alwynthetiredreader · 18 hours
If it keeps you from killing yourself it's not stupid. This applies to anything btw.
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Announcing the Danmei Gotcha for Gaza!
Hello, danmei fandoms! If you'd like to create or prompt fanworks for your favorite novels and original manhuas to help raise funds for Palestine, now is your moment! The Danmei Gotcha for Gaza is currently running interest checks (open until June 30) for all danmei fandoms except for 2HA and MXTX. Follow this account or our Twitter for updates; or alternatively, check out the event Carrd here.
Creators are welcome to contribute any type of fanwork, such as fic/podfic, cold reads of novel scenes, art, video edits, and moodboards or aesthetic gifsets. Donators will be asked to select a preferred type of fanwork so their prompts can be matched to the creators most suited to them.
In keeping with previous fandom Gotchas, we will be following the same pricing structure of $5USD for S/FW prompts and $8USD for N/SFW prompts.
Please consider joining as a creator, submitting a prompt (especially if you're part of a smaller fandom!) or sharing this post if you can’t do either. Creator sign-ups will be open from July 1-21, and donations will open on August 1.
We will not have an official list of fandoms until creator sign-ups are over, but you can find a tentative list of fandoms taken from the interest check here.
For this event, we have chosen to support the following fundraisers:
Care for Gaza
Direct Aid For Gaza
eSIMs for Gaza
Feminine Hygiene Kits for Gaza With the Asad Sisters
Life for Gaza (support for municipality projects such as access to clean running water and sewage systems)
Any verified fundraiser on gazafunds.com
Note: if you would like to participate in a Gotcha event for a non-danmei fandom, check out the live list of fandom Gotchas here.
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alwynthetiredreader · 12 days
I am Mohammad from northern Gaza, and I have a family of six. Since the beginning of the war, we were threatened to evacuate our home. My family and I left within seconds, and it was completely destroyed by the Israeli occupation. My father and I both had our own businesses, and everything was completely bombed. We are now displaced to the south and living in a tent. My family and I are suffering greatly, and I am very sad and frustrated by this catastrophic situation. We face the threat of death every day; this war has destroyed and scattered us, and we have lost much of our health. There is no safe life, no healthy food, and no clean water.
I urgently need your help today, and time is running out to save me and my family from this brutal war. Every donation from you brings safety to my family.
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alwynthetiredreader · 12 days
AI disturbance overlays for those who don't have Ibis paint premium. found them on tiktok
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alwynthetiredreader · 22 days
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Please purchase eSims for Gazans
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alwynthetiredreader · 3 months
Happiness Will Come To You.
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alwynthetiredreader · 3 months
i demand an abundance of authentic, varied, and nuanced portrayals of aromanticism in mainstream media and i won't settle for anything else
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alwynthetiredreader · 3 months
reblog if the first musical you listened to was not Hamilton
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alwynthetiredreader · 3 months
i keep thinking about that one blogger on here who mentioned applying to 80+ jobs and still not getting a single callback
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alwynthetiredreader · 4 months
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alwynthetiredreader · 4 months
so called feminists: "actually women are naturally inferior at everything, including quiz game shows, beauty pageants, chess, and video games. we need a society that is segregated so that anyone who would ever have to potential to win against a woman is eliminated. this is actually far better than organizing sports into weight classes or different athletic/skill level based categories that ignore sex, like what wrestling and video/board game tournaments already do. I cannot accept the reality that men and women are the same species. this is actually how we truly protect women. by calling them weak pathetic losers who could never win against even the worst opponent, and preventing them from even playing at all."
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alwynthetiredreader · 4 months
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Repost: We grieve the loss of Fathi Ghaben, iconic Palestinian painter, born in Hiribya in the Gaza strip in 1947.
He was mainly known for his folklore art and depiction of resistance through existence and culture - "His figures are captured in motion as they labor, protest, tend to their fields, celebrate, and dance. The raw power of the working-class is there in Ghaben's artwork, as it is in him." (Quote from @alserkalavenue).
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He passed away yesterday (Feb 25, 2024) as a result of the neglect of the occupation. He was waiting for the Israeli authorities to grant him permission to to leave Gaza to receive medical aid after multiple requests.
Photo credits and ID below the cut.
ID: [The first picture is taken in the Jabalia Palestinian Refugee Camp in the north of Gaza city. It is a black-and-white photograph of Fathi Ghaben, a Palestinian painter, in his house. The picture is from The Joss Dray Collection via Pal Museum Digital Archive. The second picture is from the same day in 1987. It is a picture of him with his family in their house. The black and white picture shows him, a woman, and three kids in frame.]
[All remaining images are directly sourced from Fathi's Facebook and/or X. One of them is a painting of farmers tending to their fields, with an abundance of oranges around them. The other is a painting of a woman sitting on the floor and sewing a traditional Palestinian pattern, known as tatreez, onto a dress. The next picture shows people in a village, a woman sits on the ground next to a clay oven, known as taboon, making bread. A child is sitting next to a collection of baked bread near her and holds a round piece of bread. The painting after depicts a large group of farmers picking fruits from trees. There’s a large amount of green fruit collected on the ground. The picture after is an image of the painter Fathi Ghaben painting on canvas. He is painting what looks like a lake in the moonlight, with trees, bushes, and birds around. The last picture is a painting of horses across a field near a stream of water.] END ID.
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alwynthetiredreader · 4 months
Tumblr has added this option to their settings: “prevent third party sharing”
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(Edit: left is desktop, right is mobile app)
Make sure to turn this on to prevent AI from scraping your blog (according to tumblr, anyway) 🩷
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alwynthetiredreader · 4 months
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alwynthetiredreader · 4 months
i love you media that emphasized mundanity. i love you media that says you still matter as a person even if you don't achieve something great. i love you media that says existing and being alive is enough. i love you "we might not remember your poems, but we'd remember you." i love you "i was no hero" "perhaps. but you are a brave man." i love "in another life i would have really liked just doing laundry and taxes with you." i love you "but who's gonna watch the deer?" i love you the mundane as something to be loved for
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alwynthetiredreader · 4 months
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