alxmullner ¡ 3 years
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It was a little amusing how gentle Alex always tried to be with her. He’d accidentally hurt her when they were kids and had never let it go. Honestly, she found it kind of cute that he was still so cautious. Libby playfully rolled her eyes at his comment, “See, it isn’t my hands I’m worried about burning. I’m more worried about burning the entire place down,” she said before adding, “I’ve almost done it before, but my mom still thinks it’s a good idea to have me working there,” she said with a small laugh and shake of her head. She knew her mom still worried about her a lot and that was probably a big reason why she kept her there even though she was not good at her job at all. Another laugh escaped the brunette, “Actually no, I’m hoping I’ll find some hot merman and we’ll fall in love,” she said, grinning playfully up at him before shaking her head, “No, I’m kidding. I don’t know, my dad really liked the ocean so I guess I like going there because of him,” she said with a small shrug. 
As kids Libby had admired Alex, but as a teenager she had thought he was just the worst. She’d been so convinced that she wanted nothing to do with someone like him, but now he was one of the most important people in her life. Now she knew that he was so much more than her initial judgement. His surprise when she shifted the conversation to him caused her to let out another small laugh, “Yeah, what about you?” she repeated, smiling up at him. Her cheeks then began to burn a little when he answered. Hey, she was trying though. “I feel like I had a 50/50 chance there,” she said, looking down at her feet to try and hide the blush on her face. “At least, I think a 50/50 chance… I feel like I’m very wrong about that too,” she shook her head at herself. Once the blush had left her cheeks, she looked back up at him again, taking note of the sad smile he gave her. It made her heart ache for him, but she knew it was best to just leave it at that. “Oh, lacrosse?” she asked, taking a mental note to do a little research on it when she got home, “if you mean to play with you then I’m not sure if that’s a good idea,” she let out a laugh, “But if it’s to come cheer you on, then I’d be happy to tag along,” she smiled up at him again, “But only if you’re sure. I don’t want to impose or anything,” she added, looking back down to her feet as she tucked some of her hair behind her ear. 
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it really wasn’t often that alex got to spend some one on one time with libby. now that he thought about it... well, he couldn’t recall the last time it had just been the two of them without haley. it was funny, but it made sense after all  — haley was the reason they were friends, after all. it was only funny because he had really liked libby when they were kids, at one point he’d even had a crush on her, but something changed along the line, they grew old, but there they were, right back where they had started. just older. at least that’s that the man thought, anyway. once he had managed to talk to the girl, alex fell back into the comfort he usually displayed when hanging out with his friends. “you’ll get it someday, i’m sure. we’re all rooting for you, lib.” he reassured her with a smile, dimples on full display. “if not, the town has such a large source of water i’m sure we’ll be able to put your house out in no time. i can probably carry... a lot of gallons at once.”
the mention of her father uneased him for half a second, made him lose the cadence of his step but only slightly. this little falter in his step was not libby’s fault at all, alex was just taken off guard. he wasn’t so comfortable mentioning his parents at all, and when together with the group, the subject never came up. it was nice though, that she told him a little more than she normally would in another scenario... and perhaps this was something only he knew now? he gave her an appreciative smile and another little playful nudge, so gentle it would barely classify as a nudge. “it is nice, the ocean. so big, and blue. you know? i understand the appeal.” 
it wasn’t that long of a walk, and the moment alex spotted the light post above the bakery in the distance, alex found himself slowing his pace down. he was not quite ready to say goodnight yet, despite it being past his usual bedtime. he dismissed his slow pace with a laugh at the girl’s comment. “i guess i’ll need to get you more into sports, at least ‘til you can keep up with all the schedules,” he joked. “nah, i wouldn’t make you play lacrosse.” it was a bit too rough for him to be comfortable  — not that he was trying to be overbearing, but he sure was afraid to hurt her himself. before he could make up a less weird excuse on why he wouldn’t make libby play lacrosse, her words registered. “impose? on what, lib? nah, you wouldn’t be. it would be nice to have you there, that’s all. but of course, you know, you don’t gotta go if you don’t wanna.”
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alxmullner ¡ 3 years
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alxmullner ¡ 3 years
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Carson looked at what he considered a cocky asshole then replied “Sounds like you don’t like good music and you must like that music thats just bass… What’s it called again.. fuck it’s at the tip of my tongue  Right EDM.” He said as he looks at the male.
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“hold up, are you gatekeeping music?” alex retorted proudly. libby had taught him the meaning of the word recently, and he had been using it every chance he got ever since. “why can’t i just like what i like, dude?” he completely ignored the edm remark, mostly because he didn’t actually know what edm was. “i literally just said i like more upbeat things. i like music i can work out to: hip-hop, rap. stuff that gets me going. so no, i don’t like your guitar.” this was kind of the best way for him to say what kind of music he liked without admitting that his workout playlist consisted ninety-nine percent of megan thee stallion. not that he was ashamed of it or anything, but he didn’t want to share anything personal with this guy. “but you can go ahead and play it all you want, dude." he added, with a shrug.
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alxmullner ¡ 3 years
“you can probably just mask the taste of the protein shake with something else. maybe chocolate. or just toss them out. that’s what i’d do, but i’m a baby when it comes to tasting gross things.”
then he rolled his shoulders and looked over at his weigh lifting partner. roddy took a moment to evaluate his body, making sure he wasn’t over-exerting himself by going another few sets with alex.
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“yeah, afterwards we can go hang out at the beach, maybe. i’ll do another two sets, and we’ll uh…” he laughs. “we’ll be set.”
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“bet, that’s good advice, dude. if it’s still gross after i’ll probably just throw it out.” it was funny, in a way he couldn’t quite decipher, how roddy always seemed to know what to do next. how to go about things, what to do if something didn’t work out how he thought it would the first time. this was an art alex hadn’t quite yet mastered... and part of him doubted he ever would.
“yeah, that sounds good to me. hopefully i can find a cool shell for haley.” he said, half thinking out loud, as he prepared to pick up the large dumbbell off the floor. “no, actually. i got a question, rod. it might be weird... tell me if it is, alright?” alex prepared rod with this prelude, but he was mostly preparing himself. “how do you do it? you know, how are you... i don’t know, dude. you have your shit together, is what i’m getting at. how...? how do you get to that point?”
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alxmullner ¡ 3 years
With hands tucked into the pockets their sundress Emily circled around the fountain, hair a calculated mess and fingers brushing the gems brought along for today’s adventure. Days away from the saloon were rare – in fact, they practically lived there; so much so that days off were a complete perplexed haze for the barmaid. Pelican Town was their home, they’ve explored what they care to explore, know the places read: people to avoid. Now though? Now they were just killing time, letting the day lead them to wherever, because in the end… that’s where they were supposed to be. Pacing turned into wandering, making the familiar trek from the fountain, around town, and eventually leading to the graveyard. 
“Hm. Reflection is needed today – not another day to wither away under the sun.” The villager picked a familiar family headstone, pressed against the back, and then slid down to sit. “Ah, I didn’t bring a journal… how do I reflect without a journal?” The question bounced around their head, repeating as brown hues traced the landscape in front of them. Eventually the weeds from the dirt started pouring new stories of life from loss, and the flowers started speaking in a familiar hum of ethereal storytelling. Daisies, lilacs, baby’s breath, and sweet peas chirped in the wind, telling her a thousand different stories. Once a tell was finished, they gave a small “thank you” before plucking it from the ground, examining it, and then grouping it with the growing bouquet in their hand. 
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Emily, caught up in florals, didn’t notice the time passing, or the people passing. They were focused and inspired. “These lilacs could make amazing prints on fabric,” they mused under their breath, now aiming to find more colorful flowers to make even more amazing prints. Suddenly green hues locked in on an orange chrysanthemum – an immaculate pair to the light purples coveted in their left hand. “Oh!” The shout led to action, careless action, as they bolted forward to admire the flower; not aware of surroundings. 
alex loved his family... or what was left of it. he truly did. but it was on those certain days that his grandfather decided to be extra nasty for no apparent reason, and his sweet grandmother oblivious to his bitterness as she concerned herself with her daily activities  — today was one of those days. for once though, alex was awake before his grandma stepped out, so he had decided to accompany her out to the store to say hello to caroline and pierre, to her little garden by the house, to the mayor’s house just to say hello, to give him some gardening advice and compliment his progress; then back to the store when she realized she’d forgotten to buy the ingredients she went out for in the first place, as well as some seeds for her indoor planter. alex was glad he’d been out with her, he got to carry the woman’s supplies for her as she talked about flowers and bees and the past and how grandpa george wasn’t like this when they were young. 
after all, a day that could’ve been so easily ruined if he had stayed inside listening to a cranky old man complain had turned into a delightful morning with his grandmother, who reminded him a lot of his mom... or what he remembered of her. sadly, the happy memories were fuzzy, but the bad ones were clear as day. ‘are you coming in, dear?’  he heard his grandma ask, only then realizing he had been standing outside the front door, still holding her bags. “right, right, yeah.” he mumbled. in record time, he set down the groceries and helped put them away, before telling his grandmother he’d be going back out.
he truly did love his family. but why did he still feel so empty? he still had evelyn, george, and even dusty. why did he still feel so alone? alex heard the questions rush by his brain as he went the long way toward the old community center, finding a scavenging emily along his way. they looked so invested in what they were doing, whatever it was, that alex wasn’t sure if he should even interrupt. but then they exclaimed, and suddenly all his brain could focus on was his flower-holding friend. he watched them run toward the bright flower, and smiled. “that’s a pretty one, but you might run out of hands sooner than later. need me to carry anything for you, em? i’m pretty good at that. at... holding stuff.”
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alxmullner ¡ 3 years
himbo (honorific)
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alxmullner ¡ 3 years
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Mark think thunking
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alxmullner ¡ 3 years
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Carson had gone down to the beach with his folding chair and sat down in the chair with his guitar and began to strum it not knowing anyone was around as he began to sing his song “ And it goes to show, How you make your way into my dreams again. And the less we know.Yeah the more we break right apart. So we’ll raise the stakes and show them.Yeah the more we break right apart.So we’ll raise the stakes and show them.” As he heard someone behind him and said “How long have you been there?” Carson asked as he looks at the person besides him “Also what did you think of the song.”
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the weather was getting nice and alex finally had an excuse to get out of his grandma’s house when his grandfather’s mood went sour, which was often. so the beach it was. the sound of the waves crashing sure did beat the sound of a cranky old man or the annoying sounds of the game shows he liked to watch. as he walked further into the beach, he saw another person playing a guitar. he tried paying them no mind, which worked out great because half a second later he got distracted by a big shiny shell he found on the sand. alex was about to pick it up before he realized he was being spoken to. “who, me? i don’t know dude, a minute or two?” he shrugged as he finalized the picking up of the shiny shell. “nah bro, i’m sorry. i’m sure it’s someone else’s vibe, but it’s not my vibe. i like something more... i don’t know, upbeat, i guess?” he shrugged again. “not a big guitar guy.”
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alxmullner ¡ 3 years
roddy looked over at alex, letting the weight he was lifting down to the floor. he pushed his hair back out of his face, knowing he needed to get it cut at some point. it was getting long again and in roddy’s face. “uhhh. i think it’s supposed to taste like vanilla but different? i think it’s basically razzle dazzled vanilla.”
rod takes it and takes a sip before… he wrinkles his nose. “bro, that tastes like battery acid. you got ripped off.” roddy wipes his mouth but hands the shaker back to alex. roddy picks up his own shaker and hands it to alex. “here. try the cinnamon roll one. it’s perfection.” 
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things were starting to feel normal again in roddy’s life. he was grateful for pelican town. for alex. for mel. harvey. for everyone. he wasn’t sure what he’d do without them. 
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for some reason, the medic’s explanation of what birthday cake flavor was supposed to taste like got a good laugh out of alex. he thought that, if the flavor was marketed as razzle dazzled vanilla, it would be more likely he’d pick it up, even if it was bad. he, however, didn’t get the chance to express this thought as it left almost immediately after it got into his brain, the younger one fully distracted by roddy’s reaction to the shake. “no way, dude. really?” he asked, annoyed at no one but the powdered birthday cake he had been promised. alex took the shaker back from roddy and sniffed it, simply getting a whiff of artificial vanilla, which also made him grimace.
“cinnamon roll, hm?” he asked, expecting no answer, as he took his friend’s shaker and took a swig. “damn. this is good. fuck, i should’ve asked you before i got this, but i guess i know now.” he chuckled a low little chuckle. shrugging his shoulders, he turned back to the weight waiting for him on his bedroom floor. “how’re you feeling, bro? i think i’m only doing two more sets of these.” 
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alxmullner ¡ 3 years
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Libby often spent most of her free time with Haley and Alex. They’d surprisingly become her two closest friends over the years despite their somewhat rocky start. Usually, it was the three of them though, so now that it was just the two of them, she felt a bit awkward. It wasn’t because Libby didn’t want to spend time alone with Alex- because she did. It’s just she usually had Haley there doing all the talking so she was able to just join in on the conversation instead of having to come up with the conversation. That and she was definitely overthinking things at the moment. It made her happy when he offered to walk her home though, because she honestly wasn’t ready for the night to be over just yet.
 She said her goodbyes to Haley before nodding and stepping out before him. It was silent for a brief moment as they began to walk and she rattled her brain for something to talk about. Should she mention sports or something? He liked that, but she knew next to nothing about it other than whatever Alex may have mentioned in conversation. Thankfully, he was the one who broke the silence, “Oh, um not really. I have to help my mom in the bakery some tomorrow, but besides that I’ll probably just chill. Maybe go sit at the docks,” she shrugged her shoulders a little before looking up to him, “What about you? There’s a football game on Sunday, right?” she asked, keeping her fingers mentally crossed that she was right.
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alex had been focusing on the walk ahead of them for a moment, but his attention quickly turned to libby, and he grinned at her. big, all dimples. “oh, i bet you’re thrilled about that,” he teased the brunette about the baking playfully, nudging her side gently with his elbow. ever since the little accident they’d had when they were kids, alex always tried to be careful with libby. it wasn’t even conscious anymore, but sometimes his size betrayed him. thankfully, this time he was as gentle as he intended to be. “don’t burn your hands off, alright? those ovens look scary.” he added. “the docks, huh? and do what there? commune with the fish?” 
alex was confident the young woman knew he meant no harm with his little remarks, it was just who he was as a person. barely ever serious, just there to have a good time. despite all of this, he tried to make it as clear as possible that he enjoyed libby’s company as much as he did anyone else. did it work? he had no idea, but he sure did try. “me?” he asked, slightly confused. it was obvious that at some point the conversation would shift back to him, but he was still taken by surprise when it did. her further questioning about sports got a little chuckle out of him  — he wasn’t the only one trying, after all. “you mean the season? it’s over, lib. until the fall, anyways. now, if you mean am i playing a game on sunday? also no, sadly.” he gave her a sad smile as he spoke. “i might be playing lacrosse with some old buds sunday, though. why, did you wanna come?” he added, raising an eyebrow at the brunette, the same dimply smile still plastered on his face.
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alxmullner ¡ 3 years
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the weather was finally nice enough to warrant a couple of hours of lazying about on the beach, something that mel took advantage of the first chance she got. bathing suit on and sunscreen too, she laid out on her towel in an attempt to soak up some of the first rays of sun she felt she’d seen since spring had started. sure it may not seem like it was warm to some, and as a cali native that probably should’ve been the same feeling for her, but mel was enjoying the relaxation session. so when alex ran up to her, she offered him a friendly grin, looking up at him over her sunglasses. “hey lex, how’s your going?” she laughed as she nodded at his question, throwing her arms up in the air before sighing contently. “I’m absolutely loving it right now. what about you?”
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the fact that he had managed to get the brunette to tolerate him enough to not be super bothered by his nickname was both reassuring and a little annoying, as now he felt the urge to either continue to push it, or to find another name that would get a reaction out of her. not out of spite or in a rude way, despite how easily it could be perceived as such, but for alex it was all in good fun. “oh i getcha, i bet this is nothing like sunny california though, is it?” he asked, and continued to ask another question before his brain could stop him. “are there many farms down there? all i can picture when i think of cali is sunny beaches, and for some reason, kim kardashian.” without a single warning, he continued talking, but now back to the original topic. “but yeah, the weather is so great, isn’t it? i’m so happy i get to go on this run without freezing my nipples off.” it wasn’t until he said that out loud, that he realized he could’ve probably worn a shirt during his runs in the winter.
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alxmullner ¡ 3 years
Over the last few years, Haley could probably count on her fingers the number of days she’d gone without talking to Alex. Even when they didn’t have anything to talk about, they were talking - even if it was just sending stupid memes back and forth or talking about the latest episode of Drag Race. And that had been today. They’d been in Haley’s bedroom, her thoughtlessly organizing her makeup tray and him lounging on her bed tossing a small plushie up and down. It was nice; lazy days weren’t so boring when they were with Alex. Still, though, when an idea popped into her head, she whirled around in her little stool in front of her vanity to face him.
“Alex!” she announced in lieu of an actual greeting. “I need new portfolio shots. And now that all the snow is melting, we can actually get fun ones outside. Do you still have that cute turtleneck I bought you?” She stood up and crossed her bedroom to grab her camera off her dresser. “Because I’m not gonna take more pictures of you in your stupid letterman, I just refuse.” @alxmullner​
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not a lot was going on in alex’s mind as he laid on the girl’s bed, one leg propped over his knee as he made a point to throw the little stuffed animal a bit higher each time he did it. really, not a lot going on in there. at most, his brain played a little mystery jingle he had heard coming from the living room that morning, during one of his grandpa’s morning shows, or whatever it was the old man watched on the tv. it only stopped playing in his head when he snapped back to reality and heard haley shuffling with her makeup tools, so many brushes he had no idea what she used them all for, but he also didn’t care enough about makeup to ask. all in all, he was just there to be with her. doing nothing with his best friend sure beat doing nothing alone  — plus, he didn’t have to worry about how loud the television was in the living room here.
his brain felt disconnected from the rest of his body when haley very abruptly called his name. he turned his heard towards her within milliseconds, completely forgetting the stuffed animal that was still in mid air while he did this, only for it to smack him in the face a second later, very softly. he blinked in surprise, and his brain finally revved up. the man lifted himself on his shoulders as he processed the blonde’s words, and nodded. “yeah, i still have it. it’s probably in my dresser, or... maybe in the closet. i can look.” he sat up on the bed in one swift, athletic crunch, and watched haley move around in her room. “hey, what do you have against my letterman? first, it’s pretty sick, still. second, if my modeling career is going to take off, don’t they need to know what my name is? that’s why it has my last name in the back, you know. it’s been there for this reason, all along... duh.”
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alxmullner ¡ 3 years
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“ first off, don’t call me that. not your bro, mullner,” sebastian scrunched up his features, pulling a face upon hearing the familiar sound of his former friend’s annoying voice. probably the last person in town he was hoping to run into, aside from his step father demetrius. the spirits must be in a terrible mood today, judging by his endless streak of bad luck. the frown etched into his features deepens when the athelete approaches him, and points out his unhealthy habit. “ really? what’s the worst that could happen? i go out with a bang, die a quick death, instead of a painfully slow one in this stupid cow town??” sebastian snapped, folding his arms across his chest. the words came out a little harsher than he meant for them to, still feeling on edge after the argument that caused him to leave the house in the first place. however, deep down inside, he knows he shouldn’t be taking it out on alex. idiot can’t help being at the wrong place at the wrong time. “ if… if you’re not trying to police my habits, then learn to mind your own business,” he mumbled, shaking his head. great, no cigarettes for him, and now he’s stuck having to make small talk with that meathead.“ well… shouldn’t you be going home? isn’t it way past your bedtime already?” 
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alright, despite the good intentions behind his words, alex was taken aback by the other man’s rash reaction. it was almost impossible to believe they were good friends once, way back when. “woah dude, just because you’re that unhappy, doesn’t mean the rest of us gotta be, too.” the defensiveness was a coping mechanism he’d developed very early in life, a trait that had never been mentioned to alex, so he’d never bothered to work on it. hell, he didn’t even realize how terrible it was. “just trying to look out for someone i considered a friend, but you know, whatever. you can go ahead and mope or... whatever it is you do out here.” he could’ve stopped there and moved on with his evening, go on his silly run and dip his toes in the water for fun. he should’ve just stopped there. “pelican isn’t even that bad. sure, whatever, it’s no booming town, but my neighbors are nice; bro, my grandma literally bakes your mom cookies every week. maybe look past your stupid cigarette and find something else to? fuck man, try macrame or something?”
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alxmullner ¡ 3 years
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it wasn’t rare that alex and libby spent time together over at haley’s. the blonde lived alone with her sister and alex didn’t dare to have friends over, based on his grandfather’s usual behavior... better to save everyone the awkwardness. unsurprisingly, time had flown by that evening and it was time to go home. it wasn’t like pelican had a high crime rate, but the town sure did lack public lighting  — naturally, he offered to walk libby home. and the moment they were both alone outside of haley’s front door, he realized that he rarely ever was left alone with the girl. suddenly all the topics of conversation left him. “after you,” he murmured, extending a hand to let the brunette lead the way. “so lib, you got plans for this weekend?” he asked, a bit awkwardly, even for alex. @libbywyler​
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alxmullner ¡ 3 years
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alex had a weird little 'going for a run' ritual, especially when the run was at the beach. he’d always take off his shirt and wrap it around his waist before actually doing any running. it was something he did so often that he pretty much did it without thinking at this point  — regardless of the weather. lucky for everyone involved, the weather was nice enough to be at the beach that day, but regardless, alex didn’t even take a second to think how a shirtless man running up to a woman would’ve looked to a bystander. he took out an airpod and offered melly a smile. “hey, farm girl!” he greeted, a playful tone in his voice. “enjoying this nice beach weather?” @ameliakelso​
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alxmullner ¡ 3 years
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“dude, get this,” alex began excitedly, as he vigorously shook his plastic protein shake cup, as if he hadn’t done it already. “i got this protein, it’s supposed to taste like birthday cake. what kind of flavor is that even supposed to be?” he asked, the little metal shaker rattling aggressively against plastic as he spoke. “like, what is birthday cake flavor supposed to taste like? uh, like sugar?” he stopped the shaking very suddenly and offered the other man his cup. “do me the honors, bro. i need you to tell me if it’s any good. at least i think that’s the saying.” he gave roddy a smile, very clearly happy to have found a friend in the young medic over the last few months, since he’d arrived. @mediice​
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alxmullner ¡ 3 years
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after yet another heated argument with his step father, sebastian park couldn’t wait to leave the house and go towards the usual spot at the pier. a quiet and mostly people-free zone at this time of day, where he could have a quick smoke to calm himself down. however, reaching into the pocket, the male came to the unfortunate discovery that he had left his lighter in his room. “ shit…” he curses under his breath, pursing his lips in frustration. just his damn luck… sebastian glances over his shoulder, eyes squinting at what appears to be a person sauntering along the shoreline, but it’s kind of hard to tell who it is, in the dark. “ hey, you? do you happen to carry a lighter with you?” 
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with pelican being the small place it was, sometimes it was difficult finding something to do. alex had no interest in going to drink at the saloon, didn’t particularly like gus’ food (although he’d never say it to his face). so, for a lack of means of entertainment, he’d set on an evening run at the beach, a good way to follow up his mid-morning weight lifting session. the young man bent a knee behind him, grabbed onto his foot to stretch it, and was about to take off his shirt before a voice distracted him. “nah, bro. sorry.” he responded as he squinted to make out the figure standing on the docks. “seb!” alex’s words were meant to come out as a question, but his infliction changed quickly so it was more of an exclamation. it wasn’t often that he saw sebastian out and about. “bro, smoking is terrible for your health.” he said, staring at the little stick in the man’s hand. but then, reminded with how little he got to see of the guy, he tried, and failed, to backtrack. “not to police your habits or anything, but you know, dude? i’m just sayin’.”
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