ambimerc · 6 years
(closed fantasy AU starter for @ambimerc)
This room was not supposed to be occupied. Legault had done three surveys of the fortress – one two days ago, one this morning, and one a scant two hours ago – before he’d felt ready to slip in after the covenant bracelet. And now, for whatever reason, this usually-vacant corner of the fortress had a restive occupant.
He hung silently in the rafters, watching the movements of the woman below. She was restless and far too alert, not someone he could distract long enough with a thrown pebble at the far wall. He dismissed the idea of killing her outright, certain it could not be done quietly even if she somehow deserved it – and he couldn’t say whether she did or did not.
That left him three options: wait until she got bored or sleepy, find another entrance, or take a more direct approach. Ordinarily he’d have chosen one of the first two, but the theft had a deadline, and it was approaching with the morning sun. That left only the last.
He let himself down with a whisper-soft landing, behind but not entirely out of her line of sight. “Milady, if you’ll forgive the intrusion. I’d no intention of keeping you up at this hour.”
Ally didn’t take being held in a prison cell well, nor did she like the idea of being accused of something she didn’t do. But she sure as hell loathed the idea of being force to into marrying some geezer that was older than her father. 
But when you have missing posters all over town with the reward of her hand in marriage along with the Svent fortune tied along it proved to make her efforts of leaving the Svent manor difficult. She was just surprised someone recognized her this far from home.
She was pacing the room, getting an idea of every nook and cranny that could give her a potential plan of escape. The ‘ceremony’ was supposed to be tomorrow, with or without her father’s blessing. She didn’t want to stick around long enough to find out. She probably could’ve thought of someway to trick one of the house maids into getting her to escape, but she had no familiarity of the place since she was knocked out. Apparently her notoriety of escaping finally caught up to her. 
She felt a slight breeze and froze, there weren’t any windows in this very room. The other’s voice, while calm did put her on edge as she whipped around to look at him. A thief? An Assassin perhaps?... “You seem intent on giving me a heart attack instead.” While she wasn’t one to ask for help especially in times like this, she was gonna have to let her pride take a backseat in this, “Are you here to help me escape?” 
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ambimerc · 7 years
    “I��ll get right on that.” he offered. Something in his tone betrayed that he had no intention of putting in more effort on that front. Frankly, he had more important things to be dealing with, preparing for, and fretting over than his form and marksmanship. He needed to worry about diplomatic proceedings, composure, how to best endorse his country and family ( yeah, that was totally something he was ready for ), and how to get there. Seriously, these guys had more of a monster problem than some of the areas beyond Insomnia, and that was saying something.
    At the mention of the Colosseum, Noctis grinned. “Wait really? Something like that just goes year round?” Now that… he could be convinced to see. Was it people fighting? Or monsters like he’d heard the Acordo allowed in Altissia? Gods, the Colosseum in Altissia was something he’d wanted to see since he was a kid. He almost hoped this would be somewhat similar. He perked up just a bit. “So Xian Du’s kind of a stopover, huh? Nice.” Gave him the night to strategize…
    As for clothes, he waved his hand. “I’ve dealt with cold. Believe it or not, Insomnia can get pretty bad in the winter. It’s nothing I can’t handle.” Insomnia saw snow; saw snow that would stick even. He may have been being a touch more flippant with her warning than he should have been, but… he’d tough it out. Couldn’t be that bad, right?
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    With a sputtered noise, Noctis caught Ally’s coat, beating the fabric out of his face and watching her hunch over the beast. “… salvage? What like– seriously, a couple thousand?” He had to refrain from saying gil instead of gald- god, that was another thing he needed to start thinking about to bring back to his father: currency exchange. God, diplomatic endeavors were much more intense than he’d previously expected… “I mean, that sounds good to me. Anything I can do to help?”
She gave him a fleeting look at that tone, talk about lack of effort there. But she was supposed to escort him safely to Kanbalar, at least he wasn’t completely hopeless with his arsenal. She should be thankful to that point.
“Yup, the competitions vary through the year. Monsters versus Humans, humans verses humans. Depending on how spry you are you can rack up on some handy baubles or coin. It’ll be...” She put her hands in quotation marks, “Historically beneficial for you....but fun.” 
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Ally looked back at Noctis, looked up and down his attire before looking back at the beast, trying to figure out the best way to remove the horns, “How about I spare you the suffering of a 3 hour walk in snow up to your thighs and we take a wyvern to Kanbalar? In the mean time....hold this bugger’s head up so I can get a good cut in.” 
Once the prince had a hold of it she went to work, “Ivory horns, used for whatever weapons, jewelry and tools that Xian Du has to offer. If we don’t remove them, someone will make off with this without doing any effort. We can’t have that...”  
She grimaced a little with the incision, being up close and personal with the monster didn’t do her much favors in the breathing air department,  “Damn this thing smells worse than Gnome’s ass crack. Hold your breath, highness.” 
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ambimerc · 7 years
“Aye. Five thousand gald at the bottom of the ocean,” Eizen concurred. He stood up and wrung out his coat. “I’d mind that less if I thought the fishes had any taste for good liquor.”
One of the jolly boys hooted. “That curse again, First Mate.”
“I’d call it a blessing,” he countered. “We’re both still alive. It doesn’t always work out that way.” The other malak had proven her own strength of will; Eizen offered her a hand up. She wouldn’t know what a rare occurrence that was, but he could sense Benwick lifting an eyebrow behind him.
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“Given that I can’t repay that debt with what you came for, we’ll have to find a different way to settle it.”
She looked at his hand with surprise before taking his hand to accept the help up, well at least the whole ordeal was past them. At least for now. She didn’t have much say otherwise until they reached the port. 
“Well I’ll take my life over a bottle of booze any day but...” She sighed, “Do you think that ship still has more?...I ran into it by chance. Their security wasn’t exactly something to write home about.” There was no telling when they would see that same ship again, but it wouldn’t hurt to look into it. 
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Since her hand was still holding Eizen’s she squeezed it, the other had a pretty firm grip, “It’s Ally, by the way.” They met at a draw, the least she could do was give him her name. 
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ambimerc · 7 years
They burst to the surface, as wet as two drowned rats. There was precious little air left in Eizen; he spluttered and coughed as seawater ran down his face, just aware enough that the other malak was still present.
The boys dragged them up the side of the ship, and unceremoniously hauled the lady onto the deck first, since Eizen was secured and she was not. The first mate clattered to the deck on hands and knees, coughing the last of the water out of his lungs.
“It never -cough- does end up -wheeze- tasting better,” he muttered, rolling over to a sitting position. “I owe you one, lass.”
“And me,” Aifread reminded him cheerfully. “That makes four, doesn’t it?”
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“Not all from -cough- drowning, and besides, you owe me three,” Eizen retorted. “But thank you both. I’d no mind for a watery grave today.”
When they were pulled into the ship, Ally didn’t have it in her to get uppity about where those hands were pulling as she landed side first into the wooden floor, rolling on all fours to cough out the sea water that managed to get in her respiratory.  Her hand moving to her head to try to stop the throbbing headache that was starting to come up. 
Once she was able to talk, a lazy smile appeared on her face, “W-well I can think of someth-” 
She shifted a bit before patting around her chest, feeling like something was missing, her eyes widened, darting towards the edge of the ship and looking out to the sea, “Are you kidding me?!” 
The bottle managed to slip out and was probably beyond saving at this point. 
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The malak flopped back on the floor with a groan, “Damn it. I know our fight came to a draw, but this is shitty luck.” Was this what blondie meant by the Reapers Curse?
Guess that meant she was back to square one, that birthday gift for Alvin was gonna have to wait. 
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ambimerc · 7 years
Naughty or Nice Meme
Tagged by: @unborderedreflection (Well more like kidnapped from XD) 
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“Who’s surprised?”
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ambimerc · 7 years
“Have you Ever” Muse Edition
( repost, don’t reblog )
Tagged By: @sunset-wings Tagging: Anyone  who wishes they were feckin sleeping right now. 
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APPEARANCE: [ ] I am shorter than 5'4". [x ] I tan easily. [ ] I wish my hair was a different color. [ ] I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color. [x ] I have a tattoo. [ ] I wear glasses [ ] I would probably get plastic surgery if it were 100 percent safe, free of cost, and scar-free. [x] I’ve been told I’m attractive by a complete stranger. [x] I have more than 1 piercing. [x] I have piercings in places besides my ears. [ ] I have freckles.
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FAMILY: [x] I’ve run away from home. [x] I’ve been kicked out of the house [ ] My biological parents are together. [ ] I have a sibling less than one year old. [ ] I want to have kids someday. [x] I want to adopt someday.
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SCHOOL/WORK: [ ] I’m in school  [ x ] I have a job. [ x ] I’ve fallen asleep at work/school [ ] I almost always do my homework. [ x ] I’ve missed a week or more of school [ ] I failed more than 1 class last year. [x] I’ve stolen something from my school/job. (I mean like would they have noticed?)
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EMBARRASSMENT: [ x ] I’ve fallen in public. [ ] I’ve slipped out a “lol” in a spoken conversation. [ ] Disney movies still make me cry. [ x ] I’ve snorted while laughing. [x ] I’ve laughed so hard I’ve cried. [ ] I’ve glued my hand to something. [ x ] I’ve laughed till some kind of beverage came out of my nose.
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HEALTH: [ ] I was born with a disease/impairment. [ x ] I’ve broken a bone. [ ] I’ve had my tonsils removed. [x ] I’ve sat in a doctors office with a friend. [ ] I’ve had my wisdom teeth removed. [x ] I had a serious surgery. (Technically her miscarriage) [ ] I’ve had chicken pox. [ ] I have/had asthma.
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EXPERIENCES: [ x ] I’ve gotten lost in my city. (more than once as a child) [ x ] I’ve wished on a shooting star. [  ] I’ve seen a meteor shower. [ ] I’ve gone out in public in my pajamas. [ x ] I’ve pushed all the buttons on an elevator.  (modern verse) [ x ] I’ve kicked a guy where it hurts. [ x ] I’ve been skydiving. (modern verse) [ x ] I’ve gone skinny dipping. [ x ] I’ve played spin the bottle. [x ] I’ve drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour. [ x ] I’ve crashed a car (modern verse.) [ ] I’ve been skiing. [  ] I’ve been in a play. [ ] I’ve met someone in person from the internet. [x ] I’ve caught a snowflake on my tongue. [ x ] I’ve sat on a roof top. [ x ] I’ve played a prank on someone. [ x ] I’ve ridden in a taxi. (modern verse) [ x ] I’ve eaten Sushi. [  ] I’ve been snowboarding.
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RELATIONSHIPS: [x ] I’ve gone on a blind date. [ x ] I miss someone right now. [ x ] I have a fear of abandonment. [ ] I’ve gotten divorced. [  ] I’ve told someone I loved them when I didn’t. [ x ] I’ve told someone I didn’t love them when I did. [ ] I’ve told someone I loved them and didn’t get a clear response. [ x ] I’ve felt rejected even if I wasn’t. [x ] I’ve loved someone I knew a friend was already in love with.
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HONESTY: [ x ] I’ve done something I promised someone else I wouldn’t. [ x ] I’ve done something I promised myself I wouldn’t. [ x ] I’ve snuck out of my house. [ x ] I am keeping a secret from the world. [x ] I’ve cheated while playing a game. [ x ] I’ve cheated on a test. [ ] I’ve been suspended from school.
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BAD TIMES: [ x ] I shut others out when I’m depressed. [  ] I’ve self-harmed. [  ] I’ve tried to commit suicide. [ x ] I’ve slept an entire day when I didn’t need it. [ x ] I’ve gone to bed crying.
0 notes
ambimerc · 7 years
Today, Eizen reflected as he hit the water with a deafening splash, had been a particularly frustrating one for his curse.
Bubbles trickled out of his nose as he fought to stay afloat. The effort was in vain; the nature of his mana drew him toward the ocean floor as surely as iron to a lodestone.
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He’d gone overboard before, but every time it did, he was certain it would be the last. This time was no different, his lungs burning with the effort to hold onto every last scrap of oxygen. Staying calm was an effort of the greatest magnitude as he searched for any arte that might get him out of this situation. The seconds ticked by relentlessly, one bubble of air at a time.
A warm current drifted by him, in sharp contrast to the chilliness of the sea. He whipped his head around and risked opening his eyes for a moment. Too hard; he felt the movement push him down faster, and the saltwater burned at his eyes. Was that the malak that had invaded his cabin? Surely she wouldn’t sink the way he did. Eizen tried, yet again and yet again to little avail, to stay afloat.
Ally wouldn’t consider herself a good swimmer, especially with the ocean current pushing her around as she dove deeper with rope in hand, just how deep did this guy go? 
She thankfully could hold her breath longer than a human, but this was getting ridiculous. She knew it wouldn’t be long til her own lungs screamed for air. Her eyes managed to catch a glimpse of blond and with her free hand reaching out she was patting around the pirate’s still body before grabbing at his clothes, pulling him closer to her. With each second and movement made it difficult to hold her breath. 
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With her grip on the other malak she wrapped the rope under his arms, managing to tie a decent knot to keep the rope around him. Once it was secure enough she gave the lead a couple harsh tugs to signal them to pull. 
Even with them pulling as fast as they could it still felt like a century. Ally could feel herself getting dizzy, the bubbles leaving her nose and lips reminding her that her body was quickly losing oxygen. 
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ambimerc · 7 years
Leia still wasn’t sure how comfortable she felt around Ally, but at least the feeling of her being a threat had disappeared. “Oh, a bartender I see. Yeah I guess you were at the bar a lot so that makes sense.” 
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She already knew Leia had been following her around so she figured it was okay to mention. She never followed her into the bar, but she still had wondered what her business there was. “I guess I don’t have to follow you anymore then.” Leia wasn’t really sure what to say next. She wanted to know how this woman knew Alvin, but she was also getting tired from trying to keep up with Ally and her questions and confusing compliments.
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“Aw c’mon don’t give me that look. You’re starting to make me feel bad.” She pushed off from the wall before stretching softly, “If that’s all you needed from me, I guess I’ll take my leave. I’ll let you off with a warning  alright? No more stalking me, canary.” 
She started to move to walk away, it wasn’t like she had to worry too much about Leia now truly. Unless she really didn’t understand what she was capable of. Then again...she didn’t truly make that clear. She hoped she never had to make that clear to a girl her age.
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“If you ever stop by at the Tipsy Cheagle during restaurant hours I’ll treat you to a drink. Other than that, keep it classy, Leia.” 
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ambimerc · 7 years
Tagged by @king-gaius 
Tsundere Meter!
Tagging: Uhhhhhhh Anyone who hasn’t done it yet. You? Yeah you. Do it. 
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“Okay so half and half--”
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I wanna check something for Science tho-
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See? Science.
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ambimerc · 7 years
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“Oh please, let me worry about that.” She stretched casually, “So stop pouting and come at me.” 
“Come on, then! Hit me!” (ambimerc)
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“I’m not going to hit an opponent who clearly isn’t ready. That would be very disrespectful.” 
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ambimerc · 7 years
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“Erst.....? Who in Gnome’s ass are you talking to?” 
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ambimerc · 7 years
Muse Skillset Meme- Accepting
🍳 — cooking
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Ally is pretty good at making things that taste good to her at least, with her bartender background she knows how to read a recipe book and get measurements correct, though some of the terminology would still elude her. So if you’re going to ask her to make anything complicated like macaroons or something of the like, chances are she’s going to have a pretty messy kitchen by the end of it. 
Though if she knows it’s for a significant other, she’ll do her best to make it the way that it’s supposed to be, constantly taste testing it herself to make sure she got it right. She does get a bit of an accomplishment glee when she gets a hard concoction down. 
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ambimerc · 7 years
[organization for that emoji meme]
Muse Skillset Meme- Accepting
📥 — organization
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Ally wouldn’t consider herself to be the most organized person in the world, but she’s no slob either. She keeps stuff to an absolute minimum in her apartment, just the bare necessities. Her clothes and accessories are probably the only thing she really has an abundance of, but that is organized by type of dress, she has a variety of earrings and jewelry that’s set on decent sized jewelry box.
She has a separate box where it has a variety of gifts that were given to her from her mission targets that she only wears during special occasions when she needs something different. Ally doesn’t exactly feel right wearing it as her daily ensemble. 
The next organized thing would be her home bar, organized by type, all tools constantly cleaned, complete with glasses for every type of drink imaginable. 
The only clutter you might see is her personal office that she keeps in her second bedroom locked up. Though the juicy information is either stored somewhere safe or on her person.  
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ambimerc · 7 years
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“So...this is Celcius’ fossil.” It was stuck in a container of sorts, she probably would’ve figured out how to finagle it out, but she figured she’d wait until the ‘famous’ Dr. Mathis appeared to retrieve it from him personally. Gaius did request her to do this for him after all. Even though she was a little too impatient to wait for the security to let her through, even with Balan’s blessings.
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ambimerc · 7 years
broadswordandpistol replied to your post: “@broadswordandpistol @leiathesleia “…Well I created a monster.” ”:
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“This would be the part where I apologize, but...eh. That’s dumb.” 
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ambimerc · 7 years
@broadswordandpistol @leiathesleia
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“...Well I created a monster.” 
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ambimerc · 7 years
All sins are attempts to fill voids.
Simone Weil (via wordsnquotes)
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