backs were facing me, I took the chance to smack Chanyeol on his bicep, which made him grimace in pain.
"What the hell was that for?” I questioned, and he looked at me absolutely bewildered.
“Aren’t I your boyfriend? I should at least be showing some affection so as to convince your parents,” Chanyeol grumbled, rubbing his fingers over the spot I hit so as to soothe the pain. I rolled my eyes. He did make a point, and I was not going to question him further.
Truthfully, the entirety of the dinner went pretty well. Chanyeol was showing the right amount of affection to me appropriately, and he answered all the questions that were being asked from my relatives maturely. It was also the small gestures he made that had me thinking if he was actually interested in me. Whenever I failed to speak fluently in my speeches, he would let out a small, cute giggle. From there (and probably many more aspects), I can safely conclude that it honestly felt good to be his partner, even if it was just for those few moments. It definitely was not the last time I was seeing him, but it was definitely the last time I got to be his.
As soon as the dinner ended, my heart sank. I leaned against the frame of my door, as I watched Chanyeol step out of my house. All my other relatives have left, and my parents were upstairs. It was only the two of us, basking in the silence that caressed. The painful, awkward silence filled the air once again (much to my dismay), and I began mumbling out useless words.
“So...” I trailed off.
“I guess we’re by ourselves again?” I asked, but it was really meant more as a statement than a question. Chanyeol sighed, as he raked through his soft hair with his fingers. I couldn’t even tell if he was disappointed or just tired, but my questions were all answered when he leaned down and planted a soft, passionate kiss onto my lips. His lips were velvety, as the warmth of his hands cupped my face. I pulled him closer, clutching onto the white woolen sweater he was wearing. It all felt right, until Chanyeol pulled away and gave me another one of his adorable smiles. 
Though, I began to notice that one of his hands left my waist, as he proceeded to dig something out from his pocket. Chanyeol whipped out a small folded piece of paper, and placed it in my hands instantly. His own hands then caressed mine, causing both of my hands to cover the note. Chanyeol then engulfed me in a hug, planting one last kiss on my forehead, before bidding me farewell.
I watched him, every movement he made was seen by my very eyes. I watched the man step out of my house, his silhouette slowly disappearing into the streets. The warmth of him still surrounded me, as I began to open up my fingers and unfold the small piece of paper. I read each and every word slowly, letting it all process. 
Meet me at the coffee place just down the street? I hope to see you there <3
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alohayeol · 7 years
our last embrace
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↳ When a meteor apocalypse strikes and threatens to wipe out all of humanity, you and him were left with no choice, but to stay together. 
◇ pairing: baekhyun | reader
◇ genre: angst, short story & apocalypse au 
◇ word count: 1,605 
◇ warnings: none 
◇ disclaimer: slight reference to Ariana Grande's MV for 'One Last Time'
The world was crumbling apart. In fact, the world had arrived to its final few moments of being intact, before disintegrating into small pathetic pieces that could never be placed back together again. People had become absolutely deranged, much to the point where the only thing they knew and done was run around the streets aimlessly, screaming at the top of their lungs simultaneously. It was a rather injudicious way to spend the last handful of time in life, but it was all that they were capable of doing at the moment.
Nobody was safe, and every single person in the world knew it. They knew someday at some point of time, glowing, blistering meteorites would come crashing down from the sky, beating onto the hard burnt ground of our planet as explosions made their presence known. All humans feared the same thing — death. Death was a natural cause, but it was inevitable and inescapable. Death could take place in many different ways. Some could be of great affliction and agony, while some could be peaceful and painless.
I was never a person of religion or with religious beliefs, but I prayed to whatever and whoever was out there watching my kind fight for our own survival. From the looks of it, survival was not going to be easy. Meteorites are crashing down in almost all areas randomly — you will never know when it will hit you. Destroyed cars and another variety of vehicles piled up along the pavement, as screams of great fear and trepidation rang through the air. Another meteorite had hit, and I was definitely sure about the fact that at least another three people were killed.
The weather was oppressive and sultry, as the thick and polluted air filled up my lungs. The heat emitting from the surroundings made the people's skin glisten with a thin layer of sweat, including my own. The sky was a light purple color, but as beautiful as some may think, it was all linked to a perilous apocalypse. It was certainly misleading, but that was the exact denouement.
I held his hand tightly, as I took the lead and fled for the both of our lives. He and I have come quite far, to say the least. I was also certain that all my other loved ones have perished, if not hiding somewhere and praying for all catastrophes to come to an end. The only person with me currently was my boyfriend, Baekhyun. He was the more observant one, spotting the first meteorite as soon as it fell from the sky. He informed me immediately after, and right after he did, more meteorites came attacking the area as if on cue. I got out of the car and dragged him along with me. I knew better than to let him run alongside me without my grasp. He was panting, his strawberry blonde hair getting messy due to the pace he was running at. I was aware that he was tired, and truthfully I was too. However, I made it a point to ensure both his and my survival. I made a vow to be with him no matter what. 
"Y/N darling, where are we heading to?" Baekhyun asked from behind, inhaling deeply between his words. I informed him of my intention of going to an intact building, where proper shelter is provided and perhaps a slight possibility of survival could be ensured. Baekhyun nodded his head in agreement, and I continued leading the way. Not too long after, a tall concrete building in the corner of my eye caught my attention. It was intact and seemingly secure, much to my surprise. I instantly picked up my pace and ran at a higher velocity, as I tightened my fingers around Baekhyun's hand, which was probably displaying marks of red all over due to my tight grip. However, he was not complaining or showing the slightest bit of uncomfort.
I entered the building within minutes, and a frail-looking metal staircase greeted the two of us. Regardless, I ran up the stairs as gently as I could, slowing down just a little so Baekhyun could get up as well. The staircase led to the second floor of the entire building — there were large television screens everywhere, all aligned above a table with scattered papers and documents. It only dawned upon me then that the whole building was probably someone's home, but I just could not feel a sense of shame or regret. I stared at the large screen, before caressing Baekhyun's hand with mine once again. The television screens were all displaying the same thing — live news reports. I was listening to the reporter saying something about the slim chance of humanity's survival, before I was rudely interrupted by a man with long hair and a long beard. He came running into the room screaming hysterically, and charged at me with his arms frantically waving around. 
Due to my quick reflexes, I let go of Baekhyun's hand and pushed him aside, as I tackled the mentally unstable man that attacked me. I grabbed his arms from underneath, as I shoved him towards the table and sent him flying with a kick in the shin. The man tumbled backwards, and the back of his body pressed against the television's remote control, causing all the screens to switch into something else. The screens now displayed live countdowns to 'The End of The World', and the man himself looked beyond terrified. 
There were only 3 minutes left. 
I took the chance to run out of the room and away from the hysterical man through another staircase that led up to the third floor. It was only until then that I realized I left Baekhyun behind to tackle the man, but I trusted my partner enough to handle the weakling. 
"Y/N, wait for me!" Baekhyun called out almost desperately, but I was already at the balcony of the third floor. The sight of the atmosphere was truly heart-wrenching. Smoke could be seen in every single corner, as meteorites hit the ground relentlessly, sending a vibration as a conclusion. I could tell that people were suffering, losing their precious and loved ones right before their very eyes. I never realized how cruel everything has become. I never realized how much we take for granted in this world. 
 A tear escaped from my eye and rolled down my cheek, as I turned my entire body to face Baekhyun. Upon seeing me crumble apart into a crying mess, he pulled me into his arms and engulfed me in a passionate, warm hug. I sobbed into his chest, as Baekhyun stroke my hair with his slender fingers, placing a kiss on the top of my head lovingly. I felt safe in his arms, but I knew the both of us were not safe as a whole. 
"Baby...we-we're not going to make it," I cried, looking at Baekhyun's sad eyes with my tear-filled ones. He gave me a sad smile, before kissing both of my eyelids. His lips were stained by my teardrops, but he did not seem to mind in the slightest bit. He brought his hand up to rest under my jawline, using his thumb to swipe off the tears that constantly rolled down. 
"Y/N, you're the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life, even when you're crying. I don't know what it is about you," Baekhyun chuckled, shaking his head before leaning down into my face to place a soft yet loving kiss on my lips. He kissed me not once, but twice, as his other arm slid down onto the side of my waist, pulling me closer to him. At that moment, I instantly understood his intention. I stepped even closer to him, much to the point where I could feel his body heat merging with mine. 
"Y/N, you know I love you. I love you more than anything in the world," Baekhyun smiled. He smiled so sweetly and sincerely to the point where my heart was desperate to jump out of my chest, breaking free as a result. I love this man, and I always will. 
"I-I love you too, Baekhyun. Don't ever leave me, please," I spoke softly, as I saw a faint shadow appearing on the sky. It seemed to be approaching us at a violently fast pace, and I knew the time was coming. 
I took the opportunity to wrap my arms around Baekhyun, resting my head on his shoulder as he kissed the top of my head one more time. He brought both of his hands under my chin, tilting my head up to look at his. Baekhyun looked rather tired and fearful at the same time, but he still looked like the same handsome man I saw at the Café where I first laid my eyes on him. 
The shadow on the sky became even clearer and darker. It was a huge meteorite, much bigger and probably even more dangerous than the others. However, I have already prepared myself for the worst, and I was ready to face whatever life throws at me. It was me and Baekhyun against the world, and I knew we were strong enough. Strong enough together.
Before I knew it, the large meteorite hit the ground, sending off a huge explosion that began making its way towards me and Baekhyun. We were still in each other's embraces, as we pressed our foreheads together. Baekhyun gave me one final warm smile, before sharing his last words with me.
"I'll see you soon, Y/N. I love you."
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alohayeol · 7 years
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happy birthday joonie! ❤
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alohayeol · 7 years
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◆  Legend:
♛ = Personal Favorite
☁  = Fluff / Romance ^-^
✿  = Short Stories 
☂  = Angst. Get le tissuez :(
✘  = Gore / Spooky Stuff ._.
✎ = In Progress
◆ Kindly note that I will no longer be writing smut or any form of sexually explicit content. It’s too f00king awkward and I can’t write g00d smuts. Sorry :(
◆  Fanfiction Recommendations Page: @alyeolrecs
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◆  One-Shots:
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◆  Miss Jackson | ☂ | jeon jeongguk | reader
↳ Even though you were fully aware that he was not being loyal, you love him anyway. (Based on P!ATD’s Song: Miss Jackson)
➳  Read here.
*might rewrite story someday. 
◆  Roman Holiday | ☁ ✎ | jeon jeongguk | reader
↳ He finds out about your feelings for him, before taking you out on a late night escape. (Based on: Halsey’s songs: Roman Holiday, Drive, Colors // Taylor Swift’s song: Fearless)
➳  Coming soon! (Hiatus)
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◆  Please Forgive Me | ☁ | kim taehyung | reader
↳ Every wrong action comes with an apology.
➳  Read here.
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◆  In Another Life | ☂ | park jimin | reader
↳ As the saying goes, “You never know what you’ve got until it’s gone.”
➳  Read here.
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Coming soon! :D
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◆  Little DId He Know | ☂ ✎ | jung hoseok | reader
↳ Being childhood friends with Hoseok took a dark turn as you watched him change into someone else, your feelings still kept in secrecy.
➳ Coming soon! (Hiatus)
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◆  Study Stress Relief | ☁ ✿ | min yoongi | reader
↳ Stress never lasts long whenever your boyfriend is around.
➳ Read here.
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Coming soon! :D
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◆  One-Shots:
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Coming soon! :D
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◆ The Eternitarian | ☁ ☂✎ | kim junmyeon | reader
↳ Having always been believing in eternity of the soul, your point becomes proven when you meet your guardian angel.
➳ Coming soon!
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◆ Serendipity | ☁ ✿ | kim jongdae | reader
↳ It was those small aspects in life that you never paid much attention to; them including you meeting a special stranger at your local bus interchange.
➳ Read here.
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◆  Our Last Embrace | ☂ ✿ | byun baekhyun | reader
↳ When a meteor apocalypse strikes and threatens to wipe out all of humanity, you and him were left with no choice, but to stay together.
➳ Read here.
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◆ Rent-A-Boyfriend | ☁ | park chanyeol | reader
↳ Convinced that your parents would not be too pleased with the huge lie you told them, you had no other choice but to turn to your best friend’s piano teacher for a rather unusual favor.
➳ Read here.
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Coming soon! :D
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Coming soon! :D
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Coming soon! :D
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Coming soon! :D
◆ Former Members:
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Coming soon! :D
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Coming soon! :D
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Coming soon! :D
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alohayeol · 7 years
Happy Birthday, Jungkook!
Despite me being a new ARMY, I have seen many moments of you being a wonderful and delightful person. I hope that you will eat and rest well! Love you, all the best in the years to come. - R
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alohayeol · 7 years
BTS As Brothers
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S E O K J I N 
• the somewhat-overprotective brother
• would (over)feed you with cinnamon rolls
• “I’m not hungry, stop feeding me!”
• secret sharing aLL THE TIME
• him always making sure you are fine and happy
• listening to everything you have to say
• the both of you just being there for each other <3
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• the chill brother
• would share his works and writings with you and ask for opinions
• gummy smiles !! 
• “Check out this song, it’s pretty good.”
• would sometimes steal your headphones if he doesn’t have his
• sarcasm 24/7
• someone you can rely on <3
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H O S E O K 
• the 69/10 CRAZY brother
• always knows how to make the most boring things fun
• him being at the zoo with you and intentionally avoiding the snake enclosure
• literal dancing machine
• blasting out music from his room, whether if it’s for his own pleasure or to annoy you
• pranks and jokes for days !!
• the both of you never being bored around each other <3
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N A M J O O N 
• the really-overly-protective brother (kind of)
• knowing how to solve almost every single question in your workbooks
• incredibly busy, but always tries to make time for you
• h u g s
• talks about you a lot to the other members
• encouraging you through tough times
• someone you can look up to <3
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J I M I N 
• the kindhearted, yet annoying brother (cough cough that exo reference)
• pinching each other’s cheeks all the time
• him always knowing how to make you smile (whether if it’s because of his aegyo or just him in general)
• poking you in the sides all the time
• peeping at you without your acknowledgement
• someone you can always turn to whenever you are down <3
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T A E H Y U N G 
• the most unique brother you will ever have 
• highkey your best friend
• probably argues over video games with you
• buying you Gucci merchandise for your birthday everYTIME
• watching animes and taking selcas together
• the constant teasing that makes you love and hate him at the same time
• someone who will always have your back no matter what <3
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J U N G K O O K 
• the competitive brother
• bickering over little issues
• “I’m older than you, so that means I’m right.”
• pretty much clueless sometimes
• doesn’t like it when you beat him in a video game
• supports you and comforts you 
• you could never ask for another brother to replace him <3
- R
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alohayeol · 7 years
Help this poor boy
someone save him
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alohayeol · 7 years
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Pretty boy,
Fluffy boy,
Happy boy. ♡
Taehyung’s such a fluffy teddy bear, who wouldn’t love him? XD
(credits to the original poster of the GIF above)
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alohayeol · 7 years
Tae wyd
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the disrespect
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alohayeol · 7 years
Jimin: I only want one slice.
Seokjin: Me too, pizza is very fattening.
Jimin: Jin, that's two.
Seokjin: [Eating two slices of pizza on top of each other] No, not when you eat it like this. The body doesn’t know.
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alohayeol · 7 years
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Namjin !!! <3
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alohayeol · 7 years
in another life | jimin
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Genre: fluff/angst mostly really sad flashbacks
Warning(s): Coarse language (only a tad bit)
Pairing: Jimin x Reader
Word Count: 2k (everytime I write a story, it takes me 3 hours and I only write 2000 words for some stupid reason)
This boy completely stole your heart.
Sometimes, you just think back about the times you had with him.
You remember how the both of you met each other. You met at a coffee shop just not too far down from your apartment. You had just gotten a fresh cup of your espresso, sitting down at two conjoined tables. You were in a grey sweater, with ripped black tights and a pair of sneakers. Your wavy, brown hair was rather nice that day, so instead of tying it up into a ponytail like you usually would, you decided to let it be. Your glasses were sitting comfortably on the bridge of your nose, as you tried to concentrate on finishing your school assignments. You were a straight A student, so it would not take you very long to finish a simple piece of work. Though, because of the noisy atmosphere (the restaurant was exceptionally crowded that day), it was really difficult to focus without getting distracted. Just then, a man walked in from the entrance, causing you to look up.
And you certainly didn’t regret doing so.
This unidentified man looked almost perfect. He had slightly tousled, dyed blonde hair, with his juicy and full lips sitting at the bottom of his face. His jawline was sharp and defined, and his body looked muscular and well-built. You even wondered what his name was, because this man definitely intrigued you a lot. 
It was probably because of how long you were staring, as the man turned his head, immediately locking his eyes and fixating his gaze with yours. It literally felt like it was just the both of you in this little world, as the other people around you began to fade away slowly. His breath seemed to hitch, with his lips parted a little, before taking the bottom one in his teeth. You could have sworn that that simple act sent your inner butterflies fluttering. This person, who you had no idea who he was, was going to be the ultimate death of you. 
His lips curved upwards into an adorable, heartwarming smile. As he did so, his eyes squeezed shut a little. What more could he fucking do? You asked yourself inwardly. You weren’t just going to die because of an attractive stranger in a coffee shop, would you?
Then, this man started walking towards your table. At this point of time, your heart felt like it could be seen from the exterior, pounding quickly out of your chest. You watched, as he pulled out a chair, which was sitting comfortably in front of you, and sat right down on it. Was he going to talk to you? 
“Hello, darling. You’ve really seemed to have caught my attention. My name is Jimin, by the way,” he smiles, his hand lingering above yours, indirectly asking you for permission for a handshake. 
Jimin, What a smooth name for a smooth as fuck guy, you thought. Before you could think of an answer, you grinned and took his hand in yours, shaking it slightly. You attempted to muster all the courage and confidence in yourself, as you looked at him in the eye and responded. 
“Y/N,” you spoke confidently, mentally patting yourself on the back for not making your voice crack or look away. 
And that was all it took for him to ask you out that week,
eventually being his significant other.
You remember him waking up next to you, with his slightly unkempt, yet fluffy hair covering his eyelids and lying all over the pillow. You remember how his eyes were closed shut, with his plump lips parted ever so slightly. His chubby, yet adorable cheeks pressed against the pillow, making his face looked scrunched up, was all it took to send your heart racing. He would be in his over-sized, pastel blue sweater, with its sleeves hanging over his wrists as his smaller-than-average hands would clasp together, resting just beneath his chin. Sometimes, you would wonder what he was thinking or dreaming about. He always manages to look so peaceful, even in his deepest sleep. You stretch your arm out, running the back of your fingers along the soft skin of his cheek, stroking it gently. He would fidget vaguely, before burying his face deeper into the crook of your neck. When he was still mostly asleep, he would let out a long, warm breath, which tickled your neck. However, on days when he was mostly awake and conscious, he would place a soft, yet lingering kiss just along your jaw. And, if he felt mischievous enough, he would place more of the same type of kisses along your jaw, starting from the front and slowly making its way to the back of your ear, continuing down to the crook of your neck. You absolutely loved his simple, yet romantic act. Once he was done kissing you, he would look up at you and give you a small smile, which was more than enough to make you lean down and finally plant a kiss on his soft, pink lips.
He would kiss you back passionately without hesitation. 
You remember him constantly bugging you with reminders at the most random times. Reminders on how much he loved you. Reminders on how much you mean to him. You were worth more than the most precious diamonds in his eyes. Absolutely nothing compared to you for him; he would not trade the world for you. From there, he would either start making out with you affectionately, or pull you towards his toned, defined chest and start holding you there lovingly. He always had a thing for cuddling, you would like to think. Staying in his arms for even a small, 2-3 minutes could feel like an eternity. Frankly, the feeling of his arms around you firmly made you feel safe, like nothing sinister in the world could harm you.
So long as you stay within his embrace.
You remember him always getting jealous and insecure whenever he sees you with other men. Of course, you had no interest in them. You only had the eyes and heart set on your boyfriend. However, that was something he had trouble understanding. He was a man of rather few words, so he would express his jealousy through action. Once, he saw you speaking to your old friend, Jungkook. The both of you met through elementary school, and it has been a while since you heard from or spoke with each other, so you were merely catching up. Jungkook was smiling widely, placing his arm around you lazily as you spoke. Though, Jimin took that as a sign of attraction, and immediately snatched you away, before wrapping his own arm around your waist to show Jungkook that you were his. He would place a light, feathery kiss on your cheek, before glaring at your poor friend, who looked really confused. You’ve always taken your boyfriend’s jealousy as a regular habit, but this time, it got really annoying to you.
You had to get him to open up and speak with you about this.
You remember him shouting at you - which was something extremely rare of him, unless it’s really bothering him. You could feel tears start to build up in your eyes, but crying has always been a sign of weakness to you, so you decided to bite your bottom lip to stop it from quivering, as you tried to hold back your tears. He then started to attack you with his words. You had just gotten him to open up about this situation, and now, you really wished you hadn’t.
“Why can’t you just understand me? I get jealous because I fucking love you, (Y/N)! You never get mad at me for being jealous, so why because of Jungkook?”
“It’s not like that, it’s just that-”
“Unless you don’t love me anymore, then fine! Go be with him! Get out!”
That was all it took to reach your breaking point.
You immediately started sobbing. The tears you have been holding back for so long poured down your cheeks like miniature waterfalls, as you buried your face into your hands to prevent embarrassment. You could see his eyes soften through a spacing between your fingers, as he began walking towards you. 
“(Y/N)...Darling, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that...” He spoke gently, pulling you into his chest as he caressed you in his arms. You hated yourself for doing this. You hated yourself for hurting him, and even hurting yourself.
“I know,” you whispered into his chest, a bit too loudly. He brought his hand up to your head to stroke your soft hair, planting a kiss right on top of it. His body warmth heated you up instantly. 
“Shh...Hush...” was all he said, as he attempted to calm you down - which you eventually did.
You hated yourself for being this understanding, but you would do anything to stay with him.
You remember him, the day after your quarrel, wrapping his strong, well-built arms securely around your small waist, almost like a seatbelt, as he nuzzles his face into the back of your neck. The strong wind blew across your faces, sending your hair flying about wildly. However, the both of you could not care less. In front of you lied the stunning, electrifying sunset, its vivid, warm colors blending together, parallel to the horizon of the ocean. You and him were at the beach, watching the sun set slowly. He would comment on how beautiful the sun was occasionally, and of course, knowing how cheesy he was, how much more beautiful you were. You would laugh dryly at his cringe-filled and cliché line, but you definitely knew he meant it. His steady arms were still tightly holding your torso in a tight clasp, as he rested his chin on your shoulder. The sun had already gone down by now, and the sky was slowly getting darker. As he began zoning out into the distance, you decided to ask him a random question.
“Yes, love?”
“Will we ever fall in love...in another life?”
That very question which slipped out of your lips really got him thinking. You weren’t really sure what he was going to respond with, so all you could do was to sit there and wait in anticipation.  
“It really depends on you, sweetheart. I would undoubtedly fall head over heels for you, but what about you?”
You didn’t reply, probably because you zoned out so deeply while waiting for his answer.
“I love you, (Y/N).”
And that was one of the last few words you heard from him that fateful day.
The next day, Jimin was gone. 
You heard from his mother that when he left for work that morning, he got himself into a terrible car accident, and he didn’t make it. That fact alone completely shattered your heart into pieces. You cried loudly in the bed, screaming and pulling the sheets to your eyes as tears poured down heavily. You gripped the sheets so tightly, while inhaling his familiar scent as you continued bawling your eyes out. You were aware that crying could do absolutely nothing. There were so many things you have yet to do and say. The both of you have only been together for 5 months, so why did he have to go this soon? If only you cherished him more. If only you gave him more love and affection.
If only you answered him when he spoke to you last night.
You visited his grave about two weeks later. It was a rainy day, as you stood there in front of the stone piece, watching the raindrops fall relentlessly onto the gravestone. There were so many things you could and should have done while he was still alive. Your tears then started to drip down, blending in with the raindrops as you watched them fall onto the grave through blurry vision. You placed your umbrella on the floor, as you knelt down to the stone, sobbing intensely. You couldn’t care less about the rain that was dampening your clothes rapidly at the moment. There was so much regret in you, and you wish you could exert it all out on something, somehow.
If only you told him that you loved him, 
while he was still yours for that one night.
However, you were certain that you and him would meet and fall in love again,
in another life.
End me, why the fuck did I do this?
Send help.
Anyway, I was actually intending to convey a message through this story. (Y/N), in this case, was obviously being a good girlfriend, but basically the message here is not to take your loved ones for granted, because you’ll never know when they’ll go.
Besides this, as always, have a nice day !!
- R x
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alohayeol · 7 years
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"Run" lockscreen :) Feel free to use this for your own. Please reblog this!!
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alohayeol · 7 years
study stress relief | yoongi
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Genre: Fluff Pairing: Yoongi x Reader Word Count: 1093
Just for you @haepulo x ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Summary: You get stressed preparing for your examinations, and Yoongi tries to help.
It was just you in your room. Books were surrounding you in stacks, papers flying everywhere. Your pens were scattered randomly all over the table, and your mind was practically whirling. Your ponytail, which was probably made ages ago, was dreadfully messy, with strands of hair sticking out at the bottom and by the sides of your head. Yet, you still chose to run your fingers through your locks, gripping them tightly in great stress. Your glasses were sitting uncomfortably on the bridge of your nose, about to fall off anytime sooner, but you couldn’t care less about it anyway. You squeezed your eyes shut, attempting to get rid of that mental block you had in your head. You were preparing for a major upcoming test, which was not more or less than a week away. However, the issue is, you were not ready at all. There were many things you’ve yet to know, and many concepts you’ve yet to understand. Studying for you was as difficult as moving against the current. You were struggling to get it all together, and what’s worse is that you were all alone. Your boyfriend, Yoongi, was still at dance practice, and he hasn’t told you a thing about the time he gets back. You groaned out loudly in distress, throwing the pen you were holding across the room. You breathed heavily, desperately trying to get yourself to calm down.
Just then, the door in your room started to swing open, allowing a figure to step in. You weren’t sure if you were going to pick up your pen first or to see who was there. Instead, you chose to take off your glasses and focus on your work. You were aware that you didn’t have much time left anyway. However, you heard the figure’s footsteps get louder as it seemingly began to walk into your direction, eventually placing a hand on your shoulder. You shudder. You knew immediately who that was.
“Jagiya, why did you ignore me?” It spoke. You let out a sigh. It was merely your boyfriend. Yet, you still chose to disregard him, focusing on your work once again. You could feel Yoongi frown from behind your shoulder, as he threw his arms around your neck, literally shaking your entire body. Something he would usually do to get your attention. You still ignored him. He hesitated, before burying his face into the back of your ear, exhaling there as well. His hot breath made you shiver slightly. You weren’t sure how much longer you could ignore him, so you decided to just talk to him now.
“Y/N, why aren’t you talking to me?” He asked, pouting vaguely. You breathed out heavily, putting down the seventh pen you were writing with. You stood up and turned yourself around to face him, giving him a small, yet reassuring smile. He looked a little sweaty from the dance practice he must have had earlier, but besides that, he looked really adorable. In fact, way more than usual today.
“I’m sorry. I’m just stressed. I have an upcoming and major test to prepare for, and I have yet to know the fundamental concepts,” you explain, burying your face into your palms. You could feel Yoongi nod his head gently, before taking your hands in his.
“I think I’ve got a way to relieve your stress,” He spoke, giving you a heartwarming smile; something you would always crave to see, before placing a soft kiss onto your cheek. He then moved on to plant more of the same, soft and delicate kiss onto your nose, temple, neck, and shoulder. Basically, everywhere on your upper body. You giggled, pulling him closer to you. Yoongi then looked at you with his brown eyes, stroking your silky hair lovingly before landing a kiss right onto your lips. The both of your lips molded together nicely, almost like a puzzle piece. After about half a minute, the both of you pulled apart.
“I’m still stressed, Yoongi,” you began, leaving Yoongi sighing. Looks like his usual remedy of skinship has failed. He then went over to grab one of your extra chairs nearby, making his way to sit down next to you. Yoongi whipped out his pair of glasses and put it on, which he somehow had with him as of today.
“What do you have trouble with? I mean, I’m not as smart as Namjoon, but I can try helping you,” he sheepishly said, making you let out a small chuckle. You passed him the sheet of paper you were doing, and the topic was your most hated one - Algebra. It was much easier back then in your lower grades, but now it has been wrecking your mind completely. Yoongi frowned. You knew he didn’t really like Algebra as well, not to mention he was only average at it. However, his ‘average’ ability to you was better than being a total retard like yourself.
“Hmm…” He muttered, pouting ever so slightly as he studied the question. As he did so, you took the opportunity to look at his face. His jawline was sharp, and his lips were full and almost kissable. You were aware that he had just given you a kiss earlier, but you somehow craved it again. However, you knew it was awkward and strange to just go in for it right now, so you chose to wait. Your eyes then moved to his hair - it was fluffy, like it normally and always was. It had also been dyed a new color, which was teal. And truthfully, you thought it looked pretty good on him. You licked your lips. Yoongi was taking quite a while, but you chose to wait for him anyway.
“Well…” He sighed. You raised your eyebrows in confusion. “I think I have to ask Namjoon about this one, I’m not quite sure how to do it. I’m sorry…”
You laughed slightly, before gripping onto his biceps to turn him to face you. He still wasn’t making eye-contact with you, probably still sheepish after not knowing how to do the equation.
“That’s fine, Yoongi. Thank you so much for trying to help me,” you spoke, throwing yourself into his arms, which he soon pulled you into a tight hug with. You tilted your head up to kiss his jaw, then finally his soft lips. Yoongi giggled in response, nuzzling his right cheek onto the top of your head.
“I love you,” you mutter into his chest, thinking he wouldn’t hear you.
“Love you too, Y/N.”
Well…I don’t think an actual plot exists at this point, but at least there’s loads of fluff! I hope you like it! :)
As always, have a great day! (I keep forgetting to do my sign-outs haha)
~ R
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