alonelywaywardsheep · 21 hours
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alonelywaywardsheep · 22 hours
They ruined good Pixar movies too with their political left-winged propaganda.
Same goes for all the Disney Classics they’re trying to remake. Walt Disney would curse the people responsible for ruining his name and everything he created if he was still alive.
I don’t watch Disney marvel content anymore. Why? Because their current strategy is “take all the canonically straight characters and make them gay”. None of us classic marvel fans want this. I don’t want a gay non Christian nightcrawler. I won’t want his two mom bull crap because he never had two moms, he had a mom and a dad. Making Scott summers and Wolverine bisexual is the most idiotic thing ever.
I don’t have Disney plus anymore and marvel at this point is totally dead to me. The quality of content has gone so downhill because they tried so hard to pander to LGBT people that they totally lost what made marvel so valuable and good. Stan Lee would be rolling in his grave.
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Made me think of this beautiful song. :D
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I'm Not Lucky I'm Blessed 🖤
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I'm Not Lucky I'm Blessed 🖤
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snoopy of the day
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God: No. Besides I already narrowed them down for you.
please stop making me make all the decisions
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"The seven deadly sins thing is such bullshit who care-" Tell me you don't actually understand Christian theology/philosophy without telling me you don't understand Christian theology/philosophy.
"Christianity is escapist-" Tell me you don't actually understand Christian theology/philosophy without telling me you don't understand Christian theology/philosophy.
"Who cares about the environment since the word is just going to be destro-" Tell me you don't actually understand Christian theology/philosophy without telling me you don't understand Christian theology/philosophy.
"Christianity teaches a low view of human-" Tell me you don't actually understand Christian theology/philosophy without telling me you don't understand Christian theology/philosophy.
"Christianity teaches thought crime-" Tell me you don't actually understand Christian theology/philosophy without telling me you don't understand Christian theology/philosophy.
"God hates gay people-" Tell me you don't actually understand Christian theology/philosophy without telling me you don't understand Christian theology/philosophy.
"Christianity teaches the rapture-" Tell me you don't actually understand Christian theology/philosophy without telling me you don't understand Christian theology/philosophy.
"Christianity teaches that you should seek martyrdom-" Tell me you don't actually understand Christian theology/philosophy without telling me you don't understand Christian theology/philosophy.
"Christianity teaches that one should sell all their possessions and go live with the poor-" Tell me you don't actually understand Christian theology/philosophy without telling me you don't understand Christian theology/philosophy.
"Christianity is anti-science-" Tell me you don't actually understand Christian theology/philosophy without telling me you don't understand Christian theology/philosophy.
"Christianity is against the physical world-" Tell me you don't actually understand Christian theology/philosophy without telling me you don't understand Christian theology/philosophy.
"Jesus teaches that the greatest form of love is to die-" Tell me you don't actually understand Christian theology/philosophy without telling me you don't understand Christian theology/philosophy.
"Christianity teaches that your body is your enemy-" Tell me you don't actually understand Christian theology/philosophy without telling me you don't understand Christian theology/philosophy.
"Christianity teaches young earth creationism-" Tell me you don't actually understand Christian theology/philosophy without telling me you don't understand Christian theology/philosophy.
"Christianity teaches that emotions are demoni-" Tell me you don't actually understand Christian theology/philosophy without telling me you don't understand Christian theology/philosophy.
"Christianity teaches that no good dwells in humans-" Tell me you don't actually understand Christian theology/philosophy without telling me you don't understand Christian theology/philosophy.
If you don't want to be Christian or if you don't like Christianity that's fine. But what's not fine is strawmaning and using a lack of theological and philosophical understanding to talk bad about a religion that is not your own. If you've been hurt, my heart goes out to you. I hope you get therapy and that you can find peace and wholeness, however that looks for you. But that does not give you an excuse anymore than it gives anyone else an excuse.
Also: Fundamentalism is heresy.
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I’ll take pro-Jesus propaganda over anti-Jesus propaganda any day.
Keeps the soul and spirit healthy.
I keep seeing all this stuff about how "veggiestales is good, actually, if you ignore the unfortunate Christian propaganda" and I don't know how to tell you this, but the fact that it is Christian is what makes it good, actually. Hope this helps 💖✌️
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If it was natural selection then the entire animal kingdom would be lining up in an abortion clinic.
I love abortion <3 I view it as natural selection
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“as a trans gay non binary queer person—“
*Trap door intensifies*
i love to hear people's thoughts on things if they are nice and not gay about it
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I don't mind when people feel offended by my Christian posts. They offend Christians constantly and laugh about it. Besides, I won't be spending eternity with them.
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Genesis 50:20 (NLT). “You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people.”
Genesis 50:20 (ICB). “You meant to hurt me. But God turned your evil into good. It was to save the lives of many people. And it is being done.”
“All for Good” By Wendy Richmond:
“Sometimes when you are going through difficult things it’s hard to see the good. What good can come out of a bad situation? Surely that’s what Joseph was thinking. Things started out quite innocent. He was just a 17-year-old boy with a dream when his brothers threw him into a pit and then sold him into slavery.
For the next thirteen years, Joseph experienced one difficult situation after another. He was lied about, thrown into prison, and forgotten. But God’s favor was on Joseph and the Lord gave him a special ability to interpret dreams.
At the age of 30, Joseph was summoned from prison to interpret Pharaoh’s dream. Because God gave Joseph the ability to interpret the dream, he was made second in command in all of Egypt. Then the famine came.
Enter Joseph’s brothers. They came to Egypt looking for food and bowed down to Joseph just like they did in the dream he had as a youth. You would think Joseph would have been furious. They were the ones responsible for all his hardships. It was their actions that landed him in prison.
But instead of being angry, Joseph recognized the sovereignty of God. “You intended to harm me,” Joseph tells his brothers, “but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people.”
Even though God did not cause the difficulties in Joseph’s life, He used them for good and for His glory. You may not see the good right now but don’t lose hope. God turned things around for Joseph and He can turn them around for you.“
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The meme is too good I had to share it here. 😂
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alonelywaywardsheep · 10 days
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Amen. 🙏
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alonelywaywardsheep · 15 days
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alonelywaywardsheep · 20 days
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