amelia--bones · 1 month
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Amelia didn’t know how to not thank Amos. She understood what it meant to not thank someone even if she was thankful, but those two words weren’t thanking him for just that moment. It was for all the moments before. It was for their first kiss followed by childlike laughter. It was for their first date – or what she thought was their first date but you could never tell with Amos. She was thanking him for always making her smile and laugh till she cried. She was grateful for the passionate moments that didn’t end in laughter, but the beautiful scent of their intermingled bodies. She hadn’t ever been sure she would want to get married because she was a career girl – which she knew from childhood – but Amos had, yet again, proven Amelia wrong. Even if they hadn’t gotten married, it was bittersweet knowing she could love someone enough.
Amelia could write a book about she and Amos. She could write a series. 
is the series over? 
For the moment, Amelia was mad at herself for even having the thought that they weren’t done writing their story. She dug her head into his chest and very nearly burst into full blown tears but she didn’t. She refused. Amelia had cried a million tears for Amos. Even though the tears of them being together again weren’t about bad memories, she knew him well enough to know he would take it on himself. She knew he blamed himself. That’s just who he was. Amelia had always known the breakup was hard on him as well – with what they had, it had to. But what would he think if she spilled how much she missed him and was letting herself even toy with the thoughts of how good they would be together again? 
What if. What if. What if –
“Fuck it.” Amelia quit analyzing immediately, moved her hands to the back of Amos’ neck, her hands in his hair line, looking so far into his eyes she couldn’t have looked farther. She pushed her body as close to his as she could, closed her eyes and pressed her lips as tightly to his as possible. She would never apologize for this, especially to herself.
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Amos would be lying to himself if he said that he hadn’t missed Amelia, pretty much everything from her scent to the sound of her laughter. It had been home to him for so long, he wasn’t even sure that ever really stopped being true. Even when they had gone for long periods of time without speaking, which had absolutely killed Amos. Quite apart from anything else, he wasn’t sure if she would be able to forgive him, never mind go back to where they were before. In the silence that had filled the room, he had been looking into her eyes trying to read how she was feeling, he used to be able to do that.  He had opened his mouth to speak, not even knowing himself what he may have said, just sort of hoping the words would form, but then
. but then.  
It was like stepping into the past, like nothing had happened between them since their last day together as a couple.  Kissing Amelia had been almost second nature to Amos, and there it was again. He put very little thought into responding, because it was like his body knew how much he had needed to kiss her again.  His hands fell instinctively onto her waist and he felt like he was melting into her.  It made sense, they were never really meant to be apart, and that had never been clearer to him than it was right now.  He pulled away, only his face, just so he could look into her eyes.  Those eyes, he had looked into so many times before, and a smile he couldn’t help spread across his face and reached his doey brown eyes.  And there was something else he couldn’t hold in, something which had never stopped being true, something which had started years ago, it was the calm in the storm that they both probably needed. And then
. the words fell from his lips so easily.  “I love you, Amelia.”  He said softly, before pressing his lips to hers once again.
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amelia--bones · 1 month
In his life, Amos had very few weaknesses, nor did he have any addictions. He’d managed to never smoke a cigarette in his life, enjoyed a drink, but only on special occasions and frankly, he just wouldn’t the time to try something as ridiculous as a drug. But he had been addicted to Amelia, from the very moment that his eyes had set on her for the first time. The worst thing about it all, for him was that he knew in his heart that he wanted to marry her, he had known it when he was eleven and a naive little first year, when she had been nearing seventeen and a very grown up sixth year.  He had known it when he was fifteen, he had known it when they kissed for the first time, and he definitely knew it when they were together. And that very fact had started to scare him, he never meant to hurt her, never Amelia. not her.. That had never been his intention. And as she stood infront of him, he just could not deny her a hug. Those eyes. He knew those eyes and he knew as he had been looking into them that she needed one as much as he did. He knew it would not be anything close to a good idea to ever tell her that he had regretted his decision, almost instantaneously, on the morning after in fact.  But telling her that would have only messed her around more, and hurt her further.  But it was over, he had ruined it, and usually he couldn’t bring himself to maintain eye contact with Amelia, let alone hug her.  But these were not ordinary circumstances. 
“Never thank me.”  Amos murmured softly, closing his eyes as he allowed himself to take in the scent of the one person he had ever truly loved. On the first morning that he had awoken without Amelia, Amos thought his heart could not break more than it did on that morning, but this was a close second.  It took everything he had to not surrender to crying.  Swallowing the lump in his chest, he squeezed Amelia in his hold.  
“It’s going to be alright, I promise.” He managed a smile, which was evident in the tone of his voice as he spoke. 
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Amelia didn’t know how to not thank Amos. She understood what it meant to not thank someone even if she was thankful, but those two words weren’t thanking him for just that moment. It was for all the moments before. It was for their first kiss followed by childlike laughter. It was for their first date – or what she thought was their first date but you could never tell with Amos. She was thanking him for always making her smile and laugh till she cried. She was grateful for the passionate moments that didn’t end in laughter, but the beautiful scent of their intermingled bodies. She hadn’t ever been sure she would want to get married because she was a career girl – which she knew from childhood – but Amos had, yet again, proven Amelia wrong. Even if they hadn’t gotten married, it was bittersweet knowing she could love someone enough.
Amelia could write a book about she and Amos. She could write a series. 
is the series over? 
For the moment, Amelia was mad at herself for even having the thought that they weren’t done writing their story. She dug her head into his chest and very nearly burst into full blown tears but she didn’t. She refused. Amelia had cried a million tears for Amos. Even though the tears of them being together again weren’t about bad memories, she knew him well enough to know he would take it on himself. She knew he blamed himself. That’s just who he was. Amelia had always known the breakup was hard on him as well – with what they had, it had to. But what would he think if she spilled how much she missed him and was letting herself even toy with the thoughts of how good they would be together again? 
What if. What if. What if –
“Fuck it.” Amelia quit analyzing immediately, moved her hands to the back of Amos’ neck, her hands in his hair line, looking so far into his eyes she couldn’t have looked farther. She pushed her body as close to his as she could, closed her eyes and pressed her lips as tightly to his as possible. She would never apologize for this, especially to herself.
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amelia--bones · 1 month
Amos found himself pausing behind his desk, leaning on it with his palms, fingers facing downwards.  It was mostly to stop himself from wandering about even more, pacing was one of his many idiosyncrasies when he was stressed.  Bowing his head, he said “No, it’s alright, you don’t have to go.” Amos sighed, usually with his friends he was pretty good at knowing exactly what to say to put them at ease, stemming from his career training in dealing with people. Though, as he fought to keep steady eye contact with Amelia, which was certainly telling of how he was just as anxious. 
“I’m glad
” He started to say, as he slowly pulled his head up once more. “
That your alright.”  Despite everything that was going on, Amos could not deny that his heart tightened in his chest as his gaze fell onto her.  Some flashes of their past racing through his minds eye.  When they were at Hogwarts, because Amos was a good few years younger, they never had any classes together, and he convinced himself that it had just been a school boy crush type thing. But still, he had always lived for the days that she would ask him how his studies were going, and he would purposely wait in the common room just for a chance to speak to her.  Though he had been in first year, when she was in sixth so their days at school together had been limited, but they had been the beginning of Amos’s crush which developed into something alot more years later.  And if he was being absolutely honest with himself, it was still there. But he had ruined it.  
Pushing himself off his desk, he crossed the room once more, and paused for a moment as he stopped infront of Amelia and he searched for her eyes.  He raised a hand, and carefully moved a strand of hair away from her face so he could see her more clearly.  He had done so before he really thought about it, the action was almost automatic, he had done it so many times before.  Taking his hand away suddenly, he instead opened his arms for a hug.  “Come on, you look like you need it, i do too.”
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Amelia watched as Amos tried hiding behind very intentional motions. He was trying to hold himself together. She hated that they were in a place where they both felt they had to put up a facade. It hurt. She didn’t come there to hurt, but realistically, Amelia should have known things weren’t going to be the way they were when they were together – even before they were together. It was new territory for them to be in the same room and unable to lower their shoulders, struggling to keep eye contact minimal, changing their body language and fighting the thick air filling the room.
Her eyes were wide and her mind full. They always joked about her being so many years older than him, but she found herself wishing she’d been younger. If she’d been younger they would have had more time together at Hogwarts. Amelia had many wishes. She once thought they were it. Letting him go was the hardest thing she’d been through. She loved people, she’d had previous boyfriends and boyfriends since, but there was always something off. Amelia didn’t connect with anyone well enough to keep the relationship going. But the man before her was different. Or had been different.
With doe eyes, Amelia watched Amos making the decision to walk toward her. She didn’t expect him to give in. He had appeared to not want to budge from his desk so his movement was unexpected. So unexpected Amelia caught air in her throat. She looked down, clearing her throat. Before she knew it, she felt Amos’ familiar hand. Amelia looked up as he brushed her hair. Her heart was racing. That feeling – whatever it was – was something she didn’t know she missed. A hug? If she could barely handle him moving a hair, could she handle a hug? It’s a hug, Amelia. Everyone could use one right now.
She couldn’t say no to his outstretched arms. Her mind was spinning but the moment she placed her face against his chest, she couldn’t squeeze him hard enough. Amelia never wanted to let go. His scent was intoxicating despite the fact that it was masked with terror from Diagon Ally. She could still smell the Amos she knew and loved. An enormous sense of relief washed over her. Amelia’s muscles loosened. The only thing holding her up was Amos.
Amelia, not letting him go, looked up at Amos with tears brimming her eyes. “Amos, I – “ she paused and whispered softly, “thank you.” The thank you was multifaceted but she didn’t know what to say beyond that. At least not then.
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amelia--bones · 1 month
Amos still hadn’t turned round as he waited for the person to speak, trying his best to compose himself.  He really ought not to lose his temper with colleagues.  Everyone was scared, and it was understandable, he was too, and honestly he hadn’t even had the chance to really think about his friends, he hadn’t had the time to check on them.  Whilst he was in the middle of rolling up his sleeves, his back still turned to the open door, he heard Amelia’s voice, he recognised it as soon as the first syllable left her mouth, and his mood immediately shifted from pretty annoyed, to relieved in a matter of seconds.  Turning on his heel, a half smile began to form on his lips.  He almost dropped the paperwork he had been balancing in his free hand.  For whatever reason, probably something he didn’t want to fully admit to himself, he wondered why she had came to see him so early.  He had been there last night, and he had looked for her, but he couldn’t see her.  Though he couldn’t be sure she hadn’t been there.  
. hey are you–”  He shook his head and put the paperwork he was clutching down on his desk and crossed the room to look at her more closely. “–Alright?”  He said, whilst his eyes were scanning her face, looking for any marks or cuts.  He wanted so badly to pull her into a hug, but he really wasn’t sure that was something they did or not, and the atmosphere was throwing him off.   So, instead he started to nervously pace his office, struggling to keep eye contact with her.  “Sorry for the
. I thought you were someone else
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Amos’ body language wasn’t foreign to Amelia. She had seen him at his goofiest, sweetest, most heartfelt moments but also his pain, anger, annoyance – and he’d seen hers. Somehow seeing him roll up his sleeves and pace gave her an odd sense of comfort and familiarity. He hadn’t changed too much. It made the urge to approach him even stronger, to help calm him in the only way she knew how, but her shoes felt like they were covered in dry cement.
His tiny half-smile upon him seeing her – Amelia’s heart leaped as much as it would allow in that moment. He was obviously as shocked to see her and she was to even be there. Perhaps she needed to know he was still good but Amos could never be bad. His bones were made of love and strength. Amelia felt like she was utterly lacking love and strength after the night they’d had and, maybe, that’s what brought her to his door. She may never know.
alright.” They both knew it was a stupid, stupid word to use but what other could be used after the tragic events? There were casualties, injuries and chaos but there was no other word than alright. Amelia wiped her face, soot and dirt on her fingers. She must’ve been a sight. “No one got a shot at me, anyway.”
He couldn’t look at her. She shouldn’t have come. She saw he was alright so what else did she have to say or do? Her subconscious brought her there for a reason.
“I can – I can go,” Amelia loudly whispered while finally able to inch toward him, obviously not wanting to leave.
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amelia--bones · 1 month
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To say that the Ministry was in a state of panic this morning, would be a huge understatement.  Amos had barely had any sleep due to the fact that he had been helping with the aftermath of the attack. And as a senior staff member, he seemed to be something of an easy target for those wanting to blame the ministry and every single person who worked there.  Which, didn’t make alot of sense, considering that he was not an Auror, nor did he work with the Minister
 But such is life, people always want to throw blame at someone or something. It had taken him a good hour to navigate to his office, questions flying at him, here, there and everywhere.  He wasn’t a rude man by any means, but he had to tell several people to ‘kindly get out his way.’    Slamming his office door closed, he barely had two minutes to himself before someone just let themselves in.  
“Can i not have five minutes to myself?”  Though posed as a question, it was really more of a statement.
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amelia--bones · 1 month
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Amos was fairly well versed in most things, he had an extremely annoying habit of being that guy who could turn his hand to almost anything. Though, trying to extinguish the guilt he felt whenever he ran into Amelia was one thing he did not excel at. Maybe it was only he who still felt that pang in the depths of his stomach whenever the two were together, maybe the guilt wasn’t because he felt bad, but because he knew he had made a terrible mistake.  Honestly, he had known that within seconds of the breakup, it didn’t matter because it was too late now, and at least they were still friends. He would take that. 
Despite the thoughts swarming around in his mind, a smile stretched across his face.  “Perhaps not, but it’s always good to check.”  He said in a light hearted tone as he lowered into the space across from her. Amos knew that his suffering was his own doing, and as it always did, hearing Amelia’s voice managed to aid it. Tapping the table lightly with his index finger, Amos tilted his head as a sort of knowing look swam in his hues.  “I heard about Sirius.”  He said lowly. He didn’t know for certain that she had something to do with the eldest Black son being released, but he did know what Amelia was like.  It had always been something that had drawn him to her in the first place, always wanting to do the right thing.  “You wouldn’t happen to have helped in that did you?”
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There was an emotion that went along with Amelia’s sparkling eyes. It was an emotion she had only felt with Amos. That sparkle was just for him. No matter what she did, she couldn’t hide that twinkle that silently spoke, saying things she didn’t have the ability to say out loud. She wondered if he noticed. Did he notice he brought her back to younger days? Did he know she missed him terribly – every single day. Whether it was a passing thought, something that reminded her of him or a night she was alone in bed and couldn’t sleep. All roads led back to Amos but she couldn’t tell him that. Not now. She didn’t play the guilt game. What was the point? There was no need to hurt anyone and no need to ruin a moment she could have with him. Instead she sparkled. And sparkled. And sparkled.
Amelia sat straight up and spoke in her work voice, “Mr. Diggory, take a seat please.” Being in Law Enforcement and sitting on the Wizengamot gave her that voice people hated hearing but it felt like the right tone of voice to be playful instead of begging him to sit with her. She had begged him not to leave her before and she swore she would never beg anyone for anything again.
“Sirius Black –” she paused like she was thinking about how to respond diplomatically but really she wished there was something – anything – else the pair could talk about. However, it opened the door so she indulged his question. “Well, obviously I had something to do with his case. I did what was right.” Amelia put her elbows on the table and leaned in. “You know me. I’m always right – I mean, I always do the right thing.”
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amelia--bones · 1 month
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Amos was the sort of bloke, who’s mind worked at 100 miles a minute, so he often would go a month or so without catching up with his friends.  It wasn’t intentional, he just hardly ever stopped, there was something occupying him, if it wasn’t work, it was helping a friend or family member with something, and if it wasn’t that, it was going on a string of pretty average dates.  Almost like he was afraid to be alone with his thoughts for too long.  Although, on this day he had found himself with some unexpected free time, he had overcompensated for how long one of his various meetings at work would go. It had been a younger witch requesting additional funds to help a dragon sanctuary in Romania, and unfortunately his department just didn’t have the extra money.  So it had been a simple ‘no’ and the meeting, which Amos had put aside an hour for, lasted barely five minutes.
He had decided to go along to the Three Broomsticks for his lunch, feeling like he definitely needed to leave his office at least once in the day. As he stepped inside, his attention was immediately drawn to Amelia. She was definitely one of the people that Amos really meant to catch up with well before now. He wasn’t exactly sure where they stood, he didn’t ever see any of his exes, but Amelia was an exception to that rule.  A smile started to etch on his lips as he wandered over to the booth she was sitting at and he folded his arms across his chest, realising he wasn’t who she was expecting. “Oh, I’m sorry I thought you were my best friend, perhaps I’am mistaken although the resemblance is striking.”  He said in a light hearted tone, a slight chuckle accompanying his words. 
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It was funny that Amos was who stood before her. Funny because it had been so long, funny that he felt so familiar and funny because that was Amos. It’s one of the things Amelia always loved about him. He was able to bring the humor out in her. It’s not that Amelia wasn’t funny or didn’t like to have fun, but she was dedicated to whatever she was putting her mind to. When she was a kid, she helped run the household and take care of her younger siblings. In school it was her studies, Quidditch and being Head Girl. After graduating it was getting into the Ministry of Magic and her seat on the famous Wizengamot. The people who really knew her knew she was her own type of hilarious and warm. Amos always saw that more than anyone, ex or otherwise.
Seeing him brought back their closeness, nights of belly laughter and snogging sessions that hadn’t been matched since him. Amelia felt the pain of not being with him day in and day out but seeing his smiling face made her stomach a warm environment for the butterflies that arrived as her eyes opened. 
The smile Amelia gave him was effortless. For the moment she allowed herself to forget about her responsibilities. It all went away as Amos stood in front of her. “A best friend –” Amelia leaned forward after emphasizing the f-word, “wouldn’t stand there with his arms crossed. Do you think he would need an invitation to sit and get comfortable?”
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amelia--bones · 2 months
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neatly folded clothes. highlighted passages in books. woman with a vision. three am writing by candlelight. kissed by fire. bigger than her body. more than you bargained for. that storybook kind of love. putting on her warpaint. eyes of classic novels and poetry. a bad bitch made up of magic. when we were kids we swore we’d never die.
full name: amelia dina bones. nicknames: mel. dob: september third. age: thirty-one. gender: cis female. pronouns: she + her. orientation: heterosexual. marital status: it’s complicated.
height: 5’ 3”. eye color: brown. hair color: brunette. distinguishing features: beauty mark on left cheek. occupation: department of magical law enforcement / member of the wizengamot.
fc: natalie portman.
blood status: half-blood. house: gryffindor. animagus? none. wand:
length: 10 Πflexibility: unyielding.
wood: applewood;; not made in great numbers. they were powerful and best suited to an owner of high aims and ideals, as this wood mixed poorly with dark arts. it was said that the possessor of an apple wand would be well-loved and long-lived, an assertion supported by the fact that garrick ollivander often met customers of great personal charm to find their perfect match in an applewood wand.
core: dragon heartstring;; produced wands with the most magical power, and which were capable of the most flamboyant spells. dragon wands tended to learn more quickly than other types. while they could change allegiance if won from their original master, they always bonded strongly with the current owner. the dragon wand tended to be easiest to turn to the dark arts, though it would not incline that way of its own accord. it was also the most prone of the three cores to accidents, being somewhat temperamental.
walking before she crawled, amelia was a combination of stoicism and heart. she was never an easy one to pin down and made sure of that. growing up in the bones’ household there was a constant push-pull of how to present oneself. it felt like she and her siblings had to choose sides. their mother, yael, was full of light, love and compassion. their father, uriel, was all business, no play and his family was second to his career. it’s no wonder amelia was torn between who she should be. she saw edgar come to blows with uriel but gentle with yael. she saw edgar’s obvious struggle and didn’t want to repeat it so she learned to keep any bubbling emotion inside. she wasn’t going to allow anyone to see a weakness in her. whether she liked it or not, she was unconsciously following in uriel’s footsteps more than she imagined she would. she longed to have the warmth her mother had but she saw what would happen to with too soft a heart. amelia only gave her heart to those she deemed worth it. and when she did, she did she did it hard and strong. never an easy one to pin down.
growing up, amelia was lucky to have the siblings she did. they didn’t always get along but that was the nature of siblings – loving them and shared annoyance at the same time. she wouldn’t let him know it but amelia looked up to edgar. he was strong in a variety of ways and she, without his knowledge of course, wanted to make him proud. she longed for the wherewithal to stand up for herself no matter who liked it or not. amelia wasn’t one to stand up for herself the way he did. whereas she saw others abuse “standing up for themselves,” amelia learned to keep her composure. she wanted to be seen as having her life together, even if it made her appear cold to those who didn’t know her. — which couldn’t have been further from the truth.
while at hogwarts, the sorting hat surprised her. she assumed she would be placed in ravenclaw. her smarts and curiosity – they were all things she knew she had at just eleven years old. however, amelia didn’t realize that the sorting hat saw other prevalent traits inside her. gryffindor traits to be exact. remaining curious, amelia didn’t ask the hat to place her in ravenclaw. she trusted its insight and was happy to discover parts of herself she didn’t know were there. at such a young age, amelia was more in tune with who she was than those in her year; she was more in tune than others in years ahead of her, to be honest. as she grew, the courage, loyalty and bravery became obvious to her. of course she would be placed in a house to teach her to look inside and find more of herself. it was this that propelled her forth.
as a child, amelia never suspected she would be the type to fall in love, get married or have children. for perhaps the only time, the universe had a twist for her. she found a boy – or rather, a boy found her – following a game of quidditch. she was a beater for her gryffindor house. she was sweaty and in full gear, making her tiny frame much bigger than she actually was. her helmet covered most of her face yet this boy approached her. she had no recollection of who he was or why he would come to her in the aftermath of a quidditch game but there was something endearing about it. amelia found herself wondering about him. eventually that wondering turned into feelings. those feelings turned into honest love. the love could have turned into a wedding but amelia would have her heart broken before that happened. she turned back to believing that her work was where she was meant, not as a wife and definitely not a mother. the wedding provided a beautiful life. one day she would find out what the universe had in store for her and what a surprise that would be.
even before the war began to explode, amelia knew she was meant to assist in keeping order in london. the wizarding world was far too important to her to have vile witches and wizards in the streets. she needed to know she was doing her part for the safety of the innocent. she needed to be a watchdog, a protector – and a member of the wizengamot her father took for granted prior to his death. although she had started in uriel’s footsteps and although she took the spot where he once sat, amelia took her vows to mean something much different. for her, it was not about power. for her, it was about caring for those she walked by on the streets whether she knew them by name or not. if that wasn’t growing into a combination of uriel and yael nothing was. even if it wasn’t intentional, amelia found herself taking some of the best characteristics of both parents — her mother’s love and grace and her father’s passionate iron fist.
amelia’s decision to join the order of the phoenix was not taken lightly – just as any decision she made. she weighed her options and took her entrance into the side of the war she saw just and fit. although there was no chance amelia would come to the side of the death eaters, she did look into what it would mean and where it would bring her. staying neutral appeared to be a solid choice but the problem with that was that it didn’t keep scum away from families, children – the world – at bay. the order. it appeared to be the best option. it was aligned with reasons she became part of the magical law enforcement department to begin with. so it was: amelia would join the dedicated group fighting for the good cause, the just cause. the good cause had always been amelia’s and there she found herself, proud of where she stood in life.
father: uriel bones (dmle official / wizengamot member, father, deceased) - strong, proud, unflinching. (fc : mandy patinkin).
mother’s status: yael bones (nee goldstein) – (senior healer in the janus thickey ward, mother, deceased) - honest, warm, and gentle were just some of the words used in her obituary. (fc : fran drescher)
sibling status: edgar bones
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