altgaming-blog · 13 years
Itagaki is SOOO DOPE!
SERIOUSLY peeps, it's like I'm forever looking at the cover of that Sonic Youth album Goo.
It's ALSO like he's an extra in Grease. Which is awesome because that movie is awesome.
If there was ever Grease: The Video Game it would probably be made by Itagaki. It would be a rhythm-based beat 'em up and set a year after the first movie.
In the story Travolta develops an alcohol problem and starts beating on Olivia Newton-John. He listens to the Grease soundtrack to generate fighting momentum (it'd be SOOO META!) and if you hit buttons at the right time he lands perfect hits.
The final boss will be a judge. Even if you beat him you go to jail, because sad endings are fucking INDIE right now and your game is TARDED without one.
Boob physics in this game will be NEXT-GEN. Travolta's ta-ta's will pop and sway like jelly on a rollercoaster.
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