amayalunar · 2 years
It's now safe and warm with some hazelnuts
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amayalunar · 3 years
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amayalunar · 3 years
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amayalunar · 3 years
Writing x Characters When You Aren’t x, A Masterlist
x: a variable used to represent something unknown.
We’ve seen an influx of questions about how to write stories based around characters of color, disability, non-binary, etc. when the author does not fall into these categories. Rather than have these posts take over the site, we’ve decided to compile a list of resources to help our fellow writers become more educated about writing what they do not immediately know. However, this list is not the end-all-be-all of knowledge; one should always try to learn from someone with first hand experience in any topic. The world is constantly growing and changing, and because of that, there will always be more to learn. The admins at Plotline Hotline want to help writers form respectful, informed, and realistic characters that broaden the narrow range we see in literature today. 
*Be wary that some of the topics listed below contain sensitive material. Reader discretion is advised.* 
As always, the links I found to be especially apt will be in bold. Topics are listed alphabetically, excepting the “other” section.
Appropriate Cultural Appropriation
What is Cultural Appropriation? [1,2,3]
Cultural Appropriation Is, In Fact, Indefensible
Voice Appropriation & Writing About Other Cultures
Diversity, Appropriation, and Writing the Other [List]
Writing Disibilities [1,2,3,4,5]
Guides to Writing Deaf or Hard of Hearding People
National Association of the Deaf - Resources [List]
World Federation of the Deaf
Using a Prosthetic Device
Prostehtic Limbs (Character Guide)
How NOT to Write Disabled Characters
A Guide to Disibility Rights Law (United States)
Timeline of Disibility Rights in the United States
Social Security Disability: List of Impairments, Medical Conditions, and Problems [List] (United States)
How to Write Disabled Characters: An Opinion Piece
Artificial Eye Resources [List][Various]
Adapting to the Loss of an Eye
Misconceptions and Myths About Blindness
Blind Characters: A Process of Awareness
Writing Blind Characters [List]
Types of Learning Disabilities [List]
A Guide to Spotting and Growing Past Stereotypes
How to Prepare to Write a Diverse Book
The Diversity of Writing
Why Diversity Matters for Everyone
Writing a Driverse Book [1,2,3,4,5]
Diversity, Political Correctness and The Power of Language
Diversity Book List [List][Books]
Basic Tips To Write Subcultures & Minority Religions Better 
Basic Tips to Avoid Tokenism
GLAAD Media Reference Guide - Transgender
Creating Well-Written Trans Characters
A Few Things Writers Need To Know About Sexuality & Gender Expression
Trans (Character Guide & Bio Building)
A Non-Binary Person’s Guide to Invented Pronouns
Gender Neutral Writing [List]
Keeping a Trans* Person a Person  
Suggestions for Reducing Gendered Terms in Language [Photo]
How to Review a Trans Book as a Cis Person
Writing Characters of Different Genders [List]
Understanding Gender
Gender Spectrum Resources [List]
Gender History
Writing Chronic Illness [1,2]
The Spoon Theory - Also pertains to disibility
Sexually Transmitted Diseases [List]
Sexually Transmitted Infections
Sex and Gender Differences in Health [Study]
All Chronic Illness Topics [List]
Coping with Chronic Illness
All Cancer Types
A Day in the Life of a Home Health Aide/Health Coach
Fiction Books With Chronically Ill Main Characters- Not Cancer [List][Books]
Neurotype (Including Mental Health)
Writing an Autistic Character When You Don’t Have Autism
Depression Resources [List]
What to Consider When Writing Mental Illness
Stanford Psychiatric Patient Care
Inpatient Psychiatric Questions and Tips
Don’t Call Me Crazy [Documentary]
(Avoid) Romanticizing Mental Illness [1,2]
A Day in the Life of a Mental Hospital Patient
State-run vs. Private Mental Hospitals
Mental Disorders
Mental Hospital Non-Fiction [List][Books]
National Institute of Mental Health - Mental Health Information [List]
Writing Autistic
What Causes PTSD?
Remember, Remember: The Basics of Writing Amnesia
ADHD Basic Information
What is a Learning Disability?
What is Neurotypical?
Writing Race: A Checklist for Authors
Transracial Writing for the Sincere
Is my character “black enough”
White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack
Challenge, Counter, Controvert: Subverting Expectations
Writing With Color: Blogs - Recs - Resources [List]
Writing People of Color (If you happen to be a person of another color)
7 Offensive Mistakes Well-Intentioned Writers Make
Description Guide - Words for Skin Tone
Religion in Novels: Terrific or Taboo?
How to Write a Fantasy Novel that Sells: The Religion
Writing About Faith And Religion
From Aladdin to Homeland: How Hollywood Can Reinforce Racial and Religious Stereotypes 
Understanding Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity [List]
Writing Gay Characters [1,2,3]
American Civil Liberties Union - LGBT+ Rights
LGBT+ Rights by Country or Territory
History of Gay Rights
Gay Rights Movement
LGBT+ Culture
Gay Myths and Stereotypes
LGBT+ Studies Web Sites [List]
LGBTQ Youth Issues
Overview of Gay and Lesbian Parenting, Adoption and Foster Care (United States)
How Doctors’ Offices—and Queer Culture—Are Failing Autistic LGBTQ People
Five Traps and Tips for Character Development
Developing Realistic Characters
I hope that this list will provide topics a writer may not initially think to research when writing. If there are any resources that you think would be fitting for this list, please let us know! We want to have as many helpful sources as possible to maximize learning opportunities. 
Stay educated,
xx Sarah
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amayalunar · 4 years
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amayalunar · 4 years
Reblog if you are a fanfiction author and would like your readers to put one of your fic titles in your ask + questions about it
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amayalunar · 4 years
God he is to good for this world ♥
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Hypnosis Mic: Division Rap Battle - Rhyme Anima e04 ↳ Iruma Jyuto (45 Rabbit)
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amayalunar · 4 years
Second Chanced - Chapter 1
Chapter one of a mini series, and trying my had at one of my favorite Hypnosis Mic characters out there. This is a Jyuto Irums x OC series, as I cannot bring myself to write reader inserts. It will be full of fluff, angst, and drama. 
This chapter is lighter for language, but keep in mind, Language will be mature, and this will be a PG/M rated story as it can cause triggers. 
Enjoy ♥♥♥
Chapter 1  - Morning Routine
Mornings were the worst, they came with the constant reminders that there was no one around, no one cared. He was constantly reminded how alone in the world he really was. Pulling his worn body out of best, just like he did the day before, and the day before that, and the day before that. His usually neat and kept brown hair was hanging over his eyes, and sprawled out without care. His keen eyes usually take in every detail, passing judgement and even intimidation, now cast down as though they held no life at all. Everything reminded him that he truly was a lonely only rabbit. 
This was the morning routine, wake up, regret every lonely bit of his life, take a shower, put on his persona, and leave. The less he stayed in his lonely domain the better, how strange it was when Jyuto thought about how he dreaded being home after he woke, but found sanctuary after a long day.. He didn’t need any more reminders of the regret he felt every single day. Jyuto Iruma had chosen this life, it’s not glorious, it’s not even fulfilling, it’s just what it is. He could have had more, he could have been a family man, he could have been a good cop, he could have been… but he’s beyond that chance now. Now he fights a never ending battle, does the more unspeakable things, and lingers in the world of regret with a small amount of hope that everything he does will pave the way for a slightly better life for those he could have been with. 
Nearly ten years since he decided that his life was going to change, just only a decade ago Jyuto was living his best life. Yes, things were not the greatest in the world, but his world was precious. Thinking back on it now, the twinge of regret still held tight over his very core, he thought about everything he has done since that day, would he have changed anything? Probably not, someone had to take on this issue, even if everything else he did was wrong. Someone had to make the world a little lighter, even if darkness would always loom over him. 
This was everyday, every single morning, Jyuto Iruma would think about everything he lost, every little thing that is no longer in his life, and that was his drive to continue to rule the shadows of Yokohama, where police and gangs feared him, because he was always watching. He glanced down at his phone at the singular remembrance he kept. He tortured himself with that image.
The day would only drag on with Yokohama life, just because it was a slow morning didn’t mean Yokohama stopped. 
Strolling through Yokohama, the white haired Yakuza boss passed by various members of society, some greeted him as normal, other beckoned for him to come in, nothing really caught his attention, nothing seemed to even spark his curiosity. It was a strangely slow day for him, letting him walk the streets as he did now, it was strangely peaceful until a soft voice spoke up behind, 
Faint at first, but growing louder and louder, until the white haired male turned to be greeted with a young boy, who had been about ten years old or maybe a little younger. Listing his brow Samatoki stopped to let the kid catch up, if there was a soft spot in his other than his sister, it was children. “Is something wrong?” Samatoki questions rather bluntly, not liking time wasted, regardless of the age of the person in question. “No… nothing wrong, I was wondering… maybe you can help me?” the boy asked, the expression on Samatoki’s face only seemed to grow in confusion. “Maybe.” the boy before him seemed to brighten up, his emerald eyes shimmering with the potential help of the Yakuza. “I’m looking for my dad,” he started, “he works at the police station.” 
Samatoki only sighed, “look kid I can’t help you, but I know someone who can.” he muttered with the cigarette between his lips, bowing the kid seemed to agree as Samatoki motioned for the boy to follow him. “So, what’s your old man’s name? I can at least try to get things figured out so he’ll be ready.” the boy smiled looking at Samatoki, “my dad is Jyuto Iruma, which is why I knew you would be able to help me find him,” he smiled. Samatoki stopped in his tracks as he stared at the boy, and with this new information took him in more and more, he was average height for a boy, bright emerald eyes, though much more innocent than his old man’s, dark brown hair that was closer to black. Actually looking at him more, Samatoki could see the boy was a spitting image of his father. 
Taking out his phone, he messaged both his teammates for a meeting. They proceeded to ask Riou to come a bit earlier, they had something to discuss. 
“No need to meet at the station kid, we’ll go back to my place,” he grumbled, this should be fun…
“My name is Tetsuya, Tetsuya Iruma, since I know your name you should know mine.” he happily stated, making Samatoki give a deeper chuckle, “Tetsuya, you don’t have anyone looking for you right?” he questioned, “no, not yet at least. Aunt Viv probably hasn’t even noticed I’m gone yet, and mama is working with a client until a little later.” he spoke as though he planned this out. “I’m starting to thing this isn’t a coincidence we met up.” Samatoki stated, “nope, I’ve seen you come by here at this exact time every Tuesday afternoon for the past three weeks.” Samstoki again chuckled at the boy, this was going to be interesting indeed. 
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amayalunar · 4 years
Hi everyone! many of you are waiting for completion of certain stories and such, sadly I will not be completely anything else that is currently open at this time. I am changing gears into another fandom! HypnosisMic ♥
I apologize to anyone waiting, I know I have finished one story but it’s just in a different point of view if you’d like to see it finished out. Everything will be changing, I will even start posting some artwork and different writing. 
For all of you willing to stay and see what everything will look like or just like my writing enough, I appreciate you. More updates more frequently and hopefully inspire others to do what they want. 
thank you for the past support
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amayalunar · 5 years
I don't want to test her
“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”
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amayalunar · 6 years
Emergency Commissions
It looks like I need to use this account for something else.
To fill you all in: Earlier this month I had a really bad MS attack. As some of you know, in 2017 I went blind twice. I was able to go through my normal daily routine despite this, and went through the pain of Optic Neuritis without too much of a fuss. It wasn’t fun, but I got through it.
On January 6th, I had another MS attack. However, this time I didn’t go blind—I lost all feeling in my entire body. I was completely numb. I could barely walk, barely move, couldn’t even take a shower because raising my hands up was impossible and I couldn’t even feel the water.
It sucked.
I missed a few days of work and ended up in the hospital for 4 MRIs and a lumbar puncture.
Now I need to pay for those things, and I am tapped.
I’m not used to being the person asking for help. My mother says I’m a stubborn mule that way. But it’s gotten to the point that I know I need to do something and do, here I am. I have some feeling back in my fingers, so I can do this.
I’m opening up commissions for the first time for myself. I’ve offered commissions for others to help them through their struggles before, but never for myself.
I’m willing to write 300+ words=1 ko-fi
You can choose the ship, the characters, the fandom, what you want to see. I’ll gladly write it.
My ko-fi is: Saifox
I know how a lot of people don’t like emergency commission requests, but I really don’t know what else to do.
If you need to see a catalogue of my work, my Pen Name is Strange and Intoxicating -rsa-
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amayalunar · 6 years
To new/discouraged writers:
You don’t have to have 100+ notes on everything you write to have quality writing. Keep writing.
You don’t need to have reviews praising the ground you walk on–you don’t even need readers at all. Keep writing.
You don’t need to come up with the most unheard-of plot lines and most accepted head canons to have quality writing. Keep writing.
And most importantly, you don’t have to have quality writing right now and that’s okay. Keep writing.
We all start somewhere. It takes a lot of courage to post something for complete strangers to read, but keep writing. Keep posting. Keep asking for feedback. Look for people to help you grow. And many years later, you might roll your eyes and feel secondhand embarrassment over your past self’s word choices and character development. But I really hope that when that happens, you then go and pick up a pen or open up a blank document and you keep writing, knowing how far you’ve come and how far you can go.
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amayalunar · 6 years
This made my day like 1000% better
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amayalunar · 6 years
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hi im bitter about people not commenting on fics. im sad seeing all these authors get so discouraged because no one comments. it takes like 5 seconds! just do it!! dont know what to type? me neither! heres some handy pre-written comments for you! “I dont know what to comment! That was great! thank you for your hard work!” “That was lovely! I really enjoyed this chapter/fic.” “How dare you?” “AAAAAAAAAAAAA” “Extra kudos because one is not enough!” if you read a fic and dont know what to say, leave the tab open, come back later! see if theres a line you really liked! tell them if it reminded you of something dumb! tell them if your roommate saw you crying while reading it and now your roommate is reading it!!! SHARE WHATEVER. BE INCLUSIVE! everyone wants to hear SOMETHING. silence kills passion. show authors you care! show artists you care!!!! 
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amayalunar · 6 years
& message you without being judged.
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amayalunar · 6 years
I’ve been writing for a year and obsessing about feedback since it dawned that I wasn’t getting the feedback other authors did. And it freaked me out. Not because I want to be the most popular, but because I want to know why, and I can’t figure it out. So for people like me, it’s not going to matter what AO3 does to make giving feedback easier. People in my fandom give feedback, just not to me. And at some point I’ll accept it and move on. Figuring out how? Well, that’s the $million question.
Anonymous asked: I post fics on tumblr and ao3 and I follow blogs within the same fandom. It disheartens me when I see all these other blogs getting comments/likes/fan mail and daily prompts when I don’t get hardly any. I never get fan mail or comments on tumblr or ao3. It makes me think that it’s just me, maybe I’m just a terrible writer?             
Anonymous asked: I think the worst thing is posting something only to get no feedback other than the cut-&-paste “lol, interesting chapter, update again soon.” I can see the hits; people are reading it & knowing that is depressing & makes me want to stop. I have stuff that I could do: I’m in school, I love to skate, sew, & read. Not to mention that my shit mental health could use some serious maintanence. I love writing to death but this cycle is draining and it’s going to be the end of me if it isn’t stopped.      
Darlings, I’ve been postponing these asks bc there is 1. no satisfying answer to this and 2. bc all of my answers felt shitty in regards to the sentiment y’all expressed and my own desire to write something comforting and worthy of your concerns. But I didn’t come up with anything, so here’s my unworthy answer (also, I’m sorry for responding to all of these asks at once, but I felt a more thorough answer to one and the same problem was more appropriate than three seperate ones. Hope you’re ok with it).
So you’re out there, writing, sharing your stories, promoting yourself, but don’t get the feedback you hoped for, and you want to know why. The sad answer is, there isn’t necessary a reason for that. Maybe ppl aren’t interested in your approach. Maybe y’all just aren’t that good writers, I don’t know.
Thing is, there isn’t much things you can do to entice ppl to give you feedback, except going on. Getting better, writing more. It’s hard, and it feels like a long march in the desert at times. I can’t give you much help on that lonely path. Check out the writer encouragement tag for encouraging posts to keep you going. Or the writing tips tag for some advice on how to get better. One of the further advice I can give you is to to find persons (friends, betas, internet friends) that you know personally with whom you can talk about your writing, exchange tips and give each other pep talks. I have a good tumblr friend with whom I share my writing without fearing disinterest and judgment, and it helps me a lot, so I really hope you find someone similar.
But what I really want you to think about is the following advice:
Take care of yourself first.      
No, seriously, sure sharing stories with ppl is nice and all but if it isn’t making you happy, but antsy and sad instead? Stop. Keep your stories to yourself, share them only with people you trust and love rather than the entire anonymous, cold and uncaring internet. Don’t partake in fandom if the only thing it does for you is to make you unhappy - just don’t. You’ve got to recognize your own needs, accept that they’re there and cater to them first and foremost. You don’t owe anyone anything, except yourself to be mindful of your needs. Only share your writing if it makes you happy.
I wish y’all the best of luck. I do hope you keep writing and sharing your stories, that you find it in yourself to go on even without the feedback you hoped for when you first started. But if you prefer to withdraw from that unsatisfying experience, I understand it fully and you have my whole support in it. Remember, you don’t have a duty towards anyone but yourself. Go make the best out of it.
(also I’m drunk and incoherent, I’m so sorry for the rambling, still hope this could help you a bit)
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amayalunar · 6 years
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Cats That Don’t Care About Your Personal Space
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