ameliaxbcnes · 9 years
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ameliaxbcnes · 9 years
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ameliaxbcnes · 9 years
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ameliaxbcnes · 9 years
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ameliaxbcnes · 9 years
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ameliaxbcnes · 9 years
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ameliaxbcnes · 9 years
spencer hastings meme » outfits s1 » Pilot » 1
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ameliaxbcnes · 9 years
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These voices won’t leave me alone / Well my heart is gold and my hands are cold
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ameliaxbcnes · 9 years
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ameliaxbcnes · 9 years
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ameliaxbcnes · 9 years
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Those of wit and learning will always find their kind. (ravenclaw aesthetics)
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ameliaxbcnes · 9 years
“You’ve got yourself a deal,” Amelia agreed easily. “Got to weed out the non-coffee drinkers early, I think. Can you believe that tall bloke, the one with the tattoo of a dragon on his arm, Garreth, I think? offered me chamomile tea last week? As if tea wasn’t bad enough itself, he had to suggest chamomile and then added that it would ‘help me relax.’” She shuddered dramatically. “Next sparring session, I’d like to be paired with him...we’ll see who needs to relax then.” 
She smiled and lifted one shoulder in a shrug at the nickname. Honestly, she wasn’t picky about things like that. Over the years she’d had several variations of her name ranging from Ames, Amy, Melia, Mel, and the dreaded Melly Belly that was reserved for her father’s use only. And, of course, the simple Bones. Lia was a new one, but she sort of liked it. “I don’t mind at all,” she replied, taking his arm. “Call me whatever you wish. After all, it’s only natural for a husband to have pet names for his wife.” 
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Nodding in agreement, she added, “And it helps to identify the weaknesses in your case. If everyone is in agreement all the time something is bound to slip through the cracks. A healthy discussion brings up flaws and holes that you otherwise might not see.” Truth be told, she’d never understood why people got so touchy when things like that were pointed out. No matter how long a person had been working on something, they should want it to reflect their best work and therefore should welcome the chance to fix any issues. 
Her chin rose a notch as he laughed at her, but she relaxed when she realized the intent behind it, flashing him a cocky smile. “I have never settled for being ‘half decent’ at anything my entire life and I don’t intend to start now,” Amelia assured him. “You can count on that.” 
His mother’s name for him, that made sense. Especially since she had passed away when he was young. The mention of his father had her clenching her jaw; few things made her as furious as parents who would mistreat their own children, but this hardly seemed like the time to get into it. “Well, there’s that muggle movie that came out a few years ago about a dog named Benji...but other than that, you’re the only Benjy I know. I did know a Benny once, though.”
Fabian, Benjy, Peter
I don’t really know any of these blokes well, but why not. Not like I have actual work or things to do… Uh, kill Fabian so that I always know which twin I’m talking to. Fuck Peter? I guess? Because if I married him I think I’d essentially be married to his entire pack and that sounds exhausting. And I guess that has me marrying Benjy. How do you feel about cats, Benjy? 
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ameliaxbcnes · 9 years
Amelia frowned thoughtfully as she took the flower back from him. “It should respond to magic, person or creature. I was thinking more of the creatures, given that that was the issue, but yes. I think it will respond to a person as well. Give it a go, and we’ll find out,” she said, gesturing to the border of the garden. “Might as well make sure it works before I make you one.” 
Placing the flower in the flat of her hand, she waited for Alastor to cross the border of the garden and resisted the urge to cross her fingers, hoping the charm would work. It took a second, but soon enough the small flower began to spin slowly in her hand. Amelia broke into a wide grin and looked up at him. “Guess it works.” Plucking another fallen flower from the ground she performed the charm again, careful to keep her wand hidden from the house in case they had an audience. When it was complete, she held it out to him. “If I had more time, I could modify it to react differently to different kinds of magic and magical creatures, but there are so many...it would take ages.”
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Bait and Switch | July 7
Moody took the flower and examined it, nodding approvingly at Amelia’s explanation. “Good work,” he said, handing it back to her.  No sense taking it away now, she was already invested in the case. “Think it will work for magical persons, and not just magical creatures?” he asked.  It was all well and good for the flower to start spinning when a creature entered the garden, but with the Aurors so far away, it gave no indication of whether whatever magical creature it was, was entering the garden voluntarily or not.
“In any case, do one up for me as well, and we can be off,” Moody said. He needed a way to monitor the garden too, and he wasn’t going to leave it entirely in the hands of Ms. Bones, capable as she was proving to be. Besides, she might as well show off her Charms skills for him again.
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ameliaxbcnes · 9 years
“Ahh, drab and boring... I miss drab and boring. Godric, those were the days,” Amelia replied, wistfully staring off into the distance. “But, yes, lets avoid the booze and uncomfortable situations tonight, please, I’ve got early training tomorrow -- wandless defense in the padded room and the last thing I need is to be off my game. How do you feel about pizza at my place?” 
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“You know I’m right! I’m always right!”
Emmeline laughed and hugged Amelia. “Yes, yes I know you are. But you didn’t come here to tell me just how right you were did you?”
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ameliaxbcnes · 9 years
PLL + favourite moments
↳  Spencer’s encounter with the Frat Boys
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ameliaxbcnes · 9 years
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ameliaxbcnes · 9 years
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