alvhaga · 30 minutes
My average writing experience:
"Alright I think I'm almost done actually-"
*Google doc grows second health bar and a choir starts singing in latin*
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alvhaga · 33 minutes
You know, one time I read a fanfic and it triggered my psychosis, sent me into a month long episode THEN a whole year later I was on ao3 just mindlessly scrolling, I came across the fanfic title and it gave me a panic attack, but something compelled me to click it, i didn't read it but i did scroll through it, why? mental illness.
So like... ya
This is me responding to your old(?) post about someone else's fiction not being able to hurt you, this is probably just a me thing but mental illness makes you do things and react to things in insane ways that sometimes you cant control. I knew while reading that it was affecting me in some way, but I kept reading because well, I'm mentally ill, and then a month of my life dissapeared lol
I think I'm trying to make a point about something but I'm not sure
I did after the fact comment to the author and just kinda, told them about what happened, but I didn't harrassed them or something, -
-but when something does what this fanfiction did to me then you're basically obligated to let the creator know I think(they are a really good writer), I'm an adult and the fanfic was in the ballpark of something I would read and if like, 59% of it was taken out and it had a happy ending I would be fine but oh well
Oh boy, I'm starting to have a panic attack just typing this out holy hell anyways uh, I'm not disagreeing with you(?) but I am saying, don't be too quick to dismiss someone who says a piece of fiction fucked with them? idk sorry, have a good one
My friend, the fiction didn't harm you.
Your mental illness harmed you.
Random writers on the internet are not responsible for managing your mental illness for you.
You are responsible for managing your mental illness.
I knew while reading that it was affecting me in some way, but I kept reading because well, I'm mentally ill
This is self harm. You were engaging in self-harming behavior by continuing to read a fanfiction that you knew was triggering to you.
👉 You are responsible for managing your mental illness.
👉 Writers are not responsible for managing your mental illness for you.
And I hate to tell you this but messaging the author about it was absolutely harassing the author.
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alvhaga · 4 hours
Animorphs really has a way to turn every scifi trope on its head. "Why do alien invasions always start in America?" Actually the body snatchers first landed in a Middle Eastern farming community where they kidnapped the first guy they saw, read his mind, and concluded that, since he was terrified of the US soldiers who had brutally destroyed everything he knew and loved, the US would be the ideal place to center their invasion. This is revealed in the spin-off "Visser" which is an excellent stand-alone book that can be read without any prior knowledge of Animorphs. And you can read it for free and with the author's blessing right here:
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alvhaga · 4 hours
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it came to my realization that 99% of my fandom related headaches would be cured if everyone understood this
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alvhaga · 14 hours
You are an immortal, having to deal with the rather troublesome rumour that your blood grants immortal life. However, what those after your blood don’t know is that since you can’t die, you are an excellent host to several deadly bacteria and viruses-all existing peacefully in your blood.
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alvhaga · 20 hours
Yes, I’ve done the work analyzing this relationship’s problematic traits and I’ve come to the educated conclusion that I still want them to fuck
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alvhaga · 20 hours
It’s fine because I’m actually using a secret technique called writing it in my head and nowhere else.
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alvhaga · 1 day
Demons and monsters that torture people because they feed on human suffering are so dumb. People are suffering everywhere my guy go literally any place and take a deep whiff.
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alvhaga · 4 days
i dont enjoy writing as a hobby because it feels like when people try to take pictures of mirrors to sell online and clearly put effort into minimizing their reflection but theres still an arm and phone in the frame or you can see their fucked up carpeted kitchen in the background with like a wall to wall collection of dusty antlers. im saying someone will notice i have a weird house because i was so focused on nobody noticing that i was naked while taking a pic of this mirror for craigslist and i cant have that but im not getting dressed because its my house. you understand of course
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alvhaga · 4 days
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alvhaga · 4 days
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alvhaga · 4 days
Actually, that vampires can only go out at night is a myth. The real rule is that they can only come out at night. They can walk around in sunlight but they have to pretend to be straight.
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alvhaga · 5 days
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🦀 Kudos Crab 🦀
If you are scrolling and see Kudos Crab, your fics will be blessed!
You will get good comments and kudos!
You will beat your writers block!
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alvhaga · 7 days
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you know what i’ll use my own imagination for a while
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alvhaga · 8 days
"Why does this 19th Century novel have such a boring protagonist" well, for a lot of reasons, really, but one of the big ones is that you're possibly getting the protagonist and the narrator mixed up.
A lot of 19th Century literary critics had this weird hate-boner for omniscient narrators – stories would straight up get criticised as "unrealistic" on the grounds that it was unlikely anyone could have witnessed their events in the manner described, like some sort of proto-CinemaSins bullshit – so authors who didn't want to write their stories from the first-person perspective of one of the participating characters would often go to great lengths to contrive for there to be a Dude present to witness and narrate the story's events.
It's important to understand that the Dude is the viewpoint character, but not the protagonist. His function is to witness stuff, and he only directly participates in the narrative to the extent that's necessary to explain to the satisfaction of persnickety critics why he's present and how he got there. Giving him a personality would defeat the purpose!
(Though lowbrow fiction was unlikely to encounter such criticisms, the device of the elaborately justified diegetic narrator was often present there as well, and was sometimes parodied to great effect – for example, by having the story narrated by a very unlikely party, such as a sapient insect, or by a party whose continued presence is justified in increasingly comical ways.)
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alvhaga · 8 days
historical drama/sitcom where two gay best friends (woman and man) get lavender married--and proceed to spend the Fancy European Honeymoon their parents paid for acting as each other's wingman
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alvhaga · 10 days
remember those soulmate aus that were popular a few years back where, like, youre born with a tattoo that looks exactly like your soulmate's? yeah a meetcute where you just bump into each other and happen to see the matching tattoo would never work in a modern setting. thered be a billion apps dedicated solely (soul-ly lol) to posting your tattoo and finding similar ones that have been posted. thats how everyone would meet. and in this universe old people would hate the fact that ppl are meeting their soulmates inorganically. they would say its "soulless" and write angry posts about it on soulbook. thered also be people who get fake tattoos or screenshot other ppls and post them online and catfish others, so thered be PSAs on how to detect soul scams. doing real worldbuilding here.
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