ameasureofpower · 3 years
Hey Simons, you have partial cloaking as an augmentation; do you ever use it to spy on people, or walk past people you want to avoid, other stuff like that? Or do you just use it for combat purposes?
"I do not hide, and I do not sneak. The cloaking augmentation is merely a final installed precaution should I find myself overly stressed in a precarious situation that I am unable to neutralize myself. For instance: a well coordinated and educated assassination attempt."
"The only instances I have used it were during training and on accident after waking in the middle of the night to relieve myself. I often forget I have it."
(Mun: As much as I love the absolute creepiness of Simons being present in a room without anyone noticing - I find him too proud and confident in his own presence to cloak unnecessarily. Instead, I thoroughly enjoy imagining him as a person whom very obviously takes up space within a room, but no one really wants to acknowledge that he is there, because they fear they'll catch his gaze. Like a shadow in a mirror at night. However, I have written a drabble in which he uses it to help escape imprisonment and to get the first strike on a certain NSF agent.)
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ameasureofpower · 3 years
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ameasureofpower · 3 years
⛈️ and ☠️?
Favorite Weather Headcanon:
The harshness behind his dull, gunmetal grey eyes soften like ice to sludge as he thinks warmly upon his favorite weather. "A crisp, clear winter day, where the land is dusted with snow, the chill nips at your skin, and the air tastes like nothing, but still manages to arrest your breath if you inhale too quickly and deeply," he answers, knitting his pale, scarred hands together before him upon the table they share. "This weather is better observed in the mountains, where I like to take my retreats, for city hustle destroys the cold's quiet sanctity."
"I like the cold," he continues, thumbs tapping like a steeple. "I like its burn more than heat's. I find myself more encouraged towards activity within it."
Preferred Way to Die:
To this he lets the air between them linger as his mind combats thought with thought. Though his features typically rest between blankness or a lifeless scowl, the corner of his lip twitches as he ruminates over more brutal ends. "I do not know," he finally shrugs. "Peacefully...would be quaint. Somewhere quiet. Probably alone," he shrugs again, eyes bearing towards the anon almost in warning, "I would not want to die in front of someone I cared for, and would like it even less so to die in front of those I didn't care for."
"I would hope my body would be destroyed either by natural or mechanical means. However," - a hum of humor between those lips -, "cremation is not a viable option."
Perhaps, instead, to be strewn apart by wolves.
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ameasureofpower · 3 years
(Interesting. Was just assaulted by a 5 min ad about text-to-voice programs with rather good inflections throughout, and I am reminded how absolutely absurd Icarus's voice is in DX.
Could have had a sexy British-Indian accent but instead they (Page and Pals) went with a voice who's owner really must have flown into the sun.
I do prefer A.I.s to be greatly removed from any human-like attributes, however, so Icarus's multi-toned garbage disposal voice from the darkness under your bed gets an approval from me.
Now to install an Icarus voice to google maps...)
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ameasureofpower · 3 years
(When one randomly stumbles upon old rps with long-gone rp-partners and their amazing muses...)
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ameasureofpower · 3 years
👽 = Does your muse believe in aliens? (Walton + Icarus)
(Yes*, though Icarus has an overly obtuse, paradoxical definition of them that miraculously does not send Icarus into a crash if asked...possibly because it "enjoys" frustrating non-admin humans, and knows very well that it is being paradoxical.
*They appear** in DX because they are one of the many conspiracy theories DX explores.
**Though I heard it factually argued that the "aliens" are not actually extraterrestrials, but highly modified/abused creatures***, a la MJ12.
*** I, personally, do not accept the presence of actual aliens in DX canon, because I feel it does nothing to the story and is more like an easter egg DX' creators put in. Let's call it my one**** canon divergence.
**** K. I have more than one. Ex: if I ever draw WS he has much less primmed hair because contrasts are my goddamn kinks, and I love the thought of this dastardly government man having a messy fauxhawk especially when he's running about all the time.
*throws asterisks *******)
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ameasureofpower · 3 years
I have a few for the ask meme, but feel free to skip some if it’s too much! 🍾 (What is the last thing your muse celebrated? How long was the celebration?), 🔋 (Who or what drains your muse the most? Who or what helps to revitalize that energy?). I want to ask 🔒 as well (What is a secret that your muse will take to the grave? Why have they decided not to tell anyone?), but I feel like Simons has too lengthy a list of secrets he's keeping. Maybe, what is the secret that's the hardest to keep?
(Celebration: I'm thinking either USA's Independence Day or a secretary's/office birthday. To the first, Simons is a government official with a modicum of public highlight upon his position in his canon verse; as such, he is "required" to attend social functions to help boost his PR, and the 4th of July is no exception. This does not mean he takes every national social function as a dredging responsibility, however. Simons is an ambivert, and enjoys a plethora of entertainment and social settings (and the street food that comes with it). He finds a sort of strange peace in watching the fireworks, though he could most certainly do without the patriotism and fanfare since he has none, himself.
To the second: Simons is a prick, but not a prick to any definition of "the help" (minus those actually enslaved under MJ12) without "due reason". I think it would be cartoonish if he went out of his way to be overly cold. "It's Susan's, the accountant's, birthday? Well, I'm not signing the office birthday card because durrrrrr."
...it's just stupid.
More likely he'd either sign the card with his initials, write a very professional note to those he knows better, or order the office lunch since he's the boss.
Drains/Revitalizes: People whom cause intentional disturbances with the exception of children (or at least those six-ish and younger...I headcanon him to be eerily good and patient with toddlers and infants). He does not like any form of chaos he does not create or control (...) himself.
Secret: Hardest to keep...maybe the existence of FEMA camps or the existence of a cure for the Grey Death, because they are already "touted rumors" throughout the games and exist as actual conspiracy theories in real life (with adjustments), which DX is all about?
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ameasureofpower · 3 years
"I can't find my sword..."
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ameasureofpower · 3 years
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Black and Gold by Vladimir Buchyk
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ameasureofpower · 3 years
🛑 = What is one of your muse’s pet-peeves?
(People who slack or give the impression of slacking in a situation or environment that involves attention.
Example: people who appear like they put no effort into grooming, speaking clearly or standing straight and people who do everything in their power to avoid work.)
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ameasureofpower · 3 years
🛑  = What is one of your muse’s pet-peeves?
(Both a peeve and an amusement, but when people assume he does not speak or understand their language or know their customs (ie: when he is handed a fork instead of chopsticks at an asian diner he frequents, or when he is made privy to "private" conversations.)
He enjoys the initial startle when he breaks out in fluent Mandarin, especially if he feels he has just shattered a stereotype, but he dislikes the entire unspoken generalizations surrounding the situation.)
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ameasureofpower · 3 years
Gotta ask 📚, I wanna know what cringe out of touch armchair philosophy/psychology Simons could possibly enjoy reading aja (is = What is your muse’s favorite genre of books? What are some of their favorite authors and/or books?)
(Aye, so here's the thing: I don't really like headcanoning what books, music or films Simons enjoys because any answer I give will undoubtedly lie within my own realm of knowledge/appreciation.
But I do have headcanons nonetheless...
Simons is not a big reader. He does not find enjoyment from reading novels, essays or what-have-you theories. Should he pick up anything in his adult life, it would be something practical and preferably short like "how to be a good guest in X country", "the current state of affairs in X", or "how to install a new water filter". Et cetera.
He's the sort whom likes to do sudokus or daydream on long flights rather than read anything other than news/report feeds. If he's on vacation he would rather physically do things than idle (ie: stroll/run on a beach than sunbathe with a book, hunt/hike on a crisp autumn mountain than curl up against a fire with a novel). It's just not his thing.
If someone throws a reference at him or starts a topic based on something written that he has not read, there is a chance he will become bored and annoyed (if he figures the other is boasting), but Simons is resourceful, and will find ways to engage IF he is so inclined or IF he enjoys that person's company.
... despite all this he's a fantastic writer.)
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ameasureofpower · 3 years
🔒 , 🍵 , 📘
(Any secrets to take to the grave?
*Unfurls lengthy scroll*. Too many. I do not know how much you know of Simons from DX1, but he has a list of warcrimes and constitutional violations that stand longer than a security checkpoint line at an international airport. Page's right hand, second-in-command yes man. The military/government arm of MJ12. Not a great guy.
Thus I'm very tempted to put a crack or sentimental headcanon answer down here such as: the times he has cried himself to sleep in his adult life (twice) or his porn preferences...though I don't think he'd actually have any qualms about bluntly saying the latter - if he felt so inclined - as he is extremely comfortable with himself in many regards.
Therefore: crying himself to sleep out of physical pain after undergoing his extensive nano aug surgeries/treatments and finally crying himself to sleep 4 days after his fiance left him.
What is their beverage of choice and all that entails: coffee, tea, cocoa?
He likes his coffee like he likes his women. Sweet. With a shit-ton of nutmeg sprinkled on top. (Hot).
AU verse you have for the muse you'd like to roleplay? Describe the muse in this verse and why you made it so?
(Excluding crossover rps here, because rhey are their own ask.) It's been hard for me to get in the mood for writing lately; nonetheless, I would love to rp him in nearly any historical setting. I'm having a difficult time choosing just one. ...hmm. I have a drabble started for a friend that takes place in Regency Era England or Pre-revolutionary War, where he is a syphilis ridden, naval commander/aristocrat, whom assists in the expansion of trade routes and markets of all kinds... that might be cool to rp...in theory.
Why write him like such: in DX1 Simons is Director of FEMA/Homeland Security, whom makes it a point to actively be on the field. As such, most AUs that I have him in ensure that he has some sort of influential government or militaristic power of some sort. Such villains are scary. Furthermore, he asists Page's various plans into fruition... hence naval commander/aristocrat whom aids the expansion of (Page's) trade empire.
I gave him syphilis because I think it's a good comparison to how he helps spread the Grey Death in DX1, and because the disease would help separate him from the general populace, which his nano-augs do in canon. Whether or not he is aware of his affliction he's still going to go out whoring, because he cares so absolutely little for human life.
And back to work. Pardon shorthand writing.
Thank you for the ask!)
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ameasureofpower · 3 years
Regarding your answer to 💚, Simons continues to turn his nose up at augs even after becoming one himself? This is not a critical ask btw, just curious for more details if you are willing to provide them. Is he aware of his hypocrisy, and does he have some level of self-hatred for being augmented? How does he regard Page, who is also augmented (assuming this would be set before Page's "death" in the original game)? Thanks in advance
(Thank you for the interest!
Here's an analogy of this duality, which I like to think of when rping:
There is a loud, expensive, and exclusive fraternity or sorority on Simons's university campus that gets special opportunities, discounts at stores, and more, but also has monthly police raids and campus news publications made about them for being undisciplined and distruptive. Simons witnesses this, wishes he had those benefits, resents them for it, and goes with the opinion that they are shits partially because they have opportunities and fame/infamy that he lacks and partially because they are deserving their bad rapport.
Enter Page, a wealthy opportunist whom is an influential member of an even more exclusive and pampered fraternity on campus. Page personally invites Simons to join this fraternity on the basis that it is better than any other organization on campus. Though Page is a fratbro, Simons is eager to get a leg up and obtain member benefits, so he joins and goes through typical rituals/crap to maintain his membership. Bam, he now reaps the rewards of being in a frat, which is better at hiding (or laywering-out) any questionable activities they might perform.
Despite him being in a fraternity he still looks down upon the other(s) for they are subpar compared to his, and are still as disruptive as ever. He only tolerates their presence at social functions, preferring to be associated with a "classier" frat.
Short answer: Yes. Unaware of his hypocrisy as he thinks himself removed from his object of scorn. No self-hatred. Page is "different/not like those other Augs".)
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ameasureofpower · 3 years
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ameasureofpower · 3 years
💚  = Who or what makes your muse feel envious? Why do they feel that way? Do they act out or keep their envy hidden?
(My interpretation of Simons:
Without peace one covets what one does not have, and Simons is no exception. During his childhood he coveted the loving, stable, familial and financial environments that his peers had, and did his best to push himself out and away from his disadvantaged lifestyle, which he scornfully considered a self-perpetuating trap of decay.
Having escaped his origins in his late twenties-forties, he turns his envy towards those in more powerful standings and towards the physical and mental advantages augmented persons have (even though he is thoroughly aware of the financial and developing social disadvantages they possess) as they posed a threat to his sense of security and autonomy. As such, when his own nano-augmentation procedures take place later on in his life he makes certain that he obtains all the pros and (mostly) none of the cons that come with his H+ status, rendering himself no longer envious in the slightest over other Augmented and many non-augmented persons.
At this later state in his life his envy turns personal. Now violently "elevated" above the majority in physical, social, and economic standings, Simons finds his lovingly crafted pedestal lonely, and sorrowfully covets peace, compassion and companionship from those more humble than him.
Simons is not an overtly envious (or openly emotional) man. Most of this jealousy trickles beneath his frozen surface, but he is/was more openly critical of augmented persons back in his midlife when the popular narrative was anti-aug. To this day, however, he is still more inclined to recoil or sneer in their presence, than he is to be accommodating.)
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ameasureofpower · 3 years
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Spoiler Silent_hill_zine
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