"Mmmm," he made a show of thinking about it, pressing his palms together and placing them on his mouth. With a click of his tongue, he threw his hands up. "No. Not really."
"How about," he started, his brain suddenly seeing a way this could possibly work. He did, after all, feel somewhat sorry for her. "you find out what he wants and give it to him? I hear he's looking for a way to go to realm without magic." He said this as if he could hardly believe it. "My hat can only travel to magical realms, so it's not very helpful."
FTL flashback || Seeking Safe Harbour || Closed || Cinderella and Jefferson
Cinderella looked at him coyly, actually feeling guilty as she was considering his proposition. ‘Surely you know people from your travels…people who would want to start fresh. They would be provided with a considerable amount of money….’ she said in the hope of avoiding the horrific thought of forcing someone into the Enchanted Forest.
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Mr. Gold? Like spin straw into gold? His hand stroked his chin thoughtfully. "Older gentleman? Kind of," he pretended to fluff his hair, "foofy hair?" He had to know if it was Rumpelstiltskin or not. 
Unexpected || Belle & Jefferson
Isabelle sat at the table in the kitchen and looked around at the many cabinets and china he had. For a man who like to be secluded in the woods, he knew how to shop.
"Yes, I do. I help run my husband’s shop, Mr. Gold that is." She smiled at the sound of his name. Being a newlywed, she loved calling him her husband. It had a nice ring to it.
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"Around," he said his finger going in a small circle in the air. Literally. As he couldn't leave the forest, all his clothes had come from the house. Thankfully, there had been quite a lot of them. 
He randomly picked a two packets of tea, setting the others back, and put some water on to boil. 
"So you live in Storybrooke, right?" Maybe she had come into contact with Rumpelstiltskin.
Unexpected || Belle & Jefferson
Isabelle raised her eyebrows at the massive tea collection he had. "Wow, uh, surprise me?" She never knew there were so many kinds of tea. She looked over this man again, at his messy hair and awkward clothing. It doesn't look like he's had plenty of sleep in a few weeks. 
"Your clothes are.. interesting. Where do you get them?" Small talk was her thing, mostly because she hated silence and needed to keep a conversation going. Plus, this guy was a mystery she was intrigued to solve.
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He gestured for her to follow him into his kitchen. "Tea it shall be then," he grinned. "Let's seeeee... weee havee," he opened up his cupboard to reveal several different flavors of tea. "Earl Grey, Lady Grey, English Breakfast, English Afternoon, English Night, The Labyrinth, Sock-it-to-Me, Queen of Hearts, Act Normal, Green Tea, Red Tea, Mint Green, Sleepytime, Prince of Wales, Pure Mint, Spiced Apple Chai, Winter Spice." He turned to Belle holding several different tea packets. Some of the names he had just made because why not but fr the most part everything he had said was real. "I have a few more if you like."
Unexpected || Belle & Jefferson
Isabelle walked into the house and looked at the different decorations and furniture. He definitely had an eye for design, it was a beautiful house. “I love what you’ve done with the place.” She added, smiling as she walked over to the couch and set her bag down. It was all very bright, the only thing she would call into question would be his strange choice of clothing.
She turned around when she heard his voice and a small smile came across her lips, “Uh, tea sounds great, thank you.” She looked down a long hallway with about 4 or 5 doors to different rooms. She wondered why a man who lives alone needed so many rooms, and what did he mean when he said he didn’t live alone by choice.
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Her question made him laugh. Double over, hands on his knees, his ribs rattling in his chest. When he came back up, it took about a split second for his serious face to return.
"Are you serious? Do you know how hard that would be? You'd have to find someone willing to uproot their entire life to not just move to a new location," he gestured to the space beside him, "but to a new realm." He jumped his hand over to the other side of him. "I mean, unless you're not opposed to knocking someone out and letting me drag them back here, good luck."
FTL flashback || Seeking Safe Harbour || Closed || Cinderella and Jefferson
"How would I do that?" she asked immediately, not wasting a second in waiting. "Would you be able to find someone to do that?"
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His wife was dead. Her life had been snuffed out like a flame, a delicate light that vanished in an instant, leaving him and Grace in a cold dark room. He had watched her die, held her in his arms, felt her chest gasp for breath and could only watch as blood dribbled from her lip to her chin. And he had been powerless to do anything. In fact, he had barely escaped with his life, much less been able to bring her body back with him. But that had probably been for the best. Grace didn't need to see her mama like that.
He had been in another realm when it had happened. Him and his wife had been used to portal jumping, to traveling through the different realms, but perhaps they had become too complacent, too lax. And now he was paying the price, and so was Grace.
The hat, the cursed hat. It was limp in his hands before he tightened his grip, ready to throw the damn thing away. When suddenly,
A note appeared in the brim of the hat.
He paused mid-throw and gritted his teeth. Should he even pick it up? He should just burn the damn thing, note and all.
Knowing he couldn't do that, he sighed and lowered the hat back to his lap and plucked the note out. 'I have a proposition for you' it read. Did he care, though? He didn't. 
It would be days later before he saw the note again. His Grace had brought it to him, curious of what it was about, and he quickly took it from her. She didn't need to be handling that. It was on his mind all day after that and as much as he wanted to throw it out, he didn't want Grace to find it cause he didn't know how to answer her inevitable questions. At the same time, he couldn't just destroy the note, and certainly not the hat itself. Despite everything, it meant a lot to him. 
Finally, he sent Grace to the neighbors, telling her they needed help with something. She was much too young to understand and she had just lost her mama. He would follow the note, reject their proposition, and be home before Grace would know he had gone. 
That taken care of, he brought out his hat. Memories resurfaced just looking at it and he sighed heavily. After this, he would give up portal jumping entirely. Just lock the hat away and never look at it again, notes be dammed.
He followed the note through the hat and emerged on the other side in a swirl of purple magic. His usual flair and pomp was gone, he did no graceful bow or extravagant greeting, only showing a small expression when he realized his caller. Regina.
"I didn't expect to see you again, your majesty."
A Fate Worse Than Death || Jefferson & Regina
With each step she took, another invisible iron bar plummeted to the floor, the figurative disturbance only audible in Regina’s mind. The rancid child and her disgusting excuse of a husband had left mere minutes earlier, both expressing their sorrow that the Queen could not join them and yet neither uttered one ounce of an invite! Of course, Regina would have held to clamp her mouth shut to suppress the humourless laugh that would have been fighting its way out, but she hated that they had spared her the satisfaction of saying no. She hated everything they did. Every look. Every touch. It made her want to burn her flesh and allow the wind to carry her ashes out into the land…how fitting that the only taste of freedom she would have was after death. 
Waving off the guards with a restrained scowl, she continued, ash coloured rocks moving beneath her heels and making it impossible to venture out here in private. Leopold had them placed a few months after they were wed, to this day Regina wasn’t aware of who had been lurking and invading the only escape she had in the glorified prison. Although ever fibre of her being had immediately prosecuted the premature imbecile with the apparent life’s mission of taking every shred of happiness in Regina’s life. 
The delicate iron gate was laced either side with long weaving vines and a vibrant combination of yellow and blue roses, almost masking the towering stone wall behind them. With a slight flick of her wrist, the Queen was suddenly a single stemmed yellow rose and a sadistic smirk graced her lips. However it wasn’t until she found herself standing amongst the tacky archways, staring out towards the snow tipped mountains, that she pulled the concealed parchment from her cleavage. Rumplestilkskin had made a few passing comments that he knew were exactly the details, Regina had been too proud to admit she didn’t know. The parchment’s penmanship, dictating the precise directives that the Imp had delivered, but not Regina’s true intentions. As purple fire began to engulf the words “I have a proposition for you.” her face broke out once again into a malevolent smirk, impressed at the timing of the situation. Admittedly it has taken a great deal of self restraint to cease her hand from revealing the extent of her knowledge and the plans it had sealed. But power was everything and a little pretending would make the whole experience much more enjoyable. With patience waring thin, the Queen had been waiting for a perfect opportunity to be alone with her victim, to exact revenge for the unspeakable betrayal.
So as she perched regally against the stone column, with an elaborate cobalt dress clinging to her body and a deep berry red staining her lips, the Queen waited. For an arrival she doubted would be hast…at least not today at least. Rumour has it, punctuality was almost second nature to him. But oh, how fate worked in amusing ways. For it seemed, if her sources were correct, the heinous top hat wearing viper, was grieving. 
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Wow we could be a serial killer and she'd be walking right into our house.
Jefferson opened the door wider to allow Belle to enter. He didn't think to ask for her name because, to him, she was Belle. "Please, come inside, make yourself at home." The foyer was right inside the door and opened up to his living room. The house had a modern gothic look, but the house wasn't moody or dark. It was more refined, classical. There was nothing overly suspicious looking in the house, or at least in the part they were in. Though if you stepped into the living room you'd see a telescope with an empty tea cup near it. One of the rooms in the house had several hats lined up on the walls, evidence of Jefferson's madness.
"Would you like some tea? Coffee?" 
Unexpected || Belle & Jefferson
Isabelle nodded giving what she could see of the inside a once over again. Going inside for a little bit wouldn’t hurt, right? Plus, Gold knew where she was if she stayed too long or if he tried to pull anything, and it just seemed like he was lonely.
Due to her overly kind nature she said, “I’d love to join you inside.” As she smiled back at him. He was certainly different, referring to his wardrobe choice and also his location. All he really needs is a companion and Isabelle was more than happy to provide that.
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"Not by choice," he replied. "You're welcome to come in and rest for a bit if you'd like." It would do Jefferson's mind a world of good to have someone so tangible in his house. It was different than the pretend tea parties with his daughter or whiling away time making hats that didn't fucking work. Unnoticed by him, a twitchy grin had sprawled across his face, and he quickly settled it to a normal smile. 
She's not going to want to come in if she thinks your mad.
There's no thinking that, we are.
Unexpected || Belle & Jefferson
Isabelle smiled as Jefferson chuckled to himself.
She looked around behind her and then turned back to him, “No.. no, I think I know how to get back.” She took a quick little sneak peek inside through the open door.
"Do you live here all by yourself?" She asked curiously, knowing that he was one of the only people out here in the woods. She knew it was kind of out of her place to ask, but she’s always been a curious girl.
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Belle. Sweet Belle. She had lived in Rumpelstiltskin's castle before. Of course, she wouldn't remember him. No one did. 
"Oh, no, it's fine, really," he shook his head. "Please, it's no bother. I mean, I rarely get visitors." He chuckled to himself before forcing himself to stop. It wouldn't do any good to scare the woman.
"I'm Jefferson. Ah, are you lost? Need a way back to the main road?"
Unexpected || Belle & Jefferson
Belle was not only startled when the door violently flung open, but when she noticed a man standing there she paused for a moment. “Hello,” she started, “I’m Isabelle Gold. I wasn’t quite sure if anyone lived here or not.” This was true, she didn’t expect that anyone lived here which is why she came to check out the area for real estate purposes, a favor to her husband. “I’m so sorry to have bothered you.”
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Jefferson sighed. "Well you should have thought about that, yes? You don't just make deals without knowing what, or who, you're dealing with." Was she stupid? 
"Not that it matters," he shrugged. "Unless you can find someone willing to switch places with you in another realm, I can't help you." He shrugged. 
FTL flashback || Seeking Safe Harbour || Closed || Cinderella and Jefferson
"I didn’t now what I was agreeing to. He didn’t tell me anything about it until after we had signed the deal, and then it was too late to turn it back … I couldn’t do anything" she said almost thinking back to the horrible moment she signed the deal. What a foolish mistake, why would someone not read the fine print?
"I was stupid but I don’t want my child to have to pay for my idiocy."
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Unexpected || Open
Living with two realities in your mind was a straining concept. You expected one thing to happen and it didn't. You wanted there to be a portal when you threw your hat but it didn't occur. You expected people to know about magic but they didn't. Jefferson didn't like this strange, magic-less world. It was as boring and maddening as he thought it would be. 
And it didn't help that he was stuck in this forsaken forest. The only magic that had come to this world, ironically enough, was keeping him trapped in this forest and away from Grace. 
Goddamn this fucking curse. 
Jefferson kicked his table in anger, the items rattling on it and a pair of scissors falling to the floor.
Maybe he'd go have tea with his daughter to calm his mind.
He started to make his way to the telescope near his window when his doorbell rang.
He paused. Jefferson knew he was going a bit mad so he had probably imagined that, right?
It happened again.
Jefferson took a few quick strides to the door and flung it open.
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He whistled lowly. "That's quite the price." He clasped his hands behind his back and began to circle around her, his back straight and his eyes trained on her. "Tell me, how did you not know your child's life would be at stake?" He wasn't going to reveal that he had dealings with Rumpelstiltskin himself. It didn't really matter, he thought. This woman was an entirely different client. 
FTL flashback || Seeking Safe Harbour || Closed || Cinderella and Jefferson
Cinderella took a second to herself to think about whether or not revealing who the practicioner was would indeed cause her more harm, or perhaps convince the man to help her instead.
"His name is Rumplestiltskin" she paused "The Dark One. I made a deal whose concequences I didn’t forsee and now, I must get away. For my child’s sake…"
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"Well if you can find someone from another realm to trade places with you, sure. Cause I'm not staying there." He shrugged, obviously not concerned for her plight. 
"Whose this 'strongest magic practitioner' that you're on the run from anyway?"
FTL flashback || Seeking Safe Harbour || Closed || Cinderella and Jefferson
Cinderella looked down, realising that this would probably fall through. No escaping Rumplestiltskin; no sparing her unborn child. “I see” she said solemnly. “So, it can’t be done?”
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That was a good question. Nothing. He laughed softly. "Oh, I'm rather like a jack of all trades I suppose. I used to travel for a living, and then I was a... grocer of sorts, then I made hats," he started to laugh, "for a very, very long time. I still do a bit of that. These days I keep to my house," he gestured around him. 
Ulterior Motives || Jefferson, Belle & Adam
Oh good, he hadn’t gone mad for no reason then. And the curse really...
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Oh good, he hadn't gone mad for no reason then. And the curse really was beginning to break! He couldn't help but let slip a mad giggle as he sat himself down and began to serve himself. He wanted to drag Rumpelstiltskin out of here now and ask him everything, but Belle was here and he had time later.
"Did you and Pongo get home alright," Jefferson asked Belle. He actually kind of missed the dog already.
Ulterior Motives || Jefferson, Belle & Adam
The dinner table was laid out with most everything already - potatoes, gravy, steamed vegetables, salad and more - and when Jefferson came back to the dining room he was holding the main part of the meal: a few roasted rabbits surrounding a portion of roasted deer. He...
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He eyed her up and down. A noblewoman.. on the run. Interesting.
"I could, buuuut...." he trailed off, grimacing slightly. "it's not that simple. I mean for one, I can take you to another realm but that doesn't protect you from the 'strongest of magic practitioners'." He shrugged helplessly. "And furthermore, there are special to rules to traveling between realms with my hat," he tapped it in emphasis. "When you travel to another realm, the same number of people that go there," he pointed outwards, "are the same number that go back," he pointed inwards. "No more, no less."
FTL flashback || Seeking Safe Harbour || Closed || Cinderella and Jefferson
"I wish to ask something of you, and I’ve been told you are the best to do this" she commented, holding herself tall, and holding her small yet excistent baby bump. "I wish to go to another land, far away from here! Somewhere where even the strongest of magic practicioners cannot find me. Are you able to do this?"
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Obviously whatever Rumpelstiltskin had took from the man had been important to him, but Jefferson let it go. It wasn't his business and he could go toe to toe with Rumpelstiltskin if he wanted to.
"Well, Captain Hook," he tipped his hat to him, "It has been a pleasure." He bowed with a flourish, casually tossing his hat to the side with a flick of his wrist as he did so. It went spinning through the air and landed precisely in the center of the deck, gaining momentum with each passing moment.
The same purple haze erupted from the hat, spilling out across the deck and enveloping the area. Jefferson picked up the chest and tossed it in first, the treasure disappearing into the hat.
He waved goodbye to Hook with his left hand, wiggling his fingers with a grin, before jumping in and disappearing.
paging the hatter {jefferson & killian}
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