amber-leigh-97 · 7 years
The future is what you make the future become The past is to guide you from what has already come The present is to be enjoyed because the past will pass and the future will come.
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amber-leigh-97 · 8 years
I honestly find it hilarious that people think they know me. They have no idea how fucked up I truly am.
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amber-leigh-97 · 8 years
I used to get so drunk all the time because I thought it would make me feel better. I honestly believed that alcohol and quick hook ups would fix everything. But now I'm so scared to even take a sip of alcohol because I fear my actions and the words I could speak. Honestly alcohol never fixed me, it broke me more than I'd ever know. And even a sip brings it all back to me once again.
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amber-leigh-97 · 8 years
It's crazy that I graduate in 2 days. Then I will no longer see the kids I grew with over the past 12 years. It's all over. Then in 56 days I leave for AIT meanwhile everybody else will be moving away to start school. It's sad to think Friday is the last time I will truly be with all of my classmates and after Friday we will all part ways. It's so bittersweet.
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amber-leigh-97 · 8 years
It’s sad isn’t it, how we spend days thinking of somebody who meant the world to you, and you know they aren’t thinking of you? It’s crazy how fast everything changes. One second, you love and feel love, and the next, complete strangers. I dream of you and wake to another. I think of you and crave you while you think of and crave another. It sucks, doesn’t it? But what sucks more is: I was the one who wanted this all along.
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amber-leigh-97 · 8 years
I always said you’re worth it but I forgot, I’m worth it too
(via fauthist)
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amber-leigh-97 · 8 years
And I'm not sure where to go from here. Do I stay or do I go? I guess you can say I've never really been good at this whole love thing After all.
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amber-leigh-97 · 8 years
A part of you is always going to hate me and I'm so sorry for that. Really, you'll never understand the pain it causes me knowing you hate me and knowing I'm the one who caused it.
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amber-leigh-97 · 8 years
You're sound asleep right now, you have no idea how much my heart is breaking. I give my all to you, but yet it's still not enough. Can't you hear me screaming out for you? I'm here and you still don't want me. I'm sorry I just can't ever be what you need.
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amber-leigh-97 · 8 years
People are constantly asking why it's so hard to trust. So let me ask those this- How is it somebody can say they love you so much, say they'll never leave you behind, and be there no matter what, but then leaves? They are so caught up onto why it's so hard to trust, but why don't they worry about why it's so easy to leave. Imagine for just one moment how being somebody's world is all you've ever known and then one day you're not. One day you don't feel the love or the want and you begin to feel alone. That's what people with trust issues have been through, so instead of being mad at them for questioning love, be mad at the individual who made them feel as if they weren't worthy and made them believe love isn't real. Because that's how trust issues start out.
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amber-leigh-97 · 9 years
I've never been so angry with myself in all my life.
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amber-leigh-97 · 9 years
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amber-leigh-97 · 9 years
What is so wrong with me that you can't love me for who I am. What is so wrong that you have to leave me and not kiss me or hold me close. I know there's better out there, but why can't I be the best to you? Why do you no longer love me, and why do I keep waiting for you to?
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amber-leigh-97 · 9 years
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amber-leigh-97 · 9 years
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This amazing sculpture is called The Caring Hand and is located in Glarus, Switzerland.
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amber-leigh-97 · 9 years
I love deep talks. Like, hell yeah, tell me about why you’d prefer to talk to your mom rather than your dad. Tell me about your favorite lyrics in the songs you listen to everyday and why they’re your favorite. Tell me about the dog you had when you were growing up and how he was your best friend. Tell me about what kind of books you like to read when you’re alone in your room. Tell me about the things you think about right before you fall asleep. Tell me anything and everything. I just want to be the one you tell it all to. Please let me be the one.
(via drafterr)
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amber-leigh-97 · 9 years
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