alvres · 5 years
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          hey all ! i just sent a message to the main about this, but unfortunately i’m going to have to drop cristina. i thought really long & hard about this, because i adore her as a character and love this group and all of you, but my activity is really lackluster and it’s not fair of me to keep a character spot closed when i’m not online a ton. love you all to bits, and i hope to write with you all again ! you can message me on here if you ever need / want to !
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alvres · 5 years
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val: ooh i havent seen you yet! i bet it's cute.
val: i dont even know she is the worst i guess the dj doesnt seem to get that
val: as soon as he opens his mouth it totally makes me lose any interest in being in the mood.. with anyone.. it is actually very sad. like if he just keep his mouth shut it could happen.
val: but ew. not happening.
cristina: it's cute but it takes a lot of readjusting
cristina: i also don't think she's that great for a prom?? there are so many other good artists for this
cristina: ugh been there
cristina: the saddest part is he probably doesn't even realize he's a total boner killer
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alvres · 5 years
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val: feathers?
val: why do you have feathers and it is some stupid like taylor swift song, it is so annoying.
val: why would anyone want to sleep with him? sure he is hot but when he opens his mouth he ruins it.
cristina: my entire dress is made of feathers
cristina: it felt like a good choice in the moment
cristina: ew, why are we still playing taylor swift?? have we not learned to blacklist white feminists
cristina: i hate to say it but if he's hot but dumb ..... that's why people are sleeping with him
cristina: because they sure as hell would not date him
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alvres · 5 years
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Val: my date is trashed.. pretty sure trying to fuck someone down the hall.
Val: my buzz is wearing off and I hate this song.
Val: pls save me.
cristina: ew
cristina: if you're going to fuck, why would you do it on school grounds?? that's so tacky
cristina: what song's playing? i'm in the girls' bathrooms readjusting all my feathers
cristina: god i sound like a big bird cosplayer i hate this
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alvres · 5 years
“I regret my choice of not wearing sunglasses this evening,” Lysander sighed dramatically as he glanced around the room, his right eye twitching as he silently judged everyone’s outfits. “None of these plebs have ever written a thousand word essay on the graceful elegance of cashmere and it shows.”
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          ‘ while i appreciate your fashion police live critique, i don’t really see how having written about cashmere would help ANYONE tonight. i mean, if anything, people tonight would’ve benefitted in a course on the downsides of purchasing polyester, ’ cristina shrugged, taking a sip of the punch she’d just retrieved from the drink table, her tongue feeling a little LOOSER after having sipped through half of her contraband flask, ‘ and maybe also a reminder of why we leave the combination of green and yellow to jenny humphrey in season one of gossip girl. 2009 died and its remains should stay hidden. ’ 
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alvres · 5 years
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unlike valerie, zeke didn’t mind going with her to prom. it was nice to go to prom with someone and have some kind of arm candy. though that didn’t stop the drunken boy from hitting on literally everyone who came his way. he finished pouring the last bit of the small bottle of alcohol into the punch and stirred it quickly before an adult had noticed. pouring two cups he walked around before stopping in front of them. “May I offer you a drink?” the boy offered with a hiccup and a laugh as he handed the mixed punch over to them. “you look nice tonight, did you come here alone? if so we can change that so you won’t be leaving alone. “ he offered with a wiggle of an eyebrow. “because I don’t think my date will be putting out-“ he said pointing to the redhead over his shoulder who was obviously annoyed with his drunken shenanigans.
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          cristina had expected that walking around her junior prom without her brother’s presence would feel BIZARRE, but certainly not to this extent. thankfully, she’d planned ahead and had spent a decent amount of the evening thus far excusing herself from conversations to retrieve the flask she’d expertly stashed amongst the feathers of her skirt. a location no chaperone who was SMART enough to avoid a lawsuit pertaining boundaries would check. as she readjusted said feathers, in an attempt to keep the dress school-appropriate, her eyes registered an all-too-familiar head of dark hair approaching. ‘ don’t you clean up nice ? ’ cristina remarked, hand outstretched towards the cup of punch, knowing full well that there was an INCREDIBLY low chance zeke hadn’t already spiked it. ‘ unfortunately, i’m already all dated-up so — sadly — you might have to stick with your little mermaid, who — ’ she paused to wave at the redhead in question, whose glare seemed to intensify by the second, ‘ seems to be a real treat. totally your type. ’
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alvres · 5 years
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CRISTINA ALVARES / custom junior prom look !
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alvres · 5 years
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          guess who’s back ! i just iced the hell out of my post-soulcycle fucked up knee and i’m ready to rumble ! i’m going to quickly put together something to show y’all cris’ prom outfit and then i’ll get some replies done ! xoxo dumbass girl
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alvres · 5 years
Lucas was honestly taken aback at her reaction. At first, he thought she wasn’t taking this seriously (maybe that meant it wasn’t to be taken seriously? Was Lucas overreacting? But D knew about his mom, no one was supposed to know, and Cristina had just read it-) but then he realized she may be trying to ease the tension, instead. Not everyone was as much of a trainwreck as him, after all. “Sorry, I’ll be sure to, uh,” he shrugged, “whip out the craft glue the next time I ask someone to prom.” Which would, hopefully, be never. 
Despite her change in tone, Cristina’s question left Lucas momentarily perplexed. Still, as whenever an opportunity for self-deprecation arose, his brain was already making a list. “Well, for starters, you don’t know me, I’m a loser, I have no friends, I look like-,” a Jewish Michael Cera, his brain supplemented, but he cut himself off. “Wait, that’s not the point here. Cristina, they’re orchestrating something for prom. And maybe I’d think it was a joke, but, I really don’t think they’d accuse me of,” Lucas steeled himself, “Of getting my own mother killed if they were just going to play a prank on us.” 
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          an endeared ( and surprisingly genuine ) smile began to tug at the corners of cristina’s lips as lucas spoke again, unable to stop herself from being slightly AMUSED at how shocked he was by her reaction. ‘ i’m sorry, have you heard of scott pilgrim ? michael cera is a total BADASS and i won’t hear any more slander about him or his potential jewish relatives, ’ she quipped back, smile still affixed to her features, ‘ seriously though — give yourself a tad more credit. you’re absolutely not the rock bottom of prom dates. having more friends does not a good prom date make. plus, you’re SMART, so you’ll at least be a good person to have a conversation with when one of the cheerleaders wins prom queen and hogs the microphone for about half an hour to tell us about her spray tan and the promo code you can use for twenty percent off some instagram brand that sells organic lip gloss. ’
          she was never really the type to give PEP TALKS to classmates or acquaintances-turned-prom-date, but — in that moment — part of cristina felt like her words were the beginning to a long line of reparations she had to make. after all, while dante terrorized the halls of houghton and people like lucas, all she’d done was sit back and watch the world burn. and now, with the inferno rising up from hell ( quite literally ) and the targets once again being people like her now-prom date, she had a choice: to fade into the background again, or to make her kindness a little more known, a little more felt. ‘ i get what you mean — but, riddle me this: why would they make their plans to do something shady at prom obvious ? wouldn’t it be better TACTICALLY to avoid raising suspicion that something’ll happen at prom and then hit us all harder ? ’ 
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alvres · 5 years
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JINI: oo what songs? JINI: i’m going and thinking louis vuitton or prada JINI: wbu?
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     CRISTINA: it’s mostly been old town road      CRISTINA: and while i love billy ray cyrus ... i want something else      CRISTINA: but omg both cute options ! i would do lv gown and prada shoes      CRISTINA: i might be going the zac posen route but it’s still tbd
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alvres · 5 years
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TOMMY: I really shouldn’t if it’s that bad. TOMMY: In my dad’s car it’s all 80s music all the time.  TOMMY: Now that would make the night interesting. As long as they went all out instead of just wearing a blue prom dress. TOMMY: I say you should do it. TOMMY: That’s awesome! I didn’t know you two had a thing, but still cool.  TOMMY: You better hurry up since it’s already in a few days.
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     CRISTINA: it’s .... bad enough      CRISTINA: i love the 80s, tell your dad he’s also taking me to school now      CRISTINA: think ariana would let me borrow her custom zac posen grammy’s look ?      CRISTINA: because i feel like that’d be both dramatic & on theme      CRISTINA: we don’t really have ~ a thing ~       CRISTINA: we’re friends and he asked really sweetly so i wasn’t going to say no !
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alvres · 5 years
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anna:  careful  u  don’t  crash  x anna:  idk  but  we’ll  have  to  get  a  pic  together  for  our  moms  lmfao anna:  i  still  haven’t  decided.  this  theme  is  really  busting  my  ass.
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     CRISTINA: i’m not the one driving !      CRISTINA: monica’s not letting me drive for the next decade & a half      CRISTINA: can’t wait for her to tell me the lighting sucks in the 12 pictures we take      CRISTINA: i feel you i haven’t found anything i’m tired      CRISTINA: current plan is to arrive looking like a literal cloud
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alvres · 5 years
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TOMMY: That’s the worst. TOMMY: I once got stuck in a uber where the driver would only play Christian rock. If anything was gonna make me not believe in God, it was that moment. TOMMY: You said who are you wearing not what :P TOMMY: What is the theme and why would I dress like Troy Bolton in HSM3 to fit it? TOMMY: You still haven’t told me what your prom plans are.
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     CRISTINA: omg you really shouldn’t get into a car with my parents      CRISTINA: they’re absolutely the type to play christian rock for hours      CRISTINA: the theme’s cloud nine ! and i can already see someone showing up as the literal sky      CRISTINA: that person might be me, tbd      CRISTINA: as for my prom plans, lucas asked me and i said yes !      CRISTINA: i also went prom dress shopping with dani but didn’t find anything so outfit plans are still in the air
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alvres · 5 years
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TOMMY: I don’t know what you expected from the radio. That’s what Spotify is for. TOMMY: Don’t have any. You? TOMMY: I want you to answer me this honestly: Do I look like the kind of person who knows shit about designers?  TOMMY: But I’m wearing Armani. I wouldn’t know if it wasn’t for my dad complaining about the price of something I’ll wear once and never again.
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     CRISTINA: i’m not the one driving and i forgot my earphones at home      CRISTINA: so i’m stuck listening to old town road 50 times a minute      CRISTINA: i wasn’t necessarily talking designers !      CRISTINA: maybe you’re wearing a powder blue suit to fit the theme ! and that’s an interesting tidbit of info !      CRISTINA: armani’s a good choice though
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alvres · 5 years
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ZEKE: do ppl really drive around here on their own? ZEKE:  to win prom king, duh! ZEKE: not sure yet what i want to wear. was thinking something hot. wbu?
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     CRISTINA: zeke ... you ... have literally seen me drive before      CRISTINA: ok cute ! love a man with goals !      CRISTINA: i’m still v unclear on what the theme entails outfit-wise so not sure yet      CRISTINA: but i might show up looking like a literal cloud
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alvres · 5 years
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     CRISTINA: i’m bored in traffic and the radio’s playing the same 5 songs      CRISTINA: so ! what are your prom plans ?      CRISTINA: [ fashion police voice ] who are you wearing ?
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alvres · 5 years
“Oh, uh, no problem,” Lucas said, as he followed her deeper into the Alvares home. He had to admit, having someone send a car for him was deeply weird, so he hummed in lieu of commenting. Once they entered the dining room, Lucas looked around to make sure they were alone. He settled down next to her at the table, in these massive mahogany chairs worth more than his apartment, and wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans. “Yeah, I did. But it’s…” 
He glanced up at Cristina, who looked the exact opposite of how Lucas felt. Calm, composed; he’d never seen her any other way, even in the wake of her twin’s death. He swallowed around his nerves, and spoke slowly, quietly. “This doesn’t leave here, okay? Because if it gets back to them… I’m done for.” 
He sighed and pulled out his phone. “Remember how I said D hadn’t asked me to do anything, yet? Well, they just asked me to do something.” Lucas showed Cristina his screen, sure to keep it in his grip. He watched her read what was displayed, tried not to shake, and prayed she wouldn’t scroll up. 
“And,” he added, scrolling down to show the rest of D’s cut-off message. “I think they’re contacting Ares, too.” 
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          though she was careful not to show it, lucas’ anxiety was very much FUELING her own. after all, despite seeming like the easily riled up type, cristina knew that the other was smart and thus knew how to tell apart a fake threat from a real one. placing her palms on the table in front of her, she made sure to keep a smile on her face and her breathing even, disguising any potential semblance of FEAR that might transpire as he mentioned D asking for something to be done. though part of her was disappointed at the lack of tangible clues in the messages lucas was showing her, part of her couldn’t help but break out into her signature toothy grin at the sight of what the other was being asked to do ( the rest of the messages weren’t particularly grin-inducing, but having the knowledge that this wasn’t lucas’ first assignment in her back pocket was good enough for cristina ). ‘ well, this sure is a CREATIVE way of asking someone to prom. i was expecting more makeshift cardboard posters and glittery letters this time around, but this is definitely just as effective ! ’ she joked, handing the phone back to its rightful owner, who looked more terrified than a deer in the headlights. she paused for an instant at the mention of ares’ name, suddenly feeling her stomach TWIST at the idea of the other being blackmailed. though realistically she should’ve worried about what secrets he was hiding, a more self-centered part of her wondered if her secrets were being spilled. ‘ what made you think i wouldn’t say yes ? ’ she inquired, desperate to change topics.
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