alvarad982stedk · 4 years
The Complete Guide to Injection Molding
Plastic parts are everywhere, and injection molding is the most widely used manufacturing process for making them. It’s easy to see why: in addition to its material versatility, injection molding is a highly cost-effective process for manufacturing in large quantities, with a single mold sometimes used over a million times with no visible loss of quality. For mass production of plastic parts, there are few better alternatives.
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                                  China plastic injection molding manufacturer
So what exactly is injection molding? How does it work and why is it so popular? What kind of materials can be used for injection molding, and what kind of plastic parts can be created with those materials? And most importantly: should you and your business consider injection molding as a means of production?
This Yiannopoulos guide attempts to give a comprehensive overview of injection molding, explaining the technical process, its most common uses and various other aspects of the world’s most popular plastic production technology.
Injection molding: A very short overview
If you have never encountered injection molding before, the easiest way to understand the process is to consider its two constituent terms: injection and molding.
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Unfortunately, we first need to swap those words around and start with the latter term: molding. At its core, the injection molding process involves the use of two or more pieces of metal tooling, which together function as a mold. The mold — which is not an end-use part, but a component of the manufacturing equipment — contains a shaped cavity that ultimately gets filled with molten plastic.
And that’s where the injection part comes in. Once a mold has been created, an injection molding machine squeezes or 'injects' molten plastic into it, where the plastic cools and solidifies. When the plastic has fully solidified, the mold is opened up and the now-solid piece of plastic can be popped out. This piece of plastic, shaped like the cavity of the mold, is the finished molded part.
Because the molten plastic is forced into the mold at pressure, and because it can be artificially cooled in order to solidify quickly, the injection molding process is very fast. And once a part has been made, another dollop of molten plastic can be injected into the mold straight away. The process repeats over and over until the required quantity of parts has been made.
What is Mold?
The mold used in injection molding is a piece of custom tooling formed of two or more pieces of metal, usually made of steel or aluminum. The purpose of the mold is to create a hollow cavity into which molten plastic can be injected in order to form a part. The mold must therefore be an inverted version of the part, with the hollow cavity having the actual shape of the part.
Although their job seems straightforward, molds are surprisingly complex pieces of equipment. That’s because they must actually perform two roles: first, forming the plastic part; and second, allowing that plastic part to be ejected without getting damaged.
Creating a mold in two separate sections makes it easy to make and then eject the part. In most cases, a mold for injection molding consists of two main sections: a core plate, which features a protrusion, and a cavity plate, which features a cavity. These two sections are positioned so a gap — the mold cavity — forms between them. (Confusingly, the cavity plate is often referred to simply as the 'cavity'.) For especially complex parts — those with overhangs, for example — the mold may be divided into more than two sections.
Each section of the mold has a particular role. The molten plastic is injected into the mold cavity via a sprue and channels in the cavity plate. Then, when the plastic solidifies, the core plate is pulled away from the cavity plate, taking the plastic part with it. The part can then be gently released from the core plate using small rods known as ejector pins. These pins sometimes leave small round marks on the core side of the part.
Steel molds have a longer lifespan than aluminum molds, and are consequently more expensive to make. Regardless of material, molds are typically made using CNC machines, though recent improvements in additive manufacturing have provided a new way to create short-lifespan prototyping molds.
Tooling materials available from Yiannopoulos include:
How does injection molding work?
Now that we’ve established what a mold is, it’s time to look at how the entire injection molding process works. The entire process is carried out using a piece of equipment known as an injection molding machine (or injection molding press), which consists of two main sections:
An injection unit, where raw plastic pellets are melted down before being injected into the mold
A clamping unit, where the sections of the metal mold are held in place and manipulated
For clarity, we can break the injection molding process down into six main stages.
1. Mold Creation
Although this is more of a preliminary step, the first part of injection molding involves preparing the metal tooling that will be used as the mold. Molds are generally designed on a computer using Computer Aided Design (CAD) software, then fabricated from metal using CNC machines.
When designing a part for injection molding and consequently designing its metal mold, certain design principles must be followed to prevent defects. Another preliminary step involves readying the raw injection molding material, which is usually a thermoplastic in pellet form. These pellets may need to be mixed with colored dyes before molding begins.
2. Clamping
When the mold has been fabricated, it must be fitted securely into the clamping unit of the injection molding machine. The unit squeezes the core plate and cavity plate together, ensuring that no molten plastic can escape between the two sections.
3. Injection
On the injection unit of the injection molding machine, raw plastic pellets are contained in a hopper — a tapered container that can dispense pellets into the machine as required.
When the mold is ready, these pellets are dispensed from the hopper into an oblong section underneath called a barrel, where they are heated into a molten state. The barrel contains a ram or reciprocating screw, which forces the material toward the mold while simultaneously heating it up. The molten plastic exits the heated barrel through a nozzle and into the mold cavity via a sprue — a long channel built into the mold that allows material to enter.
4. Solidification
When the entire 'shot' of molten plastic has been injected into the mold cavity, it begins to cool and harden. This is because the metal mold is much cooler than the heated barrel where the plastic pellets are melted down. As the plastic part hardens, it also exhibits some degree of shrinkage — a factor that must be accounted for during part design.
5. Ejection
When the plastic part has fully cooled and solidified, the mold can be opened up. During this stage, the core plate is pulled away from the cavity plate, before ejector pins are pushed into the plastic component to disengage it from the core.
When the plastic component has been removed from the mold, the two halves of the mold can be clamped together again, ready for the next shot.
6. Post-processing and assembly
When the part has been removed from the mold, it may need to be painted or subjected to surface finishing procedures. The part may also be joined to other (molded or non-molded) parts to form a complete product.
Advantages of injection molding
There are many reasons to choose injection molding over another plastic manufacturing process like 3D printing or vacuum casting. Some of the biggest advantages of injection molding include:
Economy of scale
The more injected molded parts you make, the cheaper your cost per unit becomes. That’s because the biggest expense is making the metal mold — and once you’ve got the mold, simply filling it up with plastic is relatively inexpensive.
Speed is another reason why injection molding is great for making parts in large quantities. A shot of plastic can be injected and cooled in a matter of seconds, allowing for fast turnarounds of very large orders.
Material versatility
The best materials for injection molding are thermoplastics, while thermosets, elastomers and composites can also be used. Within those categories, there is a wide array of potential plastics suitable for a wide range of applications.
Color options
The raw plastic pellets used for injection molding can be mixed with dyes for easy and consistent coloration of a molded part.
Part complexity
Although there are design limitations for injection molding, it is still possible to create complex parts with intricate features. As long as the material is injected with enough force, it can reach even the smallest gaps in the mold cavity.
What is injection molding used for?
Injection molding is the world’s most widely used manufacturing process for plastic parts. As such, it is used for a huge variety of different parts and products.
The applications of injection molding are largely determined by the major advantages and disadvantages of the process, as well as its technical and dimensional limitations.
For instance, injection molding can be used to produce huge volumes of parts at a low cost, but is generally limited to thermoplastics, which are weaker than most metals. This means injection molding is often used for commonplace but low-strength items like food packaging, containers and general consumer goods.
Although it would be impossible to list every possible use of injection molding, these are some of the more common applications of the process:
Bottles and packaging
Billions of plastic bottles are made by injection molding each year, making them the most widely injection molded product of all. Most water and soft drink bottles are made from polyethylene terephthalate (PET).
Household items
Simple plastic objects such as containers, garbage bins, kitchenware, electric air fresheners and even toilet seats are some of the many household goods made using injection molding.
Automotive components
Not all injection molded parts are cheap or disposable. Car parts like bumpers, dashboards and cup holders are often made with injection molding, and can therefore be made in massive quantities to fulfill the needs of automotive suppliers.
Healthcare products
Essential medical products like syringes, trays and tubes can be injection molded, since a range of medically safe plastics can be used in the manufacturing process.
Construction items
Most buildings aren’t made of plastic, but injection molding can be used to fabricate many construction parts, including vents, gaskets, conduits, insulators and flooring panels.
Electronic components
Many thermoplastics are excellent electrical insulators, making them ideal for molded housings used in electronic items.
Most plastic toys are made using injection molding. The simplest of these toys may not even require painting or tinting, since raw plastic pellets can be acquired in a variety of bright colors.
Common injection molding materials
Materials used for injection molding can be sorted into four main categories: thermoplastics (most common), thermosets, elastomers and composites.
Injection molding materials available from Yiannopoulos include:
Acetal Polyoxymethylene (POM)
Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS)
Nylon 66 (PA66)
Glass-Filled, Polyamide (PA-GF)
High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE)
Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE)
Polybutylene Terephthalate (PBT)
Polycarbonate (PC)
Glass-Filled Polycarbonate (PC-GF)
ABS Polycarbonate (PC-ABS)
Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET)
Polymethyl Methacrylate (Acrylic) (PMMA)
Polyphenylene Sulfide (PPS)
Polypropylene (PP)
Polystyrene (PS)
Polystyrene + Polyphenyl Ethers (PS-PPE)
Thermoplastic Elastomer (TPE)
Thermoplastic Vulcanizates (TPV)
Since the cost-per-unit of plastic parts is dynamic for injection molding and static for 3D printing, it can be difficult to assess which option is the best value for money for a given order. Numerous factors, including mold creation, part material and part shape can affect the cost of the order — and to different degrees depending on the manufacturing process.
With that in mind, the best solution to the dilemma may be simply requesting a quote for both processes. Yiannopoulos has expertise in both injection molding and 3D printing, and can assess projects on a case-by-case basis to see which represents the best value for money.
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alvarad982stedk · 5 years
What is injection molding?
Injection molding is a manufacturing process commonly used for fabricating items from plastic trinkets and toys to automotive body parts, cell phone cases, water bottles, and containers. Essentially many of the plastic parts that we use in every-day life are injection molded. It is a quick process to create a mass amount of identical plastic parts. The flexibility in shape and size achievable by the use of injection molding has consistently widened the boundaries of design in plastics and allowed substantial alternatives of traditional materials due to design freedom and light weighting.
The plastic injection molding is a most common process to produce a large volume of plastic parts which has been finished for commercial and for the industrial use. In molding process, the molten resin is being injected under a very high pressure in a metal device. After this process it is being cooled and forms a perfect shape. Only single phase required making this finished part completely and it will take few minutes depending on its complexity and the size of the metal to be molded.
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Importance of the existence of mold manufacturers in China
In China there is a great demand for multiple products, so all manufacturers must make a great effort to meet everyone’s needs, without exceptions.
China is a country that has been characterized by always being at the forefront, and it is that it has a great responsibility to meet the needs of all the inhabitants of its various regions, thus providing a large number of products that reach all citizens.
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No factory is exempt from this huge commitment, so they always make sure they bring only the best to their customers. Of course within this group you can easily find a China mold factory, since its presence is quite required by multiple customers who require their services.
Even the mold factories in China have this great responsibility, so they strive to offer only the best products and the best quality for all.
A China mold Factory has the duty to create not only quality products, but also these will have to meet all the demands and requests of its customers who sometimes look for a particular product, and not something that has already been arranged in some stores.
Creating is the main task of a China plastic injection molding manufacturer, since it knows that repeatedly, customers also present their proposals for products they wish to materialize, and these mostly have unusual structures, which means that a standard mold may not be enough to achieve this task.
Usually, a China plastic injection molding manufacturer must not only create standard products, but also some customized ones, in order to reach more people.
A China plastic injection molding manufacturer that creates custom molds, carries with it the responsibility to succeed in the structure of all the products they will create from their work. The existence of a Chinese plastic injection molding manufacturer or several, makes all the manufacturers that depend on these products and the raw material they can offer them, can be quite creative, since from these models they can get free rein to all its models and designs, being these more and more creative than its first versions.
Having a China mold Factory that has real knowledge of how to manufacture these products is undoubtedly one of the greatest advantages that can be had today. When you are a manufacturer of certain products, you always take into account how easy or difficult it will be for you to find the raw material, but in the case of a mold maker the most important thing is to keep in mind that customer requests can be different every day.
How to find a good mold maker in China?
There are lots of different standard mold makers in China. The most important and difficult thing is to choose the right mold maker for a company at the beginning. Sometimes it takes a long time. Although it’s kind of easy to find a well-known mold shop in UK, Germany, US and Japan, but to find a good mold maker in China with reasonable price is really not as difficult as you think was. You should know something about the Chinese mold market, where are for low prices where are for low quality… 1st of everything you’d better to know what do you really want from the mold maker with your prices. To attend mold trial is kind of a right thing, a suggestion you may also follow is requesting sampling video for each trial to save your time and traveling cost. Of course there are some exceptional for some very complicated and super big molds, in the other meaning for some very expensive molds.
The important thing is you need to select the proper mold maker in China and review terms and conditions in your quote as well as warranty clauses. Mold quality is improving these days but you still need to supervise the mold design and qualification of your tool to make sure you received what you paid for.
One of our customers took the designs from a complicated mold that designed by their local mold designer and ask us to build for them due to the expensive cost in local mold manufacturing. They contracted with Wing Tat mold makers to build another mold based on the design. The mold has been running for 14 years without any trouble.
It takes times to find good suppliers and build the partnership, not only in China, but all over the world. The expectation and understanding would be very important for the success, the companies should try to build partnership with their suppliers if they got the best one, that would be very helpful for your mold supplier understood your requirements and expectations.
Requests can vary greatly, especially if they are orders that need to be fully customized, that is, they require specific instructions to be able to execute successfully. In this way, customers and users of these mold companies can take their ideas far beyond what they expected because they no longer feel limited in their structure. This is how we gradually see how the market in various fields can grow without stopping.
For more about mold manufacturers in China,you can pay a visit to Mold-Making at https://www.mold-making.com
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alvarad982stedk · 5 years
What is rapid prototyping and how it is used?
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Rapid prototyping is a specialized manufacturing technique which is widely used for mass manufacturing steel and other products in companies. Many manufacturing companies prefer to have rapid prototyping as it helps to manufacture the products with high quality, maximize the production and engineering testing’s with 3D designs. Many of you can think why it is necessary to use rapid prototyping technology for manufacturing products? The answer would be simpler when people use rapid prototyping technology the process would be completed in faster manner and economically beneficial rather than using hard tools or mankind power. Often maximum clients and customers demand to have quality physical parts for the machineries in that case many business people make use of this rapid prototyping service. Moreover by using rapid prototype service you can able to demonstrate the product appearance, features dimensions and its testing analyses report to the customer and clients.
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Various Rapid prototyping service china:
When people search for best rapid prototype servicing company on online then they can find many options. Among all Start Prototyping rapid prototype servicing company remains to be best and it is mainly because the Start Prototyping Company provides quality service which helps you to save the money and time in testing the product designs and dimensions. In the manufacturing process involves several things such as colors, textures and product finishing all these can be achieved easily by rapid prototype service. When it comes to rapid prototype it has several services involved which are listed below.
CNC Machining
Metal 3D Printing
Vacuum Casting
All the above services are remains to be major process in rapid prototype techniques and each one deals with different process such as CNC machining is especially used for plastic and metals to have high quality prototypes. Moreover, the CNC machining is a best tool with high tolerance than any other testing tools. The company has 30CNC mills, lathe and EDM machine tools which is highly beneficial for the clients.
Metal 3D printing: This method is especially used for manufacturing complex designs in light weight metal with higher strength. When you use metal 3D printing there is no need of investing money in hard tools to print on parts. Moreover when you use metal 3D printing you can print the parts within an hour. In Start Prototyping they use Renishaw AM250 printer which have dense parts to print on parts.
Vacuum casting:  Vacuum casting molds is used to create high fidelity numerous numbers of copies of original part. While doing vacuum casting the parts will be manufactured with same quality on same dimension this way of manufacturing increases the productivity too.
SLA/SLS: This process is an earliest form of 3D printing manufacturing for plastics moreover this process also allows the users to have complex designed and featured products. This process remains to be a fastest manufacturing technique which is followed as traditional method of production. Thus by using rapid prototypes services the manufacture and production is maximized which in turn increases the productivity also. In order to have better experience of rapid prototype service and have additive manufacturing service,visit to https://www.startprototyping.com official site.
About Start Prototyping
Start Prototyping mainly supply our rapid prototyping service and plastic injection manufacturing for many 3D print companies in the world.
Start Prototyping has been engaged in rapid prototyping about 10 years, helping too many designers to turn their ideas into reality. Most of the conceptual prototype of the design has been successfully put into the market and has achieved good benefits. Among them, the most representative metal prototype machining, plastic prototype machining, CNC aluminum machining, Low-Volume Manufacturing, processing technology including CNC machining, vacuum casting, rapid tooling, 3D printing and so on. We have the standard quality inspection process, which is completely in line with the customer’s industrial design. It’s a great honor to be a partner with you.
Contact Info
Contact:James Yuan Company:Start Prototyping Add:LongGang Village, LongXi Town, BoLuo County, HuiZhou City,GuangDong Province, China Tel:+86-13352636504 Email:[email protected] Web:https://www.startprototyping.com
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alvarad982stedk · 5 years
Injection molding of inserts is similar to other molding methods, but there are some differences in each process. Injection molding involves injecting one or more molten plastics into a mold to form a single finished product.
Coating molding
What is the coating molding? Simply put, the coating process can be plastic, flexible or flexible.
There are physical and chemical methods to realize the coating moulding (including overmolding). The former, for example, relies on snap design, surface tapping threads, and then coated with the second material to achieve the coating forming. The physical joints have strong adhesion, while the parts outside the physical joints have little adhesion.
Chemical method is based on the molecular affinity between two materials and the bonding force of chemical bonds. The two materials are bonded together to form a single component, two or even many kinds.
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Insert molding
Inserts for plastic inserts are usually made of brass, steel or stainless steel and have threaded surfaces to provide better adhesion to plastics. Injection molding inserts are placed in the molds manually or vertically by a machine.
This position allows gravity to keep the plug-in in place when the mold is closed. As the molten plastic is slowly poured into the mold, it helps to fix the insert in a fixed position.
About JasonMould Industrial Company Limited
Jasonmould is a China mold maker of plastic molds- injection mold, die casting moulds, plastic blow molding, rotational molding, medical plastic injection molding, two shot plastic injection molding, insert molding, overmolding, metal injection molding, micro injection molding, powder injection molding, ceramic injection molding, liquid injection molding, husky injection molding, household mold, casting mold, die mold tool, custom molds, china moulds, rapid prototyping tooling, plastic prototyping tooling, punch press tooling, die and tooling for mobile/ cell phone parts, automotive parts, vacuum cleaners, rechargeable tools, telephones, copiers, computers, multimedia speakers, and many other electronic products and household appliances. And also a plastic product manufacturer, mold manufacturer China– plastic parts, plastic water tank, plastic balls, plastic containers, plastic buckle, plastic anchor, plastic hanger, plastic spoon, plastic pipe fitting, plastic tumble, plastic tableware, plastic cups, plastic bottles, plastic tray, plastic cosmetic container, plastic case, plastic food container, plastic chairs, plastic caps, plastic cap closure, plastic tubes, plastic water pipes, plastic knobs, plastic tubing, plastic utility boxes, plastic racks and so on.
Contact: Person: James Yuan Company: JasonMould Industrial Company Limited Add:  LongGang Village,LongXi Town,BoLuo County,HuiZhou City,GuangDong Province, China Tel: 86-752-6682869 Email: [email protected]
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alvarad982stedk · 5 years
Applications and benefits of rapid prototyping techniques
About rapid prototyping
In the field of engineering and designing the process of creating a prototype is a very necessary and essential one. It provides the engineers and product developers a clear scope and idea of what the product will look like and the concept with a flourish in it. However, this process was also very expensive and took up a lot of resources which is not the most effective way towards productions.
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This is where rapid prototyping becomes more plausible and effective in every way. In the rapid prototyping, there is no need for expensive modeling of the prototyping, instead, there are several techniques that can be used to create 3D models of the product part of the assembly. This process is easy and requires much lesser time and resources as compared to the past techniques, and also provides freedom in designing and prototyping
Uses of rapid prototyping
Today, rapid prototyping is used in many industries for prototyping variety of products and their parts. Due to the super versatile process and techniques involved, the industries are using it for different uses. Some of the uses of rapid prototyping are:
Functional prototype: there is a major requirement to see the functional prototype before the final production stage. This is because with the help of the functional prototype the designers and developers can see and understand the details of a model, and can also check its design, fit and manufacturability. With rapid prototyping, creating functional prototype has become easier and effective.
Concept prototype: physical concept models are a requirement when it comes to showcasing a certain idea to the clients or shareholders. It helps the designers to understand and check the idea and their assumptions regarding the model and the final product and with rapid prototyping, this has become a reality
Workable prototype: rapid prototyping help in creating a working prototype which displays the aesthetics of the final product and also gives an in-depth idea about the products function and application in the real world.
Benefits of rapid prototyping
Some of the benefits of using rapid prototyping as a prototyping method in the field of designing and engineering are:
One can make changes in the designs so as to evaluate the workability and functionality of the design with the help of rapid prototyping. This will help in polishing and refining the end product of the process.
It helps in saving time and money as the process helps in visualizing the ideas and concepts in a much easier and time-effective manner. This will help to know about the concept and will also help in detecting any kind of flaw in it.
One can avoid costly design flaws which can be the root of further costing problems in the future with the help of rapid prototyping. One can test the prototype beforehand only so as to assess the model completely.
One can save money and time also because there is no need for any kind of tools or setups required in the process. With minimum costing one can create models and prototypes made of different materials with the same equipment only.
For more about rapid prototyping services,you can pay a visit to https://www.startprototyping.com/
About Start Prototyping
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Start Prototyping mainly supply our rapid prototyping service and plastic injection manufacturing for many 3D print companies in the world.
Start Prototyping has been engaged in rapid prototyping about 10 years, helping too many designers to turn their ideas into reality. Most of the conceptual prototype of the design has been successfully put into the market and has achieved good benefits. Among them, the most representative metal prototype machining, plastic prototype machining, CNC aluminum machining, Low-Volume Manufacturing, processing technology including CNC machining, vacuum casting, rapid tooling, 3D printing and so on. We have the standard quality inspection process, which is completely in line with the customer’s industrial design. It’s a great honor to be a partner with you.
Contact Info
Contact:James Yuan Company:Start Prototyping Add:LongGang Village, LongXi Town, BoLuo County, HuiZhou City,GuangDong Province, China Tel:+86-13352636504 Email:[email protected] Web:https://www.startprototyping.com
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alvarad982stedk · 5 years
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Jiansen Hardware is a supplier of vinyl fence gate hinges and gate latch with drop rod.
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JIANSEN Hardware is a manufacture with more than 10 years hardware mould making experience and supply OEM product. During our development day by day ,we established our hardware producing department separately in 2004.So now we have mould processing and hardware manufacture workshop.
Our one ¨Cstep team make our exporting service with best price and good quality .For mould ,we have CNC machine ,wire cutting machine ,Grinding machine and milling machine with most steady engineer teams. For products, we have CAD drawing and Pro-E drawing engineers. Our 3D drawings could be suitable for customer¡¯s 3d printing technique.
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alvarad982stedk · 5 years
Different grades of titanium materials for use
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The grades of titanium vary depending on the metal alloy. Titanium grades show how much resistance the metal has in relation to the strength. Although titanium is durable in its purest form, once it’s combined with other elements it becomes stronger. titanium rods/bar | titanium tube/pipe | titanium plate/sheetsfree shipping coupon code: “freeshipping” on any order from sinoswissti.com Grade 1 titanium is titanium in its purest form. Compared to grade 5 titanium, grade 1 has less ductility to offer. Of all alloys, grade 5 titanium is the one which is used most. Titanium grade 5 has an exceedingly high strength making it more reliable under extreme conditions. This type of titanium is normally associated with aerospace and marine industries because it can withstand temperatures up to 600°F. Titanium grade 12 has greater resistance against heat which makes it particularly useful for tube heat exchangers. This type of titanium is perfect for welding because it offers high strength stability.
Titanium Grade 1-4 is pure Titanium, the other grades are alloys. Pure Titanium is used due to it’s high corrosion resistance, the alloys because of the extremely high strength to weight ratio.
Grade 1 Pure Titanium, relatively low strength and high ducility. Plate heat exchangers
Grade 2 The pure titanium most used. The best combination of strength, ducility and weldability. Piping systems.
Grade 3 High strength Titanium, used for Matrix-plates in shell and tube heat exchangers.
Grade 5 The most manufactured titanium alloy. Exceedingly high strength. High heat resistance. Aerospace, subsea.
Grade 7 Superior corrosion resistance in reducing and oxiding enviroments. Chemical Industry.
Grade 9 Very high strength and corrosion resistance. Hydraulic piping, subsea.
Grade 11 Applications as for gr 7. Suitable for deep drawing.
Grade 12 Better heat resistance than pure Titanium. Applications as for grade 7 and 11. Shell and tube heat exchangers
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alvarad982stedk · 5 years
What Should I Do When My Prototype Doesn’t Work?
What Should I Do When My Prototype Doesn’t Work?
Bringing a great idea to reality means you need to take a number of works starts from 3D model building to prototype manufacturing then functional verification. If the idea can’t go through prototyping stage, the product/idea has no chances to present and show in public, which means your product can’t launch the market.
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Here, we are going to talk about the steps to do next when your prototype doesn’t work.
1. Examine the design of your prototype
If the design exist a lot of variables, it always brings vibrations to the prototype. Typically, the simpler design the better function. So we always suggest our client to simplify their design at maximum, which can improve the products application and cut down the manufacturing costs.
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2. Failure at the material selection.
Results of prototype can be significantly impacted by material selections. Prototype can be divided into several categories, concept prototype, visual presentation prototype, functional & working prototype, etc. We must base on the prototype’s application to selection the material.
3. Look at the testing parameters.
We can tell the issues straightly by analysis the testing parameters. Find out the potential factors lead to failure, and adjust the design for better performance.
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alvarad982stedk · 5 years
Helpful Information for Injection Molding
Injection mold manufacturing plays a key role in a wide range of production engagements. One of the biggest benefits of this type of process is seamless mass production. Implementing injection mold manufacturing in your output cycle enables your business to replicate an infinite number of the same component in succession and with flawless results.
Beyond granting the ability to mass-produce specific parts/components, injection mold manufacturing also delivers many other benefits. An advantage to using this production option in a wide range of industries is the low amount of waste. Unlike traditional tactics that leave significant portions of materials behind after the cycle is complete, injection molding minimizes scrap remains. As a result, many business owners find this procedure both efficient and budget-friendly.
What To Consider Before Moving Forward With This Approach
While this type of manufacturing method delivers a wide range advantages, there are a few critical factors to consider before determining if it’s the right approach for your project. Some considerations include:
Initial Tooling
The initial tooling means designing and prototyping a mold tool. This requires working with a trusted partner to create the tooling to make a precise final piece to use for replication.
Lead Times
Once the prototype design is complete, output occurs rapidly. However, ramping up and working through tooling does take time. When considering various manufacturing options, you will have to evaluate lead times to know if you have the bandwidth for this type of process.
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Changes in Design
Additionally, you will also want to consider if your design might change throughout the process. Once you’ve created the prototype, you will not be able to modify it without beginning the tooling process all over again. Changing your initial design may result in waste and scrap or even require you to start over completely, resulting in loss of both time and money.
Size of Product
The size of the product you wish to mass-produce can also have an impact on the manufacturing method you will use. Injection mold manufacturing works best with smaller items that can be created in a single cycle. If you require tooling for larger items that may need multiple cycles, you may want to think about other output options.
Choose the Right Provider
Perhaps the biggest consideration when selecting the right production method for your engagement is choosing the right manufacturer for your job. When screening through prospective vendors, look for a company that has extensive experience in your specific vertical. Knowing that your entrusting your business to a team with previous industry insight can have a major impact on your overall engagement. Some vendors may seem less expensive at first; however, moving forward based solely on price with a firm that doesn’t have the experience needed for efficiency can actually cost more in the long run.
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By China mold maker
About JasonMould Industrial Company Limited:
JasonMould is one of the best plastic injection molding manufacturer that offer great services to their clients when it comes to manufacturing advanced molding tools. They export their tools to different parts of the world and have become one of the most famous names in the industrial sector.
Inquiry Contact:
Contact person: James Yuan
Company name: JasonMould Industrial Company Limited
Address: LongGang Village,LongXi Town,BoLuo County,HuiZhou City,GuangDong Province, China
Telephone: 86-752-6682869
Website: https://www.jasonmolding.com
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alvarad982stedk · 5 years
Common automotive plastic parts are: dashboard body skeleton, battery bracket, front-end module, control box, seat support frame, spare placenta, fender, chassis cover, noise partition, rear door frame, etc. Most of the panels of automobile plastic parts are made of engineering plastic ABS or abs/pc.
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Generally, doors, dashboards, bumpers and gearboards are all made of PP. Engine hood is made of lead with pp. PC / ABS is usually purchased from material manufacturers. Plastic parts are light in weight, and have a variety of colors, beautiful, good weight loss effect, but also can reduce the weight of the car body itself. It can be recycled and recycled many times.
In automobile recycling, metal products and other reasons are mostly too old and rusty to have recycling value. Because plastic products can be melted and regenerated, they can be processed twice after melting, and there will be no harm, so automotive plastic parts are more and more popular.
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JasonMould Industrial Company Limited, established in 2010, is a leading China mold factory. JasonMould specializes in plastic mould production for household appliances, medical equipments, electronic equipments, safety equipments as well as monitoring system.
The company has over 15000 square metres factory. With plastic injection tooling divisions possessing different machinery and expertise, JasonMould offers tools from small and precise mobile phone parts to as big as automotive parts. Our tools are mainly exported to U.S.A., Europe, Japan and UK. JasonMould’s diversification strategy and full service has won compliment from customers all over the world.
Our mission is to provide our customers high quality moulding products and services. We aim to exceed our customers’ expectations of pricing, quality and on-time delivery. To achieve our mission, JasonMould:
Commits to continually improve employee skills and efficiency,
Provides our employees a clean and safe working environment,
Upgrades machine technology and support equipment through a strict maintenance program, and
Maintains customers’ tooling to its highest peak of performance
For more about China injection molding cost,please visit https://www.jasonmolding.com/
Inquiry Contact:
Contact person: James Yuan
Company name: JasonMould Industrial Company Limited
Address: LongGang Village,LongXi Town,BoLuo County,HuiZhou City,GuangDong Province, China
Telephone: 86-752-6682869
Website: https://www.jasonmolding.com
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alvarad982stedk · 5 years
The double color injection molding machine consists of two pre-plasticization and injection systems, wherein slight fluctuation of temperature, pressure and quantity of the injected fused materials will influence the color and pattern of products. To ensure uniform appearance of the same batch of products, the technical parameters such as temperature, pressure as well as quantity of injection of the two systems must be under strict control and be kept invariable during production.
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The blended color injection molding machine is long and complicated in structure and has turning corners therein, above all, pressure losses of the fused materials are immense, which requires large injection pressure to ensure smooth filling in the molds.
To ensure sound fluidity of the fused materials as well as smooth filling in the molds, temperature of the materials should be properly set higher.
The high temperature of fused materials and their long stop time in the running channel may result in thermal decomposition. Therefore, raw materials for double color injection and molding should be taken from thermal plastic materials steady in thermal stability and low in viscosity.
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During double color injection, fused materials of two different colors can be either taken from the same plastics or from different ones. When the latter alternative is adopted, plastics with sound viscosity and compatibility under fusing temperature.During double color injection, fused materials of two different colors are blended in the molds. Therefore, the welding mark and internal stress of double-color products should be taken into full account during the formulation of technical parameters. High material and mold temperature as well as high injection rate are beneficial for reducing welding mark and internal stress.
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About JasonMould Industrial Company Limited
Jasonmould is a manufacturer of plastic molds- injection mold, die casting moulds, plastic blow molding, rotational molding, medical plastic injection molding, two shot plastic injection molding, insert molding, overmolding, metal injection molding, micro injection molding, powder injection molding, ceramic injection molding, liquid injection molding, husky injection molding, household mold, casting mold, die mold tool, custom molds, china moulds, rapid prototyping tooling, plastic prototyping tooling, punch press tooling, die and tooling for mobile/ cell phone parts, automotive parts, vacuum cleaners, rechargeable tools, telephones, copiers, computers, multimedia speakers, and many other electronic products and household appliances. And also a plastic product manufacturer- plastic parts, plastic water tank, plastic balls, plastic containers, plastic buckle, plastic anchor, plastic hanger, plastic spoon, plastic pipe fitting, plastic tumble, plastic tableware, plastic cups, plastic bottles, plastic tray, plastic cosmetic container, plastic case, plastic food container, plastic chairs, plastic caps, plastic cap closure, plastic tubes, plastic water pipes, plastic knobs, plastic tubing, plastic utility boxes, plastic racks and so on.
Contact: Person: James Yuan Company: JasonMould Industrial Company Limited Add:LongGangVillage,LongXiTown,BoLuoCounty,HuiZhouCity,GuangDong Province, China Tel: 86-752-6682869 Email: [email protected]
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alvarad982stedk · 5 years
Discoloration means the surface color of a molded part is not consistent with the required color. Discoloration may be caused by a variety of reasons, which may cover the several aspects of injection molding machine, mold, process and raw materials, etc.
(1) Injection Molding Machine ① Equipment is not clean and needs to be cleansed. Dusts or powders are deposited in the barrel, which contaminates and discolors the materials;
② Temperature control failure caused by malfunction of thermal couple, temperature controller or the heating system;
③ Obstacles exist in the barrel, causing the plastic material to decompose; foreign metal objects are stuck in the barrel or the screw channel, which keep grinding, causing plastic material discoloration;
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Free shipping coupon code: “freeshipping” on any order over 5000USD from jasonmolding.com
(2)Mold ① Poor mold venting, causing plastic to be compressed in a heat-insulated environment, so the material tends to be burnt when reacting with oxygen under high-temperature and high pressure conditions;
② Mold gate is too small;
③ Too much lubricants/mold releasing agents exist in the barrel. Clean the material barrel, to remove the additives which possess poorer heat resistant properties than the plastic, such as antistatic agents;
④ Nozzle, sprue and runner sizes are too small;
(3)Injection Molding Process
① Screw speed/pre-molding back pressure is too high;
② Barrel/nozzle temperature is too high;
③ Injection pressure is too high/injection time is too long/injection speed is too fast, causing product discoloration.
(4) Raw Materials ① Material is contaminated;
② Too much moisture/VOC content contained in the material;
③ Coloring agents/additives are decomposed.
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About JasonMould Industrial Company Limited
Jasonmould is a China mold maker of plastic molds- injection mold, die casting moulds, plastic blow molding, rotational molding, medical plastic injection molding, two shot plastic injection molding, insert molding, overmolding, metal injection molding, micro injection molding, powder injection molding, ceramic injection molding, liquid injection molding, husky injection molding, household mold, casting mold, die mold tool, custom molds, china moulds, rapid prototyping tooling, plastic prototyping tooling, punch press tooling, die and tooling for mobile/ cell phone parts, automotive parts, vacuum cleaners, rechargeable tools, telephones, copiers, computers, multimedia speakers, and many other electronic products and household appliances. And also a plastic product manufacturer- plastic parts, plastic water tank, plastic balls, plastic containers, plastic buckle, plastic anchor, plastic hanger, plastic spoon, plastic pipe fitting, plastic tumble, plastic tableware, plastic cups, plastic bottles, plastic tray, plastic cosmetic container, plastic case, plastic food container, plastic chairs, plastic caps, plastic cap closure, plastic tubes, plastic water pipes, plastic knobs, plastic tubing, plastic utility boxes, plastic racks and so on.
Contact: Person: James Yuan Company: JasonMould Industrial Company Limited Add:  LongGang Village,LongXi Town,BoLuo County,HuiZhou City,GuangDong Province, China Tel: 86-752-6682869 Email: [email protected]
Site: https://www.jasonmolding.com/company/
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