ameliabecket · 10 years
"I'm tired and sick and unless you have coffee you need to go away."
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ameliabecket · 10 years
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"Yeah..down the hall to the left." She said wiping the table off. "You're new around here aren't you."
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  "Uh, hah…maybe. This is embarrassing… I’m looking for a bathroom? Could you show me where that is?"
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ameliabecket · 10 years
god i hate scott mccall. he’s always taking the moral high ground and saving his friends and being good to women and talking through his moral dilemmas with his mom and forgiving people even when they’re douches. fuck that guy.
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ameliabecket · 10 years
johnny-wolf started following you
"Can I help you?"
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ameliabecket · 10 years
Scott: Your taste buds are too pretentious.
Scott: How's your aim?
Amelia: My taste buds are non existent.
Amelia: It works right now. I guess that's what I get for sticking to hand to hand for so long.
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ameliabecket · 10 years
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"Well then go talk to him. Charlee you are fearless, you need to channel that and actually try and tell him how you feel. He wont know if you don't say anything."
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  "Well….that’s not helping right now."
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ameliabecket · 10 years
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"I really just threw something on." 
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"You look amazing."
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ameliabecket · 10 years
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When your partner wants to plot and you do, you manage to get it started and they just lose interest right away and some weeks later down the lane complain that you NEVER plot and how boring and stale everything is. But the plots THEY come up with are always used to the extreme.
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ameliabecket · 10 years
Scott: Imagine if he thought you were being a smartass. He could have fired you.
Scott: Hey, it was only one time!
Scott: We'll have to make up for all the time we hadn't seen each other.
Amelia: He's actually pretty chill so thankfully he was like it's no big deal.
Amelia: Yeah, yeah, my taste buds still haven't recovered thank you.
Amelia: So, I went out and did some target practice last night. Jesus I need to go out and practice more.
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ameliabecket · 10 years
☑ - I want to RP  ✾ - I want to RP smut ♥  - I want to RP a relationship  ☄ - I want to RP an AU ❂ - I want to RP angst  ☠ - I want to RP violence/harm ✄ - I want to RP trauma
Send me a symbol
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ameliabecket · 10 years
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"Honey, I wasn't trying to take them off. You had a spider on you."
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“        ”
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ameliabecket · 10 years
Scott: You didn't tell me how you ended up calling your boss dad.
Scott: We miss you too, come hang out with us more often.
Scott: Stiles misses your awesome pizza rolls.
Scott: What do you mean by that? Is everything okay?
Amelia: Well like he told me to do something, and I was absentminded and I was like yes dad. Just out of nowhere. Thankfully he laughed it off.
Amelia: That's because I am the only one who doesn't turn them into napalm.
Amelia: I'm fine, just being reclusive. I know that I need to actually get out and hang out with you guys. Thankfully we both have the day off tomorrow.
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ameliabecket · 10 years
Scott: It makes sense.
Scott: He can be... intense. But he cares about his students. In his own way.
Amelia: But yes, sadly I could pass for a Hale if I wanted too.
Amelia: I miss you guys. I really do. I just haven't been...myself anymore.
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ameliabecket · 10 years
Text || ex-girlfriend
Cooper: hey
Cooper: hEY
Cooper: i see you reading this
Cooper: sTOP BEing rudE!
Amelia: What do you want Cooper?
Amelia: It's 3 am.
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ameliabecket · 10 years
every song is a ship song if you’re in too deep
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ameliabecket · 10 years
Rushing her inside, Amelia grabbed the blanket on the chair and threw it around the girl. She was soaked, but she was alive...alive. That was all that was running through Amelia's head. Allison was alive. "How...I saw you die. We all saw you die." She said leading her into the kitchen. "Do you want some tea?"
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     Allison didn’t expect to see Amelia out of all people. It’s been a few months since her suppose death. “Amelia. . ” She breathed out as she ran her hand through her wet hair. “The rain. . I got caught in it.”  
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ameliabecket · 10 years
what a nice otp you have
it would be a shame
if one of them died.
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