alorunes-blog · 10 years
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ancient runes ¦ lecture 0.1 ¦ introduction to runes and their basic functions
Good morning class, first of all I would like to conduct a roll call to make sure all of you are listed in my roster. If your application didn't go through, please contact the registration office.  
Now, do take note that we are talking about real runes and real magic here, not some fancy stuffs you see on Mortal Bones or whatever you kids watch these days. With thatbeing said, let us begin the lecture. I hope you bring your coffee with you because this will be mostly theoretical. 
Runes have been used in Britain since the Dark Ages. When the Romans abandoned Britain around 450AD, waves of immigrants from Europe came and settled in this green and pleasant land. The Friesians from the Netherlands, the Angles and Saxons from Germany, then the Jutes and Norsemen (Vikings) from Scandinavia. They brought with them their set of ancient symbols known as the runes. Originally there were 24 runes and they are collectively known as "the Futhark". 
People used runes for writing messages, inscriptions and epitaphs; as amulets and charms; as an oracle for use in divination; and for rituals, magic and spells.
Now, your first assignment would be;
find a solid example of the use of ancient runes in the past years, it could be in the form of a picture (as shown above) or a text. And no, you may not find a partner for it. If i do find similarities between your assignment with another student's I will be cutting your points in halves.
This assignment is worth 80 points, so do take it seriously.  Before you go, please take this table and familiarize yourselves with the runes. We will be discussing it on our next meeting.
tag the post as alo:task and alo:ancientrunes and submit the link here. any questions should be directed at this blog. thank you : )
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alorunes-blog · 10 years
Course Name: Ancient Runes
Course Description: This course is a compulsory course for first through fourth years and an elective for years beyond that. This course will be made up of lectures, unfortunately for you. Here, we will study all about runes. From the Anglo-Saxon futhark to the Elder futhark, how to translate that into English, how to make your own rune sets, and later introduction to rune casting and rune magic – if you stick to my class long enough. 
Students will be able-
Learn and use Anglo Saxon, Elder, Nordic and a lot more Futharks
Translate runes into English
Learn the aspects of Rune Casting
Make Your Own Rune Set
Cast Rune Layouts
Introduction to Rune Magic
Class Schedule:
Such is the schedule we're going to try to follow-
Lesson 1 – Introduction to Runes and their basic functions Lesson 2 – Elemental Runes; Protection Runes Lesson 3 – Runic Alphabet Lesson 4 - An Introduction to Rune Translation Lesson 5 – Hittite Runes History – Lecture Lesson 6 – Hittite Runes Practical – Attempted Translation Lesson 7 - Egyptian Hieroglyphs History – Lecture Lesson 8 – Egyptian Hieroglyphs – Attempted Translation Lesson 9 – Nordic Runes History – Lecture Lesson 10 – Nordic Runes – Attempted Translation Lesson 11 – Medieval Runes History – Lecture Lesson 12 – Medieval Runes - Attempted Translation Lesson 13 – Dalecarlian Runes History – Lecture Lesson 14 – Dalecarlian Runes – Attempted Translation Lesson 15 – Runes in Divination Lesson 16 – Runes and Oceania Lesson 17 – Midterm  Lesson 18 – Creation of Runes introduction Lesson 19 – Attempting Creation of Runes Lesson 20 – Field Trip ( parent permission required ) Lesson 21 – Codexes Lesson 22 – Birth of the modern alphabet from Runes Lesson 23 – Review Lesson 24 -  Exams
Students are expected to bring-
Rune stone
Grading Policy:
Assignments (30%)           - Assignments are to be expected after every lesson and should be handed in on time for full credit. Failure to do so will result in 10% decrease of grade. Failure to hand it in at all will result in reduction of house points.
Quizzes (25%)           - Quizzes will be given after every 3 lessons to check your retention of knowledge. Pop quizzes may also occur.
Tests (35%)           - There will be two tests a semester, a midterm and a final
Participation (10%)           - Be sure to participate actively in class and to pay attention to the lectures. Failure to attend class will affect negatively upon your grade.
House points will be awarded throughout the course, depending on your performance with assignments, quizzes, tests, etc. 
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