amarcttos ยท 11 days
* ๐‘ด๐‘ฌ๐‘ด๐‘ฌ ๐‘ต๐‘ฐ๐‘ฎ๐‘ฏ๐‘ป โธป accepting tiniest details & sex education sentence starters !
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amarcttos ยท 16 days
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amarcttos ยท 18 days
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amara notices the way their eyes wander and take a moment to playfully show off just for them, pout and not - given kiss momentarily forgotten just this one time; they will find a way to tease back at the right time, they both knew very well the game they were playing after all. "thank you very much, you know flattery is actually the way to my heart." manicured hands come to rest atop the stall as they scan over their offered selection, there were certain things that were selling quickly โ€”love potions are always a hit, for obvious reasons. "bruise removal paste in the hands of the wonderful beater of the holyhead harpies would be amazing free advertising... or better yet, if you stay with me for a few minutes longer i can close shop and bless you with my graceful company for the rest of the night. does that sound like something you can wax lyrical about?"
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they're not above admitting that amara's reaction is an ego boost โ€“ far from it, though tempest briefly tries ( and fails ) to hide a smug grin, just for the faux-humility of it all. the pout makes it even better, and they have to resist the temptation to lean back in and kiss it away, well aware that amara will be able to tell. the game was only as fun as it was if they were both cognizant of the tension, of the want, and pushed at each other until they couldn't anymore. ย  โ€œ as do you. as always, of course. โ€ ย  a greedy eye wanders down amara's outfit, before focussing back on the stall once more. ย  ย โ€œ oh, you know there's nothing further i need than the grace of your company. โ€ ย  ย this line would work much better with their knight outfit on, they ponder, but then they wouldn't have gotten that delightful reaction. ย  โ€œ how about something i can wax lyrical about to our fellow faire-goers? โ€
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amarcttos ยท 18 days
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"โธป is it forbidden to stand here?" the raised eyebrow that accompanies the quick counter-question is not meant to be as much of a challenge to the other's seemingly confident authority as it appears to be. that is to say that they DON'T mean to be so tactless, but bad habits die hard, and they have to actively try to soften their features to continue speaking. "i'm just waiting for someone. i'll be out of your way once they're out..." that was all the explanation they thought was needed before they cross their arms over their chest and lean back against the nearby wall. amara knows they're being awkward and probably even HIGHLY suspicious but that's something they can live with; they were being honest after all. still, in an attempt to avoid the silence that they know will naturally come, they give what they assume to be a ministry worker a quick once - over before adding, "i like your make up, by the way. base looks very nice."
๐™ป๐™พ๐™ฒ๐™ฐ๐šƒ๐™ธ๐™พ๐™ฝ ย : ย the ย ministry ย of ย magic ย ( ย levelย  twoย ย ), ย london ย ! ๐™ต๐™ด๐™ฐ๐šƒ๐š„๐š๐™ธ๐™ฝ๐™ถ ย :ย  @amarcttosย ย !
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"you look lost," she forgoes a greeting in favour of boldfaced assumption; familiar enough with the auror office occupants to know that she isn't one of them, though anything beyond that is little more than guesswork. she walks the corridors fairly knowingly, for someone who spends so much of her own time at her cubicle, but that was not a talent that was shared by everyone at the ministry. it occurs to her, of course, that she could be from a different department but she suspects not, and though this whole event is about mingling, suspicion clouds her expression. "the presentation is that way-" she motions to the left, back towards the room where it has already been called, "and the elevator is back the way you came. the offices are closed."
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amarcttos ยท 18 days
acromantula, hydra, niffler, unicorn !
acromantula: has your muse saved a life?
if adopting her cat off the street and giving her a very loving home counts then, surprisingly, yes! other than that i think as a death eater she's probably contributed to making other people's lives a lot more difficult.
hydra: does your muse have a reoccurring problem?
hmm... i don't think they do? their life is fairly sheltered, very easy because of the many advantages and privileges they have. i wouldn't say it's a "problem" really because as much as they hate it, it generally doesn't cause that many issues but maybe the view the rest of the sacred 21 have of her family now, with her dad being a vampire and her not considered "pureblood" because of it? there's probably rumors, gossip and all the general drama associated with such things which does generate some distress / anger on their part ( though they would never admit it publicly ) but not actual important issues. so i don't know if it really fits for this question but... yeah!
niffler: does your muse value wealth?
unicorn: which of the seven heavenly virtues relates to your muse?
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amarcttos ยท 1 month
niffler, pixie & cyclops
niffler: does your muse value wealth?
surprisingly they don't... but i think it's mostly because they already have it? her family as a whole probably has generational wealth and money is not really something they have to think about because it's available to them. it's like a given, and they can enjoy the perks of it whenever they want. amara obviously knows it's important, but it's also just like meh.
pixie: how does your muse tend to get into trouble?
they're very good at staying out of trouble but on the off chance it happens it's usually because of her lack of a filter, or saying the wrong thing at the wrong time.
cyclops: does your muse immerse them self in a single task?
only if it's something they like. if it's something they don't but they have to do it for any reason then... it's like Hell, they won't stop complaining, or get into it at all out of pettiness.
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amarcttos ยท 1 month
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"โธป trolls? oh dear... believe me, you're so far from that. but i take it you don't get compliments very often, hm? seems like i came just in time to change that." the charming smile comes easy, and despite the fact that she's very obviously a smooth talker, it's also clear that she does actually mean the compliment. a hand comes to rest atop his shoulder for a brief moment while she takes a seat next to him. "firewhiskey. but i'll take whatever you wanna offer me if that's why you're asking... are you enjoying the festivities?"
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"it's all good, darlin'." he had had a few firewhiskeys himself and his typically nervous and rigid exterior was relaxed, evident as a smile smoothly pulls at his lips and freckled cheeks are lightly flushed. pax was leant up against the bar top of the merry maiden, a plastic glass laying empty in his hand as he takes in his 'attacker'. "i didn't know trolls were considered pretty these days, but things change i suppose." gesturing to the bartender for another drink as he chuckles, he looks to amara with an expectant gaze, "what're you drinking?"
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amarcttos ยท 1 month
Unicorn & Vampire!
unicorn: which of the seven heavenly virtues relates to your muse?
the only one i can see fitting at all is diligence, only because she's very hard working; not only towards her actual job but also in her own goals and wants.
vampire: which of the seven deadly sins relates to your muse?
now this is the other way around and i can see a few of them fitting but i'd say... maybe pride fits the most? mostly because of how confident in herself she is and how it often goes more towards conceited territory.
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amarcttos ยท 1 month
1, 3, 5, 7, 9 !
01. ย the magician ย : ย how does your muse feel about fate ? do they believe they can change their own destiny ?
i don't think she even thinks about either fate or destiny as a concept. their mindset is more along the lines of life handing you some things you can't change about your life ( family, status, fortune, etc ) and then once you're born / conscious in this world you're completely free to do as you please, and handle the cards you're dealt with however you please. so i guess they'd fall in line more with a "you're the maker of your own destiny" mentality.
03. ย the empress ย : ย does your muse have parental / nurturing figures in their life ? how do they impact them ?
she does! both her mother and father and alive and well; she's very very close to them, a little more to her father since he's the one that spoiled her rotten plus they share the whole vampirism thing. everything about amara is a direct result of their parenting style / values / beliefs; even the fact that she's independent enough to not feel burdened with the need to pay it back somehow, though she did join the death eaters out of a sense of duty with them.
05. ย the hierophant ย : ย what are your museโ€™s morals / ethics ? do they follow their moral code strictly ?
i don't think they really have a moral code at all, and if they do it's all very muddled and flimsy so that they can bend the limits of it and still feel comfortable with their actions. that doesn't mean they can just do anything they want and not feel remorse, but if it's for what they consider to be the right reason / person, then there's very little they won't do.
07. ย the chariot ย : ย how much does your muse care about winning ? are they a sore loser ?
i can't see her caring enough about something to be competitive about it. there are things she likes, and she wants to be good at; but if there's someone better at it than her then that's just how things are and it's not something that bothers her all that much. she doesn't feel that drive to be the best at something, she's more than comfortable being the best she can be and if that's mediocre for everyone else then, well! that's their opinion. that being said... they don't really enjoy losing, no one really does obviously; but letting it ruin her mood / day? absolutely not.
09. ย the hermit ย : ย how introspective is your muse ? how often do they self - reflect ?
amara's not very introspective and rarely self - reflects. she's very confident in herself / her decisions, so i don't think she feels the need to look back on what she does? she can rest easy with the knowledge that she did the best she could with the knowledge she had at that time.
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amarcttos ยท 1 month
* ๐‘ด๐‘ฌ๐‘ด๐‘ฌ ๐‘ต๐‘ฐ๐‘ฎ๐‘ฏ๐‘ป โธป accepting mythical creature ask meme & umbrella academy sentence starters !
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amarcttos ยท 2 months
* ๐ˆ๐๐‚๐Ž๐Œ๐ˆ๐๐† ๐ƒ๐„๐‹๐ˆ๐•๐„๐‘๐˜: closed starter for @bemyhcro ! * ๐‹๐Ž๐‚๐€๐“๐ˆ๐Ž๐: the merry maiden !
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"โธป oop, sorry about that," the quick apology comes out immediately, followed by a soft giggle characteristic of an amara that had ONE TOO MANY drinks already. in her defense she did try her best not to bump into him ( blame poor alcohol fueled coordination and the guy that got in her way ) plus she had at least managed NOT to spill a single drop of the drink in hand on them, so... isn't that a win? "almost didn't see you there with that cloak covering that pretty face."
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amarcttos ยท 2 months
* ๐ˆ๐๐‚๐Ž๐Œ๐ˆ๐๐† ๐ƒ๐„๐‹๐ˆ๐•๐„๐‘๐˜: closed starter for @taciiturns ! * ๐‹๐Ž๐‚๐€๐“๐ˆ๐Ž๐: ye olde tavern !
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"โธป i don't really know how they even chose the burning witch. i'm certain you had the most votes..." the comment is made almost absentmindedly, results had come and gone; thinking too much about it didn't really change anything. and truth be told, they weren't really sure if kaela actually cared about the title, or if their nonchalance was an attempt at quiet manifesting; most campaigning was done on her behalf after all. "...i guess you'll remain the burning witch we deserved but THEY weren't ready for, at least until next year."
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amarcttos ยท 2 months
* ๐ˆ๐๐‚๐Ž๐Œ๐ˆ๐๐† ๐ƒ๐„๐‹๐ˆ๐•๐„๐‘๐˜: closed starter for millicent bulstrode / @hoggleswart ! * ๐‹๐Ž๐‚๐€๐“๐ˆ๐Ž๐: the merry maiden, restroom !
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"โธป i fucking love your outfit..." appreciation must be given when it's due and amara CAN recognize good taste when she sees it. admittedly, the compliment does come out a lot easier when a certain amount of alcohol has been consumed and clearly amara is WAY past that threshold. plus a restroom tends to be the place where unlikely, drunk friendships are born anyways... it's only fitting. "...i hope someone told you before i did, because it'd be downright criminal otherwise."
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amarcttos ยท 2 months
* ๐ˆ๐๐‚๐Ž๐Œ๐ˆ๐๐† ๐ƒ๐„๐‹๐ˆ๐•๐„๐‘๐˜: closed starter for alfie cattermole / @hoggleswart ! * ๐‹๐Ž๐‚๐€๐“๐ˆ๐Ž๐: midnight moon elixirs !
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"โธป hello there, good sir..." the charming smile that accompanies the greeting is almost immediate once they catch sight of him. one might say they're smitten but really they just have a weak spot for good looking individuals. "you're looking strong and knightly, mind giving me a hand with something?" could they accomplish this task without help? definitely. but they're obviously NOT above pulling the 'damsel in distress' little act just this one time.
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amarcttos ยท 2 months
* ๐‘ด๐‘ฌ๐‘ด๐‘ฌ ๐‘ต๐‘ฐ๐‘ฎ๐‘ฏ๐‘ป โธป accepting major arcana headcanons !
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amarcttos ยท 2 months
* ๐ˆ๐๐‚๐Ž๐Œ๐ˆ๐๐† ๐ƒ๐„๐‹๐ˆ๐•๐„๐‘๐˜: โ€œdid you drop this?โ€ / closed starter for @monstrovs ! * ๐‹๐Ž๐‚๐€๐“๐ˆ๐Ž๐: general cadbury ren fair area !
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the question caught her off guard, too distracted looking at the handmade trinkets being sold in the nearby stall. it's part of the reason why they turn to look with a somewhat surprised expression. "did i actually drop something? or is this some attempt at a pick-up line because... you know, not the most original."
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amarcttos ยท 2 months
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