Why do job applications always ask about my long term goals, my only long term goals are having a kitchen with a dishwasher and counter space measured in acreage
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me: random dick joke
At Least One Person, Every Time: how can you joke about The Penis when you have forsaken it? you would reject the meat, yet utilize it when it suits your comedy?
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happy intl lesbian day
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My comfort food is an enormous amount of cabbage with vinegar, mustard seed, garlic, and a little bit of kielbasa thrown in for variety. I also farted a hole through a brick wall earlier but that’s probably unrelated.
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This is mostly aimed at the able-bodied folks on this site but I’m begging people to consider what their ideal form of government would actually look like if fully implemented. Really dig into it, ask yourself who takes out the trash and how you guarantee clean water. Think about what happens to people who can’t be self sufficient due to disability or illness and ask yourself if you would be ok with being treated that way if you got sick or hit by a car. The real world is messy and complicated and you have to remember that you will one day grow old and need help.
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I love that over time metallurgy has lead to stronger and stronger metals that have utterly transformed the world. The exception to this is the dogshit shiny play dough they use for screws.
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When we’re out and about and I open tumblr my wife will often ask what I’m doing. There’s a couple reasons I’ll open it reflexively. Sometimes the environment is overstimulating and I’m narrowing my focus to a phone screen to help. Sometimes I’m bored. I’m also possibly just a little addicted to tumblr.
But often I want to catch up on my notes because I’ve gotten to a point that leaving my phone unchecked for too long leaves me under a pile of notifications and I don’t want to miss someone’s comment or ignore anybody. I know that day is coming where I have to accept I’m getting too much interaction to keep up but I’m unemployed and committed at the moment.
Regardless, I always tell them I’m “emptying the tank.” I think of it like tipping out the notes I’ve seen so it’s a blank slate.
They really hate it.
“Can you please call it something else? It’s weird.”
I smile at them with love and they understand that I will not be calling it something else.
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The song arthur mcbride is so funny can you imagine being some soldier trying to recruit people only for the first guy you talk to to immediately tell you that your outfit is shite and you’re stupid and then beat the shit out of you with his friend. and also it’s christmas
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Sorry for posting about this but biphobia and misogyny aside the "cishet boyfriends at any lgbtq related event should be shot on sight" discourse is so funny to me because how are these people even planning to be able to tell if that person who they perceive as masculine at a given lgbt event even is a cishet boyfriend without like. starting the most uncomfortable conversation possible and making everyone hate them
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Hormone therapy definitely feels like a kind of magic to me. I know how the cellular mechanics work that cause physical changes, but getting to wake up in a body that fits every day is always going to feel like there should be sparks and ribbons of colored light involved somewhere.
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I love that we’re inventing historical guys now
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it is believed that this partly inspired a similar belief system that was followed and occasionally codified by the loosely connected cults of masculinity in American society known as 'frat houses'
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(Twitter source)
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Cock is just a good word. Like it just sounds good and feels good in the mouth.
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what if we just start community labeling everything mature so staff has to actually fix their shit for once
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