ambitiouxblonde-a · 3 years
Moving announcement
Some of you may have noticed that I was absent these past few days ( not that it’s really surprising, considering the fact that I spent more time procrastinating than actually writing something or being on my rp blogs at all this past year ).
But, for once, it’s not because I lacked inspiration or energy or something like that.
I was just setting up a new separate tumblr blog for rp purposes only.
You see, I was always hesitant about making such a blog instead of keeping all my rp side-blogs attached to my personal one because I liked having everything in one place.
However, a couple of weeks ago the Prodigal Son fandom began to get more active again because of the 2nd season premiere. But I didn’t notice this until I checked every single of my favorite people of this fandom’s blogs because their posts on my dash just got lost in tons of other posts from hundreds of other blogs I follow. And that made me feel a bit
 isolated? So I really began to think about making a separate rp blog so I would have a rp focused dash and would finally be able to actually see all of my mutuals (and just people I admire) on my dash.
But the decision wasn’t made until the first episode of the 2nd season of Prodigal Son premiered and I got all hyped and my Whitly babies grew really loud but when I tried to get more active on my blogs it felt like I was dragging a dead weight because of all the hiatuses I’ve had since I created them.
So, the combination of my desire to have a fresh start to boost my activity, to have a rp focused dash and finally make my blogs more organized forced me to make a new multi and make new side-blogs attached to it for Jessica, Martin, Ainsley and Malcolm.
The urls will stay the same while old blogs will remain untouched as archives for everyone to read.
I will also have a look at the activity pages of my old blogs once in a while in case anyone reaches out to me through them but all the new posts, threads, headcanons, thoughts on new episodes etc. will be posted on the new blogs from now.
Well, that’s it)
See you on my new blogs!
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ambitiouxblonde-a · 3 years
Moving announcement
Some of you may have noticed that I was absent these past few days ( not that it’s really surprising, considering the fact that I spent more time procrastinating than actually writing something or being on my rp blogs at all this past year ).
But, for once, it’s not because I lacked inspiration or energy or something like that.
I was just setting up a new separate tumblr blog for rp purposes only.
You see, I was always hesitant about making such a blog instead of keeping all my rp side-blogs attached to my personal one because I liked having everything in one place.
However, a couple of weeks ago the Prodigal Son fandom began to get more active again because of the 2nd season premiere. But I didn’t notice this until I checked every single of my favorite people of this fandom’s blogs because their posts on my dash just got lost in tons of other posts from hundreds of other blogs I follow. And that made me feel a bit
 isolated? So I really began to think about making a separate rp blog so I would have a rp focused dash and would finally be able to actually see all of my mutuals (and just people I admire) on my dash.
But the decision wasn’t made until the first episode of the 2nd season of Prodigal Son premiered and I got all hyped and my Whitly babies grew really loud but when I tried to get more active on my blogs it felt like I was dragging a dead weight because of all the hiatuses I’ve had since I created them.
So, the combination of my desire to have a fresh start to boost my activity, to have a rp focused dash and finally make my blogs more organized forced me to make a new multi and make new side-blogs attached to it for Jessica, Martin, Ainsley and Malcolm.
The urls will stay the same while old blogs will remain untouched as archives for everyone to read.
I will also have a look at the activity pages of my old blogs once in a while in case anyone reaches out to me through them but all the new posts, threads, headcanons, thoughts on new episodes etc. will be posted on the new blogs from now.
Well, that’s it)
See you on my new blogs!
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ambitiouxblonde-a · 3 years
Moving announcement
Some of you may have noticed that I was absent these past few days ( not that it’s really surprising, considering the fact that I spent more time procrastinating than actually writing something or being on my rp blogs at all this past year ).
But, for once, it’s not because I lacked inspiration or energy or something like that.
I was just setting up a new separate tumblr blog for rp purposes only.
You see, I was always hesitant about making such a blog instead of keeping all my rp side-blogs attached to my personal one because I liked having everything in one place.
However, a couple of weeks ago the Prodigal Son fandom began to get more active again because of the 2nd season premiere. But I didn’t notice this until I checked every single of my favorite people of this fandom’s blogs because their posts on my dash just got lost in tons of other posts from hundreds of other blogs I follow. And that made me feel a bit
 isolated? So I really began to think about making a separate rp blog so I would have a rp focused dash and would finally be able to actually see all of my mutuals (and just people I admire) on my dash.
But the decision wasn’t made until the first episode of the 2nd season of Prodigal Son premiered and I got all hyped and my Whitly babies grew really loud but when I tried to get more active on my blogs it felt like I was dragging a dead weight because of all the hiatuses I’ve had since I created them.
So, the combination of my desire to have a fresh start to boost my activity, to have a rp focused dash and finally make my blogs more organized forced me to make a new multi and make new side-blogs attached to it for Jessica, Martin, Ainsley and Malcolm.
The urls will stay the same while old blogs will remain untouched as archives for everyone to read.
I will also have a look at the activity pages of my old blogs once in a while in case anyone reaches out to me through them but all the new posts, threads, headcanons, thoughts on new episodes etc. will be posted on the new blogs from now.
Well, that’s it)
See you on my new blogs!
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ambitiouxblonde-a · 3 years
Moving announcement
Some of you may have noticed that I was absent these past few days ( not that it’s really surprising, considering the fact that I spent more time procrastinating than actually writing something or being on my rp blogs at all this past year ).
But, for once, it’s not because I lacked inspiration or energy or something like that.
I was just setting up a new separate tumblr blog for rp purposes only.
You see, I was always hesitant about making such a blog instead of keeping all my rp side-blogs attached to my personal one because I liked having everything in one place.
However, a couple of weeks ago the Prodigal Son fandom began to get more active again because of the 2nd season premiere. But I didn’t notice this until I checked every single of my favorite people of this fandom’s blogs because their posts on my dash just got lost in tons of other posts from hundreds of other blogs I follow. And that made me feel a bit
 isolated? So I really began to think about making a separate rp blog so I would have a rp focused dash and would finally be able to actually see all of my mutuals (and just people I admire) on my dash.
But the decision wasn’t made until the first episode of the 2nd season of Prodigal Son premiered and I got all hyped and my Whitly babies grew really loud but when I tried to get more active on my blogs it felt like I was dragging a dead weight because of all the hiatuses I’ve had since I created them.
So, the combination of my desire to have a fresh start to boost my activity, to have a rp focused dash and finally make my blogs more organized forced me to make a new multi and make new side-blogs attached to it for Jessica, Martin, Ainsley and Malcolm.
The urls will stay the same while old blogs will remain untouched as archives for everyone to read.
I will also have a look at the activity pages of my old blogs once in a while in case anyone reaches out to me through them but all the new posts, threads, headcanons, thoughts on new episodes etc. will be posted on the new blogs from now.
Well, that’s it)
See you on my new blogs!
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ambitiouxblonde-a · 3 years
like / reblog this post for a starter based on the 2.01 episode
NON-RP blogs, please, DO NOT like this post.
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ambitiouxblonde-a · 3 years
like / reblog this post for me to send some memes your way
NON-RP blogs, please, DO NOT like this post.
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ambitiouxblonde-a · 3 years
text meme | send one for a..
( 😂 ) an embarrassing text
( 😊 ) a cute text
( 😉 ) a suggestive text
( 😍 ) a text about their crush
( 😜 ) a drunk text 
( 🙈 ) a text meant for someone else 
( 😭 ) a depressed text 
( đŸ€Ź ) a pissed off text 
( đŸ€ą ) a sick text
( 😮 ) a half-asleep text
( 😇 ) an innocent text
( đŸ€— ) a supportive text 
( 💗 ) a loving text 
( 💀 ) a threatening text
( 👀 ) a text about something he/she saw 
( 🗣 ) an announcement text
( đŸ‘» ) a text from someone else using their phone 
( đŸ˜© ) a worried text
( 😱 ) an apologetic text
( 🌞 ) an early morning text
( 🌟 ) a late night text
( 🍑 ) a sexy selfie text 
( 🖕 ) an argumentative text
( 🍆 ) a naughty text
( đŸ˜± ) a scared text
( 🙊 ) a text that was never sent
( ❗❗ ) an urgent text
( ☕ ) a ‘spilling tea’ text
( 🙋 ) a text confessing to something
( 🙏 ) a pleading text
( 💅 ) a bitchy text
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ambitiouxblonde-a · 3 years
One Hundred Ways to Say ‘I Love You’
“Pull over.  Let me drive for awhile.”
“It reminded me of you.”
“No, no, it’s my treat.”
“Come here.  Let me fix it.”
“I’ll walk you home.”
“Have a good day at work.”
“I dreamt about you last night.”
“Take my seat.”
“I saved a piece for you.”
“I’m sorry for your loss.”
“You can have half.”
“Take my jacket, it’s cold outside.”
“Sorry I’m late.”
“Can I have this dance?”
“I made your favourite.”
“It’s okay.  I couldn’t sleep anyway.”
“Watch your step.”
“Here, drink this.  You’ll feel better.”
“Can I hold your hand?”
“You can borrow mine.”
“You might like this.”
“It’s not heavy.  I’m stronger than I look.”
“I’ll wait.”
“Just because.”
“Look both ways.”
“I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean to.”
“Try some.”
“Drive safely.”
“Well, what do you want to do?”
“One more chapter.”
“Don’t worry about me.”
“It looks good on you.”
“Close your eyes and hold out your hands.”
“That’s okay, I bought two.”
“After you.”
“We’ll figure it out.”
“Can I kiss you?”
“I like your laugh.”
“Don’t cry.”
“I made this for you.”
“Go back to sleep.”
“Is this okay?”
“I picked these for you.”
“I’ll drive you to the hospital.”
“What do you want to watch?”
“You can go first.”
“Did you get my letter?”
“I’ll do it for you.”
“Call me when you get home.”
“I think you’re beautiful.”
“Are you sure?”
“Have fun.”
“Sit down, I’ll get it.”
“I made reservations.”
“I don’t mind.”
“It brings out your eyes.”
“There is enough room for both of us.”
“You don’t have to say anything.”
“Happy birthday.”
“I’ll pick it up after work.”
“It can wait until tomorrow.”
“Cross my heart and hope to die.”
“It’s two sugars, right?”
“I’ll help you study.”
“Stay over.”
“I did the dishes.”
“You didn’t have to ask.”
“I bought you a ticket.”
“You’re warm.”
“No reason.”
“I’ll meet you halfway.”
“Take mine.”
“We can share.”
“I was just thinking about you.”
“I want you to have this.”
“Call me if you need anything.”
“Do you want to come too?”
“I’ll still be here when you’re ready.”
“Is your seatbelt on?”
“Sweet dreams.”
“I was in the neighbourhood.”
“Stay there.  I’m coming to get you.”
“The key is under the mat.”
“It doesn’t bother me.”
“You’re important too.”
“I saved you a seat.”
“I’ll see you later.”
“I noticed.”
“You can tell me anything.”
“I hope you like it.”
“I want you to be happy.”
“I believe in you.”
“You can do it.”
“Good luck.”
“I brought you an umbrella.”
“I’ll pick you up at the airport.”
“Take a deep breath.”
“Be careful.”

  100.  “I love you.”
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ambitiouxblonde-a · 3 years
** misc  angst  sentence  starters.
“  come  back.  come  back  to  me.  ”
“  it  was  real  for  me.  ”
“  i’ll  fight  the  bad  dreams  off  if  they  come  to  get  you.  ”
“  flowers  grow  back  even  after  the  harshest  of  winters.  you  will  too.  ”
“  i  won’t  leave  you  here  !  ”
“  we’re  in  this  together.  ”
“  i  don’t  need  your  help.  not  anymore.  ”
“  you  left  me  to  die  !  ”
“  what  if  i  never  fall  in  love  again  ?  ”
“  we  can’t  keep  doing  this.  ”
“  when  were  you  going  to  tell  me  about  this  ?  ”
“  you  need  to  stay  with  me  !  don’t  close  your  eyes  okay  ?  ”
“  my  duty  must  come  before  everything  else.  you  knew  this.  ”
“  stay  away  from  me  !  i  don’t  want  to  see  you  again  !  ”
“  there’s  nothing  you  can  do  that  will  fix  this.  ”
“  sometimes  it  feels  like  the  world  is  crumbling  beneath  my  feet.  ”
“  now  is  not  the  time  for  goodbyes.  now  is  the  time  to  fight.  ”
“ trust  no  one.  not  even  me.  you  understand  ?  ”
“  i’m  fine.  i  can  walk  on  my  own.  ”
“  please,  just  look  at  me.  ”
“  you  and  i  are  no  heroes.  ”
“  you  think  you  can  just  waltz  back  in  here  and  pretend  everything  is  okay  ?  ”
“  those  are  the  words  of  a  coward  !  ”
“  you  can’t  save  everyone.  ”
“  you’re  better  off  without  me.  ”
“  i  trusted  you  !  ”
“  you  deserve  more  than  i  can  give  you.  ”
“  please,  don’t  hurt  me  again.  ”
“  you  would  never  understand  the  pain  you  put  me  through.  ”
“  did  you  ever  love  me  ?  or  were  those  just  words  you  said  ?  ”
“  haven’t  you  done  enough  today  ?  ”
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ambitiouxblonde-a · 3 years
Platonic Touch
Sometimes, characters want contact that has nothing to do with sex or violence. Send one of these for your character to reach out to mine.
Shoulder Clasp
Across the Shoulder hug
Hair Ruffle
Gentle headlock
Full body lean
Feet in lap
Head in lap
Hair petting
Ambush hug
Not so ambush hug
Pulling mine into their lap
Cheek kiss
Forehead kiss
Brushing hair out of mine’s face
Fixing shirt collar
Fixing shirt cuffs
Fixing a clothing tag
Tying shoes
Taking off shoes
Carrying while half asleep
Hand holding
Leaning their head on mine’s shoulder tiredly
Absently tracing patterns on the nearest exposed skin
Pushing glasses into place
Offering their drink
Offering their snack
Kissing the back of mine’s hand
Looping their arm around mine’s waist and leaning against mine’s back
Crawling into bed with
Using shoulder as a pillow
Pulling mine’s arm around their shoulder
Hair brushing
Brushing lint off of
Giving a foot massage
Giving a back massage
Giving a scalp massage
Rubbing circles on mine’s back
Sharing a secret smile
Booping the nose
Touching noses together
Resting foreheads together
Resting cheeks together
Sharing a blanket
Taking over mine’s seat while they’re in it
Poking with fingers/toes
Painting mine’s nails
Putting jewelry on mine
Doing mine’s hair
Pinkie promise
High five
Fist bump
Secret handshake
Pulling mine into a dance
Initiate a tickle fight
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ambitiouxblonde-a · 3 years
Send me "Goodbye" for the last voice message my muse leaves for yours before they die.
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ambitiouxblonde-a · 3 years
non-sexual forms of intimacy.   send me ‘INTIMACY +’ a number between 1-125 and i’ll write a starter or a drabble about our muses engaging in a form of intimacy outside of sexual context.   note: as the level of trust required for the things listed here varies a lot, feel free to send multiple numbers if you aren’t sure if they’ll work! bonus:   if the mun is comfortable with randomising a number if asked, state so in the tags when you reblog!
1        watching tv/movies together
2        going to an event together  ( like a carnival, festival, etc. )
3        going on dates, like to the movies or shopping
4        sharing secrets
5        hugs
6        sharing drinks
7        having a phone call
8        touching noses
9        cuddling
10      having a philosophical discussion
11      hand holding
12      sharing jokes
13      sharing smiles
14      laying your head on someone’s shoulder
15      linking arms
Чотать ĐŽĐ°Đ»ŃŒŃˆĐ”
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ambitiouxblonde-a · 3 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
You saved me.
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ambitiouxblonde-a · 3 years
like / reblog this post for a starter
NON-RP blogs, please, DO NOT like this post!
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ambitiouxblonde-a · 3 years
So, my plan for today is to actually be productive:
* make some graphics for my PS muses ( @ambitiouxblonde, @prodigalwife, @unfixablcbright and Dani/Gil/Edrisa over on my multi @fieryncbles )
* post general starter calls for them
* watch the new episode if it’s available by the time I finish with graphics and work on starters/post episode based starter calls/pop into askboxes with memes
* if it’s not available, then either write something on my multi or go over old drafts
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ambitiouxblonde-a · 3 years
[ it's an O P E N S T A R T E R for Jessicas, but.... @thrownstiletto 😏 ]
Little Ainsley stands in the doorway of her parents' bedroom, blonde hair slightly dishelved, robe undone. She was put to bed a few hours ago but looks like she didn't sleep at all.
Clutching her favorite toy, Mr Plushie – a plush teddy bear with a funny bow-tie, one of her father's many gifts – to her chest and chewing her bottom lip thoughtfully, little Ms Whitly looks all too troubled for a five-year-old.
Then, as she makes up her mind, the question that's been burning inside of her for a while now rushes out in one breath, a little bit unsure but oh so hopeful:
❝When will daddy come back?❞
0 notes
ambitiouxblonde-a · 3 years
I've had a dream about Martin and Malcolm and then I rewatched all the tiny bits and clips of the 2nd season that they've given us so far and now I'm H Y P E D.
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