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amelia-mga2022mi6021 · 2 months
Overall i was quite satisfied with the outcome of the project and how it turned out. I was happy with the research i had done and how it lead me to make my piece based on my experience with anxiety and to be vulnerable and share that through my project, while also sharing the experiences from other people. It's really important to me to bring the message through my animation.
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amelia-mga2022mi6021 · 2 months
Here is how i worked on the animatic, i wanted to add some life and emersion to the animatic to provide a better idea on what's happening and to give that sense of fear that i wanted to add into the animation through effects and audio...
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amelia-mga2022mi6021 · 2 months
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amelia-mga2022mi6021 · 2 months
Finalized Storyboards
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amelia-mga2022mi6021 · 2 months
Redesigning My Monster
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Final Pick
I decided to pick the third one as my final monster for the project. I thought i would fit well with the situation being the main character is worried about making a fool of herself, and i wanted to make her anxiety taunt and bully her into running away.
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amelia-mga2022mi6021 · 2 months
Anxiety Monster
I want to redesign the monster that the character will be facing, the reason is because i don't think that the monster represents anxiety too well. Thus i decided to look into how other people may view anxiety and how they interpret it in visuals...
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amelia-mga2022mi6021 · 2 months
Final Character Designs
style inspiration
This short film made by Joanna Quinn is one of my biggest inspirations, the way the animator interprets her story, as well as the style of her animations. She inspired me to incorporate her style and how she uses pencil to animate her scenes...
Final Characters
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These will be my main characters for the project.
She is the main character of the story, she is a college student who struggles with anxiety. We will be seeing in her day to day life on how she sees the world around her and how she tries to overcome it.
She is the one who helps our main character when suffering from a panic attack. She supposed to show how even though she may seem completely different from the main character, she too has been in her shoes and shows that the character is not alone and that it ok to reach out to someone when in need of help.
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amelia-mga2022mi6021 · 2 months
Final Scenes
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amelia-mga2022mi6021 · 2 months
Setting the scene
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As an interesting way to create my scenes for the animation, i decided to use Minecraft to set my scene for the use of perspective. I used certain blocks that allow me to get an idea of the shapes i want for the furniture whilst also keeping it very simple so it makes adding the details more efficient...
Another reason why i used Minecraft is because it has helped me with my stress and anxiety, it help calms me down from all the worries in the world. Thus i wanted to use something that help with my anxiety to make a project about anxiety...
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amelia-mga2022mi6021 · 2 months
Animatic Draft
Here is my draft animatic that i made for the animation to get an idea on how to structure my scenes better and see hoe i cn improve upon this...
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amelia-mga2022mi6021 · 2 months
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Here we have my story boards more refined as to how i want the story to be laid out, to give myself a better idea on how i can make improvements to it...
Draft Storyboards
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amelia-mga2022mi6021 · 5 months
I wanted to make ghosts and creatures that the main character would see, whenever she would feel anxious and stuck inside her own head to intensify the fear she would get when she think everyone is staring at her and judging her...
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Im experimenting with different ways i can show what anxiety can feel like for an individual
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amelia-mga2022mi6021 · 5 months
Character No. 2
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amelia-mga2022mi6021 · 5 months
These are the inspirations behind my animation, on how I plan to portray anxiety, and how I plan on story boarding my animation
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amelia-mga2022mi6021 · 5 months
Concept Art
Here is the concept art and character design for my animation
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amelia-mga2022mi6021 · 5 months
Nadia Hussain: Anxiety and Me
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I looked into the documentary of Nadia Hussain, a well known television chef who suffers from anxiety and panic disorder. the reason why I looked into her documentary is because the way she described her anxiety and her habits caused by her anxiety were quite similar to my experience and I was able to relate to her on a certain level. She has also looked into the different ways on how people try to overcome their anxiety, whether it's through medication, self help groups, therapy, or how schools even try tackling the issue of students with anxiety...
(the image provides a link to the documentary)
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