alphapsi · 4 days
hey bestie! just letting you know i’m transforming into something unspeakable
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alphapsi · 10 days
whatever didn't kill me turned me into this
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alphapsi · 12 days
sacred romantic moments
“ don’t go. stay. “
“ but you’re here, so stay. “
“ i don’t want to be alone tonight. “
“ just come over. “
“ let’s be alone together. “
“ i didn’t know where else to go. “
“ i don’t want us to be apart anymore. ever. “
“ i wouldn’t have called you if it wasn’t important. “
“ you can talk to me about anything. you know that, right? “
“ just
 be honest with me, do you hate me? “
“ i could never hate you. not really. “
“ you’re my friend, but
 sometimes i wish you were more than that. “
“ we’re not just friends. you know that. “
“ i think i’m falling in love with you. “
“ can i hold your hand? “
“ yeah, you’re in love with me. “
“ just hold me. “
“ things would be so much easier if we were honest with each other. “
“ why can’t you be honest with me? with yourself? “
“ maybe you could stay? just for tonight? “
“ it’s dark outside, and it’s raining. my arms are much safer. “
“ you can’t keep doing this. you can’t keep lying to yourself. “
“ i can’t keep lying to myself, or to you. it’s not fair on either of us. “
“ i think you should kiss me. “
“ kiss me like you mean it. “
“ just kiss me. “
“ you shouldn’t kiss me right now. “
“ look me in the eyes and tell me you love me. “
“ you can’t lie to me, you know. “
“ you know me better than anyone. you always have. “
“ you’re pretty amazing. you know that, right? “
“ you’re just
 you’re extraordinary. “
“ you’re good to me, you know. really good. “
“ you’ve made me the happiest i’ve ever been. “
“ i don’t know what i would have done if you weren’t here. “
“ our love can conquer anything. “
“ and for many generations to come, our love story will live on. “
“ i want you to marry me. “
“ if you asked me to marry you tomorrow, i’d say yes. “ “ what about today? “
“ marry me, name. marry me and make me the luckiest [x] in the world. “
“ your kiss could mend a broken heart. “
“ are you going to kiss me again, or do i have to do it myself? “
“ i could cry, that’s how much i love you. “
“ you’re worthy of my love. “
“ truth is that i’m so damn in love with you that i don’t know what to do with myself. “
“ maybe tonight, it’s you and me. “
“ i don’t know what the future holds. all i know is that i hope you’re in it. “
“ could you promise me one thing? “
“ promise me that we’ll be together, no matter what. “
“ it’s you and me, forever. no matter what. “
“ i didn’t want to tell you until i was sure, but
 i’m pregnant. “
“ we’re going to be family! “
“ this baby, it’s the best thing that could ever have happened to us. “
“ i can’t believe this, we’re going to be parents! “
“ dance with me? “
“ may i have this dance? “
“ you’re my whole world, you know. “
“ don’t speak, just
 kiss me. “
“ you have no idea how long i’ve been wanting to that. “
“ i’ve been wanting to tell you for so long
“ so
 is this like, a thing now? “
“ i always miss you, even when you’re next to me. “
” i miss you. i miss you so much it hurts. ”
” i don’t want you to miss me. it’s tearing me apart. ”
“ you make me happier. “
“ i love waking up next to you. “
“ my favorite thing is falling asleep next to you. “
“ come cuddle with me. “
“ this is torture, isn’t it? “ “ not in the slightest. “
“ do you love me? “
“ could this be something more? “
“ move in with me. “
“ do you think we should move in together? you spend all your time here anyway. “
“ are you serious? i’ve had a crush on you for as long as i can remember. “
“ i know you’re in love with me. “
“ you’re really cute, you know. “
“ you’re so damn attractive. you know that right? “
“ if anybody were to kiss me, i would want that person to be you. “
“ and right now, i think you should kiss me. “
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alphapsi · 12 days
starter [ @psigem
"   you!   you   think   this   is   funny?   "   anger   is   written   across   her   face.   she   can   feel   the   fire   radiating   from   her   body.   something   that   is   so   dangerous   even   she   recognizes   it   is   in   dire   need   to   control.   jean's wrath   and   her   were   often   hand   in   hand.   concealed   and   masked   but   sometimes   needing   to be   released.   a   cap   that   could   only   be   held   for   so   long.   "   you   endanger   the   kids   time   and   time   again.   when   is   enough   enough?   " 
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alphapsi · 15 days
"   because   no   matter   what,   "   she   pauses   for   a   moment.   there   was   sadness   lingering   in   her   tone.   the   thought   killed   her   on   the   inside.   knowing   what   she   was   about   to   say   was   a   realization   that   shattered   her   beyond   repair.   it   was   a   thought   that   kept   her   up   at   night   and   now   kept   a   distance   between   her   and   this   reclaimed   life.   "   you   and   scott   will   always   share   something   that   he   and   i   don't.   at   least,   not   now.   " 
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jean   recalls   by   psyche   everything   about   the   pregnancy.   on   some   bizarre   level,   it   was   like   she   was    stealing   madelyne's   life   even   when   it   was   supposed   to   be   her   own.           it   was   all   too   confusing.           there   was   no   aspect   of   this   that   felt   pleasant.   a   wall   had   formed   between   the   man   she   loved   and   jean   now   felt   foreign   to   what   was   once   her   life.   yet,   madelyne   existed.           can   she   truly   be   all   that   angry?           "   do   you   love   him?   "
@goblyne ... đŸ”„
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alphapsi · 15 days
PAST LIVES (2023) PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue from the film, adjust as necessary
who do you think they are to each other?
i guess that doesn't make sense.
why are you crying?
what did you decide?
i will probably marry him.
you want to go on a date with him?
if you leave something behind, you gain something, too.
you're really leaving? you're never coming back?
there was so much in it that i responded to, but the one phrase that sticks with me the most is the line "the long journey is rotting."
who else should we look up?
think of it as a blessing that you broke up, and consider this a new beginning.
of course you miss her, you moron.
do you have a secret girlfriend or something?
who's messaging you at 3AM?
thank you for this meal.
did you drink a lot last night?
why are you in such a good mood?
i recognize you.
how are we meeting again like this?
i didn't even know that you remembered me!
i just looked for you as a joke, then i saw that you'd been looking for me.
i tried really hard to find you.
do you still cry a lot?
you would always stay with me whenever i was crying.
you can't cry in new york city.
i'm a really fun person to talk to.
what time is it there?
it doesn't make a lot of sense, but... can i even say something like this? i missed you.
i only speak korean with you and my mom.
you're the same as the 12 year old kid in my memory.
have you seen eternal sunshine of the spotless mind?
will you come to new york sometime?
will you come to seoul sometime?
i want us to stop talking to each other for a while.
i want to accomplish something here.
what are you sorry about? were we dating or something?
tonight, we drink 'til we die.
you got the worst room.
maybe you and i were somebody to each other in another lifetime.
do you believe that? that you and i knew each other in another life?
it's going to rain the whole time you're there.
i missed you. i was disappointed.
we're not together right now.
do you not want to get married?
i'm too ordinary.
my job is ordinary, my income is ordinary. it's all ordinary.
is it hard to get married if you don't make a ton of money?
want me to take a photo of you?
you look good.
why do you fight?
it's like planting two trees in one pot. our roots are finding their place.
you're worrying about me?
getting married is hard for idealistic people like you.
why did you look for me?
i just wanted to see you one more time.
i think i was a little pissed off because you just left.
you're right. there's nothing to be sorry about.
i don't have a right to be mad.
i'm not gonna miss my rehearsals for some dude.
we're not meant for each other.
we slept together because we both happened to be single.
you make it sound so romantic.
that's not how life works.
this is my life. and i'm living it with you.
this is where i ended up. this is where i'm supposed to be.
it's just that you make my life so much bigger, and i'm wondering if i do the same thing for you.
you're forgetting the part where i love you.
you never sleep talk in english. you only dream in korean.
i didn't know that. you never told me.
most of the time i think it's cute, but sometimes... i don't know. i get scared.
you dream in a language that i can't understand. there's this whole place inside of you where i can't go.
you really are exactly the same as i remember you.
when we stopped talking... i really missed you. did you miss me?
i don't know, seeing you again and being here makes me have a lot of weird thoughts.
what if you had never left? if you hadn't left like that, and we just grew up together, would i have still looked for you?
would we have dated? broken up? gotten married? would we have kids together?
you had to leave because you're you.
i think there was something in our past lives.
i never thought i'd be part of something like this.
i'm really glad you came here. it was the right thing to do.
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alphapsi · 18 days
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Marvel Comics Women
Jean Grey / Marvel Girl in Uncanny X-Men (2019)
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alphapsi · 18 days
there  was  sadness  looming  in  her  eyes.  teeth  gnaw  at  her  cheeks  in  anxiousness.  she  was  curious  just  how  much  of  their  mannerism  was  the  same.  two  women  who  were  a  mirror  of  one  another  with  different  simply  different  cracks.  jean's  mind  played  tricks  on  her  :  what  belonged  to  her.  what  belonged  to  madelyne.        nothing  made  sense  anymore.        her  life  no  longer  felt  like  her  own  and  now  had  to  work  to  reclaim  it.  it  wasn't  either's  fault.        they  were  victims.        but  the  other  woman  has  now  touched  her  life.        is  it  still  fully  yours?
❛  i can't go through this heartache again.  ❜
"  we're  your  family, @goblyne.  "  outreaching  for  the  red  heads  hand  and  giving  it  a  gentle  squeeze.  reassurance  was  a  key  to  survival  in  their  world  :  [  along  with  faith  ].  without  it,  they  would  fail.  "  i  can  help  you,  if  you  let  me.  "
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alphapsi · 18 days
🐝  *  ― Â đ‘Źđ‘Žđ‘¶đ‘»đ‘°đ‘¶đ‘”đ‘šđ‘łđ‘łđ’€ đ‘Ș𝑯𝑹đ‘čđ‘źđ‘Źđ‘« đ‘șđ‘Źđ‘”đ‘»đ‘Źđ‘”đ‘Ș𝑬 đ‘șđ‘»đ‘šđ‘čđ‘»đ‘Źđ‘čđ‘ș.
❛  why did you have to leave me?  ❜ ❛  how could you do this to me?  ❜ ❛  i trusted you!  ❜ ❛  i'm sorry, but i can't do this anymore.  ❜ ❛  do you even care how much you hurt me?  ❜ ❛  i'll never stop fighting for us, no matter what.  ❜ ❛  i don't know if i can forgive you.  ❜ ❛  i never thought i'd feel so alone, even when you're right here.  ❜ ❛  please don't go, i can't handle losing you too.  ❜ ❛  you were the one person i thought i could always count on. why did you have to let me down?  ❜ ❛  did you ever even care about us? about me?  ❜ ❛  i wish i could hate you for what you've done, but i can't.  ❜ ❛  why do you always have to play games with my feelings?  ❜ ❛  i never thought saying goodbye would hurt this much.  ❜ ❛  every time i close my eyes, all i see is the pain you've caused.  ❜ ❛  why do you insist on tearing us apart when we could be so happy together?  ❜ ❛  i'm tired of pretending everything's okay when it's clearly not.  ❜ ❛  i don't even know who you are anymore.  ❜ ❛  i need you to understand how much you mean to me.  ❜ ❛  i'm scared of losing you, but i'm even more scared of losing myself.  ❜ ❛  why won't you let me in? what are you so afraid of?  ❜ ❛  you were my world, and now everything is falling apart.  ❜ ❛  how am i supposed to trust anyone after what you've done?  ❜ ❛  i can't go through this heartache again.  ❜ ❛  why did you leave without saying goodbye?  ❜ ❛  how could you say something like that to me?  ❜ ❛  you've always had a way of making me feel worthless.  ❜ ❛  don't you dare walk away from me when i'm talking to you.  ❜ ❛  please, just tell me the truth, even if it hurts. i can handle it.  ❜ ❛  i don't know how to fix what's broken between us anymore.  ❜ ❛  you're not the person i fell in love with anymore.  ❜ ❛  just hold me and tell me everything will be okay, even if it's a lie.  ❜ ❛  i trusted you, and you betrayed me.  ❜ ❛  i never meant to hurt you, it was never my intention.  ❜ ❛  i've given you everything, and it's still not enough.  ❜ ❛  why do you always have to make everything about you?  ❜ ❛  why did you do it? why did you betray me like that?  ❜ ❛  i miss you ... more than words can say.  ❜ ❛  you're the best thing that ever happened to me, and i'm scared of losing you.  ❜ ❛  i'll always be here for you, no matter what. just please don't shut me out.  ❜
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alphapsi · 19 days
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do we see the vision.........
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alphapsi · 19 days
jean grey of marvel earth 616 comics & x-men animation series. written by inez ( twenty4, she/her ). following back from @radoptimism.
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