alwaysxknitting · 6 months
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🦀 Kudos Crab 🦀
If you are scrolling and see Kudos Crab, your fics will be blessed!
You will get good comments and kudos!
You will beat your writers block!
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alwaysxknitting · 1 year
Yuri on Ice AU where instead of Detroit, Yuuri trained at @omgcheckplease​‘s Samwell University
The dormitory kitchens are locked in the evenings and have very limited storage, so Bitty makes the trip every day with a cardboard box of the most essential items.  It’s kind of awful. He hopes there’s someone on the hockey team with an apartment or something with a decent kitchen he can use, but he hasn’t been invited over to anybody’s place yet.
The kitchen on his own floor is filled with people and marijuana smoke, so he passes it by and climbs the stairs to the next level up.  The next kitchen is promisingly quiet; a boy with glasses and dark hair is putting a cup of instant noodles in the microwave. “Mind if I use this kitchen?” Bitty asks, then comes inside to set his box on the table when the boy shrugs listlessly.
Bitty’s unpacking his mixing bowl and flour when the boy rests the hand holding his phone on the counter, and casually kicks one leg up behind him to rest against the wall over his head.  It’s so instantly familiar it feels like home, and a smile leaps onto Bitty’s face.
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alwaysxknitting · 2 years
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GYM LEADERS LUP & TAAKO have challenged you to a TWIN BATTLE
TAZ Pokemon AU @terezis
[Image description: Lup and Taako from the Adventure Zone portrayed as Pokemon Gym Leaders. Lup is posing with her arms outstretched, one foot stepping forward. She is a blonde elf with orange tips to her hair, and purple eyes. She is wearing a loose garment similar to red robe, and metallic bracelets, belt, and armored shoes. Taako is posing with one arm outstretched and bent foward in a bow, his legs apart. He is a blonde elf with blue tips to his hair, and purple eyes. He has a purple sun hat, and a purple Cloak of the Manta Ray with metallic detailing. He’s wearing white tights with blue details.
End Description]
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alwaysxknitting · 2 years
the thing they dont tell you about listening to the adventure zone for the first time is that you'll miss them for the rest of your life. taako magnus and merle will be held in your heart wherever you go. when you binge it and get caught up to the eleventh hour in 2016 and you're a sophomore in high school shoving your sweatshirt sleeve in your mouth to stop yourself from laughing you have no idea that you'll be coming up on christmas 2022 and it's been six years and a goblin that looks like common and sounds like kelsey grammer will still make you laugh. you hear "are you naming your god damn wizard taako?" and that's it for you. you're in for life.
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alwaysxknitting · 2 years
Hey I was wondering if you had a sequel to the Barry/Lup fae ficlet??? Cause I love it a lot
(part 1) (part 2) ( @herbgerblin  ’s beautiful art) thank you!!
Lup is beautiful and ethereal and Barry melts when she talks, but having her at a scientific award ceremony at his University is making him feel a little crazy. He chases her through the ballroom for half the evening, finally catching up with her when she’s just about to pull the fire alarm to see what happens. 
“Alarms happen,” he says, holding her hand back, breathless and exasperated and sort of incredibly fond, and she turns, surprised to see him and thrilled he’s there to watch her discovery. 
“I’m just so curious,” she says, her strong hand inching closer. 
“Alarms and fire sprinklers and- Lup, and screaming, lots of screaming?” 
She looks at the tantalizing lever for the longest fifteen seconds Barry has ever experienced, and finally pulls her hand away. She doesn’t push Barry’s hand off, though--quite the opposite--she holds it and gives it a squeeze, and Barry’s cheeks heat up so quickly he’s a little worried his glasses are going to fog up. 
“Where have you been all night? I’ve learned about so many amazing things!” She grins at him with those sharp teeth that make his knees feel like red jello and he sighs. 
“Chasing after you.”
She laughs. 
“Well, you’ve caught me. What are you going to do with me, hmm?”
Barry was not in any way, shape, or form prepared for this line of questioning. He wants to play along, but he’s worried he’ll fumble it and say something shitty or weird or- or-
“Um, I, I, I’ll, enjoy my night with you?”
She laughs again, a six-second-symphony that seems to hang heavily in the air. He feels like he could reach out and touch the music notes floating between them, and only doesn’t because his one hand is occupied and other hand has forgotten it exists. 
“Very well, I’ll accept that. What would be enjoyable for you, Sildar Hallwinter?” She gives him a keen, sharp-eyed look, and he swallows the blade and hopes it won’t come back up again. 
“To be completely honest? I’d rather go outside and talk with you than stick around here. Ah- But I really shouldn’t, I should stick around for the awards, my coworkers-”
“Can handle themselves without you.” Lup grins and her eyes flash in the most dangerous way, and Barry feels warmer than an August Sunday, and maybe also like his organs are shutting down. “Let’s grant that wish of yours, shall we?” And before Barry can stutter through more excuses or justification for suffering through the second half of the event, Lup whisks him away through the darkened double doors and runs through the empty hallways of the student union building. They come out the other side, onto the green expanse of the quad, and they’re breathing heavily, and suddenly they’re laughing, and still holding each other’s hands, and they’re laughing, and they’re kissing--
The scientific world and all of its paperwork and data and measures and closed-toed shoes melts away, and Barry forgets about awards and office drama and awkward, stumbling speeches. He feels so warm, warmer than a sunny meadow or a binary star-system, and he looks at Lup and he laughs, and she laughs, and they kiss again, and again, and again. 
After that, they walk from the quad back to the forest, hand in hand, giggling and sharing every little detail about their interests and trading the secrets of their worlds for more secrets, and before Barry knows it, they’re back where they started, roses jammed in a tree branch and everything. 
“I wish you didn’t have to go,” Barry says, forlorn and laugh-tipsy and fond. Lup smiles back at him. 
“I could take you with me, but you’d miss your world, I think.”
“But yours is so fascinating! I’m sure I could-”
Lup presses a finger to his mouth to shush him. 
“Maybe you can visit, but I won’t let you stay. You have so much more to learn about your world. I can’t steal that from you.”
Barry is torn. She’s right. But he’s so hungry to know. 
“Well- then-” he fumbles. “The next date is in your world.”
Lup’s whole business lights up like a drive-in movie theater. 
“I’d love that. When?”
“Same time next Sunday?”
“That means nothing to me,” Lup says, delighted. “But you’re on.”
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alwaysxknitting · 2 years
Do you accept part 2 requests?? Because if you've got any more of that faek dating blupjeans I am SO here for it
i’m amazed how much you guys loved that last one?? here’s part 2! Barry wears a powder blue suit to the edge of the forest, and it shows just how uncomfortable he is dressing up. The waistline isn’t quite right, and he feels incredibly silly--sillier still, considering that he’s asked one of the fae to join him this evening. A foolish move indeed. He’s still quite excited. He brings flowers, too--peachy roses and baby’s breath, wrapped up in light blue, and his sweaty grip on them is starting to slip when Lup appears out of nowhere and startles the shit out of him.
“Oh my god-” he says, hand over his heart. Lup laughs that musical laugh. She’s resplendent in a dark green dress that matches her eyes, embroidered lacily like morning frost on the forest floor. Barry wants to touch it to see if it would actually melt, but he figures melting his date’s dress would be rude. 
“Good to see you again, Sildar,” she says, her slitted eyes twinkling. 
“And, uh, you as well,” he says, rubbing his neck and blushing. “Ah- um- here-” and he hands over the roses. Lup blinks and stares at them, tilting her head this way and that. “What should I do with them?” she finally asks. 
“Uhhhh.” Barry grimaces. “I don’t know, actually. They’re just- they were supposed to be nice- it’s a thing people do for dates?”
“Oh.” Lup smiles and smells them, then sets them in the crook of a tree branch. “Lovely.” 
Barry laughs. There doesn’t seem to be much else to do. 
“Shall we?” 
“We shall,” she says, and takes his arm. 
They’re lucky, very lucky that campus is a short walk away. Even if Barry is dying for Lup’s opinion on cars. 
They spend the whole walk excitedly trading facts about each others’ worlds. She takes Barry’s cellphone and has to inspect every single feature it has, while excitedly chattering about the fae realms and the laws and creatures there, especially the plant life and how it differs from Barry’s side of the forest, which absolutely delights him. He almost forgets he has to attend a painful social event. 
They get to the University’s ballroom and pass the caterers pushing things on metal carts, which makes Lup exclaim in a language no one present speaks, and Barry has to make up an excuse as to why she wants to inspect it from every angle. 
“You know engineers,” he mumbles. The caterer just nods, bored, and sneaks away when Barry points Lup’s attention to the big projector screen in the ballroom showing a slideshow of the celebrated team’s research. 
“Oh, YES!” she yells. “I have GOT to get a look at that!” 
“Could we maybe meet some of my coworkers on the way?”
“Whatever you like. Although, I do want to be clear, just this once, my friend.”
“I cannot lie.”
Barry sucks at his teeth. “Oh?” he says, a little strained. “That’s, uh, that’s interesting. Veery interesting.”
“I knew you would understand.” She gives him a bright, still incredibly sharp grin. 
Barry no longer wants to meet his coworkers, which means they instantaneously appear in his path. 
“Dr. Hallwinter,” one of the professors says, puffing out his chest, husband on his arm. “Good to see you lad, good to see you.”  Barry’s eye twitches, but he maintains his painful smile. “You know my husband, Dr. Lent.”
“Dr. Lent, Dr. Lent.” Barry nods his head politely.
“Who’s this?”
“This is, uh, this is Lup.” 
Lup, with a mouth full of shrimp hors d'oeuvres, gives a great big smile. Both of the Lents are taken aback. 
“And she, she is…?”
“My date for this evening. She’s a researcher from, ah, from another university?”
“Ah, yes, very nice! Where are you from, my dear?” 
“Not here,” Lup says, slurping down a third shrimp. “But quite close by.”
“Ah, damn you, Dr. Hallwinter, dating someone from the community college!”
“That’s me,” Barry says with an awkward laugh. “So sorry about loyalty, and all that? Now, if you don’t mind, we’re going to-”
Lup sees a woman with a laptop and walks off to interrogate her. Barry bites his lip. 
“Leave. Um. See you on Monday? Bye-!”
And he turns to hightail it after his ethereal date, but her frosted dress is nowhere to be seen. 
“Fuuuuuck?” Barry whispers to himself. “What have you gotten yourself into this time, Bluejeans?”
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alwaysxknitting · 2 years
oh fuck can i get some fake dating fae blupjeans 👀👀
blupjeans isn't my usual brand but faek dating sure is
Barry is fully laying in the circle of mushrooms when it happens. In his defense, mushrooms are fascinating, and he had to get a picture up close and personal. He's talking to them, too, as he tends to do, and that might have had something to do with the encounter. 
"You know, decay exists as an extant form of life! Death is an incredible process, and you, my fun little guys, are such an interesting part of it! Did you know you are unlike any other kind of life on the planet? If you're even from this planet!" He laughs, crawling a little closer for another picture. 
"You know, I wish I was from another planet, this week. There's this event I have to go to and everyone is bringing their spouses and partners, and I don't have anyone to bring. Which isn't a terrible thing! Or, it wouldn't be, if people--smart people, my friend, scientists!--didn't treat it like one. Oh, I wish I had someone to take with me…" 
"A wish is a powerful thing, friend," a smooth, lovely, enchanting voice says from behind Barry, and Barry very nearly shits himself right then and there. He sits up and turns around, and then scrambles back when he sees a humanoid being with light purple skin and slitted eyes and the most beautiful face and softest looking hair… And a sharp, toothy grin that takes up most of her face. 
"Nice to meet you, friend," she says. "Can I have your name?" 
Barry blinks, and remembers the tales his mama used to tell him, and makes a very wise, very stupid decision. 
"Sildar," he says. 
The being smiles even wider somehow. 
"Tricky, tricky. In that case, you may call me Lup. Now, I heard something about a wish." 
"Um," Barry stalls, feeling very stupid and in danger and having trouble seeing past the hearts in his eyes. "Yes." 
"I actually rather enjoy studying humans. Perhaps I can join you." 
"Really?" Barry smiles, and realizes this is dangerous, and then realizes this is an incredible research opportunity to discover something no one has properly studied before, and he laughs excitedly. "But-- and I mean no offense, of course. Are you going to go like that?"
"Is something wrong with the way I look?" Lup tilts her head to the side like a venomous bird and Barry swallows. It makes her laugh this enchanting, musical laugh he'll never get out of his head. In the blink of an eye, she shifts, somehow. It's almost like nothing changes, but standing before Barry is very much a human woman. The most beautiful woman he's ever seen. 
"There. How is that?"
"P, uh, perfect." 
"Wonderful. Now when is this event?" 
"In three days." Barey very nearly has to count on his fingers.
"Well, then, Sildar. Meet me at the edge of the forest in three days' time, and I will accompany you." She smiles, and Barry nods, wondering what he's gotten himself into. 
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alwaysxknitting · 2 years
Free Pattern! Quick Cable Slouch Hat//Hat constructions
This is a pattern I had made to teach my student how to make her first cabled hat, so I made sure it was not intimidating.
Very quick to knit, so great for gifts.
I have used a bulky alpaca yarn so it had a fair drape and a pom-pom was too heavy, but it may work better if you use wool.
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alwaysxknitting · 4 years
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Free Pattern! Quick Cable Slouch Hat//Hat constructions
This is a pattern I had made to teach my student how to make her first cabled hat, so I made sure it was not intimidating.
Very quick to knit, so great for gifts.
I have used a bulky alpaca yarn so it had a fair drape and a pom-pom was too heavy, but it may work better if you use wool.
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alwaysxknitting · 4 years
Been dealing with this all day. Reblogging to boost!
Your blog was hacked: what to do?
If you see weird pics of ladies with dubious links posted on your blog out of the blue, here’s a step by step way of stopping this and preventing it from happening again that I think might work.
Important : this only works if you can still access your blog!
Changing your password is important, but it won’t do you any good if your hacker still has an opened session on your blog and can still access it. So the first thing you wanna do is close your hacker’s session.
For that you need to go in your blog’s settings:
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On the new page opened, scroll all the way down. There, you can see something called “Active Sessions“. The first and oldest one (”current session” in green) should be yours, the new one should be the hacker’s session. To close your hacker’s session, click the gray X next to it.
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Now that their session is closed, they can’t access your blog anymore unless they enter the password again.
So don’t lose time, go all the way back up and change your password immediately. Make also sure your hacker didn’t change your email address.
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Now you should be safe from your hacker. But it won’t prevent you from getting hacked again.
If you really want to be safe from hackers, you should turn on the “Two-factor authentification” option (on the same page).
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It requires you to enter your phone number, which is a bummer. But if it’s turned on, everytime you wanna log on (so not if your session is already opened, but only if you log off and try to log on again), it will send a code on your phone that you’ll have to enter (in addition to having a password).
That way if someone tries to hack you again, even if they get your password right, they won’t be able to enter your blog without having that code.
There it is. I hope it will help some of you, since I see more and more people noticing blogs being hacked
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alwaysxknitting · 4 years
If you think about Gideon the Ninth and Among Us are basically the same thing
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alwaysxknitting · 4 years
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Some IPRE stuff for animal crossing
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alwaysxknitting · 4 years
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sum lucretia themed qr codes! :3c
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alwaysxknitting · 4 years
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Made some Adventure Zone phone cases to sizzle things up out in the wilderness!
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alwaysxknitting · 4 years
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I made Lup’s and Taako’s outfit from The Stolen Century! They’re based off of @glowbat‘s amazing fanart! I’m not very good at making clothing but I just HAD to make something TAZ related for ACNL. I hope you all like it. c:
Also, I will never stop complaining about not being able to simply choose my character’s skin tone. It took many hours of tanning to get there. -_-
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alwaysxknitting · 4 years
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Here's some Adventure Zone songs in Animal Crossing! from left to right:
Wonderland Round 3, Graduation main theme
Amnesty Lodge Sunrise, A Rebuilding Year
Wonderland Round 2, Lunar Interlude
Crystal Kingdom verses, Ski Trip (from Amnesty)
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alwaysxknitting · 4 years
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“Who the hell is Bucky?”
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