Mom keeps trying to accuse me of seeing her ex
So my mom was talking to this guy for awhile and they broke things off. After and throughout that time she has accused me several times and is still trying to accuse me of trying to mess around with him. The first time she accused me of being inappropriate when he was around because I wore my pajama shorts. mind you the times he would show up and see my mom was around 10pm and later. (When I would be getting ready for bed) And also some of the shorts I was wearing were ones she bought and suddenly she stated saying that they were “Too short”…When he would come around I would stay in my room unless I needed to come down to get something from the kitchen, take my dog to the bathroom, or use the bathroom myself. One time I didnt know she was coming inside with him and was bringing him upstairs (She accused me of knowing) I was going down stairs to get my food. Later on she revealed that he had "checked me out" and he said that I was being inappropriate by wearing shorts while my mom had company and if anything were to happen to me I brought it on myself. So I'm assuming ever since that day is the reason she has been trying to accusing me of stuff where he is concerned. So I started to wear longer pants when I would leave my room just in case he happened to pass the hall if I was going through so she could accuse me of anything.... So my understanding is that because he said something off the wall, I’m the one being accused of being promiscuous? She’s that worried about him that she’s ready to ruin her relationship with her daughter over a guy? The second thing she keeps trying to accuse me of is seeing him during my class gap at school. (Which I’m not, I don’t find him attractive and I do not like him, I never liked him, I only tolerated his presence and said hello to him when he was with my mom out of respect because she was with him and he’s wayyy older than me, I don’t do that.) I commute out of town. The city I go to school is 50mins away(without traffic) , but my first class starts at 8:20am, so I usually have to leave at about 6am to get there on time because of the work traffic. Sometimes it takes like an hour and 30+mins to get there because there are usually several accidents and just that much traffic. I started taking screen shots on google maps to show the time and where I was because she didn’t believe me that it took that long. I also have a dash camera and tried to show her footage and she refuses to see it. Anyway, I commute Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Mondays, I have my first class from 8:20am-9:10 am and my second class is 2pm to 4:10pm, Wednesday 8:20am-11:50am, Friday 8:20am-3:10pm. So On Monday and Wednesday I have a 5 hour gap between classes. I stay in the library and study/work on home work and I use that time to eat. And sometimes if I don’t have too much homework, I’ll work out on campus. She has a hard time believing that I’m doing all of those things in 5 hours. (It’s no different than what I would do if I didn’t have the 5 hour gap and was home) She always says something like this “If you are really doing homework within those 5 hours why do you still have some when you get home, that says you’re lying and really aren’t doing what you say you are and you’re elsewhere” ..Which I think is dumb because when I was at community college, I would spend my whole day doing homework and studying. I’m taking a genetics class, physics, and a required English class to graduate at university. I’m working on my undergrad. I have to make sure I have good grades for when I apply to medical school. I always tell her it takes me awhile to get my work done, I’m a slow worker when it comes to homework. (She knows and sees that herself when I home). I have a hard time focusing and I usually end up on my phone going through Instagram to take breaks between doing my work. I look at Youtube videos and review the lecture slides to help me with my homework because the examples in lecture don’t always explain how to do certain problems well. She’s even seen my homework and says it looks hard. Like fine, I can get the homework done, but I still have to go back and look at it to make sure I understand it. I swear she makes up scenarios in her head of what she thinks is happening and believes them eventhough I have proof that what she’s making up isnt true. She tries to say that I’m seeing him (whos now her ex) because the city he lives in now is like 20-30mins away from my school. She swears that’s where I going during my 5 hour gap between classes. It’s annoying, I have no interest I him and I wish she would stop trying to believe something that is not happening. I actually considered swapping schools so she would leave me alone about it. She also told him all of my business and where I was going to school when she was with him, which I didn’t appreciate. It’s my business. I told her that its sad that she thinks that little of me to think I’m trying to see him. She said that she can’t trust me and that Im lying, and a manipulator. She also said if she starts talking to someone else she wouldn’t bring them around me because she cant trust me. It’s dumb, she also revealed that he thought I had “checked him out” one time he was over. And apparently he was flattered. Like seriously!? I wasn’t, so apparently me saying hi, is me checking him out. My mom always got on my case for not saying hi when he came over. She said since he was the guest in the house, I’m supposed to say hi. So I actually did and look where it got me. Im so over this, she always says that she wont bring it up and next thing you know shes talking about it. She also accused me of having sex with him because apparently I came home with bruises on my knees, which I didn’t see. And one time I came home with a penny sized bruise on my elbow (I don’t know how I got it, I probably bumped it on something) and she jumped to the conclusion that I was having sex with him because when she was seeing him, apparently when he was “rough” with her when they had sex she would have bruises on her arms. I don’t see me having a penny sized bruise on my arm correlates to me having sex with him. Its soo annoying, Im so over this. Im sick of my mom constantly accusing me of something that not even happening when I have proof that I’m not doing any of those things she is accusing me of. I don’t know what to do anymore. I’m trying to stick it out staying home so save money while in school. But I’m starting to think it’s not worth it anymore.
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