The little things
Just a lil something i wrote while trying to get out of my creative block let me know you y'all want more ;)
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Castellano tiredly dragged his and his wifes full suitcases through their house to their shared bedroom while she played in the living room with their pups he was tasked with unpacking their vacation bags. Throwing the cases on the bed the wolf scratched his head wondering if rich or cam had even unpacked their own bags yet, although his thoughts didnt wonder too far as there was a knock on the front door. "I got it!" He called out knowing how much his wife elle missed her pups and how much the two pups missed their parents so he didnt want who ever it was to disturb them. Swiftly opening the door he found his father looking quite confused and uneasy, "hey cas sorry to bother you during this happy little reunion" looking past his son benny saw ellie and the pups playing happily "but let me talk to you privately for a minute". Taking a step back the older wolf motioned for his son to follow to which he did closing the door behind him, "okay pops whats wrong? Is it mom? Did the pups do something while they were over there? awe man i knew we should of left them with jack in the north" cas groaned knowing how rowdy and wild his kids could be sometimes especially when joined by their cousins. benny chuckled shaking his head "no son its not that but i was wondering did your mother seem strange to you earlier when you and your siblings came to pick up the pups from our house?" Crossing his arms cas went over the days earlier exchange with his mother in his head. furrowing his brows castellano shrugged shaking his head nothing out of the ordinary coming to mind which baffled his father even more "well cause when i got home from checking out the shop she was unusually quiet and a little stiff you know how your mother is and thats not normal" the younger wolf nodded. it was a sign of warning when his mother was quiet which meant one of two things either she was upset or his dad was in the dog house, most of the time it was the latter rather than the former which explain why he was asking his son instead of his wife. benito gave a deep sigh before ultimately giving up "i know it cant be something i did cause its not her birthday or our anniversary, i got her a bouqet of white lillies the other day so it cant be me" the two shrugged "i dont know dad you'll have to ask her this time" nodding the older wolf turned to leave "give my love to my daughter in law and have fun with your pups figlio". waving goodbye benny left walking towards home to do the impossible since having to ask his wife why she was upset would only make her more upset which in turn might land him in the dog house anyway. the alpha shuddered at the thought of his wifes wrath, sure he was the alpha the leader in the relationship and her loving protector but all that went out the window when she was angry with him and getting back in her good graces wasnt always easy.
Approaching the front door cautiously benny looked around for something to grab to act like he was busy just passing through as a back up plan for a quick escape "always got to think ahead benny boy" repeating his own fathers words to himself he grabbed a box of tools he left out on the porch before walking inside. immediately upon walking in he heard his wifes sniffles and whimpers coming from the kitchen, almost dropping the box benny rushed to her finding vivian at the table teary eyed looking through an old family album of theirs. Instantly going into worried husband mode he put down the tool box holding his wifes tear streaked face in his hands "cara mia" seeing her pouty face always made his heart break "whats wrong amore mio?" he asked looking softly into her eyes as she babbled he just tried to calm her. holding her close to him while she sobbed into his shoulder benny took a peak at the page in question she was crying over and then it all clicked, "benito querido i want a baby!" viv exclaimed loudly holding him tight "i miss our pups being little and having our grandpups around just made me miss it more!". Benny tensed up at the thought of having another little trouble maker running around their small home "amore is that all?" playing it off like it wasnt such a big deal the wolf lifted his wife from her chair carrying her to their shared room laying her on the bed "you sit right here and ill be right back okay let me go put my tools away" kissing her head backing away she stopped him. Vivian had an iron grip on her husbands shirt "hurry back okay mi corazon" her pouty face almost made him want to stay but the stone grip she had drove her point home very clearly "of course fiore" softly kissing her face once more she finally let him go. the alpha let out a breath he didnt know he was holding once he was out of the room now was his chance to run, it started off slow and swift before he broke out into a full sprint not even grabbing his tools to put away. benny had to think of somewhere to hide out for a little bit until his wifes baby fever went away, "im sure my sons wont mind some company" he said to himself quickly rushing off to the bunker that dean and sam had put together for their hunts.
Once there he banged on the door like his life depended on it which maybe it did since when he left benny could tell vivians neediness was getting more severe and primal as it always often did when she had her little fits of possesive wanting. sighing relieved as sam opened the door benny walked right in seeing dean at the large table cas and rich built for them that was adorned with decorative wolves and trees, "alright you two i need your help right now" dean stood up at once "what happened old man?" He asked concerned "nothing serious i just need to stay here since viv wont look here for me". The two brothers looked at each other settling down after ben had riled them up as if it was a life or death emergency "okay ben what did you do this time?" The alpha growled "thats just it sammy boy i didnt do anything my wife wants a baby so for the sake of my safety im hiding out here" dean scoffed at the old wolf. "Okay papa wolf you can stay here for a little while but just until mama wolf calms down but why run from her?" dean sat back putting his feet up "because son my little adorable wife who you lovingly call mama becomes a feral love beast when she gets like this and she wont stop until she gets her way how do you think cas got here? so Ive learned its best to just stay out of sight until this blows over". furrowing his brows sam crossed his arms "so why not just give her what she wants that seems a little smarter if you ask me" benny laughed and shook his head looking at dean "you can tell hes never slept with a crazy baby hungry wolf" the two shared a knowing laugh both having wolf mates and knowledge of what it was like "but if you must know sam we're old our pups are grown and we have grandpups, that would just be us starting over again and i dont know about her but im not ready for that again". The brothers shrugged going back to work as the wolf leaned back and relaxed thinking to himself this was going to be a long couple of days but at least he was in familiar company with no worries of his love hungry shewolf finding him, hopefully.
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Mating season
The Victoriano pack mates in spring so all through spring they are uncontrollable horny beast with deep feelings they each handle it differently some choose to stay away from their mates some choose to give in to their desires send an ask to see what their like or just give helpful advice to the poor pups
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Vivian cuddling with her señor stark ;)
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Young Robert Thomas
Great great grandfather to jack and The mischievous man who tricked Nikolas into becoming a wolf like himself
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marlon brando’s screen test for rebel without a cause in 1947.
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Young Nikolas Victoriano
The start of the bloodline and the werewolf curse
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Clark Gable in They Met in Bombay (1941)
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i made an rdj fancam using 'short kings anthem' by tmg...
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Tony and viv @under-the-scarlet-reign88
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Christmas cards from the pups to grandma Viv! She loves getting cute little things like this from the young ones :3
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Damien's father when he was young!
The very handsome nikolas Victoriano, the start of the werewolf bloodline.
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Benny dealing with a hunter
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Boss Level (2020)
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Winter & Holiday Starters ❄️
Send one and I’ll write a starter based on: 
⛄️ – our muses build a snowman together ❄️ – our muses get snowed in and the electricity goes out 🍗 – our muses have to cook a holiday dinner together 🍷– our muses wake up hungover after an office party and don’t remember what happened ✈️ – our muses go on a holiday vacation together 🎅 – one of our muses is dressed as santa and the other sits in their lap 💔 – our muses are both single on christmas 🎄 – our muses decorate for christmas 🍪 – our muses bake cookies together 🎁 – our muses exchange presents 🎤 – one of our muses tries to get the other to sing christmas carols 💋 – our muses kiss under the mistletoe   ⛸️ – our muses go ice skating 👼 – our muses go to church services   💲 – our muses go to the mall together to shop for presents ⭐– our muses get dressed up for a holiday party   
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Must you tease mun? I swear you and señor stark will be the death of me but i am not worried because soon you will understand how i feel *smiles mischievously* @under-the-scarlet-reign88
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tan guapo, mi corazon se esta derritiendo! I could just fall into his arms and swoon ugh you evil mun! - V
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Wich one sleeping angel,  hot fighter, or naughty player
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Damien and anne maria XD he spoils his wolf mate so damn much!
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