alongthepathoflife · 2 days
Hey, guess what? You're allowed to identify as something and then later identify as something else. It doesn't make you a liar or a fraud or an idiot. It's fine. It's okay. People change and grow and their understandings of themselves change and grow too. That's life. Don't sweat it.
It's okay to identify as gay and then later as bi or as bi and then later as gay. It's okay to identify as aro and then later realise you do experience romantic attraction. It's okay to change what name you use or what pronouns you use three hundred times. It's okay and you're always welcome in my community. Be kind to yourself and give yourself grace.
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alongthepathoflife · 2 days
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“what have you been doing over quarantine?”
well, uh…
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alongthepathoflife · 2 days
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alongthepathoflife · 2 days
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alongthepathoflife · 3 days
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alongthepathoflife · 4 days
Corticosteroids (used for asthma amongst other inflammatory or immune mediated conditions) are anti-anabolic. They can cause muscle wasting with long term use (usually only the oral kind, not generally inhaled or topical). Very different effects to anabolic steroids which cause the muscle gain.
Not to detract too much from what is otherwise quite an amusing joke.
as a woman with elevated testosterone (pcos) who uses steroids (asthma inhalers) i must say i am feeling very cheated in the athletic prowess department. when is my dangerous masculine olympic level strength and speed supposed to kick in. do i need to go to professor x
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alongthepathoflife · 4 days
one of the most challenging skills i've had to learn as an adult is the art of figuring out whether i'm proportionally annoyed with someone or just tired and overstimulated and looking for reasons to be pissed off
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alongthepathoflife · 5 days
having one of those executive function days where everything is too many steps
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alongthepathoflife · 19 days
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alongthepathoflife · 19 days
my parents are on holiday in their mobile home
they're expected back this upcoming weekend
I just spent ten days in my childhood home to keep an eye on things
I have hidden 100 small yellow ducks all over the house
I am very excited for my parents to be back
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alongthepathoflife · 22 days
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Freeing the Beach Spirits
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alongthepathoflife · 23 days
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The Princess Bride (1987) dir. Rob Reiner
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alongthepathoflife · 23 days
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wikipedia is a gem
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alongthepathoflife · 24 days
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alongthepathoflife · 26 days
just truly bonkers how much i love lying down……….like being horizontal? unparalleled
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alongthepathoflife · 26 days
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Soothing sunset... ^ᴗ^ Wallpaper size here!
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alongthepathoflife · 26 days
i want more stories of boys growing up idolizing women
calling women their heroes, telling women they want to be just like them when they’re grown up
men being fondly told anecdotes of how they’re acting just like their lady mentors at that age
how everyone can see so much of those women in them
how they should be proud to carry that influence with them
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