alolan-weavile · 6 hours
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Space Dog
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alolan-weavile · 6 hours
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alolan-weavile · 10 hours
the way that estrogen softens your skin kicks so much ass like even before i had any idea i could possibly be trans i was always so sad about not having soft skin
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alolan-weavile · 1 day
you know the drill, op disabled reblogs etc etc etc
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alolan-weavile · 3 days
ppl talk about how left from reality airports are but i rly think public free wifi and the smart phone majority has done a lot to tame the airport. one time in 2013 I had an 8 hour layover in Philly with like 15 other people and I only packed one book which I finished way too early and I had no wifi money but then one of the other ppl revealed he had an entire projector in his carryon and he set the whole thing up and projected movies onto the ceiling and we all lied on the floor for like 6 hours watching whatever the hell he happened to have which was largely inappropriate to project on a public ceiling but what are ya gonna do it’s the 2013 airport
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alolan-weavile · 3 days
I think you fundamentally have to understand the cars from cars (2006) as furries. Questions about anatomy or how they function realistically doesn’t matter. They are human people telling a human story with abstracted, anthropomorphized car bodies. Them being cars is incidental. I would say it is more a furry movie than zootopia is, in which you fundamentally have to understand these anthropomorphized animals as, on some level, functioning like the real life animals they represent.
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alolan-weavile · 3 days
Fun fact. Nothing can stop you from finding the oldest art your friend has ever made on their blog and reblogging it.
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alolan-weavile · 4 days
happy friday i worked all day on this
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alolan-weavile · 5 days
mormons undoubtedly in the top 5 worst things the united states has ever invented which is really saying something
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alolan-weavile · 5 days
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alolan-weavile · 5 days
Sometimes a girl is organic biomass from a depressed boy and a 5 story mech melded together in a synthesis of flesh and steel, pieces of a whole so intertwined they can never be truly parted, irrevocably changed so drastically she barely recognises her components as things she used to be.
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alolan-weavile · 5 days
I feel like I would have been diagnosed with OCD a lot earlier if the vast majority of screening questions (for mental illnesses in general) weren't based on the person's perception of their own behavior, in isolation. and what i mean by that is asking someone with OCD "do you wash your hands excessively?" is not a good question.
a person with OCD believes they are washing their hands the correct number of times. it's not excessive. we believe we're exhibiting best practices and helping to keep everything clean.
better questions might be, "does it seem like you wash your hands a lot more than your friends or family?" "do you get dry patches or cuts on your hands from washing your hands?" "do you find it deeply distressing, more so than how you've seen other people react, when you get something on your hands that you can't clean off right away?"
being asked "are you overly preoccupied with bugs, symmetry, and contamination?" also got "no" responses from me years ago in my life. what they didn't ask for, and didn't know, was what *exactly* I was doing in my day to day life that genuinely ate up my time and mental space to a concerning degree, but I *didn't know* that other people don't do this.
"do you spend a lot of time cleaning?" -> no, it's not a lot. it's a good amount. why?
"do you become frustrated because it seems like no one else meets your organizational and cleanliness standards - do you often 'take over' for other people because they can't do it right - do new friends seem surprised by how strict you can be about your living space?" -> oh. yeah. yeah I get it now.
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alolan-weavile · 5 days
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me getting silly in the pussy if im being honest ?
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alolan-weavile · 5 days
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alolan-weavile · 7 days
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alolan-weavile · 7 days
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alolan-weavile · 8 days
personally i think you should be able to afford a place to live with a part-time job
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