ame-blogs · 11 hours
not that ana's new mythic weapon isn't sick but why the fuck would you pay 34.99 for a weapon skin when she literally already had one from like three seasons ago.the state of this game bruh
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ame-blogs · 12 hours
Hello skinny tgirl. Lately you've been complaining that your tits aren't growing. In front of you is a plate of food.
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ame-blogs · 1 day
I lost my wallet. It is in my apartment
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ame-blogs · 2 days
Literal definition of spyware:
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Also From Microsoft’s own FAQ: "Note that Recall does not perform content moderation. It will not hide information such as passwords or financial account numbers. 🤡
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ame-blogs · 2 days
Can you tell this dub was recorded in South Carolina, and in 1995?
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ame-blogs · 3 days
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of her penis.
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ame-blogs · 3 days
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ame-blogs · 3 days
The lyric
"She would never go with me,
Were I the last girl on earth"
ALWAYS cracks me up the way he says it, great song :P
Weezer's "Pink Triangle" is my favorite song from Pinkerton. It's about a guy who falls in love with a girl in his class, then realizes that she's a lesbian. The chorus is "I'm dumb, she's a lesbian", but it's not just about that, it's about making up this whole life with a person that you don't actually know, the way that a crush can overwhelm you and send you spiraling into dreams. It's a dumb song, but it's also relatable in that way.
But there's an interview with Rivers Cuomo where he says he found out a year and a half after the release of the album that she wasn't actually a lesbian. She'd just been wearing a pink triangle to show support or whatever.
Which makes the song even funnier to me, because it's a song all about leaping headfirst into idealizing a person you don't actually know, and then he immediately does the opposite thing! He sees the pink triangle on her sleeve and immediately goes into this despair about impossible love and all his dreams shattering, and there's no suggestion that at any point in this did he actually talk to her.
(Also, I've always felt like it must be tough to be a lesbian, because there are girls walking around with pink triangles and rainbows and you'd think they're gay, but they're just progressive.)
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ame-blogs · 3 days
i’m gonna cry it’s raining right now and i just passed by a family where both parents were without an umbrella but their kid who couldn’t have been older than like 3-4 was proudly holding this GIANT umbrella whose diameter was as tall (if not taller) as the kid. both the parents were getting absolutely drenched but u could tell the kid was just so happy to have an “adult” task and carry the umbrella themselves and i think that sacrifice is what love is all about
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ame-blogs · 3 days
Meme news: The Brazilian actress Renata Sorrah came out as bisexual at the age of 76
That's her, btw
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She's an icon and also very talented. We Stan.
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ame-blogs · 3 days
i hate people who know highways. “i’m heading south on I-65” okay man. i’m moving my rook to c2
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ame-blogs · 3 days
girl: ahh i've just been dealing with a lot y'know? it's like the world wants me dead haha
me (completely stonefaced): i will be your shield
her: what?
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ame-blogs · 3 days
How Bethesda fixed Vampires without realizing it
So there's a LOT of takes on vampires across media, and most of them are radically different from each other. The Elder Scrolls series has an interesting version that I haven't seen anywhere else, that incidentally fixes a bunch of lore issues with vampires, and yet Bethesda hasn't ever really leaned into any of that.
So, the issue with vampires in large RPGs like Elder Scrolls games, D&D, etc, is that a world where various elements of character building are supposed to be balanced, vampires are heavy on the upside and light on meaningful drawbacks. So in Oblivion, Bethesda completely reworked their vampires, coming at it with a blank slate:
Vampirism is a 4-stage affliction, with each stage increasing the numerous benefits of being a vampire as well as the middling drawbacks. Stage 4 brings with it all humanoid NPCs recognizing you as a ravenous monster and attacking you, basically wrecking the game. And, this is the unique part, you reduce stages by drinking blood. Being a vampire is LESSENED by doing the most vampiric thing out there, it actively makes you weaker.
And this is great. From a gameplay perspective, you vanish below ground to kill zombies/robots/whatever, and you grow stronger as the dungeon goes on. But if you don't rush through it, or if it's large, you surface having ignored your hunger for several days and have to do a whole second quest to sneak into town at night and drink blood, where the only reward is to engage with the game again. It's a drawback in the gameplay sense rather than the stats sense. And it lets game designers throw the player against weak vampires in town early on, and face dungeons full of max-bloodlust monsters later once the player knows how things work.
Meanwhile, from a lore perspective this is also great. Suddenly, it's not that vampires have to be evil, it's that they have a choice. A good person who flees their family to hide in a cave is going to starve, turning into a ravenous, uncontrolled, extremely strong monster. Someone who's comfortable sneaking around town drinking blood, meanwhile? They never lose control. They walk in the sun. They're perfectly human. Or as human as anyone can be while the blood of their neighbors flows in their veins.
And Bethesda doesn't DO ANYTHING with this. People you talk to in-game just treat it as "all vampires are evil, why would you expect anything else", when they've created a world where vampire morality is so much more interesting. The few vampires who exist in civilization that you're not supposed to kill don't really discuss their condition at all. And there's plenty of evil vampires choosing to live in caves running societies of vampires, when that makes no sense compared to basically any other way of life they could set up.
Bethesda games are a masterful disaster, in this as in everything else.
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ame-blogs · 3 days
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ame-blogs · 3 days
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my peepiepiees...... How are u
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ame-blogs · 3 days
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I feel like someone is standing next to me talking about how I'm dead
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ame-blogs · 4 days
to be a good artist really is to be a massive pervert because when i think back on all of my favourite characters and ocs i've designed (except for some recent ones because i had to lock the fuck in for once) i was designing them in essentially a brain melting fugue state focused on one single particular awesome thing i wanted to express in a sort of person. it's a good thing i'm selective about the art i make public because otherwise you'd know everything i've ever had a deep inexplicable attraction to
i think the other people who draw and don't post a lot of stuff out there need to know this like it's okay not to post a ton, that random oc you made in a week long hyperfixiation might actually have been vent art in disguise
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