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Read about the reasons why Czech Republic could be called as “The Golden Country” at:
http://amazingczechrepublic.blogspot.com/2015/06/czech-republic-golden-country.html and see more pictures on Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/amazingczechrep/czech-republic-the-golden-country/
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Czech Republic - “The Royal Country”
Read about the reasons why Czech Republic could be called as "The Royal Country" at: http://amazingczechrepublic.blogspot.com/2015/06/czech-republic-golden-country.html
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Would you like to know who were the mascosts of the 2015 Ice Hockey World Championship from Czech Republic? Check: http://amazingczechrepublic.blogspot.com/2015/05/who-are-thecharacters-of-2015-ice.html
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Who are the MASCOTS of the 2015 Ice Hockey World Championship?
Are you the ice hockey fan? Do you watch the 2015 Ice Hockey World Championship and think about this year’s characters of the games? Who are they? Are they mice, rabbits, weird sperms?Believe it or not, these creatures are kind of Czech national heroes and touch the heart of every single citizen of Czech Republic no matter the age generation. Back in my childhood, in every evening of a working day at 7 p.m., every child in Czech Republic was waiting in front of the TV, often even accompanied by his/her parents, waiting for the popular bedtime story called “Bob and Bobek, the rabbits from the magic hat”. The importance of those two rabbits for Czech citizens is clearly confirmed by their usage as mascots of the 2015 Ice Hockey World Championship. Till now I remember the impatience before this seven minutes’ bedtime stories begun, the very common song in the beginning and the traditional story which started almost every episode when Bobek never wants to wake up in the morning and start a day with some training. The tale about new experiences of Bob and Bobek was the last thing we were allowed to watch before going to bed in our childhoods and now, the organizers of the championship decided to bring them back to us and share them with the world, this time in ice hockey uniforms. The “Bob and Bobek” bedtime stories started to be illustrated in 1978 by Vladimír Jiránek. In the end, there were created eight series with 91 episodes in total and they are played as bedtime stories till the present. 
Follow the blog at: http://amazingczechrepublic.blogspot.com/2015/05/who-are-thecharacters-of-2015-ice.html 
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