alsjeblieft-zeg · 3 months
038 of 2024
You prefer teenage years over adulthood?
You like long hair more than short hair?
Sweaters are more comfy than hoodies?
Leggings are better looking than jeans?
Sneakers are better than heels?
Wearing nice clothes every day is important to you?
Lots of money is one of your biggest goals?
You believe that money really does/can buy happiness?
You don't let things bother you?
Having a gf/bf is a must for you?
You don't care about homework or grades?
You would like to be famous one day?
Music is better when alone/no distractions?
Calorie intake is more important than the food itself?
You have a favorite for almost everything you can possibly think of?
You would prefer to have had a different lifestyle while growing up?
You think that college/education is important?
You believe that power and success doesn't require education?
You are very good at learning things on your own?
Studying is a waste of time?
You have a great sense of style?
You follow the latest trends?
You tend to create your own trends/styles without inspiration from someone else?
You are not scared to try different hair colors?
Your favorite music/songs always seems to be the current trending ones?
You prefer to be selfish than to be taken advantage of?
You are competitive?
You always try again even if you don't succeed?
Chocolate milk is better than regular milk?
You dislike people who try to act smarter or superior to everyone else?
You like spending time on yourself?
You like to make things around you (decor, colors) look the best possible?
You think that the environment around you is just as important as being healthy?
The concept of freedom is something you would like to live by?
If you had 1 million dollars you would most likely not spend it wisely?
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 4 months
037 of 2024
Pet peeves! pt. 4
Asking the question 'how are you' (or similar) without wanting an honest reply. Not throwing boxes or parcel packages from your online delivery orders. Trying to spare people's feelings with lies. Chewing gum with your mouth open. Complaining about something, asking for advice and then not following said given advice/doing anything to improve the situation. People who park too close to the boundaries of either side of their space and don't take the time to correct their horrible parking. People not thanking bus drivers as they get off the bus. When people call everyone bestie. People who ask personal questions to people they barely know. People who claim to be proficient at something and they're not even average. People talking really loud in public. People who endlessly tap their fingers/foot/objects. Modifying your car's engine so that it's VERY LOUD. Having your phone make sounds when you type on it. People that blast loud music in the middle of the night in the neighborhood parking lot when everyone’s trying to sleep. Picking your nose in a public place. Wearing really light clothes and complaining about being cold. Eating your meal really fast. Farting around other people. Always leaving the TV on even when you're not watching or listening to it. People who compulsively clean up your stuff and misplace it. When people answer "I don't know" (i.e. "taco bell or McDonald's?" "I don't know"). Calling people 'brave' for wearing tight/revealing clothing at a high weight. People who record / take photos of you without your consent. People who snore loudly. People who always agree with whomever they are speaking to even if they think they are wrong. Leaving empty containers/wrappers in the fridge/cupboard.
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 4 months
036 of 2024
Pet peeves! pt. 3
Being highly judgmental of other people. Getting offended easily. Not answering the phone or someone at the door. When people take casual opinions personally (like hating someone for not liking X show/celeb/etc.). When people are 'too busy' to do their part in group projects. People who can't tolerate those with different political views. People who are still friends with their exes. Insisting someone else do/have something despite that person really not wanting it. Driving really slow or really inconsistently on the highway or big road. People using loudspeakers when on the phone in public. Censoring words (example: su*c*de) when everyone knows what you're trying to say. Leaving the door wide open when leaving a persons bedrooms. Talking to pets and babies in an annoyingly high pitched voice and making weird sounds that no one can make sense of. Leaving dirty cups/plates in shared living spaces. Being late. "Your" instead of "you're" and vice versa. Oversharing personal stuff on social media. People who STARE… like, on public transport or in a grocery store line or whatever. People who ask you for cigs, alcohol, etc. and barely take a puff or a drink before letting it go to waste. People who have stuffed toys though the're over 20 and they've had sex with over 10 people. People who step on the backs of your feet when you're already walking fast. People who spread out over a sidewalk and walk slowly. Leaving fruit peels on the table or out in the street instead of in a bin or compost. Wearing huge headphones in public. People sitting next to you on public transport when there are open seats elsewhere. Bad grammar. Not having clean fingernails. Opening the window and the heater at the same time.
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 4 months
035 of 2024
Pet peeves! pt. 2
Sneezing very dramatically and loudly. When people don't look up from their phone while crossing the road. Talking to someone as you walk away from them and being totally surprised when you find out they didn't hear you. When people say "eww" or "gross" to a food they haven't even tried yet. People that ride/stay on the back of your car the entire time and get angry even though you going the speed limit. People who put their bag next to themselves in a crowded bus. People who say "Oh! You're tired! Well I *reason why they are" so they make you feel invalid. Taking a bite/piece of somebody's food because you think it's funny. When people are bullies. People who listen to their music on public transportation.. without headphones. Snoring. Criticizing others' taste in media just because it's not what you like. Having a good, long chat with the cashier/sales rep when there's a queue of people waiting to be served. Talking behind someone's back. Smacking your lips and moaning because of "great taste" while eating. When a sibling or family member barges in the bathroom while your in the shower to use the bathroom. Bullying in a pack. Shouting when talking over the phone. People who say "I could care less" when the correct expression is "I COULDN'T care less". People who let their dog lick their face. Stating "I have a question" instead of just saying the question you have. Trying to convert people to your religion. Littering (whether or not there is a nearby bin). People who say "I just say it like it is/I'm the most honest person you'll meet" when it isn't true. People who pretend to listen to you when actually they just want to talk about themselves. Leaving your shoes on at home. Unplugging someone's charger without asking. The constant misuse of the word "literally" when it should be "figuratively".
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 4 months
034 of 2024
Pet Peeves!
When people send you multiple text messages in the span of a minute. When people turn the lights on during the day. Especially when said room gets plenty of natural sunlight. Slurping drinks. People that want to cuddle or touch more than you. When people can't wait for more than a minute for you, but keep you waiting for ages. When people make comments about my food. People who drag their feet when walking. When people are on their phone while they're out with friends. Recording and sending several minutes long voice messages on messengers. Loud mouth sounds when eating. People not saying "excuse me" when they burp/need to get past you etc. Cutlery scraping loudly on plates. Slow walkers. People trying to have full conversations with a mouth full of food. Using a lot of filler words (uhmmmm, like…., eeeeehm, well). Texting somebody and they reply with the absolute stalest texts ever. My family/friends searching through my stuff something that's theirs. Like tell me what you need and I'll give it to you. Talking to somebody else and they interrupt you every time you're talking. Leaving your mess for someone else to clean up. Spitting gum on the sidewalk so it just STAYS there forever and becomes an ugly black spot. Forgetting to signal when you're turning. People who are way too excited, happy and positive about everything. Taking bites of other people's food without them knowing/ hoping they won't notice. Spoiling plot points of shows / movies without warning people. Pouring milk first, then cereal. When people yawn really loudly and over-exaggerate it. When cyclists ride past you really fast on the pavement and don't ring the bell to warn you beforehand so it scares the shit out of you.
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 4 months
033 of 2024
I can make macarons. I prefer dogs to cats. I hate the sun. I've met a celebrity. I got kicked out of school. I got fired for being late. I have blue eyes. I went to work today. I like sci-fi movies. I can't drive. My favorite color is red. I've never seen a lighthouse. My favorite food right now is protein bars. My grandma has 3 cats. I am bisexual. I hate buying shoes. I like romantic movies. I travel to California often. I've never been to the UK. I spend most of my money on food.
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 4 months
032 of 2024
What was the hardest time of your life?
The time of sexual abuse, definitely.
Have you ever fallen for a person much younger or older than you?
Kind of. My husband is 18 years older than me, and once I kinda liked someone who was 11 years younger than me.
What was the biggest health scare of your life so far?
Brain haemorrhage. Would be lethal if I didn't have my brain surgery.
Have you ever had a (weird) sex dream about a celebrity?
Haha yeah. I wasn't an active participant (thankfully), but in my dream I've seen some particular musician having sex in the school bathroom. I was like wtf when I woke up lol.
What gives you anxiety when you meet new people and have to socialise with them?
First impressions, I think.
What part of medical check-ups do you hate the most and why?
Hearing that something is not okay lol.
Do you trust your immediate family?
Yeah, most of the time.
Do you know what you want to do with your life?
Of couse I do, I'm in my 30s lol. I want to keep my job. A son of the railways worker can't just not love trains.
Who's the person you feel safest with?
My husband. No doubt about it.
Have you thought about being in a coma and being able to see what goes on around you?
I was actually in coma and I know very well what it feels like. I couldn't see, but I could hear everything.
Who is the most toxic person you have to deal with on a regular basis?
It used to be my mum, but not anymore since we don't live together.
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 4 months
031 of 2024
How productive are you lately, on a scale of 1-10?
Maybe 3. I'm still on vacation mode. Wait, maybe actually 5 because I'm half on half.
What's some bad personality trait(s) you have and wouldn't get rid of because without it/them you wouldn't be you, anymore?
Pride, although I'm not sure if it's a bad trait.
What's your favourite bruise colour? Do you have any bruises currently? What colours are they?
Favourite bruise colour lol. I have a lot of bruises, from black to yellow. My veins are weak.
Would you change your race/ethnic background, and if so to what?
Nah I wouldn't. What's the point anyway?
What's your current weight?
60 kg or so.
If you could change one thing about the world what would it be?
Erasing all the illnesses.
Most your weight has fluctuated in the shortest amount of time?
10 kg. I lost that much in two weeks when I was in coma.
If you have an ex-partner, have you ever talked to them after your breakup? What was it for? If you never had a partner, would you mind doing it?
Yeah, me and Nielsje are still close friends and we always will.
Who would you like to spend an afternoon with? (still alive person or dead person)
Nikola Tesla because he was a genius.
What can you make / create with your hands, no machines involved?
Wiring connectors for trains.
How many visible scars do you have?
A lot. I'm not going to count them.
What part of your body upsets you the most?
My brain. Neurological shit is not fun.
What simple pleasure makes you the happiest?
Spending time with cats. Petting them and listening to their purr.
Last thing that gave you anxiety?
My stupid neurological disorder manifesting itself in the bus. Thankfully there were 4 people to help me.
Have you thought you found love?
I definitely found love.
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 4 months
030 of 2024
What do you do when you are locked inside your room?
I'm never locked inside my room. I go to our bedroom only to sleep.
Are you on good terms with the last person you texted? Have you ever had a fight or fallen out with them?
I am, it was my dad. We had arguments before, but nothing serious.
Do you wish you were never diagnosed with whatever you have? Or, if you're undiagnosed, do you wish you were?
I wish I didn't have these disorders at all. But once I do, it's better to be diagnosed because now I can have proper treatment.
What kinds of books do you read?
Anything and everything, as long as it's interesting.
The most serious injury you've ever had?
Brain haemorrhage.
Have you ever made up stories about yourself, just for attention?
No, I hate it. I never understood feeding off attention.
Have you ever read someone's diary, without them knowing?
No, I don't do such things. I respect privacy.
Have you ever had your own diary read by someone?
No, hopefully not.
How are you feeling right now?
Mellow. I don't complain, though.
What are you diagnosed with?
Generalised anxiety disorder, OCD, autism, EDNOS, focal epilepsy and Marfan syndrome.
What's your thoughts on social media?
Not for me. Not when everything is for sale.
Do you think you are more or less attractive than your friends/family?
I don't categorise people in such way. Beauty is highly subjective anyway.
What is your least favourite time of year?
Winter. Long nights and short days.
Are you afraid of commitment in any type of relationship?
No, I'm not. I'm married, after all.
Do you want recovery at some point either now or in the future?
Yes, I do. You don't even know how much.
Do you self harm or ever have?
I used to, but I stopped about 10 years ago.
How has your ED affected your physical health?
I don't even know, but my overall health is not the best anyway.
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 4 months
029 of 2024
Do you believe in soulmates?
Yeah, I do. I believe you can have more than one soulmate, and it doesn't have to be a romantic partner. This can be a friend you vibe with, too.
What does your last received text say and what was the context?
My husband wished me a nice meal lol. The context was that I texted him I was goling to eat some lunch.
Do you like to gossip?
No. I don't care how others live and I don't want to be involved in anyone's drama.
Who would you like to have sex with and why?
No one because I'm ace and sex is definitely not on my list of priorities.
How do you think? What do you often think about?
I think in images and inner monologue, it's like an audiobook nd a movie at the same time. It's just like a never ending story.
Have you ever helped someone and then regretted it, for whatever reason?
Yeah, with my first ex because I cared so much and he wrecked me in the end.
Have you turned your back on someone when they really needed you?
No. Good things come back. I'd never leave someone in need.
What is the thing you're most thankful for?
Being alive. And the 12 great years I spent with my beloved kitty Victoria.
Have you ever been really upset with comments from Internet trolls/haters?
No. Haters gonna hate. Typically someone who is an internet hater is a loser in real life.
Are you closer with your dad or mom?
My dad, definitely.
What's your first name and why is it your first name?
Joeri and that's because my mum didn't want to agree on naming me Joris.
Last body part that bled?
Probably one of my fingers.
When was the last time you shouted at someone, who was it and why did you shout at them?
My cat because she was trying to eat some Christmas decorations. Probably a week ago.
Have you lost a loved one?
Yes, my beloved grandma and my beloved cat. Both died of cancer.
How do you style your hair usually?
I just put some gel or wax on it.
What would you like to teach your kids before they turn 18 in case you'd ever have any?
To have respect for everyone regardless of race, nationality, gender identity, sexual orientation or disability.
Do you regret losing your virginity (if you have lost it)? Or do you regret not losing your virginity sooner?
I don't, but it wasn't a turning point in my life.
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 4 months
028 of 2024
Are you attracted most by looks or personality in someone?
Definitely personality. When I like someone's personality, they instantly feel beautiful to me, no matter what they look like.
Do you like baking?
Not much. My husband is a great baker, though.
What's something you would never tell your family?
I never told them that I was sexually abused. They still don't know and they will never know.
Are you more attracted to persons with normal BMI (18.5-25), underweight or overweight?
Weight doesn't matter to me.
What's the best decision you ever made?
Adopting my kitties. Particularly Victoria as she was the sweetest cat ever.
Most gross thing you've done?
Can't think of anything, besides things that qare considered gross that many people do anyway.
The weirdest thing people have ever picked on, about your appearance?
My freckles. I don't even think about them on a daily basis.
Do you handle sharp pain (getting cut by glass), stinging pain (hand sanitizer on the cut you didn't know you had), burning pain (burned yourself), or low deep pain (stubbing your toe) better?
Any kind of pain is meh, but sharp and short-lasting is better than dull and lasting for hours, if I really have to choose.
Out of all your fear foods, which one would you rather eat?
Pasta. Even though it's not that fear, I don't think any food is fear for me, besides allergy stuff.
Do you have any phobias?
Yeah, I'm emetophobic. I also don't like the sound of church bells, particularly when I'm alone at home and in the dark.
How do you spend your life, in detail?
Currently not working, but the rest is as usual: taking my meds, little travels around the country, groceries, my stepson's football practices, online shop.
First time you met a transgender person?
Probably when I was 21, but not in person.
Have you ever been bullied in school by a teacher?
Yeah, even in university lol. I had problems with some teachers because they didn't understand me and I didn't understand them, and I blame my then-undiagnosed autism for that.
Have you ever bullied someone?
Looking back in time, I really hope I didn't. I wasn't a good kid at all.
What's a tradition you have?
I buy souvenirs from every travel.
Have you ever posted anything embarrassing on social media, by mistake?
No, I don't even use any social media, except for YouTube and Instagram.
Do you demand respect or let people walk all over you?
Everyone deserves respect, and so do I. I'm a bit too soft-spoken, though.
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 4 months
027 of 2024
Who was your first crush?
Probably my first ex. I thought it was romantic, though. It wasn't.
What's the most hurtful thing someone's said about you?
Again, the same ex. He said I wasn't a real man because I didn't want sex, and that's why he was cheating on me.
If you have, when did you first think about/consider suicide?
I have, but it's gone. I was 13 or 14, probably.
Is there a part of your ed that you secretly love?
No. I wish I didn't have an eating disorder at all.
Least favourite body part?
In general? Feet. In myself? Everything.
Do you think that full recovery is possible (for anyone, in general)?
It depends on what it is and how severe it is. And how determined you are.
Who is your most problematic crush?
My first ex lol. Triggering as shit.
What is the worst thing one of your family members has done to you?
Probably comparing me to their son who was a "golden child", and I was the black sheep. And now? I have a family, a career, and stable life. He is a single father without education and any job at all, but with lots of debts. I feel sorry for him, but secretly I'm kinda satisfied.
When was the last time you were truly happy?
When I came back to my country, when I met my now husband and when my late cat Victoria was born. Meeting my husband was the most recent, though, from almost 6 years ago.
Do you prefer wearing tight clothes to show your body or baggy clothes to hide in?
I wear only baggy clothes. Not even to hide my body in, but mostly because I prefer it when it comes to comfort and aesthetic.
What scares you the most?
Death, failure and losing.
What age in your life was your favourite time to look back on?
When I was in my early 20s, I think.
What's your biggest flaw?
I can be vengeful at times.
Do you see value/meaning in your life and existence?
I believe I'm here for something, and so is everyone else. We just need to find it.
Would you kill for someone you loved?
I don't know, honestly. You only really discover yourself when put in certain situations.
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 4 months
026 of 2024
if you could go back in time and tell your younger self anything, what would you tell them and why?
Stop caring what others think.
Have you ever had a turning point in your life that entirely changed who you were as a person? If so, describe what it was and how it altered your personality.
Well, I had that brain bleeding incident and it left me disabled, but also it taught me appreciate my life more.
Are you in control of your affections or do you tend to fall for the wrong people?
Affections are not much my problem. I don't feel romantic/sexual attraction.
Is there something you should probably be ashamed of (something you've done, or feel, or whatever), but you aren't?
Can't think of anything. If it's something that I should be ashamed of, then probably I am.
What's the last thing you changed your mind about? Tell me the story.
I can't think of anything either. I don't change opinions that quickly.
If you would be president of your country for 1 week, what would you do?
Hehe, thankfully I live in a kingdom.
Who did you feel most close to when you were growing up?
My dad and sister.
Can you read minds?
No, but I wish. Or maybe not. Knowing too much is not good either.
Who are you most influenced by and how long has it been that way?
I'm not easy to be influenced by anyone.
Do you think your hormones / cellular processes are in balance?
Hell no XD my hormones seem to be messed up somehow. Don't know about cellular processes.
how do you feel about alien abduction?
You believe in whatever you believe, it's not my business.
Weirdest thing you've eaten out of hunger or despair?
I'm not that desperate. I'd rather starve than eat something inedible.
Is there a person in your life you can truly be your honest self around?
My husband and other friends, but I'm always myself, I can't pretend. I don't even know how to do it.
What does your personal hell look like?
My neurological disorder is hell when it kicks in.
What snack is really nostalgic to you?
The specific kind of crisps that is not even produced anymore.
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 4 months
025 of 2024
The most physical pain you've been in?
Probably after a knee surgery. Painkillers didn't even work.
Which animal do you wish you could understand?
All of them.
What would your safe place look like if it could be however you wanted, a place to hide away from the world when you need a break?
I would need a forest to face my room's window. I would sit there and enjoy whatever I'm doing at the moment.
Have you ever had an STD?
No, never. Not that I ever had that many sexual partners lol.
What's the best and worst experience in your life?
Best: coming back to my country and my kitty Victoria being born. Worst: brain incident and my kitty Victoria dying.
If you could change your name for free, would you?
Nah, I kinda like my name.
What makes you most happy?
The sea, summer, nature, cat's purring, my loved ones, small and big accomplishments.
What makes you stay alive still?
Curiosity about what the new day brings.
Do you like cinnamon buns/rolls?
Yeah. I love these from Albert Heijn. Absolutely amazing.
Would you drink a gallon of diarrhea for $100,000?
WTF. This is disgusting and I'm not desperate.
Have you ever cheated on anyone, and if you did, how did you feel about it?
No, I haven't. I don't see the point if I don't even feel sexual attraction at all.
What were you thinking the last time you masturbated, and what were you thinking when you were cumming?
I don't know, probably another guy doing the same. My thoughts are random anyway.
What's your favorite kind of soda?
Coca Cola, but I can't drink it anymore. Then Fanta.
Would you potentially risk your life or safety to help a stranger?
Probably. Did that before.
What kind of parent do you think you'd be if you were going to have kids?
Accepting and understanding. But strict if they do something wrong.
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 4 months
024 of 2024
When was the last time you masturbated?
Oh haha lol. Maybe three days ago or something.
Would you ever consider adopting a child?
Maybe. But I already have a teenage stepson and that's enough.
Do you want to be a good person? What is a good person to you?
Of course I want to be a good person. Good is helpful, selfless and trustworthy to me. Everyone has flaws, though.
What's one characteristic of your personality you don't like?
I'm too greedy at times. I would say proud, but I actually like this trait in myself.
What if anything keeps you awake at night?
My husband snoring.
Weird habit you had as a teen?
Self-harm. Sad, but true.
What's a food your family loves but you don't?
Black sausage. Ew.
What is a positive trait you like about yourself?
I'm not judgemental.
What's your biggest strength and biggest weakness?
Strength: I'm determined. Weakness: too emotional, even though I try not to show it.
Have you heard of the Big 5 in describing one's personality? Do you think you score in anything very far from the average?
Never heard of it, honestly.
What book do you like?
I like too many books. It would exceed the character limit if I started mentioning them all.
Would you do anything for $1,000,000 or are there any limits?
I wouldn't do anything for any amount of money. I prefer to work and earn my salary through actually doing something useful.
How old do you wish to be?
I wish I was 16 again.
What's something you don't want to admit to yourself at the moment?
That I like someone apart from my husband.
When nothing in particular sounds good to eat, what is your back pocket go to?
Nothing in particular.
What music brings up difficult memories for you?
Some black metal music because someone who hurt me loved this music.
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 4 months
023 of 2023
What's your least favorite holiday?
Halloween. I don't even see the point.
What do you think people assume when they look at you?
I don't know and I don't think I want to know.
What was something you loved doing as a little kid?
Playing with friends outside.
Which celebrity would you switch places with for a day?
Any, just to see how it feels to be famous. I'm pretty sure it's not something for me anyway.
What's your hair look like?
Short, but too long for my tastes. Dark brown colour. Pretty messy.
Which smell scents do you like that remind you of childhood?
Freshly baked bread/cookies from my dad, the sea, barbecues.
When was the last time you laughed and why?
Today because I had a silly conversation about farting. My inner teenager apaproves.
Have you ever met a person and disliked them at first, then eventually fell in love with them?
No, never happened to me at all. I've been only falling for friends.
Do you like swimming or campfires better?
Campfires because I can't swim. But I love the sea and the beach.
Have you ever been sexually attracted to a fictional character?
No. I don't judge, but I don't grasp the idea of being sexually attracted to someone at all, let alone fictional characters. This is only because I'm ace.
Have you ever been jealous of your friend/family member?
Yeah, I remember being somewhat jealous of my sister because she was receiving all the love from our mum.
Have you ever had a crush of a person of your own gender?
I only fall for other guys, whatever way it is. Not sexual and not even entirely romantic, but still.
What is the most disturbing thing you've recently seen/read on the Internet?
I can't recall anything recent, but I've seen and read a lot of disturbing things and I kept them. But if we go at the most recent from last year, it would be LOCK/DELOCK videos from that YouTube channele Unfavorable Semicircle. Really weird stuff.
If you could be bigger or smaller in size, what would you choose for your body and why?
I have no solid preference.
Have you ever been in a situation when you didn't like some trend/something or someone popular, but pretended to like it because you were scared of being judged for not liking it?
No, never in my life. I'm terrible at pretending anyway.
What age where you when you had your first irl crush?
Never had a romantic crush in my life.
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 4 months
022 of 2024
What was your first kiss like?
Nah. It just made me realise I was not into kissing.
What was the most impactful thing to happen to you?
Probably going abroad to work.
when was the first time you self harmed, and why? (in any way not just cutting)
I was 13 I think, I don't remember well. I was suffering much enough from sexual abuse.
Who was someone you felt unsafe with but had to be around in your life?
The person who abused me. It makes me nauseous when I think he's married and has children on his own now.
When was the first time you felt sexualized?
Probably at the same time as when I was abused. But anyway, one of the worst cases was two years ago, when someone was clearly trying to groom and fetishize me. Absolutely disgusting.
Do you believe in true love? Do you know anyone you think has experienced it or have you?
Yeah, true love does exist in my opinion. But I believe love has many forms. Platonic, romantic and what else.
Do you ever worry about your own health?
All the damn time lol. At least my anxiety is much reduced.
Have you ever really disliked a family member?
Well. I love my family, they're family after all. But while I love some of them, I can't say I like them. I rather avoid them.
Do you like who you are right now?
I don't overthink it. I feel better about myself than 10 years ago.
Is life worth living?
It is. Not always easy, nobody said life would be easy. But there are some wonderful moments that make life worth living.
Are your values more Conservative or Liberal?
I think I'm the closest to anarchist, honestly.
how do you feel about religion?
I'm agnostic. I don't deny the existence of God, but I'm not the one to confirm it. I'm always searching. For others, I don't care what you believe in, as long as you don't force your beliefs on others.
Do pets make better soul-friends than other humans?
They do. They don't judge. They don't care how you look like. They love you no matter what.
if you could go back in time and change something what would it be?
I would take Victoria to the vet sooner. Maybe she wouldn't die :(
Have you ever been cheated on?
Yeah, by my first ex. He's done it so many times and he wasn't even hiding it.
Do you ever secretly judge people but act like you don't?
No. I never judge people because I know words can hurt more than knives.
If you had a twin, what do you think your relationship would be like?
I think we would be inseparable.
Have you ever been discriminated because of your race/nationality?
Yup, I experienced xenophobia while working in Poland. Thankfully it was only one person. The rest of workers was very much okay.
What's the last thing that made you cry?
The death of my beloved cat Victoria. I think I will never truly get over losing her.
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