Hey listen very carefully because I will not say it again. You stupid fucking hypocrites better get your fucking heads back to reality because I have all the power and I hold the whole deck of cards she has already wrongfully played ALL of her cards!! We are not here to judge me or speculate on what I might do, that is MY CHOICE and through out this whole scenario with her i have always had every right to make my choices hurt her if i would of wanted to and i have chose to not hurt her every day and she should be thankful because she does not deserve that from me and has never earned anything from me. Here is what you stupid motherfuckers need to address and worry about... SHE has made a choice to hurt me every second of everyday for over a month. Dont fucking tell me shit about protecting her when it is me who is the only one who has been hurt and continues to be hurt! She is the only one doing wrong things to anyone and she is the only person who has hurt anyone. She has acted 100% wrong to me. And she is the entire problem. She has never had the right to do the awful stuff she's done to me. Get this through your fucking head. Dont worry about what i do or dont do because it's none of any of your concern and i have proven myself time and time again with every choice i make everyday to BE THE BETTER MAN AND CHOSEN NOT TO HURT HER YET. I HAVE SHOWN OVER AND OVER THAT I CARE ABOUT HER AND THAT I NEVER WANTED TO HURT HER EVER! And she has chosen to fucking hurt me with every choice she has made and every fucking action she has taken for a month! That asshole is the one fucking everything up and she is the one acting wrong and she is the one who is hurting people and she is the one disrespecting people and she is the one cheating and every fucking thing she has done has been the wrong thing to do but she does it anyway. I actually care about her and every decision I have made has been over the past month has been to not hurt her. She is making her decisions strictly out of her unjust anger about me and she is trying to hurt me. She is fucking wrong and fucking up and causing this problem and she is the reason why we have come to this point where I am now forced to have to hurt her to get her spoiled greedy fucking ass to stop thinking she can hurt me! Dont you fucking judge me cuz I've acted golden through out all of this and she is playing games and ditching me and cheating and ignoring! This is it. I told you last fucking night she needed to snapchat me before today! You played fucking games and so did she. Well fuckheads you forget that I have not played any games yet and I have been loyal and faithful to her and I have her best interest at heart and I want her to have happiness with me. She has shown nothing but where behavior and untrustworthiness and disrespect. I will not come back on this account after I send this message so dont reply or message because I will never get it. By you not having her message my snapchat before today like I said, you have allowed her to spend another whole day talking to other guys while still ignoring me and doing me wrong and she is now loaded up more with bad advice against me from guys that only want to fuck her and dont care about her and that she shouldn't have been talking to in the first place. She has chosen to hurt me all day again today! And the shit you pulled last night is going to get used against her. Once and for all you fucking childish assholes better listen good. The reason it has come down to me saying she better talk to me or get destroyed is because she had an obligation for the past month to be trying to fix this and to focus her thoughts and patients on me because she caused all this and was always supposed to be focused on me. But she has focused her time and effort and fucking pussy on every guy around while mocking me and doing me wrong. When she ruined my life for no reason and can't even give a valid answer why she did it, she was expected from that second on to respect ME and make that up to me and be extra nice to me and show me she was sorry for hurting me! Instead what she did was show every guy in the word her pussy and gave them all what she wrongfully took from me. She has not acted nice to me even 1 single time yet! How the fuck can she think she is in the right when she can't describe even 1 thing that she has done over the past month to act right to me or to make me happy or to show that she's sorry! She has spent every second disrespecting me and talking to other people while I have been forced to have no one to talk to for weeks. She was supposed to be talking to me but like everything else she was supposed to be doing she chose to not give me that and to give more to other guys. Every problem has been her fault and everytime she's wrong she refuses to act sorry. The only thing she doesnt ever not get done is the talking to other guys. SHE STARTED SOMETHING WITH ME AND ASKED ME TO BE THERE WITH HER AND SHE HAS NO RIGHT TALKING TO ANY OTHER GUY OR WORRYING ABOUT ANY OTHER GUY BUT THE ONLY THING SHEVHAS DONE IS DEVOTE HER EVERY THOUGHT TOWARDS OTHER GUYS! HER LOYALTY AND INTEREST AND EFFORTS WERE OFFERED TO ME AND EARNED BY ME AND SHE HAS RIPPED ME OFF EVERY DAY BY NOT GIVING ME ANYTHING AND GIVING ANYTHING TO ANYONE ELSE. You fucking idiots are not stupid and I'm done having to explain to adults why it is wrong for her to be fucking other dudes and ignoring the guy she's supposed to be in love with!! You all fucking no she has no right talking to other guys and ignoring me and she is fucking me over by doing it. The reason she only has 2 choices now is because I have been in control but never used my control yet and I've never tried to force or hurt her. But she acts like a fucking 2 year old and refuses to do what she is supposed to be doing so now she has to get forced to do what the fuck she was already supposed to be doing anyway. The fact that she should have to be forced to stop ignoring the guy she's supposed to be with is fucking sickening anyway. And the fact that she doesnt even ever do anything right towards me or care about me and has not tried to speak to me in weeks is fucking wrong as fuck to me and it is all caused by her having other guys around to neglect me on! This is done today! She can act fucking right and immediately stop hurting me and give me her attention and snapchat me to figure it out or every fucking thing is getting put online and I will do everything I can to ruin her for chosjng to disrespect me one last and final time! If someone does as much fucked up shit as she has done to a guy she wanted, and then is given 1 last chance to show the guy she is a good person, if she says fuck you and chooses to deny him again she is the biggest strongest piece of shit in this world and at that point I will not continue to be nice to her or allow her to disrespect me or hurt me without hurting her bad just like she has done to me. She has never cared about any hurt she causes me. The only thing she cared about was if I would tell whisper and redit or the wrong way she ruined my life. And the only reason she cares about that is because all she thinks about and the only thing important to her and all her thoughts and effort go to strangers from online that she wants to make cum!!! I can't even believe I have to say ridiculous shit like that because it is so childish. She refuses to stop hurting someone that loves her and she is hurting him only because she wants to make strangers cum! What a fucking lunatic! So tell her to fucking snapchat me by 5pm or I will spend 24/7 hurting her and destroying her just like she has already done to me for over a month! She owes me the fucking world and after fuckjng every guy on earth she better fuckjng get the fuck her and give me a God damn hug for the hurt she caused me! If you dont tell her then her destruction is on your hands. Once I start fucking her up and making her pay for every year I have cried and for every dick she's disgraced me for I will never stop and I will ignore her and I will stop her from being able to ask me to please quit or to even tell me how bad I'm hurting her! All this stuff that I'm going to do to her, that you think is such bad stuff to do..... is all stuff that she has already been doing to me and you dumb motherfuckers see that as her doing anything wrong! Think about that you cunts. Her doing something wrong to me is on to everyone but me doing the exact same thing back to her is unacceptable and she should punish me and I'm a terrible person.... um that shows she has been a terrible person to me. I dont want to hurt her. I love her. Dont force me to do this. She ruined my life and gave me nothing. Every stranger has gotten more from her and respected more by her than I have ever gotten from her and I am the person she wanted to be with so why has she refused me of everything!! 5pm if she hasn't added my snapchat back I will cry in pain that someone who owes me so much for doing so much bad shit to me would rather risk death or me in prison or any other unnecessary bad thing just so that she doesnt have to be nice to me?! It's all fucking absurd. She acts like a fucking whore and everyone's seen her and fucked her but the one guy she is supposed to be good to is being told by her that she won't fuck him or meet him or even talk to him but she will let anyone else stuff their dick in her! She's a fucking asshole and needs help for thinking she could treat me this way for no reason. And guess what, if ya remove all the guy that she's not supposed to be talking to anyway, from each situation you will see that she would of acted right and would of been happy with me, and if she didn't have guys she would of kept her promises and would of fucked me and would be spending her time and attention to me like she was supposed to be doing! Everything has been ruined and fucked up and nothing has been fixed and I've been ruined all because she is a whore and she treated me wrong and them right! 5pm Amanda after 5 you can go get double stuffed by aids dudes and ignore me all you want because you're gonna lose your life over it just as I have lost my life and everything else by you and so that you could still give me nothing! Logging out now grow the fuck up and make me happy like I was trying to bo for you!
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