ambersinfoblog · 10 years
week 8
The whole ethics topic has been a repeated subject in almost every class I have taken. For as long as I can remember I have been told "DO NOT PLAGIARIZE" you need to write things in your own words or you'll get a "F" on your paper.
In this article it says citation errors are considered unethical. The problem I have with that is that citations are very confusing and easy to make mistakes on. So if you happen to make one little error on a citation, you are considered unethical. I would think not using a citation at all would be the only way to be unethical but just making a mistake trying to do the right thing and give credit to the right person definitely should not be labeled unethical in my book.
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ambersinfoblog · 10 years
Oh how I hate citations! Citations are such a nightmare for me! I find them very frustrating and no matter how hard I work on them, I just can't get them right.
I think citations are very important and I see the relevance of them. I know if they weren't required, people would just copy other peoples hard work and claim it as their own. The people that put all the hard work into the original research would never get the credit they deserved, if it wasn't for citations.
I wish there was just one format for citations. I think that just adds to the frustration, trying to decide which form is the right one. I also think the way you have to write out the citation is way more confessing then it needs to be. I know the importance of citations, but I think there could be an easier way to site them and then people might not struggle with or dread citations as much.
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ambersinfoblog · 10 years
Week 5
I use many different sources when looking for information or doing research. I tend to only use the sources I am most comfortable and familiar with. Primary sources seem to have the best factual information but I hardly ever use scholarly information unless it is a requirement for that assignment, that is because it is so much harder to find. I use mostly secondary sources and that is because they are so easy to access. I would say the most common secondary sources I use are websites, journal articles, magazines and people.  
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ambersinfoblog · 10 years
Week 4
I have used google scholar in my other classes for research and know it is a very useful and a great source to get information for papers. It is very helpful and easy to use. My only complainant about google scholar is it is sometimes hard to find articles that are narrowed down to only one specific topic. It seems the majority are very broad in the information.
I had never used Zotero before this class, I thought it would be very confessing and hard to use. When I installed it and got on there to look up some information I was very surprised to learn how easy it was to use.
For my research topic is going to be on why Montana has such a high suicide rate.
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ambersinfoblog · 10 years
I really enjoyed your most. Really made me think about own life.
Information today is constantly at our fingertips. When watching people walk from point A to point B it is rare to find them without their noses glued to a mobile device of some sort. In friendly disputes over information the solution is as simple as a smart phone. We are in a day and age where...
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ambersinfoblog · 10 years
I could not agree more about the ecpectations are set way to high. I feel sometimes professors forget were not just taken there class but have several classes that need just as much time as there’s does. 
Because I am feeling super frustrated with my chemistry class, this post may be a little bitter. I study and study and get no results. So sometimes I feel that expectations for the amount of time spent researching or studying something are a little too high. So, I certainly understand feeling...
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ambersinfoblog · 10 years
Week 3
The results in this article from this study didn’t suprise me at all. It came as no big shock that people enjoyed and perferred online over offline to obtain there information. We are such a ruhed society, the faster we can gettig something the better it is. I was very surprised to learn that the web was more factual then offline. I get very frustrated when I’m doing research online because I find my professors want peer reviewed material and its hard to find that online. Even though online is much faster and more convenient I would rather just go to the library and ask a librarian to help me, then sit for hours frustrated searching online for something that I might not be able to use for my paper anyway.
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ambersinfoblog · 10 years
I agree that are minds are constaty overran and flooded with thoughts, new ideas and exposures daily and this causes a lot of stress on us. The internet saves so much time but I need to start using the library more as well.
The article At Sea in a Deluge of Data, by Alison J. Head and John Wihbey was an extremely insightful and reflective piece. Firstly, I have never truly examined the differences between school assignments and possible future endeavors. That is, unless it was Calculus, in which case I still don’t…
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ambersinfoblog · 10 years
I agree with you what employers want, they want so much but want to pay so little. The internet has made it where we really don,t have to leave are house much to know what’s going on in the world. Most people just text instead of talk on the phone. So people don’t need to even see eachother or talk to know everthing that is going on in their lifes. 
The biggest problem I see from what employers want and need to what is being taught and practiced on today’s society is that they want someone who is both able to find answers quickly and efficiently online, but also someone who will patiently research until the correct data is found and verified....
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ambersinfoblog · 10 years
The article At Sea in a Deluge of Data, by Alison J. Head and John Wihbey was an extremely insightful and reflective piece. Firstly, I have never truly examined the differences between school assignments and possible future endeavors. That is, unless it was Calculus, in which case I still don’t…
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ambersinfoblog · 10 years
Week 2
After reading the article “At Sea in a Deluge of Data” it makes you realize how important tectechnology has become to society. It is defintely a digital world and most people don’t remember a time without the internet.Society has become very depended on cell phones, computers and other electric devices. The days of going to the library for hours to find research for a paper are long gone. I think this is a good and bad thing. The information on the internet can be very useful for research, as long as the information is from a crediable souce.The good thing about the information on the internet is that it is up to date and books in a library can be very dated. The best way to make sure your information is correct from the internet, is to check multiple websites to see if they all report the same information. We are very lucky to have the internet, which gives us such fast access to so much different information but I think we still need libraries. I think libraries and librariansare some of the best resources when doing research.
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ambersinfoblog · 10 years
I think it is amazing how quickly we are able to get information in this day and age. We have come so far in the last decade with are technology, we don't just have to rely on others for the information we need. I get most of my information from the internet, which was not the case 10 years ago. I do think know matter where you get your information, you need to verify that it is accurate. 
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