amayawhat · 2 years
“The years between eighteen and twenty-eight are the hardest, psychologically. It’s then you realize this is make or break, you no longer have the excuse of youth, and it is time to become an adult.”
— Helen Mirren
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amayawhat · 2 years
“Be confused, it’s where you begin to learn new things. Be broken, it’s where you begin to heal. Be frustrated, it’s where you start to make more authentic decisions. Be sad, because if we are brave enough we can hear our heart’s wisdom through it. Be whatever you are right now. No more hiding. You are worthy, always.”
— S.C. Lourie
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amayawhat · 2 years
“When you try to control everything, you enjoy nothing. Sometimes, you just need to relax, breathe, let go and live in the moment.”
— Unknown
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amayawhat · 2 years
“You can never articulate to others what you feel in your bones because you rarely understand it yourself.”
— Connor Franta
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amayawhat · 3 years
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amayawhat · 3 years
General Reading for the month of March
Trying something new for the month of March! This is my first time doing a pick a card reading. If this is your firs time too, don't worry, I got you!
Close your eyes and take 3 deep cleansing breaths before choosing the deck before you. I placed crystals as well and if any of 2 crystals call out to you that is deck the for you! Don't worry about not choosing the right one-- just go with your gut and trust yourself.
Take what resonates with and what feels good. :) Note that this is a general reading. If you want a more in-depth, personal reading you can message me hear or head on over to my Ko-Fi page :)
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For each batch, I pulled 2 tarot cards and 1 oracle card. The tarot cards represent your current situation and a message from you guide/universe. The oracle card is served to guide you on your next step on how you can attract abundance in your life.
Tarot deck : Tarot of the Divine by Yoshi Yoshitani
Oracle deck: Attracting Abundance b Jane Struthers
There's this feeling of being trapped which is causing you great disappointment in your life. You've been living life with a lot of sadness surrounding your heart as life hasn't been easy for you. This sadness is can be caused by a lot of things in your life like relationships, love, career, finances, etc. Whatever it is that is bring your spirits down, you have the choice to hold on to it or let it go.
During the month of March, it is time to take your power back as you focus on your goals. Your guides are here to remind you that you it's okay feel defeated or lost but you mustn't dwell on your past. Take it day by day until you find your path again.
To attract abundance in your life again, give yourself time to think about your goals and what you want to manifest in your life. The more detailed it is, the better! Allow yourself to manifest and revision your dream life without any judgement.
The malachite crystal is color green and is associated with the heart chakra. This crystal is incredibly powerful as it is often used to help mean wounds of a broken heart. In addition, it provides you the confidence and strength to embrace the any change that occurs in life.
Things have not been progressing as fast as you hoped. Perhaps you're feeling as if you've hit a wall or you're at a road block. Whatever it may be, it's causing you a great deal of frustration.
You have been lazer focused on your goals and you've been working hard (very admirable!) but now, for this month, it's time to focus on self-care. If you continue to work hard but not smart, you're setting yourself up for major burn out. To avoid going down that route, step back for a moment. To retreat, is not a sign of weakness but a sign of strength and even an act of self love. You can use this time to plan your future and see how else you can further your goals. This can be in regards to your relationships, career or finances.
In this period of your life, take the time to define what self care is to you. Allow yourself to engage in activities that feed your soul and energized you.
The blue sandstone crystal helps turn negativity to positivity. If you're faced with adversity, this is the stone that could help find clarity.
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amayawhat · 3 years
Reading for 2.22.22
Suddenly felt a surge of energy after being glued to my bed for a week 😅 but I am here for a general reading for you guys on this special day!
Disclaimer: This is a general reading. Take what resonates, leave what doesn't.
If you want a more personal reading, you can buy me a coffee and head on over to my Ko-Fi page :) starting rate is at PHP 150 or $3.
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Whether you've been glued to your bed (like me) or you've been hustling, it is time to focus your energy inward and look at the bigger picture as The Hermit and Seven of Coins suggests. Things may have been unclear and off balance lately. You've somewhat gone off track but it's okay. To find clarity and gain balance back into your life, it's time to spend time in solitude and listen to that inner voice that has been wanting to be heard. Allow yourself to reconnect with your true self by grounding like meditation, journaling participate in physical activities, etc -- maybe some of you have already started your journey. It could an uncomfortable journey but this is action is necessary to take in order to figure out your next steps or see what aligns with your true self.
Ask yourself, "am I on track?" "are my goals still aligned with my true self?" "am I or have I been focused on the right goals? If not, where should I focus my energy on?"
Rest assured, you hard work you'll be putting in will pay off. When it does, celebrate!
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amayawhat · 3 years
Weekly General Reading
Hello! This week is looking pretty good with The Sun as the theme of this week.
Disclaimer: This is a general reading. This reading may not be for everyone but if you resonate with it, yay!
If you wish to have a more in-depth reading, feel free to message me here or over at Instagram. I offer private yoga sessions as well! I also have a Ko-Fi page, buy me a coffee and in return I'll give you a personal reading.
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Really love this new energy that The Sun is giving. This is generally a very positive card. So, whatever you're head space is at, know that brighter and happier days are definitely coming. I've sense you've been working hard, striving and there has been suffering too. But The Sun is here to let you know that abundance is coming your way along with a confident energy!
The deck I use is Tarot of the Divine by Yoshi Yoshitani.
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amayawhat · 3 years
February General Reading
New month calls for a new reading! Here's a general reading for the month for February. There's a spill of January's juju over the first week or so of February but worry not, good things are coming your way! Keep the faith, trust in life and its many processes.
Remember, this is a general reading. Take was resonates. Leave what doesn't. You may take nothing at all.
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January must have been a rocky start. There is or was a struggle in finding your independence which left you in a situation that is causing a great deal of dissatisfaction and unhappiness, the Eight of Swords suggests that.
The Emperor card is telling me that there is an authority figure, possibly a father, significant other, boss or someone who exudes male energy, you're in conflict with which is not making your situation any easier. With these cards, Eight of Swords and The Emperor, show that you're feeling trapped or lost but know that there are options available to you. This bad situation you're in is temporary, I promise you. You have the power to create your own path and break down barriers that have been preventing you from living your life.
This emotional journey will lead you to abundance and self-satisfaction. There will be this new found, unapologetic energy as doors open and opportunities will come you way-- the Nine of Cups and Six of Wands confirms that. When you embrace this energy, you are harnessing your strengths and talents that will get you the recognition and respect you deserve.
In regards to the authority figure, this person can be overpowering and controlling but with this new you, have the courage to set boundaries to heal this relationship as well as protect yourself. It is also possible you've gained a better understanding of this person which can smooth things over.
You're meant to shine in life and The Star is here to remind you of that! This confidence will open a new chapter for you where you get to use your talents and strengths to conquer obstacles that come your way and revel in the gifts the universe has given you.
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amayawhat · 3 years
January 2022 General Reading
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Hello all! It’s been a minute it, hasn’t it? 
I recently got myself a new tarot deck! it is called Tarot of the Divine by Yoshi Yoshitani. I am loving it so far! While I was getting to know my new deck, it gave off the vibe of being straightforward yet nurturing which appeals to me whenever I seek guidance and advice. Plus, the artwork is fantastic! Before this I have been using the ultimate OG deck, The Original Rider Waite Tarot Deck - the deck you can never really go wrong with. However, I just felt the need to find a new deck. I was going to buy a deck that I have been eyeing but for some reason Tarot of the Divine just caught my eye. It gives off such a refreshing new energy that I need and hopefully that my clients need or whoever reads my readings on here!
Since it’s been a while, why not start with a January general reading and see what this month holds. Disclaimer, this is a general reading. So take what resonate and leave what doesn’t. So this reading may not be for everyone but I would like to thank you for taking the time to read this!
For more personal readings, feel free to DM or check out my Ko-Fi! 
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amayawhat · 3 years
“Let everything happen to you: Beauty and terror. Just keep going. No feeling is final.”
— Rainer Maria Rilke
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amayawhat · 3 years
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The strength card paired with the 3 of cups is a reminder that there is strengtb in numbers. I am also getting you’re the type of person who can and will do things solo. But this time, be open to ollaborations with like minded people or anyone who could help you grow your career. The month will be offering a lot of creative abundance so for you to not feel overwhelmed and to achieve your goals, ask for help! You’ll be surprised what you can create together. ✨
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amayawhat · 3 years
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With the 3 OF WANDS, you have been experimenting on different ways to attain your goals by collaborating with people and evaluating your next steps carefully. You have discovered that there are more things you need to improve. Along the way, you also discovered a new sense of strength and will power, which leads me to THE TOWER. In the next month (or at least until the next new moon), there will be a lot of rebuilding and going back to basics but keeping in mind the things your learned in the past. The universe will not give you anything that you cannot handle. You have the power and strength to write your own narrative. The Tower represents drastic change coming into your life and it might get chaotic but know that the 10 OF PENTACLES, is a sign that whatever you've been manifesting is on the way to you. Abundance will present itself to you. Before meeting the rewards, you will need to go through some challenges. Just trust yourself and the process.
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amayawhat · 3 years
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For today, we got the Devil in reverse.
An opportunity that will bring you abundance is on its way to you. However, before it arrives you need to let go of things that no longer serve and continue to just hold you back. This card represents the need to confront your fears and anxieties. You might experience discomfort at first but know that dealing with unhealthy attachments will create more space for the things you've been asking for.
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amayawhat · 3 years
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Hello, lovelies! Haven’t been actice as much as I wanted to be because of work but here I am with a tarot read for today ✨
With the 6 of Pentacles, this shows you’re in a good place as abundance flows into your life. Now, you’re feelingy extra generous around this time. You want to share your gifts or resources with others. This can come in so many different ways but most of you wants to giveback. That can be in a form of donation, focusing your attention on a passion project or treating family or friends. It seems like you’re eager to giveback because you’ve been wanting to do and now i finally your chance to! I love this generous energy and how you want share your blessings 💜 This is actually the key to financial harmony. Money is energy and meant to flow and not hoard. Greed can block abundance.
Check out my Ko-fi page if you want a general reading for $3. Additional charges may apply if you want a reading for certain aspects of your life or if you have specific questions/concerns you want to address.
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amayawhat · 3 years
“I’m not totally mad at you. I’m just sad. You’re all locked up in that little world of yours, and when I try knocking on the door, you just sort of look up for a second and go right back inside.”
— Haruki Murakami
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amayawhat · 3 years
“Be nice to yourself. It is hard to be happy when someone is being mean to you all the time.”
— Christine Arylo
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