alphakenner · 1 day
Jackson had never been meant to live in some fancy compound. It went against his very nature, and the kind of life that he'd lived in the past before being pulled forward in time. But Triad's attacks had shown the value in being somewhere defensible, and for the moment it was the best thing for himself and his family - and that was all that really mattered to him now. Andrea, the kids, they were his only priority. And they would not be placed in danger again if he had anything to say about it, even if it meant staying in the compound for the time being. "She is," he promised, sitting down beside her and wrapping a hand around Andrea's with excruciating gentleness. "Safe as houses."
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Closed Starter - @alphakenner
Settling into the Mikaelson compound had been a huge adjustment from the home she had been placed in when they had first arrived, from their home out in the bayou, more so for Jackson and Evie. It was something that weighed heavily on her even now as she paced silently within their bedroom, the screams from Triad's attack still ringing in her ears, Hope's worn and tattered frame still emblazoned in her mind before she felt his presence and her movement's halted and everything quieted within her mind, a soundless breath exhaling from her lips as she turned her gaze upon her husband. "Evelynn all settled in," Hayley questioned softly, allowing for digits that had been, moments prior, wringing together nervously to fall to her sides as she lowered herself to sit on the edge of their bed.
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alphakenner · 1 day
"You heard the man," Jackson had only arrived near the end of the hour, content to watch as Ollie directed the newbies wrestling, and took a seat beside him on the bench. "Any of them looking promising?" Young wolves tended to fall into a few categories, and only some would learn to harness their aggression and fight well.
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"Look, I know you're all eager to keep testing your new strength and abilities... but why don't we all take ten, yeah? Besides, y'all are gonna have to start preparing for your first full moon before too long. That is someone else's territory though." Oliver laughed and waved off a small handful of young werewolves that had activated their wolf nature during the assaults.
He had spent the last hour or so wrestling with them, letting them test the waters of their newfound abilities granted to them by their blessings. Needless to say, the wolf was tired and he let out a large huff as he tossed himself onto a bench nearby.
( @darkskiesrpgstarters )
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alphakenner · 27 days
"Don't let her hear you say that or you'll be in the drunk tank for the night," Jackson smiled. "But that means a whole damn lot, Ollie; it's strange being here and not being the one runnin' the show anymore." He chuckled, sitting back a little in his chair and taking a sip from the beer Oliver had brought him. "I can't pin that on her, it's tough to be away from the woman I was supposed to marry. But this is definitely good."
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"Damn right. I mean, Charlie's great and all - but you know that you're the only alpha for me, Jack." Oliver mused and laughed as he returned to he seat across from the other. "Too many minutes." The wolf sighed and took a drink from the bottle in his hands. "I'm honestly surprised you don't have Hayley prowling around her somewhere looking for you. Seems hard to separate the two of you these days." He commented. "This is nice though. All things considered and all that."
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alphakenner · 1 month
Jackson rubbed his chin thoughtfully, surveying the fire pit. "Actually, that's a hell of an idea. Feel like giving me a hand with it?"
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“Build the stone wall a little higher,” Ruslan suggests. “It’ll keep it contained to the stones in area.”
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alphakenner · 1 month
"A debt is a debt!" Jackson fired back. "You don't get to use time travel nonsense to welch on me!" He honestly wasn't that serious, just giving his friend a hard time, but when Oliver did get the beers he noted that he could at least buy the next round.
He half-bowed, laughing. "'Bout time you realized who the king is around these parts, Ollie." He didn't think of himself that way, not really, but it still made for good teasing material. "Been a hot minute since we got a beer together, huh?"
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( @alphakenner - Continued from HERE. )
"I absolutely shouldn't owe you squat, Jackson! These beers are almost twenty years older than the ones I dropped!" Oliver argued, but found himself grumbling and moving towards the bar to make the order from the barkeep. He went ahead and order a couple more, clasping a pair in each of his fingers' grips before carrying them back to the table they were sitting at.
It was needless to say how difficult it had been to really get some genuine one on one time with his best friend, given everything going on around them since they arrived in 2029. Yet, it was sorely overdue and - at least for Oliver - sorely needed. "Here's your beers, Your Highness." The wolf remarked sarcastically and climbed back into his seat.
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alphakenner · 1 month
Jackson chuckled, gesturing around them. "There's dry brush everywhere. Fire jumped a little faster than I was hoping; but yeah, I should work on that next time."
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Closed Starter - @alphakenner
"Maybe try and keep the bonfires away from the dry brush next time, yeah?"
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alphakenner · 1 month
Jackson felt relief flood his veins when she agreed to let him stay at her side. Having to retreat without her, without their kids, it would have been too much. Would have eaten away at his soul. And having her acknowledge it was all he really needed. "I'm not straying an inch from you, Drea. Not a chance." He nodded, repeating her words to himself. "Find Eve, find Beckett, get to the compound. I hate relying on them, but you're right - it's a safe place to reorganize."
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Brows dipped, hazel irises pleading with him even as he spoke. She knew he was right, she couldn’t just expect him to sit back and do nothing, it went against everything that he believed in, everything that he was as an alpha and even know as a husband and father but the thought of losing him again? It had her brain screaming, pleading for him to just go somewhere safe and stay there until all this was over. “Fine, okay, just- stay close to me, Jack,” Hayley pleads. “Don’t go getting all brave and big macho man when we get out there. We find Eve and Beckett and we get to the compound to Hope. We’ll be safe there. The Mikaelson’s will protect us.”
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alphakenner · 1 month
Jackson was a Crescent. He had been party to all manner of tragedy and heartbreak in his time, and he had been able to carry on through it with most of his good ol' boy persona intact. But as Eve forced out a tired reply he wasn't sure that he would ever be able to act that way again. Not after seeing his own child, his flesh and blood, covered in red-stained clothes and looking so worn and hurt. How could he ever be the same again after that? How could he even pretend?
"It's alright, kiddo," Jackson scooped her too-small body into his arms and cradled her against him with a gentleness he didn't know he possessed. "Gonna get you home, now, Evie. And you're gonna rest, and you're gonna...you're gonna be okay," his voice cracked. "You won't feel so tired in the morning. I'll be with you all night. You just hold on for me a little bit longer."
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she was exhausted, completely depleted of all energy from her attack and injury. it didn't take her mom long to find someone to heal her but that only stopped the bleeding, she was still soaked in it. with being just as worried about hope as her mother was, it was a no brainer to tell her mom to go find home, that she'd make it home ok. she didn't show just how little fight she had left in her at that moment but once hayley had left, eve found herself slowly making her way home, leaning against other buildings periodically as she did.
it was as she was taking another break, her lids were heavy and half closed, that a voice broke through the noise of the panicked people around them. "dad?" the young kenner replied listlessly, her voice coming out just as weak as she felt. she hated this, this feeling of being powerless. most of the time she was proud that she'd managed to not trigger her curse but in this moment she wished she had and that thought tormented her. "i'm tired, dad."
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alphakenner · 1 month
"Do you think this is funny?" (jesse)
"Dude, you picked up a keg of beer and split your damn pants down the ass. That's not funny, that's hilarious. You're just lucky Hope ain't taught me to use this phone yet or I'd have posted the pictures on the internet by now," Jackson was still quaking with laughter. "Here, gimme the thing - go change before the whole pack knows what color underwear you've got on, alright?"
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alphakenner · 1 month
"Are you kidding me? You're actually bringing this up right now?" (Oliver)
"Yeah, I'm bringing it up right now! What, you think because we got punched into the future that you don't still owe me two bottles of beer for the ones you dropped back then? Now get your ass up to that bar, Ollie, and order me two Buds. Or I'm gonna text Mary and tell your you welched on a debt - we both know she's way scarier than anything I could do to you. C'mon, chop chop! Get moving!"
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alphakenner · 1 month
"Don't tell me to calm down!" (eve)
"Okay - okay, Evie, I'm sorry." Jackson put his hands up in supplication. "You're right. I got no business saying that to you, and no right to expect you to listen." He stepped a little bit closer, but kept his hands up. "But it's gonna be okay. Your mom's alright, Hope's...well, Hope will be all right. Your brother's fine and dandy. And you're gonna be okay. I'm here now. But you don't need to calm down. You be as upset as you want, okay? As upset as you need to be."
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alphakenner · 1 month
[ seek ] sender seeks out receiver for a protective hug (eve)
Becoming a dad to grown children hadn't been nearly as difficult as Jackson had expected - maybe it was their genetic connection, maybe it was just the fact that he'd always dreamed of being married to Andrea and having kids. Either way, his protectiveness over Eve came as naturally as breathing. Sweeping her into his arms, he squeezed her tight and kissed her temple. "I got you, kiddo. Always, always. C'mon - I was just about to make some cocoa, and you're just in time for a cup all your own. Drea might even have hid some marshmallows 'round here someplace."
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alphakenner · 1 month
"Stop looking at my ass when you think I'm not looking!" (Hayley)
"I never thought you weren't looking," Jackson grinned. "I was sure you noticed, actually. That was why I kept doin' it, gorgeous." He pulled Andrea in for a kiss, laughing.
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alphakenner · 1 month
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you will   A L W A Y S   be their    Q U E E N
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alphakenner · 1 month
Jackson exhaled between gritted teeth. He couldn't do nothing. He couldn't. He'd finally found the great love of his life, the mother of his kids, everything he'd longed for, and she was asking him to leave her to search alone. To expose herself to the risk while he hid away. But how could he turn her down? "'I hate this, Drea. Leaving you and the kids in harms' way while I get under cover. But ask me one more time, and I'll do it - because I love you."
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Brows dipped at his words, head shaking as she allowed for their foreheads to remain touching. "No, Jack, I can't- I need you somewhere safe," Hayley murmurs softly. "I need to know that you're safe, I can't- I won't lose you. Not again."
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alphakenner · 2 months
Jackson sighed. "Georgie. Listen to me, please. I'm not trying to parent you or be in charge of you or whatever damn thing. I'm telling you, as someone who saw way too many damn Crescents grow up without their folks, that I want you to stay safe for your kids' sake. There's a whole army or us out there fightin' back, and you don't need to risk your ass when you should be lookin' after Imogen. Let us fight, alright? All you're gonna do is panic your kid and panic your family."
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NO ONE, told her what to do. georgie was always one of these people that would ignore what she was told or she would do the exact opposite of what she was being told. "that's fine, i wont go out the door." sarcasm in her voice, eyes narrowing at jackson. "and i will be fine, i can handle myself and imogen, if anything was to happen to me would be in safe hands with harrison." afterall, harrison was the responsible one out of them both.
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alphakenner · 2 months
The moment their foreheads touched he felt relief flood through him; knowing that Andrea was okay was the most important thing to him in that moment. He had a family now, and they would be his top priority for the rest of his life. Her words caught him off guard, though. "'Drea...I can help. I can search with you. We'll find them faster together than we will apart. I know you don't want to lose people, and we're gonna make sure that doesn't happen."
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The tightness of his hold barely phased her, if anything it calmed her nerved body, the fear dissipating in an instance as he assured her that he was alright. Digits were quick to find his features as he pulled back, head shaking at his questions as she pulled his features down to her own, forehead resting against forehead. "I'm fine, I'm okay," Hayley assures softly. "I- I need to find Hope and Evie. I can't- I can't lose them Jack. I've lost one too many times- I can't. And you I need you to go somewhere safe, please Jack."
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